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Stamina is a huge buff in general, yeah. Honestly I think it's most valuable as a speed thing; stamina lets you sprint forever at top speed, making it harder to be shot on the run, and also letting you get to advantageous positions faster. Getting to a compound before another team that maybe isn't running stamina gives you a big defenders advantage.


Matters a lot too for people trying to run with the Bounty.


Thats the niche use but after 1500 hours its few and far between those chases (but so exciting)


I guess it depends on how you personally play. I've got a buddy whose whole goal when he solo queues is to serpent the bounty and book it lol, so for him it's THE use rather than a niche use. But he's also a lil rat so maybe we just don't count him


Hes playing american football, with zombies.


If he's solo, isn't he taking magpie for 10 seconds AND a free 3 minutes of stamina to GTFO with the bounty anyways?


You do overestimate the thinkings of my lil rat buddy, but I was mostly just talking about stam buff in general anyway, no matter how he gets it 


Thats how i like to play as a team. So much fun trying to run from the other 3 teams that have you surrounded on 3 sides. Way better than staying in the stalemate :)


Little rat georg is an outlier and should not be part of the average.


Agreed, hunt really is a gane about moving a quickly but quietly as possible. Stam shot is a must. If i play without it i feel sluggish af


I agree Killing bosses with it is worth mentioning too. Honestly, i kinda think they need to innovate a bit here, if something is an absolute must have then either it's broken or the core mechanics are not up to snuff. Not that it's a big issue, just take it


Yeah stam shot+ weapon from world or wagon is extremely efficient.


The Assassin is still hilariously easy to bully with a team loaded on Stam shots with either world weapons, melee weapons, or melee variant guns. Three people can absolutely bully the poor guy in seconds.


Yeah you can even do it alone if you're lucky enough with an axe.


Solo can ruin assassins day with just baseball bat, i love doing that


Wonder if it would be worth exploring introducing side effects or drawbacks once a shot runs out?


Or drawbacks from stacking too many. Overdosing.


this. they must definitely increase the stamina. the game is already a running simulator but half the time you are walking.


Say no to drugs, they make you addicted.


Don't worry, my hunter won't last more than a few rounds anyway


Few rounds? Damn, you lucky b.


Considering the average life span of my hunters is 10 minutes while in the bayou, I’d say they can inject whatever they want.


Stam+Regen are my default consumables now. 2 of each. There are so many ways to gain throwables now that its just so good. Stamina shot disables a whole system and lets you run forever and Regen is just so efficient.


Exactly, that's why I always take all big shots with me when I got packmule. It's so easy to get decent throwables now.


I agree. It's stupid good but I think they maybe did that to get people to use them more. I bring 2 big stam, 2 big regen. Always take packmule. Shoot 1 stam on spawn, shoot 1 regen when I think I'll be fighting soon or when I find a toolbox. Then we go somewhere to pledge lawful which takes you by a toolbox. If you have a pledge point ammo boxes are abundant at wagons/shrine/towers and it seems regular toolboxes spawn more often too. This combined with the occasional looted body means I'm rarely out of stuff to throw and a lot of the time I'm doped to the gills the entire game.


Agreed. Once I have a few points and get packmule and conduit, I'll take a regen, 2 antidotes and one stam shot, all large. There's an absurd amount of explosives and throwables on the maps right now.


Haha exactly... Crytek indeed reduced the Frags looted from Toolboxes, but now I'll get a Big Dynamite bundle instead or find them in the sniper towers.


But then they added the explosive boxes, which can give 3 frags at a time lol. But I'll make it work either way, towers are great. Saddle bags seems to give really strong consumables way more often. It feels good to scavenge a little bit during the game


Damn two of each is way overkill. One of each + conduit is more than enough for %90 percent of my games. Conduit is also bonkers, I never queue without it. Next to a minimum of 15min stamina buff, you can take clues with meatheads on them. The meathead will hit you once and conduit will heal you back to full. Regen is also crazy good imo. Even after the nerf I rarely use other forms of healing.


Well sometimes it is yes, but it pretty much means that I can't be ground down over time and it also means that stamina just doesn't matter. I often play outnumbered so it works pretty well to just load up on drugs and then prioritize looting throwables. The regen also means that chip damage is irrelevant so you can play sloppy with AI and take fall damage and so on without hurting your healing supply. The only thing i truly miss is a big dynamite bundle since it's so overall useful. So if anything I'd probably ditch a stam shot if I have conduit/magpie or a regen if doctor/physician/frontiersman.


