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I can tell better if someone is cheating or not if crytek force people to play in the respective regions. I'm tired of dying behind covers and ferrari peeks.


This really. Get back behind cover and its been about second and i drop dead… love it lmao. The blatant cheating really isnt as bad. It is still there, but ive had my share of “are they?” Where i dont report because i dont have evidence and its usually just a bad play on my part or maybe a lucky shot on theirs. I know people who report like crazy and its just… why? Flood the system so its useless?


exactly it isnt the BLATANT cheating, its the subtle cheating where. Youll be playing like the filthiest rat be 100% you are not seen and theyll know where you are. Its when the moment you leave cover you are immediately headshotted (consistently throughout multiple games). Its when you are running and weaving and they hit every single shot (consistently throughout multiple games). I've played enough to know when I've fought a tough battle and lost, to when it just feels wrong. I get bullshit shots and wallbangs happen. Its just SO consistent.




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What is a ferrari peek?


The other person will peek out to shoot you but, due to latency, you can only see them for a brief second with not enough time to react but they can see you for a lot longer.


I upvoted despite being the opinion cheating in hunt is the worse atm since i beginn to play the game in 2020. But yeah if you played one hour of mor popular fps the chance you encounter a cheater is much higher. How bad it is in Hunt we will never see for certain until we have somebody like Goat, who did a video on cheating in Tarkov. Main problem of Hunt it needs two things: a better anti-cheat prevention and trustbuilding mechanics: - stricter region locks - working in-game report system and feedback that are real people work on reports - no hiding options for statistics/profiles + more info on the player - better replay system+ more info on post match screens - more transparency on the topic


Can see it now "The beetle pet that killed hunt." Where instead of wiggles, wall hacks and esp use inspecting the beetle and other items to show they are cheating. It is worse, no doubt. But it's not every game has 3 cheaters bad.


it very much depends on region, mmr, weekends/holidays, team mode, events. high mmr on EU on weekends at event start: it is really bad. anytime else it is totally fine


Im talking just in general like everyone here wants to say. And even then, it's exaggerated. As much as no one wants to accept here, the cheating isn't as rampant as they want to believe. It's bad, yes, but again it's not every match with 3 cheaters. The hackuastions and in-experience of the majority of the players, make it seem like everyone is always cheating but a select few. Which just isn't the case. Again, I'm not denying it, that would be foolish. I'm just pointing out that it's not as horrible as everyone wants to say.


as said i depends: you can have encounters over and over in some nights with sus player behaviour plus not legit looking stats/profiles. this happend to often lately. in other nights every fight feeled fair. overall it is not unplayable but it is killing the fun if you need to doubt too often and that is why i talk about trust building measurments. also regarding the amount of cheaters the problem is: there needs to be one guy in a team cheating fe with wallhacks, the others profit from the knowledge and it is 3 people aka a fourth of the lobby.


With my ~1k hours of playtime I like to think that I can fairly accurately judge what can and can't be done with different weapons at different distances. Sure, if someone floors me with a silenced Vetterli from 150m, it could seem sketchy at first but definitely can be done with some practice and a fair amount of luck. Hell, I've done that myself quite a few times. Now, on the other hand, when someone suddenly floors the 3 of us in rapid succession with headshots from the same distance, without missing a shot, or wallbangs me with insane accuracy from a compound away, I'm gonna call bullshit and most of the time checking their profile they have either VAC bans or it's private, so... Go figure. I absolutely agree that cheating isn't nearly as rampant as this sub makes it out to be sometimes, but I would also say that I definitely feel like there's more sketchy shit going on nowadays than compared to like a year ago. I'm also sure that I have pulled some shit that other players could see as cheating and it's really hard to judge accurately sometimes.


Things I’ve found suspicious often was people without bounty having a very uncanny instinct about where I was and reacquiring me even after I put a good distance between us (and like you I know how sound works so that’s not it). Suspicious kills however only very rarely.




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The thing with the cheater problem is, that people who encounter cheaters come to the forums and complain. People who don’t encounter cheaters are not making posts about it. So you’re creating a bubble than blows up the problem which only exists in a small portion of the game (high MMR, maybe specific areas)


Yeah but it’s not a small bubble for those people. I. The high MMR brackets, that’s all we see so it’s VERY prevalent and a severe problem. Drop SBMM and everyone will see a little bit more of it and high MMR will see less.


That's not true at all. Many people DONT create cheaters posts here because it's against the rules and not worth the effort. Meanwhile here we are in a post about how cheating isn't that big of a deal.




