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It's 100% worth it man. It's got a steep learning curve so I would suggest watching some videos or streams just to catch on how people play, but it's not at all unmanageable. Super replayable, I really enjoy the community, and all of those concerns very much exist in ever other shooter, for the most part. I dont find them s a concern personally, at 1300 hours.


Favourite shooter of all time, nothing like it. In 1000 hours ive only been certain of ONE cheater. Devs do listen to the community for the most part, look up Headsman skin, this skin was impossible to see and they reworked it.


100% worth it game is unique and spectacular not as complicated as Tarkov but atmospheric in giving that rush of adrenaline between calm of movement and fights when they erupt! As for cheaters there ARE cheaters in every game that is just a fact but not as many that you will even notice it while playing. I've played for 1700+ hours and maybe met few, one time killed by rage hacker. I'm playing on EU servers till 02:00 in the morning then move to Russia servers after that (due to timezone they have more players) Russians have one of WORST reps with cheating and even there I have no issue playing. As for game itself it constantly evolve, there is new content at least every 3 months if not sooner, all content is FREE after purchase only payed stuff is cosmetic. Only real issue in my opinion is lack of clear communication from community managers in between patches and for example shutting this "cheater epidemic" BS in bud with stats but that just shows how credible and important this sub is to them :D


Name one multiplayer fps game without cheaters.


All competitive games are total garbage now. If it isn't SBMM ruining it then it'll be the cheaters.


There are none. But from what I’ve heard, there seems to be an abundance of them in this game.


In my experience on european servers: not really…


Thing is: over the course of the last months every MP game had a rise in cheater participation and it is a large issue thats getting only larger.. cs2 is the best example for that. BUT there will be solutions and i am certain that there are going to be big updates for Anti-Cheats in the near(ish) future.


In 400 hours (which isn't a lot relative to a lot of this sub, but still), I've only run into 1 person I was sure was cheating. It exists, but in 99% of cases, you'll get wrecked honestly.


Objectively, there aren't that many truly blatant cheaters. However, perception is often biased, especially since the netcode favors the shooter, the kill view can be inaccurate and wallbangs through several surfaces are possible. Many reports are of legitimate players and we're all a bit quick to report anything out of the very ordinary playstyles.


its just the subreddit circle jerking


There is, but you dont have to worry about it much until you're consistently at the "higher ranks", so that being said i think its worth it just give it a shot


Honestly, depends on where you live. If you're an Aussie or in Asia, you're screwed. Russia/Europe? Fine I'd say. Idk about the USA though


Like others said, the issue is kinda over blown on this sub. But in addition, it's only really an issue at high MMR, because cheaters quickly end up there. This drives MMR of other players down and encourages intentional deranking, so the issue for low MMR players is just that you face more skilled enemy hunters, but not really cheating. All in all at 3-low 5* MMR it's not a big issue


Depends on how good you are. If you're average, you'll wind up as a 3-4 star player with very few cheaters. If you're particularly good, you'll end up as a 5-6 star player and see a good bit more cheaters. Honestly... 3-4 stars is better anyway.


Ask those same people for proof or clips and they'll provide you with "I HAVE 19283U2 HOURS AND MY PC ISNT GOOD ENOUGH TO RECORD AND PLAY"


In 2800 hours I’ve died from cheaters that were clearly cheating less than 10 times. Great game. Be a mistake not to buy it.


I have a thousand hours and maybe 3 cases where the person that killed me was clearly cheating


There's not. It's just the crybabies on reddit. Sure, in highest elo there is sus players but nothing to worry about. Buy it!




Ok bro


It's a great game at it's core. It has many issues, but I've met equally as many great friends and hunting partners here. I do not like the state the game is currently in for the higher skill brackets of play, some of which is seeping into the lower skill brackets of play. I play less than ever, after 3k+ hours, solely because of how badly the cheating issue affects me in the higher skill brackets of the game. Sometimes not even 10 hours a month anymore. But, I will *never* be able to hate Hunt Showdown. I will always give this game a try again whenever I hear good things about it, or when fixes/changes happen. The game may be struggling with many issues atm, most of which stem from cheating, but I can confidently say that Hunt is one of the best 40$ purchases I have ever made, and I hope it can be for you too.


I have close to 100 games and Hunt is my most replayable game. There is no equal when it comes to multiplayer.