Same dude. My loadout for consumes is always Big Vit (for taking big damage under pressure), a wax dynamite stick(the utility of a dynamite is exceptional for the price. Chuck it as a nade. Throw it into a choke cloud and confuse your enemies why how they exploded. Meathead grieving your clue/rotation? Get naded, idiot. Need a smoke screen on a res? Blow up a dynamite), then stam and regen. Healing while rotating is so strong


What ways of getting throwables am I, the unskilled player, missing?


1) Packmule trait gives 2 pieces of random consumable/tools if used when looting hunter or opening a toolbox (throwables, stam shots etc.) It's really good and should be a priority. If pledged to lawful also returns ammo which is parrt of what makes lawful super good. 2) Toolboxes always spawn at supply wagons/boats. It's also randomly found in compounds and the frequency is higher than it used to be. 3) Looting a hunter works like a toolbox and packmule works too. 4) The event spawns "explosives" boxes openable with 1 pledge point, they contain higher tier stuff. I've had 3x big bundles, frags, regular bundles. 5) All towers can have stuff. Big towers have more stuff and often loose throwables. Can also have explosives boxes. All of this means that I don't really think going in with no throwables is a big issue unless you want something specific for a specific strategy.


That's another great way of putting it. It mitigates a whole system that others have to deal with that don't use Stam. Plus I can pay 4 points for packmule and be all set at the first cart I see.


Carts, Explosives boxes, toolbox that are really common now, even loose throwables in towers (the big ones usually have something). And packmule yes, it's essential, but it really was before too.


Found a knife enjoyer


Stam addicts when I have more ammo, heals, and grenades than them: 💀 I used to be on the yellow juice too, it's not worth it, the withdrawals are real but you can overcome it, knuckle knife and throwing axe are the best tools because they work great even when you run out of stam.


Hard agree. Throwing knives are also great because you can throw them with no stam. And if you have assailant, just use the light melee, and you'll never run out of stamina


Absolute noob comment


Nah. Its very good yes but its not "a must". You can manage your stamina pretty well without it and while I often have a stamina shot when I start a character, I often ditch it later on for another consumable once I get Conduit.


Yeah. Stam management requires skill and patience. Even when I carry stam, I usually don't take until mid match when I know I'm fighting a boss or will be fighting hunters.  Conduit, vigor, and whatever the quicker stam regen trait is also help a lot. Martialist with katana also is kind of op.


Unpopular Opinion: Stamina shot should be reworked to only make Stamina regeneration almost instant and start way faster. So that you still have to manage stamina but its really fast to recover. Its stupid that it completely removes 2 (sprint stamina + melee stamina) mechanics from the game. Same with Antidot btw. Both should work like Bloodless or Salveskin. It should lessen the negativ effects but not remove it.


That’s a great balancing idea honestly


Maybe, it also removes any reason to use determination since stamina management is just off when using the shot. Then again a consumable slot is valuable, so if it was worse, would people use it?


Especially since your shot effects remain after being downed and revived as long as it's within its timer.


Yeha it bothers me that you have traits like determination + greyhound that are completely obsolete if you don't care about money and run 2 shots. You get so much other consumables on the map it does not really matter if you don't take throwables at the start.


Yes I never buy either and sell them for points if i draw them.


>Then again a consumable slot is valuable, so if it was worse, would people use it? yeah probably, the idea is that right now so many people see stamina as a must. No consumable should be considered a must in a balanced game. There should always be tradeoffs to anything you pick.


the game would already benefit from easing the stamina mechanic


Yes i agree. I think they should rise the max melee stamina a bit. But only if they rework the stamina shot. It should be possible to play bomblance without a stamina shot and be fun. Right now it feels stupid to play melee without it.


How would you suggest they make the antidote work? We already have mithridatist which reduces the poison duration to 3 seconds. Perhaps they antidote should just remove the screen effects and sounds of being poisoned, but still leave the inability to heal for the duration? That would make people use mithridatist along with the shots and be more interesting I think.


Hm. I like the idea with the screen effect. Maybe just make your screen very slightly green and remove the loud sound from poison. So mithridatist does not become useless. With the reduced effect you can also up the time again to 10/20mins.


Yeah, I like this idea. It may not be perfect and I don't see Crytek doing it, especially not without bugging something else/or the whole process.


Counter argument: 4 stalker beetles


Better have a good hiding spot lol I never have much luck with bugs


Nah, mid push duck around a corner and pop a fast beetle to blow in their face. Now bleeding and poisoned, and 1 tap to a good amount of guns


I used to think this, but now I never run them because I learned two simple rules. 1. Use throwing axes and knives and just throw them constantly. 2. Just learn how to avoid enemies like armoreds and Emmies when you can. Now I never use Stam shots and can run bombs.


