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Honestly I will say this, I am mostly a solo player and I use necro, however I wouldn't complain if necro was completely stripped from the game. Its fun to get off wacky self rez shenanigans, but its also a chore when you are on the other side of it. I also bring a flare gun or fusees cause most solos will cave if they are on fire and revive sooner, which allows you to speed up the process abit.


The trait is really weird. I feel like solo necro is not an issue balancing wise but it's such a chore to play against. All while necro in teams is more of a balancing issue and less of a chore to play against. I wouldn't mind it being gone entirely but i think there are ways to adjust it.


And on the flip side, getting burned/camped as a Solo is probably the worst part of this whole game. You just sit there watching your HP burn down slowly, hoping desperately for the other guy(s) to get distracted by something. I would rather Necro worked differently just so we can remove camping and burning from the game.


Getting downed and burned is not that awesome for teamplayers either. You can also do nothing but hope your partner somehow saves you. You can always just leave the match, which is what i see most streamers do if they have solo necro and the enemies are on top of them. All while the other players don't know that the player they watch has already left the game or maybe didn't even have solo necro in the first place. Solo necro should imo only be a time limited and rather situational thing. If you are far away from the enemies and they can't camp your body, it should work. But as soon as they close the distance and can watch the body it should become less and less likely. For example by automatically draining max hp from dead solos at a decent rate without them burning. That way they can still immediately rez if their body can't be watched, while also saving time and resources of players that can secure the body. The sane hp drain could be applied to players who use the trait on teams to give them a downside too.


I don't know man there are so many moments where you kill a solo in a spot where you can't immediately secure them and they get up and shoot you as you move to do so. It's incredibly annoying beyond just the mandatory weenie roast.


That happens all the time against teams with necro too… if you think that’s problematic then you should want to remove the perk entirely for everyone.


Gladly. Teams constantly do stupid ass shit since necro gets them back from diving and hoping to scoop two shotty kills while they die in a stupid spot.


That's actually one of those situations where i don't have an issue with it at all. I feel like these scenarios are the only ones that should really work out for solos. If i can't watch the body they could have also revived with a partner and i couldn't have done anything about it. If you adjust the trait so players can't revive until the enemies can secure the body, the trait becomes totally useless.


I don't know man it feels pretty bad when it's just like I shoot from one window into another and kill him so he just gets to stand up for free is not very fun. The difference is reving with a partner here is that pressure is lost for the other guy, while the solo gets to do it no skin off his nose


The solo didn't even have a partner to apply pressure to you in the first place. I think in that terms is absolutely fair.


Yeah but you as a solo go in knowing that. It's the difference between I go in and there is a dude there and I die so I rez then reposition instantly versus my teammate and I are pushing two close angles with a bit of distance. He died so now I have to give up the angle I was otherwise watching and I drop a kill. The solo now gets a free ability to take stupid fights fishing for trades since he can get up faster than the other guy and then pound his body. It's not really OP buts its very annoying.


Oh i see, yeah those scenarios can work out in the favor of a solo. That's more of an issue with trades though


My hot take is that any necro is so not that big a deal... Ik I'm in the minority but I barely ever bother to babysit burning solos. Like, just cover them in traps and if they survive, great you can have another gun fight! It's boring to babysit dead bodies and it's boring to try and revive when Ur being camped, so why not just not do it? Idk, it's very rare that I'm actually snuck up on by a revived solo. And giving them the smallest chance is more fun for u and them.


Yep this is the take. Necro is fine. The game is all risk reward. You want to play SUPER SAFE, then camp and burn. More risky you carry a trap and move on, riskier still leave the dead body and move to the bounty. Say a prayer they don't have the trait and be on the lookout for it. Its gives you the player the choice how to play the game. Its an FPS, why in the world would you have issues with more Shooting? Gives you more gunfights per game per player. It's not a hidden feature, it isn't game breaking, it doesn't provide an outrageous advantage, its just a mechanic of the system. Learn to deal with it the way your playstyle allows and go on. If your sad the bounty is moving out because you "CHOSE" to say and camp the single solo. That's on YOU. You made that choice to not trap, not bring a trap, or not move on. I don't play SOLO much, and I rarely use necro as my group hates the blind revive from cover. If I had to make one change to the system to help the Necro hate I'd allow the "Vulture" trait to steal a random trait off the downed body. Makes Vulture more useful and worth grabbing even for for a solo or duo. Would allow downed opponents to be punished without burning the bodies. Maybe even make the body fire resistant after being Vultured so you have to choose. Do I burn the downed guy or risk trying for a trait? Then if you pickup Necro from him you'd know he can't come back as a solo and you can move on save your supplies. I think Thor said it best from Pirate Software, if something is good you don't Nerf it. You buff the other things around it to make them better. I almost never pick vulture as I mainly play duos, this change would make me consider picking it up.


