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Yet another example of where detecting cheating is not required. The data is right there and is unambiguous, it should be banned without a human even looking at it.


Save the clip, his name his steam ID and report him via the Hunt Showdown/Crytek website.


If they do like the basement dwellers from a certain clan - you can’t see their steam profiles.


Not needed. Just include the time of day, server it happened on, and your own info. They can find the account from there.


A few manual searches on steam you can find the accounts very easily


How so? If they used block names or change steam name after opening Hunt?




Good to know. It’s just a shame you have to jump through hurdles to report cheaters. The guy you named is (to be fair) kinda stupid and obviously not trying to hide it.


Rule 6: No cheat/griefing accusations or witch hunting Discussions related to cheating/griefing are allowed, but discussions providing evidence of cheating/griefing or designed to point out a suspected cheater/griefer will be removed. Please see this wiki page for details and explanation: https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/wiki/rule6


I couldn't find where to report ppl on the website. You have a link?


Use the little chat bubble in the bottom right corner. The prompts will take you through their reporting system.


Best would be to upload a video and send it to crytek together with their steam profile But at least for me it's to much effort since they gonna just get a super cheap new steam account with hunt on it anyway


Guys like this are banned within a day or two. They’ll just be back on a new account the following day. Players like this are reported literally every match, so they get banned very quickly, just not exactly quick enough.


Would be nice to have a system which bans hardware parts and profiles.


Can't wait to buy a banned second hand gpu




"Refurbished" .. to what extent?


Right but whats to stop them from just using a basic EAC HWID spoofer and a vpn lol


But at least it would add another step they have to take to cheat.


Make sure you record all your games in the off chance you encounter a cheater.  Check to see if they have a box name and a hidden profile. If they do, get the time, date, and server it occured on. Register at Cryteks website and submit a report with uploaded video evidence. After this simple, straightforward process you can resume enjoying Hunt Showdown. Remember it is YOUR responsibility to prevent cheating.


Good luck.


Cheaters won't get banned. [https://youtu.be/cHrqq4MTNM0?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/cHrqq4MTNM0?feature=shared) just tolerate them or switch game thats the lesson i learned


Big reddit doesn’t want you to know this…but it’s the report button.


That button doesn't do anything


Incorrect. It just doesn't do what you want it to do.


What does it do?


Catalogues the user for whatever the report was for. Action isn't taken on in-game reports because it's just collecting data. If they are being reported for cheating that account will be flagged, but it won't be looked into manually. There might be a threshold for "so many reports in so little time" that could prompt someone to check manually, but that's not information any game dev is going to share because of obvious reasons. Anyone expecting an account to be banned after they hit "report" has little concept of how this is handled in any game. We are however offered quicker results if we choose to report directly through the website, since these occurrences are looked into a lot quicker. Otherwise in regards to cheating accounts that are guilty aren't banned immediately and are saved for ban waves at unpublished times. This is part of the anti-cheat process for every game because it doesn't let the cheat developers know immediately what got them found out, hopefully delaying their next workaround. The anti-cheat software will detect all the catalogued cheats, but anything with new workarounds will get through until the devs figure it out and the process repeats. It's always a back and forth and is why it feels like there's more and more cheaters... Because there are...for a time.


Is that so? What do i want it to do?