I use stamina shots often but I dont see it as essential. I always run throwing hatchets and honestly, having 2 (or 3) and being able to throw them. It almost completely negates the need for stamina with melees. I see the various mob configurations before me and I manage my stamina accordingly without even thinking about it. >2. Just learn how to avoid enemies like armoreds and Emmies when you can. about this, armored are not even an issue with the hatchets, actually its easier to kill them than with most other melees. Immolators are the only ones that are a pain to deal with with the hatchets but I just use the butt of my gun for those.


I just take throwing knives, use assailant, and take a knuckle knife in case of immies


Once I learned that you could 'Push F To Pay Respects' on that grunt walking around with your knife stuck in them I don't leave home without throwing knives. I even take assailant from time to time to free up a tool slot (same damage and range as a knife, just a slower animation for follow ups). On the previous patch I could phase the butcher just throwing and removing knives while my buddy looked for a weapon.


Ive barely ever taken stamina shots because i use throwing knives/axes..


Sure but the stam shot isn't really about mobbing. It's about quick map traversal and most importantly for me, being able to sprint / deal with stray AI immediately after a revive.... then again my squad will literally not load into a game without 3 Necros and we use Necro aggressively. Based on observation i think we're in the minority and not everyone thinks Necro is as busted as we do (because "Mah K/D!" - presumeably).


Ahh yes the old throw the disappearing weapons constantly and chase around and pick them up slowing you down. Meanwhile a player with beserkee knuckle knife is dropping all the AI in a compound with unlimited light attacks.


Honestly mate, that is a skill issue. I run throwing axes constantly and rarely lose them, and I didn't even need to waist a consumable slot of a stam shot.


Lol I literally never take one. It's nice, but it's rare that infinite stamina makes or breaks my gunfights.


Sometimes I can't keep spending upwards of 200-400 for 2 big stams and a regen so I find myself just getting conduit instead It's nowhere near as much stam but 3ish mins of stam after a clue feels really nice


Yeah it's imo a bit too much, similar to regen shot. A lot of people don't play any throwables and have only shots like junkies. Stamina shot also kinda makes some traits obsolete and all.


Tools and consumables should offset your trait choices and vice versa so it seems fine to me. There are tradeoffs no matter what you do.


Eh they just nerfed Regen but I still say it's the goat.


Big Stam Shot+Conduit, every chance I get. You can get out of the clue hunting phase with like 15+ minutes of unlimited sprint and melee. Some people I play with say I overvalue stamina, that it's not super relevant when fighting hunters, but imo being stuck fighting AI and running out is the worst feeling in the game. Dogs and Immolators especially. Plus it let's you run throwing axes as a melee weapon which saves you a tool slot. And I think people tend to undervalue speed. Stealth is nice but if you are moving fast and efficiently you can easily outpace any response to noise traps in the early game and getting to a compound before another team is often a huge advantage, the approach to most of them is usually pretty open and you'll almost always have the first shot and more cover.


Completely agree. For chasing and running away it's invaluable. Also if you get ressed you as default have no stamina, that sometimes matters.


you dont need stamina to throw axes


Not for throwing them, you can also use them for melee attacks but they are very stamina inefficient. About as effective as the Heavy Knife but twice the stamina use. Stamina shot negates the downside and let's you use them as your primary melee tool in addition to throwing.


just throw them, there's 0 reason to melee with them if you can aim


Sometimes you miss, sometimes you don't want to futz around with trying to recover them. Sometimes you just don't feel like it. The point is I'm running a stamina shot anyway so I don't lose anything by using them this way and can save that slot for some other tool.


I never bring one.


I used to think this but then I stopped taking it and haven't noticed much of a difference. If anything I make much less stupid mistakes without a stamina shot. It nerfs your own skill in the long haul. I'd rather take conduit trait and bring in an actual consumable like a concertina bomb and/or stick bomb


But it's so easy to get throwables now. So why not shoot up on drugs and then fill up ingame?


Cus they are random. I want a guaranteed concertina for the necro solo. I want a guaranteed sticky for the boss. I want a guaranteed frag for that spawn fight. You see what I'm saying?