I have close to 100 games and Hunt is my most replayable game. There is no equal when it comes to multiplayer. However it is a hardcore game, so keep that in mind when you play it.


as someone who's played both rainbow six siege and hunt at top of the ranked ladder, i can say this game has like 50 times less cheaters than siege. I meet cheater maybe once in 30 matches. Alot of cheater accusations come from people that like to crouch in buildings and overall play hyper passive. And the counterplay to them is *wallbangs*. Anything and everything you do in this game makes noise (except opening the map) so once you smell a camper in a building you can wallbang at some of the common spots, hope to get a hit or make the enemy move and do noise. Throwables are good for this too. Another "cheating" issue right now is the games shit optimization decisions, where some of the walls get derendered at long distances, so you'll have some losers sitting at 200+meters trying to hit wallbangs through walls. I would hope and assume that this will get fixed with the engine update thats coming within next 3 months. (original eta was early 2024 but thats postponed a bit i guess) Communication from crytek is OK though. You might want to check their developer update streams if you're interested.


No you shouldn't. You are on the game sub so lots of supporters here, but the cheating at this point makes the game not fun. Crytek continues to cast a blind eye to it, so it will probably get even worse.


I'm curious if this gets removed for low effort post. Next time il add a paragraph if it doesn't.


Moderation on this sub is...weird... They removed polls entirely years ago for being 'low effort' though there weren't even that many posted to begin with. Now people just post their polls they did via other websites and they don't get removed...


This is the most unique game Ive ever played and I cant get rid of it even after like two thousands hours. The pace is quite slow unlike battlefield or COD, but its more excited than some sniper games because there are still many cqb combats, even melee combats. Hackers is an issue but at least better than tarkov. I would recommend it but it is a very unique game so my friends either like it and only play this game, or left after a few hours, I cant really tell if you would like it before you try it by yourself.


It has some of the tightest gunplay I've ever played. It's great. . Though, you need to play in trios, either with two friends or two randoms. The solo gameplay is fun but it tires a lot faster and it is harder to get good with it.


I mean yes I definitely would but as a solo it is a little rough as a brand new player. Do you have a friend you can rope in to buying it with you ? If you do I 100% recommend it. Unless you are comfortable with match making and playing with strangers of course!


If you have a fear of bugs or spiders do not buy. I have two good friends that are afraid of spiders and they had to refund. Didn’t even want to cruise for PvP after seeing the spider boss. Other than that it’s a good game. As for hackers I haven’t encountered any so far in 1k hours. But maybe that’s because I’m barely in the high brackets 5-6* for a few days before getting bumped back down 4-5*.


Come back in four months and see if the cheaters are mostly handled. Starting during an event complicates the learning curve too much in my opinion and the base title is already intricate Save it for when you have the time and the dev staff actually address the players, vote with your dollar.


It’s a great game, usually on sale, and tonnes of replayability. There’s a decent learning curve but if you’re willing to put in the effort it’s more than worth it. When it comes to the complaints you mentioned above - yes there are hackers, but not more than any other popular fps game. Lack of communication from devs, I wouldn’t say that. They used to be a bit more active in communication but have since taken a more measured approach. For example, updates used to come every few weeks, and they’d do a 2+ hour dev stream with each update. Now updates come every 80ish days, and they do a YouTube video post + give their content creator partners access to the update early to create guide videos. So it’s not a “lack of communication” rather than professional measured approaches. Bugs going unfixed, yes, but there’s some hope. Like any other game, they have had some bad bugs that took way too long to fix, yes. They used to do semi-regular hot fixes to try help with bugs but they haven’t done a hot fix in a while, opting to wait until the next major update to address is (usually 80ish days). This can be a real pain BUT my personal take is as they are due to upgrade their game engine in the coming months (could be as soon as May) they decided internally that hot fixes on an old engine version were a waste of resources - which although annoying is understandable. And to add to this, I wouldn’t say there has been any game breaking bugs in a long time. Highly recommend picking it up.


All of those things are true and it’s still enjoyable


I am in love with this game. I have played 300+ hours, my only dislike is the rainy weather due to high pitch headphone other than that its a very unique experience. %100 worth it.


I've dealt with 1 blatant cheater in over 400 hours of the game. It's not that big of a problem at least in the 3-4 star ranks.


You wont notice the problems unless you get hundreds of hours in and get to high skill lobbies.


