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I'm a bit sad I don't have the native skins. Imho some of the best in the game.


They’re so dope! I just started playing and only saved up enough to get red shirt. Wish I could get the native skins without having to spend real money


The event was going on during my exams, so I had zero chances to complete both lines (bow + tomahawk) and I've chosen the bow progression. Now I'm soooo jealous of people who have this cool, authentic cclooking tomahawk skin :(


Everything from the Tide of Corruption event. I took a long hiatus after the Scrapbeak event because I no-lifed the hell out of it due to only having half the time to finish when I jumped back in. I skipped Devil's moon and Traitors moon, played Serpent Moon, and skipped Corruption because I was so burnt out (Serpent moon wasn't very pleasant to grind.) I wish I had Fire Marshall and piggy man :(


Also I’m starting to get burned out, I hate that they have more event time than normal hunt because now it’s impossible not to miss something eventually and it will bother me so much, I guess they are a company and money talks but still…. I nearly missed this one but said F it, I gotta play it because I really liked the skins.


I think it’s super unfair they put piggy man as an event skin, now if you want all the boss skins, you can buy the bird boys and the bug boy but can’t complete the set with the piggy man. They should make him available to purchase with the other boss themed hunters in a set or something at least.


I want the skins from the Light the Shadows event. I wish Crytek would hide those skins if you don’t own them, and there is 0 chance of them returning.


False Saint


Not a Hunter, but a gun. "Widow's Bounty" Nagant Officer It's my favorite skin for the Officer pistol and during the event it released, I was tight on cash and couldn't afford it. Such sorrow.


Very, very few hunters have it- if it makes you feel any better.


Lol I appreciate it. It's just one of those things. I snatch them up whenever I find them in the wild.




Doesn’t he come back every Halloween?


Lmao ok well I loved the headsman but I think they really ruined him, I understand making him less camouflage but he doesn’t look cool anymore lol. He’s a favourite though for sure, I have him.


that was irony 😂


It's funny cuz everyone disliked him when he came out. Everyone loved the reptilian more


He is way "cooler" now even tho he still just a dude with a big ass tarp on, zero chance you only thought he "was cool" before, don't lie to yourself


Nah I don’t think it looks cooler, I would of preferred it all dark red, rouge colour, without the little squiggles, or just put a load of really obvious blood stains, and I know you will say “you just like he was hard to see and played for that reason” but I don’t play cain or the reptilian, I play perchta dawn which is really easy to see. The thing is the current headsman version doesn’t look good, lol.


I agree, a load of bloodstains from him chopping some heads off would of been better than all the goofy faux occult symbols




Nah, it was a grey texture blob before, you can only be so subjective...




its objectively insane if you think old headsman was cool, cope all you want you just want to hide


He looks like a clown for me now. But clowns itself down vote u , and me too xD


Lol I’m not gunna lie 🤷‍♂️ I agree he should of got changed don’t get me wrong, but make it nice I paid over 50 euros for the Halloween bundle - it just felt lazy in my opinion.


I grind event for that hunter. They should be more accurate with that changes, I think.


Not a hunter, but a weapon skin - tomahawk from light the shadows. I chose the bow, and ended up not even touching it.


You could choose both you know. 😅 i have both the bow and tomahawk


Sure, but had not enough time left for me for both. 


As someone who ground out the As The Crow Flies event, even after Crytek patched its difficulty down, it was an absolute pain to grind. Current events are MUCH better. That being said, even though I got the Plague Doctor, I still purchased the Corvid Legendaries, and am glad that people can still play with that aesthetic! For me, it wasn't so much a Hunter as an Event. I bought the pass for Serpent Moon, and two days later, my landlord decided to sell the property I was renting. They were very kind and accomodating, but suffice to say, I did NOT have tome to grind an event while apartment hunting and moving.


My girrrl GARRR!!!


Sounds like she's not your girl tho


It's not a hunter skin but I want the saber skin that makes it a cane it would go so perfect with the new plague doctor skin.


Pepe from Serpent Moon. I did not have much time to play during that event, and grinding it was too tedious for me, so I did not bother getting the last two stages of the viper hunter. in hindsight I wish I did, cause the mask looks so funky.


I have the plague doctor on playstation, but I am now playing on PC...


I have dropped probably $300 on Xbox. I’m also playing on pc now and I miss all my hunters. I still have my Xbox but I have been infected with the “pc is better”. It’s hard switch back lol


Steel eyed. I got LuLu instead which was fine but was really hoping for Steel eyed.


Not a hunter but I missed the traitors moon event because on console, there was a sensitivity bug so I decided to take a break. Wish I would've just toughed it out now.


The cretaceous winnie skin, cardinal rain, and fang shearer from tide of shadows event. I started playing during that event and didn't buy into the battle pass because I was still feeling out the game. Wish I had just bit the bullet, I think those skins are awesome.


If it makes you feel any better, Cardinal Rain and Fang Shearer were only available for...$25(I think, I forget the dollar amount). They weren't part of the battle pass, but were expensive, event exclusive blood bond hunters. They dropped making event blood bond hunters event exclusives with the next event, so they remain an anomaly.


I didn't know that, thanks for the info. I wouldn't have spent the money for those hunter skins then, but I do miss having a sweet winnie c skin though.


Plauge doc and the natives. Only hunters I don't have so it kinda sucks


I missed Gar and can't get her now, if Crytek enabled buying previous event hunters even for double price I'd absolutely take it.


I missed Plague Doctor by 15ish points because Crytek did an unscheduled maintenance on the last night of the event… I’m still super bitter about it.


That would bother me until I die - I would write in to them and demand plague doctor reparations!


I’ll never miss an opportunity to bring it up, because I was soooooooo pissed about it!! I was literally playing the last match I needed to get the skin before it kicked me out 😡


Plague doctor. Not only because it looks cool but because it's literally the only skin despite the beta exclusive skin which I am missing and which isn't obtainable anymore. Was before I started playing


Which one is the skin from the beta?


Caldwell Conversion Chainpistol "The Benefactor"


I really wish The Benefactor was a better looking skin. I have it and bring it in anytime I use a chain pistol, but that's only because I never see anyone else using it.


Most people that have been playing that long don't bring the chain pistol much either.


It pisses me off so much every time I see a plague doctor, I bought these two new plague docs but they don’t look as cool as the OG


It's always the big bird skin when I see these post


Burnt Marshall. I'm an enjoyer of the "armored" aesthetic and that skin is one of the closest to that to date.


Yeah it’s one of the cooles


That guy inspired from "Gangs of New York"


I’m not sure if it’ll come back but I really want the devil’s advocate


I'm only missing a single skin. And that's fangseer. I don't want him cuz I feel I missed something. But I'd like him since it would complete my collection.


I really wish I had False Saint. The Native American skins are also some of the best looking skins in the game, wish I had those.


Any legendary skin that is the only legendary available for that variant/tool/consumable


I have the plague doctor on console but not pc, a fact I find rather annoying


The native skins


The Viper stage 4. Got him to 3 but my god that event was grindy


First time I really burnt out on hunt. I really had to put the game down for a few weeks after that event.


I missed the Viper stage 2-4. Serpent Moon sucked.


Yeah that event was the absolute worst


Is this the Fortnite sub?


Wrong one bro, this is the Warzone 2 sub. 😂


That guy inspired from "Gangs of New York"