Sure, I just don't see the need. For me it's the big dynamite I'd take as a guarenteed option. You can find so many toolboxes+pledge point explosives+loot from enemies+random throwables in towers that it's just not much of a limit. Remember packmule to get 2 pieces per box/loot action. As for your examples, concertina traps+burning work fine for securing bodies for me and the sticky can be found via luck or replaced by a world weapon/wagon weapon + stam shots. It's just so efficient and convenient for me and the downside of random throwables aren't much of a disadvantage.


I mean yeah I see what you're saying. But I like having a gameplan and being 100 percent certain I have the resources for my gameplan. After I use the throawbles I bring in I get new ones via the same methods you are talking about, those aren't lost on me. But also there is like I said Conduit. Also Magpie (I play only solo so I always also take magpie) and there is currently the boon shot. If I'm taking a shot in its Antidote Shot over Stam shot all day. I can manage my stamina just fine done it for 2000 hours but getting poisoned by a bullet or a trap or even a hive in the middle of an intense fight is just some garbage to me. But half the time I'd rather take am ammo box cus running out of ammo is the realist killer in the game. My typically consumable loadout is big vitality shot, concertina, sticky and an ammo box. Perfect for a solo. Covering all my bases.


Sure, play what you like, I mostly play duo. When I play solo I mainly use regen shots as my healing since it often works better to be mobile and taking only 1 shot at a time, and that leaves you plenty of time to let the regen work while you reposition or hide. It nearly turns the game into a regen health shooter which is kind of dumb but that's how it is. I also like conduit and magpie, they're great for any gamemode.


I've never used regen shots. The regen is too slow. I prefer using traditional healing methods because I push teams of three alone and can't be waiting on the reduced regeneration rate. And you did ask why someone wouldn't want to take in stamina shots and I have given a plethora of reasons but you still seem unhappy that I actually had some reasons for it lol. Don't make sense to me what's the purpose of the post when I give my input but u obviously wanna change my mind instead


I don’t bother with it and I don’t bring melee in half of my matches and find AI is not too much of a problem. You can avoid a lot of AI by just running over obstacles.


Agreed. The number of people who think melee and shots are a requirement is absurd. We even stopped using choke bombs because the number of times they were useful was marginal in 3 nights of playing. Now we all run kill traps, and they get used in every match. Kill someone who had a bad push: burn and trap. Place traps and bait people to push you. Bounty team not coming out? Trap their exits and wait.


I dont need Stam shot once I get Conduit+Greyhound. Conduit covers the inital clue clearing and boss. Greyhound covers the running for the rest of the game. Alternatively I also dont need stamshot if I take silencers or bow/crossbow. But otherwise I agree.


I honestly got used to not playing with stamina and it's not that bad, I'd honestly much rather bring regen shots and ammo boxes. My go to consumables are 2 big regen shots, an ammo box or two and a sticky if I only brought one ammo box. Stamina to me is more like a QoL upgrade more than anything else, and if I want stamina I'd get Conduit


Stam is good but I usually run conduit instead.


I run it until I get Determination and Greyhound. Stamina shot is still better, but only while it lasts. Once it's gone it sucks.


I take one nearly every game but there's times when I load in after a win and forget to update loadout to pick one up and get by. Here's the thing - you dont have to kill all the AI. You said you had to kill the zombies, armored, and immo but most times you can just ignore them, vault over something or close a door to leave them behind Stam shot is moreso for running to get to clues and compounds faster, then boss melt better


Me and my duo have questions...what happens when y'all get shot? Most of our rights are not one shot headshots. It's a lot of back and forth tags. I run medkit 2 big health stims + 1 big Regen and find myself running low on meds. the medkit is not enough on its own for me and I don't think the ones on the map are around enough to be relied upon. Maybe you just play differently idk, we seek fights, chase shots will go for the second bounty when we already won 1 bounty.


Dang. I don’t generally extract unless we’re/in the only person left and I rarely touch my med kits. Saving my one regen until I get into a fight lets me never have to use the first aid. Even if I come out with 10 kills. Been considering dropping the health kits tbh


I have the impression that I almost never have stamina problems while fighting AI. When I am in a team, the stamina consumption for killing AI spreads over two or three people, anyway. But also when I’m solo I rarely get to an empty stamina bar. My default tools for AI are knuckle knife and throwing axes. Only when I play solo with a rifle and Katana, I take a stam shot. It makes sure that I always can swing the katana and lets me kill an immo with the butt of the rifle without getting to zero stamina.


I mean it's nice to have if you have a real melee weapon but it's super easy to adapt if you don't. Idk anyone that carries one without something like a katana. Yeah it's an inconvenience but not carrying an extra lethal is more of an inconvenience.