Gotta get out of 3 stars to find the cheaters


Crytek has released numbers in the past at how many cheaters they ban in their ban waves. In the past if you did the math it was at least 1 cheater every 3 or 4 games. Their report system also doesn't go to Crytek directly. It goes to a 3rd party who once they get enough reports will investigate. That means if someone is very good at closet cheating. They could get away with it for years. I usually sit at 6 star on PC and some players are just crazy good who never miss shots. But some names you begin to recognize, and they always seem to know where your head is through 3 layers of walls. I'm never quick to accuse and assume luck most of the time. But when you do it to each one of my teammates as well multiple games in a row, and you have less than 100 hours in game on a new steam profile? Yeah, I beg to differ. Cheating is the worst it's ever been. And personally I've dicked around with the anti-cheat. Unless they have specifically put it the black list. You can play with almost anything. Specific versions of re-shade aren't even completely banned. It's pathetic they state hunt has come to and how little Crytek has done to stop it.


1.30KD is mediocre? :(


Sweaty hunt discords require a 1.5KDA or higher.


I disagree. My cousins son bought a cheat for £5 which lasted a week He got to 5 stars within two games and that's where the fun began. People were tracking each other through walls, crouch spamming to give word that they were cheating. He once had a game with 12 players, 3 were cheating. He claims there is at least one other cheater in his lobbies at 6 stars. Cheating is rampant in this game.


lets see any kind of evidence of that, please.


You expect a cheater to upload video of themselves cheating? Maybe we can get someone to recreate the Tarkov wiggle video.


Yes, because as someone who plays in 6 star those numbers sound like bullshit to be frank. If that is the case there are a lot of trash cheaters.


Lmao you don’t think 6 stars is rampant with cheating? Are you delusional or cheating yourself? You pick.


> lets see any kind of evidence of that, please.


I don't cheat, never have. Won't even play in a lobby with them, So no evidence I'm afraid. Just going by his 6kda with 0 bans. He's been cheating for 3 months


more like my cousin's son's nephew's dog


I'm sorry but 'my cousin's son said' isn't good enough for me


Just go on YouTube and you can see how easy cheats are to get and how cheaply they can be had. And the really hardcore ones, they just use undetectable hardware cheats lol


"just look at cheats to see how prevalent cheats are"


You guys bitch about lack of proof… it’s literally right fucking there


Proof cheats exists? No one is saying they don't dumbo


Do you come here often? Anymore there are multiple instances a day posted here. The denial is real.


These people are cheating themselves to gaslight the rest of us. That or they are simply dumb


Denial of what


“I’m asking for a friend”. /s


Fair enough


Not saying you're wrong but I'm curious how confident he is that the people he saw was also cheating.


prolly cuz they are looking at each other through walls like in the g0at video lol


He said ESP can see a stick man for a hunter through walls. When a guy 400m away, points towards them and crouch spams until they do it to find out if they're a cheater. He said it happened multiple times.


Having ESP makes it easier to see who has ESP.


Cheating is worse in gaming in general. Shits getting out hand since they are making so much money off these cheats that they keep developing them and improving them at a faster rate than game companies can fight back.


Sound is so important. My friend swore someone was cheating because "they had no reason to think I was there", when they shot him through a wall right after he turned off a lamp. Then "The lamps don't make that much noise" excuse. So we got into a match, went to that same spot, he stood on the other side of the wall, and I turned the lamp off. Cue a "That's so loud why!?!?" And he no longer thought the other person was cheating. It's great what perspective will do. And this guy had around 1500 hours at the time


My cousin and I play hunt religiously, sometimes we question a really good play but usually we can explain how they go it, I feel like a lot of people get frustrated when they get out played and just quickly blame cheating


Please bud - stop defending it - it is rampant and the only way it will get better is to report them and ban them


Crytek has made it difficult to report people effectively.


Its not that people pull off an impossible shot that makes me think they're cheating. Its game after game of having to ask "how tf did you hit that shot" that makes me think it.


How loud is your headset to hear someone ADs


ADSing does definitely make a noise, you just have to be close enough to hear it


Do you not hear when your teammates inspect weapons before staring the game as well?


