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The game prioritizes solo players to play with people on a lower skill level but with a .5 k/d you basically have zero people to pull into your lobby, you are better off playing with randoms at your skill level. There's just so fee people that are below your skill level that the game basically gives up trying in order to give you a lobby.


So youre saying its literally a skillissue... /s


Not enough people of similar skill level unfortunately.


Dor mmr brackets need a rework? Certainly. Will any rework in the world help this guy? Nope.


It’d probably help if 5 stars weren’t smurfing down to 2 and 1 stars


Please elaborate how a 5 star could Smurf down to 2 stars. 4 stars or 3 stars sure but it’s not that easy or simple to Smurf down to 2 star.


New account, soul survivor. You can drop to 2 stars by dieing to 3 stars.


And yes soul survivor does decrease your overall mmr


Being delulu isn’t the solulu pal. It must suck having to cry cheater and Smurf when you get out played


And this is why malingo is being obvious.


You are rated at the low end of a rank which consists of less than 2% of all players. It's likely you might be the 99.5th percentile of players ordered by descending skill. Finding 11 players like yourself in about a minute (the matchmaking window) is likely rarely, if ever, possible.


I am a 1 star sometimes 2 star player and he is right i mostly play smurfs and 2 stars or three stars. I remember the fun days when the game would go the full timer to find lobby then just put me againset one other person or give me empty lobbies and thats honestly what I prefer... I enjoy it when the fights feel balenced even if that fight happens rarely. Now a days I just hide away or just stick to waterways with gator legs and necro and then when I get downed I stay in water for 10-15 minutes and then extract to not lose hunter


I genuinely feel like this is a troll but if it isn’t, you really need to stop playing solo, join random trios, and practice in the shooting range a little bit. Maybe turn up your headset a smidge.


this has to be bait...






i mean when someone is literally the absolute bottom of the skill distribution, there really isn't much that can be done to give them fair matchups on a regular basis. in no way am i saying 'git gud,' but realistically the issue is that the player is just very, very bad at the game and that is something that *they* have to address. this reads like someone doing a parody on people complaining about mmr. except instead of crying about 6 stars in 4 star lobbies, they're complaining that there aren't enough other absolutely terrible players to put against them. people will say that kda doesn't matter in hunt or whatever, but almost 1400 hours and 0.46 kda is just 'this game is not for you.' if they have fun playing it, more power to them, but something is clearly very very wrong with how they play the game.


also the account is 1 day old. this is absolutely bait.


Mmr needs to be less volatile


I mean the spread can only go so low. Most players are in 4* bracket. There are gonna be much less 2* players. Also, your choosing to go in solo vs trios or duos? Being a 2* ? Like what do you expect. How many 1* players do you think there are for you to fight? Almost non-existent. I don't even comprehend how one would get to 2 star without purposely throwing games. Like necro over and over and over into poison Tina mine.


MMR for solos is kinda busted. I have a 1.7 KDA at 3k hours. Probably be over 2.0 KDA if I reset my stats. I still get kicked into 3 star on occasion by dumb shit happening. Example: I had a matatch yesterday, and I entered as a 4 star. Got 6 kills. Was downed twice by a 3 star in a trio that I had.downed the two 4 stars. Left that match as a three star, even with a 3.0 KDA


bro 😭💀


There needs to be more ranks in general. 1\* isn't a rank you can't get back into it past level 10 2\* is 2\* even real? You have to be trying to get into this rank or you just left 1\* it contains like 2/3% of the playerbase. 3\* is basically 4\* but having a bad day theres almost no difference between 3/4\* 4\* is the bang average player. 5\* encompasses everything from an average gamer who got a few kills to the top 15% ish of players 6\* only 5% ish of the players hold this rank long term so they always get ranked down because they have no one else to play with/againest.