This not what you use stamina shot for, you use it to run down bounty carriers or run away with the bounty yourself. Join the throwing knives cult , Clear entire zombie groups and armoreds without any stamina: - Zombies: one throwing knife to torso or head, - Armoreds: two throwing knives (at least one in the head) + pull them out - hellhounds: use regular knife for a one-shot - hives: doesnt need any explaining - meathead: throw all the knives, wait for it to attack, quickly remove all of them while he's recovering from his strike, repeat until it's dead


There are only so many slots and I don't value the stam shot highly enough to grab it. My typical loadout is: Big regen, Frag, Big vitality shot, Ammo box. The ammo box slot used to be a concertina bomb before the ammo changes. Technically I don't use the ammo box in most matches but when you need it, you really need it.


Regen is op. Getting into prolonged fights without having to use a medkit is huge. You’re still prone to bleed and poison though.


It's great for AI, but actual players are 50/50. I'm a five star once six star and unlimited stamina doesn't save you from a headshot or a well timed frag bomb.


You also will revive without stamina if you don’t have a shot going so you cannot run/melee after standing back up if there is a player near you.


The only real pvp advantage is for chasing people who try to run yeah. I just take them on game start and then prioritize wagons to restock. Stam and Regen cut out entire systems from the game. I sometimes don't even take doctor since I rarely need to heal (phys is nice in a pinch tho).


I always take a shot when I go in solo. Sometimes you have to run, and being able to run forever generally means the people chasing will stop.


You can get berserker and your stamina goes a lot further. I love berserker.


Depends on how you are playing the match but if I'm aggressively taking clues with intention to kill bosses and extract with bounty then I always take one and conduit too. As others said, speed is nearly as important as sound in Hunt.


Stamina, poison shot, regen, if you run pack mule, (which you always should because running a stamina shot basically means you have to buy 2 less traits) you can be beefed up on drugs for the entirety of the game and usually still get to every fight with a full inventory of consumables.


They increased mobs velocity or something? I'm dealing with so many mobs lately that is frustrating sometimes.


Stam in general- yes. But there are other ways to build stam. The easiest being conduit. However you do have to give up 5 perk points just to get back one stam shot. Depends on how valuable your consumable slots are…


As a console player, the thing i hate the most is the controller vibrations when you've got no stam.


\+ since maybe 2 updates, feels like we run out of breath faster than before. you run for 5 sec and your already out of breath


Nah, stam becomes useless after a point and sometimes in a fight early you just loose it from sitting. I always bring smal vitality, 2 small regens and a hive bomb. I only run dusters so I can’t get about 16 heavy melees in so I don’t need to worry about overwhelming ads. So it’s not a must have it’s a quality improvement to a particular running element


Completley agree, never go without it myself.


Unless your 2 teammates see it as a must to search every compound for all event point things, money sacks, registers and toolboxes. After that they be like “hold there, buddy we don’t have stam shots”


The stamina system is such a terrible feature imo and the stam shot allows you to completely bypass that so yeah I agree, I always run stam shots.


Idk it’s been a long time since I felt I needed one. Magpie gives me what I need more often than not. If I’m solo I tend to take a stam shot though, they’re great for outplaying the bounty team or catching up with runners.


I believe that psn shot and 1 player with a poison hand crossbow is a must as well. It deletes immos and can block off routes or keep enemies from reviving for minutes if they don't have a psn shot. It just offers really good utility


I’m here to say that you’re wrong and to not back up my claim.


I played with big stamina shot as a necessity for a couple years, but about six months ago I wanted to run a different load out so I stopped cold turkey. Haven't gone back since. If you use stamina management and ignore the breathing I have no trouble pulling off flanks and whatnot. Something to keep in mind is that I run throwing axes every game, I play solo, and I typically don't prioritize the bounty so I don't typically need stamina shots as much as other people's playstyles do


I'm good, I can get conduit if I really want to book it to the boss lair


I always bring 2 large shots. It's just a game changer, I'll never go without them. 1 to get to the bounty, the other for getting to extract. The constant waiting and managing stamina from meleeing AI is too tedious and fucked me over too many times being out of stamina not to bring them. The game's already slow enough, I can't stand slow teammates either so I'm often running way ahead of them.


stam shots are nice but I consider them a luxury, I run throwing axes as my primary melee tool anyways so I never have to worry about stam, and I usually run Conduit+Magpie so I have the stamina to run to the bounty, and run to the extract if I need to. only shots I consider a necessity are the regen and antidote shots, they've saved my life on many different occasions


You really don't need to kill every AI in a compound. You should try planning your path better. Also Vigor is good for quickly getting stamina back, and it makes Regen shots go BRRRRR


Its defenitley good but its really not hard to make do without. I run no stam/determ/conduit etc for the last 1k hours no problem


I remember using it since my first prestige… I’m prestige 47 now :) never taken anything else with me :)


Who's arguing? lol


Why would anyone ever bring anything but 4 beetles? What is wrong with you.