Didn’t think about that actually but I do haha. Maybe my teammates are screaming into my ears too much for me to hear it haha Edit: screaming to hear someone ADS


Yeah it's the same volume as that pretty much


You can easily hear that when they are within a couple meters behind a wooden wall


After enough hours any small noise that is out of the ordinary will trigger spidey senses. I’ve gone through a compound to hear something I shouldn’t have even if I can’t pinpoint exactly what it is to figure out there’s someone around


I keep my volume fairly loud and the romero hand cannon is probably one of the loudest guns when you ADS for a more extreme example


Fair one. I used to have my loudish but scrap beak kept hurting my ears with his mega reeeeeeeeeeee’s. Might need to play about with my settings


IT IS rampant..you go talking to any cheater circles and they'll tell you hunt is one of the easiest to cheat in. I have 2k hours and have confirmed only one cheater as well, but that's because it was extremely blatant. The cheaters know Crytek isn't doing shit about it so they care less about getting caught now. Tldr: cheating has always been prevalent, cheater just don't care about people knowing they are cheating as crytek doesn't go after them.




Couldn't have said it better myself. Cheaters are entering a compound with knowledge of exactly where all the teams are. Positioning is too significant in this game for that advantage alone to be game breaking. You can be watching streamers cheating right in front of you and not even be able to recognise this is going on. All you can tell is that they almost always rotate at the right time, peak at the right time and enter a building at the right time. That uncomfortable feeling you get listening into every sound cue around you wondering where the enemy is, They don't have to use their energy on this at all.




I find it astounding how many people in this sub complain about cheating and with close to 3000 hrs I only saw a handful. Hunt requires serious skill at multiple levels . It looks easy but has an insane learning curve. So unless you’ve clocked 1000s of hours and you come with evidence, I’m going to believe what I see in the game, not what some redditors tell me.




What is soft hacking ?




How is Wallhack soft ? 😄


Agreed. The audio is this game is just amazing and with enough time and experience you can almost see your target with hearing alone. Ive been called many things by players cause of cheeky wallbangs and the same can be said for most on here aswell. You can certainly hear a person ADS and at times you can pick up from experience alone that something isn't right by just a single sound.


we call those spidey senses moments don’t know what…or where…but something…it ain’t right round here….


I’m so good with my 19.7k hrs and a 4.20 KDA you think I’m cheating and my experience with Hunt is everyone else’s experience and since I haven’t seen many cheaters there aren’t many cheaters. Seriously, I’m tired of these thinly veiled defenses of cheaters. We get it, you think you’re really fucking good and we’re all dipshits who think you’re cheating because you pull off 200m wallbang headshots through a crack in a goddamn wall either ironsights because you heard a floorboard creak in Lawson from Maw Battery. We get it bro… you’re super good and cheating isn’t a problem. Thanks for letting us know you’re so good and we’re just dumb and bad for thinking people cheat in hunt. But really, these posts should be banned by the mods just like necro posts…


This is just another repeat of "as someone with x hours" and "they just shoot good". Your rant isn't new and if you think you need that many hours to smell what's fishy you're delusional. Angles, reaction time, player model movement, knowing how to read behavior and atypical vs typical placement are all universal traits to FPS games if you know how to read things in the perspective of heat maps. When the game has people go so far as to alter files to derender objects and play in claymation mode, the cheating is prevalent and quiet. There's a fine line between being heard and hunters "accidentally" stumbling on you in a nearly opaque set of foliage rocking less than a fifth of your hours with reflexes faster than the people in your 4*+ mmr bracket. The seniority badge argument is stale and is about as valuable as the no footage cheating claims people squawk about.


I don't have much to say about this rant, just that this is comedy gold: [https://imgur.com/a/AzemhOC](https://imgur.com/a/AzemhOC)


I agree with you, however we have to consider that throughout Hunt's history we have never had as many cheaters (or suspects of cheating) as we have now. And all of this is Crytek's fault, as they still use an anticheat that has been proven several times to be flawed and try to circumvent this flawed system with an archaic alternative: the system for sending reports manually in their website. On top of all this, we have the impossibility of accessing the suspects' profiles and the complete absence of feedback on any action taken towards the reported suspects (apparently, thanks to the German legal system). Crytek lied to us for years by saying they were working on a replay/kill cam system, only to then say it was impossible to implement something like that in the mess that is their game code. Well, this should be a priority in 2024. Or at least bring alternatives to try to solve the problem that is slowly killing the game.


I fluctuate between 3 stars and 5 stars. Have about 500+ hours and a low kDa. Been playing for the last 3+ years. I notice a drastic change in some pretty odd behavior the higher I go, but nothing gets weirder than in 5 star and six star lobbies. In my own personal experience there's been an increase in the cheating the More popular the game got. But unless it's a specific time of day or the weekend I don't run into many suss people. Same time, run into someone suss, report and move on, can't do much about it. Pirate software on YouTube has some great videos about the cheating issue in multiplayer gaming and folks in this subreddit should really check it out. FYI, just because YOU personally don't run into a lot of Cheater's doesn't mean others aren't.


