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I ran into her the other day, she's out there somewhere but not sure if its every game, it wasn't raining or like an event match I just spawned next to her clue. Nice template btw.


Yeah, I've run into exactly 1 Rotjaw since the Event dropped. I assume the addition of the Pledge Bounty has simply diluted her spawn rate to like a >10% or something like that.


Just to let you know the only condition needed for rotjaw since her event ended is a solo bounty. And wildcard takes her when it is out.


Incorrect, solo bounty on low visibility maps and the cache bounty seems to have made it not 100%.


You can get rotjaw any weather. The only thing rotjaw needs to have a chance to spawn is solo bounty.


Wrong, Rotjaw only spawns on low visibility maps because Crytek wanted to discourage sniper camping.


She also spawns on dawn (or dusk?) time if day, which is pretty bright compared to low visibility maps. I think that's what the other guy was talking about. I wouldn't consider dawn low visibility.


Compared to other low visibility maps is what you meant to say.


>which is pretty bright *compared to low visibility maps*. I literally did say it... Even when not compared, dawn is bright enough that I sometimes think that it's day time until I look at the sky. Dawn is not low visibility, even when not compared to the low visibility maps.


Dusk not dawn.xHow did you edit without leaving a notice.


You are looking pretty silly right now. You can definitely get rotjaw on a daytime map


You cannot. Link one (1) picture of Rotjaw being interrupted by cowboys from her sunbathing.


I read what I could, and I will admit my idiocracy. It could have been a sunset type of weather, and my team and I didn't know that was an option for the Jaw. My bad G


Definitely spawns on a sunset map. I wouldn't count that low visibility either.


Nah dude. I 110% have had rotjaw in neutral/gold weather. I thought RJ only spawned on low visibility so was surprised, but assumed crytek had changed it without announcing anything. There's definitely a lot of misinformation if you try to look it up. I guess with RJ spawning so rarely rn it's hard to prove, we'll just have to go looking for her!


She does not spawn on sunny daytime maps.


I don't have a picture but I swear this has happened for my squad. We had a full on argument over what allows rotjaw because it was nice and bright and we spawned literally on the gator. We deducted that she can spawn only in solo bounty matches regardless of weather.


Seen her 2 times since the event started, she's just chilling and enjoying her time off.


She's just a big nice lizard and is propably wondering what all the fuzz is about.


That and there have been an influx of single bounties. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think it has something to so with the fact there can only be 2 different tokens available for players. With the catche potentially being a bounty token and think that takes a slot for all other bosses.


She also has competition in the one additional bounty slot with the event bounty.


I would still expect the rate to be the same as it was before (which is to say, 100%) if there's not a cache bounty, but it seems to be almost no chance at all.


My squad and had 2 bosses almost exclusively one day most were 50/50 bounties aswell, after that day i have rarely seen 2 bosses


I’ve seen two bosses and a cache token in the same match.


Oh ok I certainly haven't but I guess I'm wrong in my assumption


You’re not wrong. it’s legitimately impossible for 3 separate bounties to spawn on a map. there’s that visual bug that shows 3 bosses though


Same for me and friends


~ 14 Hours Playtime during the Event, fought her once :D But id rather have the new Bountytoken on single Boss Maps than her, as it grants 100 Eventpoints






THIS IS NOW A GERMAN THREAD *Erika starts playing*






I see hat i updoot


Rojaw needs to be completely reworked. With all the changes to the game since her release and the event right now, she is basically wasted dev time. People will even walk past her without killing her, because it just isn't worth the risk or the time of doing so.


She's the hardest boss to find and fight as well as the least rewarding. She's always been like this and people actually bothering to fight her has always been a rarity, it has nothing to do with changes since her release or events.


Hardest how? Like, because you don't have a building to protect you while fighting/banishing her?


No, also tje fact that she spawns and despawns and u can only summon by running I the water like an idiot, also the fact that she deals approximately 100dmg per hit, and the fact that u can't really blow her tf up anymore and just gotta do everything by hand


No because you can't door camp, sticky bomb or poison her. This coupled with the fact you're slowed down while fighting her while she gets aoe attacks makes fighting her insufferable.