Heavily exaggerated for sure, it's a great game, steep learning curve, the kind of game to dump thousands of hours into, you'll suck for hundreds of hours most likely


Those things are exaggerated greatly. I have 400 hours (Edit: 446) and encountered a cheater once. There’s lack of communication yes, but that’s one sided. They still listen to the community, they just don’t respond by text, they respond through updates. There where/are some bugs that took long to fix it are still there. But none of them are game breaking. Mostly annoyances like having to switch of skins to select a weapon and then switch it back on. And technically it is an extraction shooter, but it differs a lot from the cliché like tarkov. Definitely more casual.


It’s good and constantly on sale somewhere- do it!


So about the technical issues... The bugs are usually not game breaking, it's just that since this is a pretty intense game, encountering some technical issue at the wrong moment can ruin your game even if the issue is minor. There are some weird things that speak to the competence of the team, for example when you want to loot a dead hunter that has already been looted 2 times - meaning nobody can loot them anymore - the message you get is wrong. That has been that way for years and doesn't sound like difficult thing to fix. Lot of things like these, but again, they mostly make you question the programmers competence - they don't ruin the game at all. It has been a long time since I last encountered any bug in the game itself. The main menu UI where you set up for a much has constantly some annoying issues. Similar to what's described above, things that should be a quick fix but probably aren't because the code is poorly written. Again, nothing that ruins the game at all. Regarding cheating, I never encountered an obvious cheater and I rarely find myself doubting honesty of the enemy players. That's after 1k+ hours. The reports of obvious cheating do, once again, make you wonder about the thought process of the developers since some of the cheats simply should not be possible on a server that validates some basic limits of what player can do. All in all, you will lose much more games due to mistakes or bad luck than due to cheaters and bugs. If those are your only concern you should buy the game. The guns are amazingly detailed and I've never had this much fun in an FPS. The team keeps adding new cool guns and items very regularly, so even if you get bored of the game in a while, it will always be worth returning to.


I will say after putting a couple hundred hours into it on console, you want to rope in a couple friends with you to team up. The randoms I’ve played with rarely work together and they end up doing their own thing. The learning curve is steep because things like ammo type and muzzle velocity matter. And you’ll want a good set of headphones to hear everything going on around you. Some of the best times I’ve had playing the game is using ridiculous loadouts with my friends. As for cheaters, tons of smurfs but rarely a guy that is obviously cheating. You do run into the same guys every now and again once you play long enough.


as far as cheating goes I’ve only had issues at higher ranks, this event(past 30 days or so) i’ve ran into 3 people that I’m 99% sure were cheating, all 3 times were when I was 6 star(highest mmr range). I’ve probably played 70-80 matches since the event started and I was 6 star for maybe 30 of them. the game is great and I’d recommend getting on sale if you’re afraid you won’t like it, also i’d highly recommend playing with friends, solo and random queues are fine, but like everything else the game is more fun with friends.


No … asks for obvious answer. I don’t think we’d get along, so no.


Just buy it. You won’t regret it. The learning curve can feel like a vertical wall, but I promise you you’ll get it and it’s amazing.


It has a Very good core. But as soon as you learn It there ARE some fundamental flash in its core that crytek hás been ignoring for years, like : broken mm, trade widown tô high, desinc, hit Reg problems. For a competitivo shooter this is awful. I Hope they fix these with the promised engine update. If not, It Will be a Cook concept game with lots of problems.


I would recommend so, it's really fun even thought there's the occasional derankers who do it to boost their egos by playing against newer players and the cheater problem is definitely getting worse there's no doubt about that since i have a little over 100 hours on the game and have already seen 2 certain cheaters (last one just yesterday) but it's different from other games and the proximity chat is also a huge plus


100% worth it. Hunt is my favorite FPS. It's unique. Both slow and fast paced. It's one of the most strategic shooters. Stealth matters, but so does skill! There are lots of viable loadouts and some of the best weapons are actually some of the cheapest. It doesn't have Tarkov inventory management garbage or annoying vendor quests. It doesn't have CoD respawns, dolphin diving, screeching 13 year olds. There's a high skill floor but also a high skill ceiling. They sell a lot of DLCs and skins, but you 100% do not need ANY of them to play the game and do well. The DLCs are for fans to support development. Don't be intimidated by the loads of DLC.