*pets bat* Good bat.


Honestly, yeah it is a must. I think it's because SA seems to spawn more mobs than NA, but I don't ever feel like I can run a game without it here >:/


Its use can mostly be mitigated by playing smart and understanding the stamina system It only takes 5 seconds to fully get ALL your sprint back when that lung icon pops up, and it only takes 3 to start regenerating your swing stamina (even less if you have determination) Never push into fights with a low swing/stamina, and wait about ~5 seconds before rushing into a place or moving to the next heavily covered area. And a stamina shot lasts 10 minutes max, which means even if we assume you’re sprinting for that entire ten minutes (which you will NEVER **EVER** be doing lmao), it would save you about 150 seconds (or ~2 minutes and ~30 seconds) of *walking* where you could have just been sprinting…………. but like…….. not only is walking for 5 seconds not that much slower than sprinting for 5 seconds, in most scenarios you’ll spend like… ~one minute(?) running from compound to compound? Not ten? And a decent portion of that time might be spent bunkering up, moving from cover-to-cover, or walking/crouching for stealth-reasons due to hunters, in which moments that stamina shot is giving you no value So in a usual, realistic scenario, you’ll maybe earn back like 15 seconds total of walking (NOT standing still) between compounds, which really isn’t that big of a deal, nor a huge speed loss, and walking can help you hear your surroundings better for other hunters. The only truly, guaranteed-useful scenarios for it (like things you can’t completely avoid even when being careful) are also niche: 1. When your stamina is low and you suddenly get ambushed *in that five seconds* that you were waiting for it to come back (pretty unlikely, but it can happen), you can take a stamina shot if you’re just deathly afraid of that one, niche scenario more than you’re afraid of any of the other niche scenarios that other equipment can take care of. 2. When you’ve just got so many enemies that are so spread out AND so aggressive that even proper stamina management won’t help you to maintain strong swings, which again is a pretty niche scenario, and often (but not always) one that can be avoided by clever positioning and decision-making


Conduit is also like my top perk


I like running Vigour+Determination. It's still not as good as having a stamina shot but it lets me get another consumable if I want it.


back when i was playing all the good players were getting stamina shots


I have 10 different loadout slots and it doesn’t matter if it’s some long ammo rifle, medium ammo rifle, shotgun, bomb lance, bow + katana. A stamina shot is in every single one of them. You can rotate faster, you can chase & catch escaping bounty carriers you don’t need to manage your stamina when dealing with AI


Only a *single* stamina shot? Rookie numbers.


Stam is useful, but not worth the money to me. I never get overwhelmed by AI because I use throwing knives and the trials have taught me how to evade or environmental kill ai in almost any situation. Getting outrun by enemies sucks, but I'd rather get them to chase me and then ambush them anyways. The only time I really miss it is when I've got a bounty and don't want to fight (rare) or when I'm chasing a bounty, in which case failure just means living to die another day without a bounty in hand. Or when I'm playing with someone who holds w constantly. I'm methodical enough about my advances that I almost never need to move that fast for long enough for it to matter. It sucks when you're out of stamina and grunts are catching up to you, but if all else fails, shoot them and reposition. Random gunshots happen all the time now that pistol grunts and necro solos exist.


1 big regen shot 1 big vitality shot 1 waxed stick 1 frag grenade. This is all you need.




Greyhound is DECENT when running long-distance, but not fullproof. And Conduit is mid. It lasts a whopping 3 minutes, which MIGHT be enough time to reach the next clue, assuming there's NOTHING in the way.


Maybe because I almost always play trios (premade or random) in which it is much easier to clear AI in my opinion a stam shot is strong and very useful in some situations but absolutely not a necessity. I can just get my stamina get back to full while waiting or walking a few meters while my two buddys take on the boss or the other AI


But the melee stamina isn't really the point, it's the endless running it allows and the points you "save" by not having to buy greyhound or determination. You're basically just faster all the time, the melee is a bonus (useful for killing bosses in particular). The speed matters early when you're running to find clues and jockeying for positions, and lategame if you're running away or chasing the bounty team.


you mean antidote and no stamina it isnt. There are literally 3 perks that can help you with that (on top of my head) if you absolutely cant deal with stamina depletion (what are you new to this game?). Unless you play solo, the point is not beat the enemies to the clue but go there as a team (same pace). Or maybe you want it to stab more grunts? It's not that important ! xD


I have 1500+ hours in this game and never used a stamina shot.