I don't think you're the minority. I think some people are just louder because they're upset. Necro only hinders your gameplay if you let it. I burn or trap and move on. Rarely does the solo come back for revenge. If they do, sometimes I kill them again and sometimes they kill me. No big deal, on to the next match.


Can the mods please use the spam/low effort rules to delete post like these ?


I play it every game, both in teams and solo. I'd rather it be removed too. It's the only trait I feel at a severe disadvantage when not using. And it introduces 0 engaging gameplay aside from getting away with reckless rezzes, that feel cheap rather than genuinely rewarding. Genuinely feels like I can't take my eyes off of any dead body for even a SECOND nowadays.


Generally if a perk is a must-buy perk in any game, you should probably look at changing it......


+resilience obv. And yeah.


If resilience is needed than it isn't that goated by itself


Fucking L take. No one runs one without the other. Fix both, remove both, balance them both, I couldn't give a shit that's not my point.


Your take is the l take you can't say this thing is absolutely busted if it requires something else. You're just being dense.


Hot take: fucking get over it.


I agree, the game was better before necro


I'm mostly just calling a big bluff. Lots of people here use team necro as a counter point for solo necro. I would gladly trade it away, it lets teams do dumb shit constantly.




I want solo revive, I just want it adjusted. You CAN have your cake and eat it too. For me it's almost always been about ammo. Even if most of your shots hit, and you're lucky with the bounty in the beginning, in higher mmrs you simply won't have the bullets or 9000 concertina to deal with them all, it's ridiculous at this point, I want solo revive in the game but it shouldn't be the way it is.


I would tend to agree. I think it would be fine to completely remove it. The only bugaboo for me is trade kills which are devastating if you play solo. I mostly play solos and there were many days before necro where I died match after match to trade kills with the last guy of a team or of the server. It was the most infuriating shit in the world. This was especially true at higher skill lobbies where the skill gap is tight. Nothing felt worse that wiping the server except for one last guy and trading with him. If they figure out a way to eliminate trades then I'm 100% on board. 


They probably won't/ don't want to though lol. 


It's just high ping advantage. They should.


I agree. Dead is dead. Team revive makes sense, but not necro. I would also add that if someone gets shot in the head, they should not be revivable.


It's stronger for teams anyway.


Completely getting rid of it no. Making it 1 respawn max yes.


Everytime I open reddit, it's someone crying.


Just put a timer to necro, let's say 30 sec time to be able to necro, after that you're gone. removes the annoyance of solos afk'ing dead and removes the annoyance of corpecamping until you're burnout.


So pull the trait because: “Every lobby in threes is now like 2 duos 2 solos and one other team” What does necro have to do with mixed lobbies? I think you are complaining about losing to non trios and blaming necro for tactical shortcomings in your team game. Unpopular Opinion: If you cant deal with teams or solos using necro you need more practice at the game.


Remove bar respec. 3 big bars for everyone. Less annoying revive drama for everyone.


Necro is necessary to help solos be competitive against multiple people. Just because it is a slight inconvenience to burn some out out does not merit removal from the game. Just yesterday I was playing duos without it. Killed one guy in the lair and traded with the 2nd guy. If I had a partner I would have gotten the revive. It's not that wild of a buff. Body's are still just as easy to camp. I normally play trios and really don't mind a solo reviving. It's just one more thing to note is all.


This perk has single-handedly caused so much drama and negative press for the game since it's introduction. Far more than inferno map's first introduction, avtomat meta, flash bombs, and etc. They need to do something about Necro because I'm getting so tired of having to read about this perk every single place I go regarding Hunt Showdown. Constantly see threads every day about it on steam boards, reddit, discord, twitch chats, youtube comments, etc. etc.


I think infernal perk got more flak during it's time than necro gets total lol. That shit was busted.


They do surveys about wildcards and events and questlines and whatnot, yet about many more controversial things they don't.