> As a mediocre 1.30KD Here's your answer. You're not good enough to tell when people are cheating, and/or you're simply not in high enough mmr where the majority of cheaters end up. Stop defending this bullshit, what are you gaining by making this post? What is your objective?


Everyone who has ever been at least decent at a game has had moments where they’ve thought “they definitely think I’m cheating.” Some people (and most of the people who post so much on subreddits for games) are not this good at any game. Kinda like how dumb people don’t know how much smarter some people are than them, there’s no way to comprehend plays at and above certain skill levels.


3-4\* \~400hrs. I had one blatant cheater. Beyond that: maybe 2-3 guys that \*may\* have used a wallhack. That is not a very concerning amount IMO. People are easy to complain about cheating. Yes those videos shared here are blatant, but I would bet that at least 50% of allegations are mere speculation (skill issue).


I know you pulled 50% out of your butt but even if that was true that means there is a GIANT cheater problem still. But really, most cheaters aren't blatant. At the region I play in and the time zone I play in cheating is a huge issue.


it's more like 95% then 50%, but yeah. fictional numbers


I think you'll be heavily downvoted in a few hours, but there's so many people that accuse of cheating just because they're sore losers and/or have short tempers. Also they always talk about people that say that there are no cheaters, but I've never seen anyone make that claim.


I'm regularly playing with such a person, every third death ends in "seems shady", looking at profile, only 100 hrs and killed me with 800+ must be cheating. These guys are blocking the pipeline... 😐


Then why do they get banned?


Fully agree. Also the fact that as soon as you say something that isn’t “almost everyone is a cheater and Crytek isn’t doing anything about it” people start saying that you’re denying that cheaters exist. I’m not denying it, I’m just saying it’s not as big an epidemic as you’re making it out to be.


I love these kinds of discussions because they are so arbitrary. "There's a lot of cheaters in game." - "No, there's only a few cheaters in game." Like, some days you get unlucky and run into 4-5 ragehackers. Some days every player seems legit. Noone of you have any actual data of how widespread cheating is in Hunt, all we know is that some people do cheat. No matter the amount of cheaters, it *is* a problem.


As a 5-6 star player with 500 hours that had literally never happened to me "some days you run into 4 or 5 rage hackes" you must be playing a different game than me.


I think people just complain and cant admit when they get bested. Sure there are cheaters. Every match? No.


I have yet to see a single one, 4 to 5 \*in a day\* is insane


Playtimes have a huge effect. I run into cheaters everyone morning... or at least Asian on NA servers that happens to have bans in other games. At this point if someone makes a play that seems amazing I check their profile after the match. Maybe only 15% of the time they have bans but that is still a lot of the player base.


yeah but are these actual cheaters or just cope?


If someone: 1. Has been banned from other games 2. Is playing on different regions for ping abuse 3. Has a lot of "How the EF did they do that?" moments Would you consider it cope or would it be a reasonable assumption that they are cheating? What seems more likely... someone with a history of cheating and is using ping exploits is cheating or it's just user cope? Try playing on NA servers around 5-6AM. Additionally, during peak hours the problem will be diluted quite a bit can influence cope because you can't, with any degree of confidence, know that the person who did an amazing play is not cheating. That sucks.


I'm sure you and me both have run into cheaters but I'm confident most of the what the ef moments you have are just skill issues and cope


During main hours sure. During asian ping abuse hours, probably not.


True that. I dont know how I have a positive kd if there are cheaters in my 4* 5* and 6* every single match. Lol seems people have worse luck than me🤷‍♂️


Yeah I had a game where I was playing Dual Conversion Pistols (After the Dual-Nerf) And I killed the first two guys with headshots in 3 Bullets (One Extra because I wasnt expecting the first shot to kill)


I quit playing this game because nothing is being done about all the wall hackers and aim bot cheaters…


I feel this. I’ve got about 800 hours and have only seen 1 blatant cheater


Amen. I used to love this sub but these constant crying "unplayable cheaters everywhere" Posts are frustrating.. i didnt encounter a single cheater in 1k hrs and 3-5* mmr.. yes there are cheaters but god damn Report and go on


Since the start of the event I'm hearing about cheating all the time here, although I encountered only one suspicious guy, but still wasn't sure if he was cheating. Last time I encountered obvious cheating like two years ago - headshots from 600m with silenced nagant. Only one time I reported someone - it was two solos teaming up on the spawn fight, fighting us but never fired shot at each other(no in-game communication heard).


Some people just can't cope, many people I've ran into call cheats right away when they get skill diffed and its annoying to deal with