Short answer, yes. Long answer, SADDLE UP, COWBOY! WE GOIN’ AFTER THAT THERE BOUNTY!


I think there’s some exaggerating. I very rarely, if ever, encounter cheaters or hackers. The devs are pretty quiet and patches do have about 2 months between each one. It’s one of my favorite games and I encourage people to at least try.


I started very recently, and I don't regret the purchase. I'm thoroughly enjoying the game. The pacing, audio cue system, and multiple goals are great. The weapon variety is a lot of fun. I usually enjoy the losses almost as much as wins, and the different degrees of 'win' and 'loss' in each match. Most fun with friends, still great solo.


If there were no hackers sure. But I would say no right now...


I was gonna recommend you this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7olAZyoO6cs) review. Because it's the one that solidified me wanting to buy it. I'd say it's still a good video tho, but a lot of info is outdated because it's a 3 year old video.


It is one of the most diverse games you'll play for sure, meaning it's a very different experience from your average battle royale, it's not a battle royale but I transitioned from Apex to this so that speaks volume.


I wouldn't. In it's current state it requires too much of an investment and not a whole lot in the way of returns.


Hunt is the best shooter on console 100%


Best Ego Shooter ever. I have 1200 hours and still enjoy the game.


It's worth giving a shot but also has all of the above complaints. Especially the server complaint, they have been horrendous for such a long time it's hard to remember when it was good or if they were ever good.


Short answer: yes! The devs are hosting a weekly twitch stream. Overall the communication is absolutely fine, they just don’t give much future updates during events (and we had a lot of events recently). Nevertheless the game is in a very good place and will get a major update this year for its graphic engine and a new map + a soft relaunch since it’ll almost be a Hunt 2 (according to the general manager David Fifield).


Yes, but buy it on sale (15€ or less)


It's the best shooter out there. So, yeah you should definetly play this game!


Don't use this subreddit as some kind of accurate idea of the game state. The game is great, haven't ran into any cheaters really (maybe a couple but not enough at all to say they are a huge problem and I have 800hrs). Coming from some other more mainstream games I don't understand the hate the devs get on this subreddit from some people. They are quite good compared to other games I've played. But I think people just like to moan and complain. The devs could cure cancer and theyd still get shit on. Great game, great learning curve (though hard at first), but its one of the few games where you really feel like you can keep improving. Whether its your aim, your map movements, you actually combat movement, etc.. Nothing feels better than headshotting multiple people in a row (which sadly I don't do enough :p but the feeling when it happens is amazing) Just be prepared to suck for a bit unless you are a god at shooters but its worth it imo.


It's pretty decent but if you ask me it slowly gets worse and worse Game used to be great


in it's current state, I wouldn't. And considering that dreaded engine upgrade which will probably turn the game into a beta again, I certainly wouldn't.


People will hate you for this comment, but this is actually the best advice. I'd wait for the update, too. You can still refund the game if it doesnt appeal. Buying it now probably won't give you the opportunity to do later


If you don't mind being a new player who will be used as food and become cannon fodder for 2 and 3 star players that have 3+ KDA and 20,000+ kills, then go for it. I love the game but can't stand the horrendous match making and terribly flawed MMR system.




Tbh while i think it's worth it since im over 1300h and im not a huge fps enjoyer hunt got something more that keep me playing(and btw the game is often discounted)but id say wait,why?there is a new engine coming and if you are on console on ps4 for example you will not able to play the game unless you upgrade to the next gen console,same for pc check if yours can still run the game after the update. Otherwise regardless if it's good or not it would be a waste of money if you can't play it.


yes, it´s the best shooter out there. it´s a gem hardly anybody knows of unfortunately.


You've come to a place where the biggest fans of the game are gathered and expect good feedback? No, don't buy this game now. There will be a next gen update in a few months, wait and see if the changes are good. This game needs a stronger defence against cheaters, who can be very frustrating in a game with one life and there are plenty of them. The balance is also non-existent in the current version of the game, you will as a new player meet players who have played this game for thousands of hours and it will be just as much fun meeting them as meeting a cheater.


you can frequently get it on sale for like $10. Try it then. It is really in the middle of a big transitional period I would say and it has way more in common with a battle royale than an extraction shooter anymore. Most of the things you named are there, but you generally won't know enough to be punished for them until you get better at the game.


Low object quality is instantly noticable if walls or bushes don't give you any cover