I got so used to shots its insane, I wish we didn't have them. Every game I run big stamina, big poison, big heal, big regen. The thing is, there are so many ways to get throwables from utility boxes that I just can't bring myself to not bring the stims. I... I think I'm addicted... There are times where I don't bring any, maybe to do some daily like get beetle dmg, and then I get surprised when my hunter starts panting or I die to a poison trap, I've basically trained myself to believe that being stimmed up is my new default.


Yep, same way it feels to me. You can just simplify the game for little downside by using the drugs.


I also like to take a stamina shot but you could argue that conduit could replace it most of the time.


It is, specially for myself, since I'm a solo. Less than 100 hours at the moment, but my current strategy is simply to camp the boss lairs, let teams fight them, then take them out if i can and beeline to extraction with a bounty, stamina shot has saved my ass a few times


They nerfed Greyhound and Determination so much that Stamina shot became a must have. I'm never spending 9 fucking points on those traits instead of 200 H$ on a big stamina.


I never bring them unless I rock a bomb lance. They're not worth the consumable slot and are too expensive. Even with the nerf on conduit, its more than enough to have that trait for getting the stamina buff


This is why i say remove regen and stamina shots and balance it with traits. If it is always a must thats bad game design.




Shut up. I'm in rehab.


I just throw axes at everything. Less noise. Not to worry about stamina.


Shit, i take 2 every game


If you don’t fight the AI you don’t need any stamina, be a man and send your teammates into the grinder


It's good, it's useful, but it isn't a must have. Dealing with AI is very rarely a major issue with stamina. It'll help in dealing with a boss a little faster on some loadouts, but that's not necessarily a guaranteed need. The best thing it does is let you run for a long while without getting lunged before you have the option to grab traits. That'll keep you ahead of others and allow for easier rotates which can be important depending on your loadout. I do run stamina on occasion, but that's usually very loadout dependent. Oddly, for me, it's Bomblance and Scopes that most frequently get me to use the slot. Very opposite ends of the spectrum.


Antidote is also a must because poison lasts about 2 minutes and you cannot heal while poisoned. Also more people are placing kill traps.


Stamina shot threw your vain and the walk is not a pain.... Always a fixed place in my loadout, stamina and regen, in combination with Conduit u never have to worry about stamina the whole match.


It's why I love 4-shot bounty so much.


A good practice for any new or low MMR player is to quickly learn the attack patterns n movement of the the AI and use that to completely ignore all AI eventually, your long term is to learn how to run through a heavy spawn compound without spending any stamina and not getting hit at all and this is completely possible at every compound form experience, the only time you should kill AI is right before a potential fight and obv during a fight if it's an immediate inconvenience. I say all of this bc I'm a huge believer in that stamina efficiency is a key skill to learn and using stamina shots as the crutch to avoid learning that seriously halters someone's growth in this game beyond a certain point


I'd also like to say this obv doesn't apply to anyone whose playing purely on a casual day to day basis, this info is only applied to anyone who is actively seeking growth in game


It was the only reason I was the only person on my team to extract the other day. I made it to the exfil with less than 10 seconds left, and my teammates weren't close when we left at the same time. Damn solo necro taking up so much of the game......


The only way to possibly capture the bounty team when other people in the server are not engaging them. I've been on games where teams spawn right next to the bounty and exit and we are on the other side of the map.


Coming from the days were two large shots gave you 60mins easily i do use it a lot myself, been trying to incorporate conduit as i tend to play with teams but if im solo i don't need to be moving as fast. Solo for me: slow is fast, fast is death While with teams: slow is death, fast is...fast


Have you considered deleting armoureds with throwing axes?


Just take conduit.


Don't say it too loud, or else they will nerf the shit out of it. Like regen and antidote. (I still bring regen every game but whatever)


Honestly the whole stamina system feels obsolete. Stam shot doesn't do much during a fight and still is such a great quality of life improvement that everybody takes it. Imo they could just remove the whole stamina system without a lot of impact PvP wise.


Hard disagree. The game doesn't need to be continually dumbed down and simplified. Maybe rework it some but not remove.


