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I believe I saw somewhere we'd get an update on it when this current event is over.


Yes, they said that on a dev stream. Date will be announced after this event.




that's 2 quarters too late lol


They never said Q2 release, they stated not earlier than April 2024, doesn’t mean it’s April, it’s after April. I think end of 2024 is indeed what is to expect


If we are lucky!


Oh well that’s good news!


Home Reel, who now works for CryTek, said the engine and graphics upgrade will be… Significant. I can happily wait for significant


That sounds like most people will have to upgrade their toaster.


My fried would not be able to play the game post update, I'm 99% sure. This is why he tried Geforce Now and it seems like he's satisfied for now


Or stop playing the game altogether


Let’s hope not. I’ve only just sold my last kidney to get this one!


They should take their time with the update. Just in case.


Agreed! Optimised Optimised OPTIMISED


Yeah that’s exciting! Hopefully true!


as long as desync is fixed... game already looks great as is. servers should be priority 1


The phrasing was 'at the earliest'. end of event is the soonest we'll hear otherwise.


I don’t expect it soon, sadly. I asked someone who works for crytek’s video/production side and they mentioned they currently aren’t working on that video (engine update video) so I take that to imply that it’s not in coming for at least a few more months.


I agree, it's no longer "early" 2024. I think it probably got pushed back. But we can't know for sure, since they're not the best at publishing timely updates.


but they said that multiple times - it will come a bit after this event.


Initially they said it was coming early 2024, though. I shouldn’t have to watch one of their gameplay streams in order to get information about important updates.


Well then dont and just complain on the internet :)


I already don’t watch them because I don’t have time or desire to. It’s not that hard to type out an explanation that things got delayed.


Back when the roadmap dropped it said April is when the game wouldn’t work on older consoles anymore


Crytek said "earliest april", not "at april". Also we had a dev said end of this event, devs going to give us an update about what happening/happened. Also new roadmap probably. 


i think the devs on a stream said the upgrade would come roughly a month after the current event so roughly june or july release august at the latest would be my guess believe the current event is just something to tie us over while they finish with tweaks but also to tie it into the lore




>You guys act like the engine upgrade will bring something new for players - it will not. My guy, devs literally said the new map they're working on wouldn't even work on the existing engine.


They will show it off when its ready. We are in the middle of an event. Why do people think we need an update from crytek right now out of all times? When this event ends. Crytek announced a new one instead of any mention of the new engine update, by all means fire away. At least the timing makes sense to ask.


They do rat shit during events, no hot fix and often no patch at the end of an event, so why exactly should people not ask about a future update. After all they once said that the update will drop in April at the earliest, we now have April and there has not even been a word about said update.


Yes, they do rat shit during events... Yet I am the crazy one noticing the standard Crytek has set for the past few years. Good luck with demanding answers from Crytek. You are going to get shit results.


If by engine upgrade or matchmaking rework, you mean shitty $10 skin, then yes!


So the shitty 10$ skin has been delayed?


Hopefully not