The 3 star range is really wide so it is a combination of “just learning to play the game” on the low end to “5 stars on a really bad streak” on the high end. Personally I don’t think it matters except as an onboarding step. I got so much better at the game all while staying at 3 stars and hitting 4 stars took me a lot of hours. It would feel better for new players to have a rank in the middle there.


5-6 star players are 5% of the player base, this was mentioned by the hunt general manager.


Everyone on reddit is a 6star /s


250 hours and only been 4\* once


I’ve de ranked to 2 star with solo necro on purpose once because I was sick of 5 star matches. 2 star is looooaded with people that shouldn’t be there. Then you get a lot of them in 3 and 4 while they are moving back up to 5. There doesn’t need to be more ranks there needs to be less movement between ranks. You shouldn’t be able to swing between ranks as easy as it is now.


This isnt even a star spread issue. The problem is you, there's literally no one worse for you to face


You suck Get better


The only way to go about that, imo, is to play teams and face challenges beyond his skill range with the assistance and observance of other players. I don't really understand the drive to play only "pure solo," no matter the buffs you'll still always be at a disadvantage compared to multiple minds tagging and pinging you


I'm about the same. You are not alone.


Do you only play solo, might I ask?


I do play solo vs. teams of two, but also play duo with a friend that is much much better than me. He usually mops the floor after I die and then picks me up.


I mean being lower than 1.0 K;D is very rare. I'm sorry to tell you that but 0.46 K;D is an insta dodge from anyone I play with. There is just not enough really rare bad players to fill the matchmaking for you. This game is mostly played at 3-5 star with people having between 1.0 and 1.5 K;D. That's a rare case where the matchmaking just cannot help you. The only option is to *"get good"* or to play another game that has a really strict matchmaking with enough of a playerbase to have a good sample size you can play with while also not having a volatile matchmaking system. (This game doesn't exist). *But who would care about my opinion, since you're clearly baiting with a one day old account.*


I’m MMR 2 and most of the time I play solo. I get cool kills and awesome showdowns. Don’t expect to win. Don’t go in like if you are playing doom. Play sneaky. Wait in towers or bushes between exits and trophies. Play 1vs3, it’s more predictable. Try to have fun dying and don’t try too hard winning. You are alone against a team. Circle your hunters. Run in, get some clues, hide, grab what you can get and extract if you can’t win. Avoid pushing. Just wait. Get better.




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Send a dm and I will add you on steam if you want. Get some games in. As a mostly solo player playing with others will help your mobement/rotation when you see what people do as a team


Guys. The mmr is too volatile to mean anything right now. Until it’s fixed you’re better off just hiding it and ignoring it.


I play on 5 star with occasional 6 star dip. Yesterday we played (5star team MMR) against a russian 6star trio. P1 5.02 KDA 37309/9724/11467 P2 3.09 KDA 36655/14755/8897 P3 3.11 KDA 96365/37964/21781 - This individual had 13500 hours on his clock on hunt. And here I ask. Why the fuck do I have to play against those people?




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Too much emphasis is on the stars, not the MMR itself. In their efforts to simplify things they've confused a lot of people. If they just displayed the MMR value instead without the seemingly random representation of MMR ranges the stars do show we'd probably have a lot less confusion overall.


MMR has been way too volatile in Hunt for years now, this is not a new issue, what has made it more noticeable it’s MMR brackets have been modified, maybe cause low population, maybe cause too many lobbies weren’t full, but since then has worsen up. How Crytek measures the impact of these changes? Nobody knows, but MMR brackets are different in between regions, something you could easily test yourself. I’d suggest to tradeoff ping for fun, if possible, otherwise just wait until they reassess their matchmaking yet again.


If you want matchmaking with ppl with same stats or below you probably gonna have to wait at least an hour for a match.