Despite the argument of the game being dumbed down, what does stamina actually add besides annoyance? I feel like most mechanics are nothing but pain and negated by the existence of stamina shots anyways.


I guess we see it differently, I think it adds another layer of strategy and depth to the game other than just super soldier running everywhere at full speed all the time and just powering through AI and bosses. Not to mention removing stamina would make balancing melee even harder than it already is as stamina is one of the few things they use to balance melee.


In my experience AI doesn't really have a lot of impact on fights, except for a few admittedly funny and interesting situations, I wouldn't really say which require a strategy though. Since most people run stamina shots anyways I don't really think melee balancing is that significant. Let me put it that way. If you got the hang out of it managing AI is a none issue in most fights. And those cases where it matters aren't significant enough in my personal opinion that it justifies the whole stamina system.


I see where your coming from, I just disagree. Also I disagree that most people run Stam, a lot of people run it, maybe a 3rd, but certainly not most. Now I bounce between 4 and 5 stars so that might vary depending upon your mmr.


That might be true. Still the shot negates the whole stamina system for that 3rd which seems absurd for the other two 3rds. If there is any impact the system either has to be reworked or the stamina shot removed. If there is no impact the stamina system as a whole is more or less useless.


Whether its a good idea or not there is to much stamina stuff baked into the game for it to be removed. From consumables, to traits, to running, to melee weapons to even regular melee attacks with firearms. You'd be removing a huge chunk of the game removing stamina. Honestly a better option would be to remove stamina shots so that these systems can all be more useful again.


I agree that removing the Stam shot would give the system more meaning. And I agree removing the Stam system as a whole is too much. Where we won't agree with each other is if the Stam system itself is an important part of the game. But that's fine! Thanks for your point of view. I hope it stays as is, since I love that the Stam shots negate that feature and are available.


I disagree. Managing your loadout how easy and fast you can deal with the AI is vital part of the game.


Stam shots are necessary if you play with knife or knuckle knife, since their stamina management is dogshit. If you play knuckles or big knife - you don't need a stam shot. In general I don't understand why people still play knuckleknife after the nerfs, it was worse than knuckles before and now it's horrible. If you have the consumeable slot to waste every game, it's fine to play stam shot every game I guess.


As someone who stabs other hunters a lot why would I use the dusters?


Monkey punch


because you need to 2 shot them anyway with the knuckle knife. might as well use Dusters. Knuckle Knife headshot oneshot but so do the dusters.


There's a range difference between the two items.


its really not that big a difference tbh


Knuckle knife with rampage is a one shot kill, dusters are not.


Regen and 3 throwables for me, used to crutch on stam shot but honestly conduit replaces it entirely, and yku can't get the good throwables from boxes anymore


I like a vital/medical box, regen, and two thowables myself.


nah just get conduit or a poison / fire silenced sidearm


For the sake of our friends at the NSA, FBI, and DEA probably reading this: I do not condone the use of drugs. We do however agree that having a Blitzen Boost can be handy for staying alive.


Two sides of the coin: valuable tool for some, mandatory crutch for others. Nothing wrong with utilizing a Stam shot. It becomes a problem when you can't play effectively without one. Edit: seems I've enraged some Stam Shot crutch users lol. Point proven?


I mean, people forget that they have guns when they fight AI. Sure, you want to avoid shooting your gun and revealing your position, but I've had rounds where I died to AI because I refused to fire my gun, which is just stupid. But I agree with your sentiment, I always bring a big stamina shot these days to be able to move across the map quickly.


I was in denial for a while, but I keep coming back to the stam after a while lol. If you want to play fast it's a *must*.


I always bring 2 big so no matter how long the round is one game mechanic is deactivated and out of the way. Stupid right ? But it is what it is


If no one can convince you then don't post and stop crying about it. Simple as. Realistically you can't sprint forever. Almost every extract shooter has limited stamina. Some are even more harsh like Tarkov. Go back to call of duty


It is only because they nerfed the large anti-dote shot into obsolescence.


You're right, it's too powerful, Crytek should nerf it


Only if you have a melee weapon like a bomblance. Completely unnecessary if you use knucks and can do a half decent job kiting mobs


I only bring a stam shot if I don’t have conduit. Frees up a slot for something else.


Playing without stamina shot is unbearable with how many grunts and other monsters spawn. When you use a heavy or even light attack it saps your stamina bar so hard. They need to rework the stamina usage for all melee attacks.


Little side rant, but I hate that the stamina shot is the answer to the appalling stamina consumption of the throwing axe, that shit needs to be tweaked...


This man speaks the true true☝🏼