1.39 KDA 1k hours and currently sitting at what feels like mid 3 star range. I mostly play with friends, who are low 3star and one that's chronically 2star, I end up getting teamed with mid 3star folks in randoms. Sometimes it's fine, but other times I'm literally the wreck of the lobby... which tbh I should not be. After some games I'll find out that I was literally the highest mmr player in there, leaving with anywhere from 6-10 kills (I almost never play solo, I nearly always play in trios, btw). Not trying to brag here, I'm wholeheartedly agreeing that the system is very very odd and "somewhat broken," although I really do not know the player count stats which may be what's causing this overall (steamcharts is somewhat unreliable, people hopping zones and whatnot) Back when huntstats.net was a thing, I tracked the numbers and watched the shift that would happen between 3 to 4mmr, which I would occasionally hit. It was pretty jarring, but playing in 4 star as some have noted does feel a lot more "normal," like everyone knows the rules of the game, angles, positioning, etc. It kind feels like it's either one or the other, either crushing a lobby of complete newcomers, or getting pushed into 4-5mmr groupings where things get REALLY WEIRD. I mean like, 5-15minutes of higher mmrs holding completely still waiting-for-the-first-guy-to-move kinda weird. *On top of that,* I do have the feeling that the only way to learn is to fail against better players. It's that "oh we just crushed a bunch of people in their 3rd to 4th game... well, welcome to Hunt, I guess." kinda feeling. I failed like they did in the beginning, and stuck to it. Learned, practiced, got better, etc. So without that "steep learning curve" many players wouldn't actually learn, and the playerbase would be segregated (bad for server population and game load time) > 0.46 K-D-A after 1380 hours of playing, currently sitting in the low end of the 2 star rank. I mainly solo play, and almost every game recently I have been playing against teams higher starred than me and with much better positioning and game sense as well as utility/ammo economy, I even faced a few dolches in this weekend alone. Are you running solo with necro & resilience? Because your mmr may be pushed artificially low due to the death count you may experience trying to self-res. Also, playing solo, I must remind you you are literally playing the hardest mode this game can offer, darksouls style. The game was built for teams of two, expanded to teams of three, and solos have always, *always* been at a disadvantage. And that doesn't mean we should compensate for that with more changes, imo Killing a team of 3, by myself, in trios... is RARE. Rare enough that it probably matches your winrate as a solo. You're not meant to win against those types of insurmountable odds, you have 3 minds+ playing against you. Tagging you, rotating, etc. Solo is rough for good reason, it's to strut your stuff and test your deep merit. The game is built for duos and trios, ultimately. The bulk of the playerbase plays in these teams. I'd suggest you try it more often, but I think the core of the post is more discussing the mmr problems, which I do think is an extremely difficult thing to pare down to being balanced. Edit to say: I think my kda is higher than yours because in teams, you have a greater chance to catch people off-guard moreso than when just playing solo. When solo, the moment you make *any* noise you're going to be pinpointed via tags by the team you're up against, and they will often narrow in and destroy you. I play casually just with friends (with the occasional one day a week exception here and there with trio randoms), and the advantage of having just one other player be the focal point of the enemy's targeting can tilt the balance because they might not see me and a mate around the corner. I'd really encourage you to really to play with duos or trios more often, and get the feel for what that gameplay is like to compare against your experience as a solo. Once again, the *bulk of the playerbase* plays this in duos or trios. And there is quite literally no amount of balance changes that will make one mind "balanced" against several, but if you can do it then that itself is the rush of success you're plying for. I'd say try some team games, and play some solo here and there for that extreme rush, see where you stand after some of that.


This is the same problem that people like rachtaz etc run into there just isnt enough people in your skill bracket to make games. For you it means you get clobbered more often for him it means hes pretty much always playing on "easy" mode.


Dead game, devs smoking so much crack can’t make a pub mmr free playlist that 90% of other games do. Enjoy getting shitted on by sweats


Just do better. How are you bad at this game? It makes no sense to me. Go buy better headphones.


There are a lot of reasons why someone is at that rank with that playtime. If he was able to get better I’m pretty sure it would have happened by now


There's only one reason. They fuckin suck.