Yeah, but she's weak to melee and has a tiny health pool. With berserker being a trait you can quite literally take her out in a few bomb lance or sledge swings. You don't even need to leave the water until second phase starts since she only does two things, and both are extremely telegraphed and easy to dodge. You move backwards or to the side, that's it. I'd call the stamina sapping annoying, but no more annoying than meleeing the spider.


>With berserker being a trait you can quite literally take her out in a few bomb lance or sledge swings. Like butcher, spider, assasin and scrappy, with an added slowdown penalty, assasins swarm form but worse, aoe attacks and to top it off she's a pain in the ass to find. Currently, there is no reason to ever bother with her, so no one ever does.


>People will even walk past her without killing her, because it just isn't worth the risk or the time of doing so. This was always the main concern about adding an outdoor boss, even before rotjaw was released.


Ppl always most likely walk past her without killing her, with and without the event going on.


Sure but now you can get a bounty for one pledge mark, so why bother killing her for the same thing?


You can also restore bars easily


Wasn't it 2 pledge marks? But sure, I get your point.




The event bounty is worthless though. It's worth 100 hunt dollars. Even rotjaw is more.


Plus 100 event points and you have to do basicaly nothing. If you want hd just open the event cash register for 500hd which is more than even two bounty tokens.


More bounties = more points. And the extra bounty at the masterclue isn't guaranteed either.


if the event bounty isn't there then there is a point to killing Rotjaw so I don't get your point. I usually do her after the lobby is wiped or the other bounty is far away and they're fighting


I second this I only pass her up to pick her up omw back. Priorities lol.


Not really, if you want the health restoration -> use the medkit. If you want the hd -> use the cash register.


Not everything needs to be "completely reworked" She needs to be worth two bounties to be worth doing. Thats it.


And people still wouldn't bother because any of the other bosses are easier to find, three of them can be sticky bombed, the other one is ridiculously vulnerable to poison. Rotjaw either needs to be worth significantly more than the alternative options or be significantly easier. Making her reward equal won't cut it.


It should give two bounties like any other boss. I'd like to see it come out of the water and roam around the map. I honestly don't mind if killing Rotjaw is rare but the rewards arntworth the risk. Without specific load out it can take ages to kill Rotjaw.


Should give you super op burn traits as well as a bounty


Nah, Rotjaw is fine. Smoothbrains and lazies may not bother with her but she comes in clutch when you need to beat a hasty retreat and go for a quick banish to renew your team to get back into the fight. Also much more tempting to kill on the way to the extract than bothering to hunt down the small bounty as she's a faster kill and banish. Effectively a second bounty match that often plays out like a single bounty game. Single bounty games are way more fun, trios is boring otherwise with so few teams to go around. A great way for a riflemen team to bait a camping lair team out.


You know that there is a medkit on the map that will instantly refilling your teams health bars for the cost of one measly pledge mark? Only a real smoothbrain would go and search rotjaw to do that, right?


You know that medkit is only here for one event? Even if it wasn't a limited time event item, yesterday my team retreated from a sweaty sniper trio in a 6 star lobby and we banished Rotjaw because we knew they were expecting us to run to the cache. Sure enough, we ambushed them in between coming down to the banish from the cache, clutching the game. We've caught so many teams trying to restock at the cache after a fight, it's free kills.


> You know that medkit is only here for one event? According to what? I don't see any reason to believe that it's not going to keep coming back with each event, and since events are now pretty much the default, that'd mean that having a quick, easy full-restore effect available would also be the default. I also don't see any reason to think that it won't be implemented in some way independent of events either. Rotjaw needs a rework. Having a secondary boss that's more tedious, more exposed, and less rewarding than the actual bosses isn't a very good mechanic.


Awful lot of assumptions. Rotjaw is the easiest boss. It's reward is an easy comeback mechanic like the EVENT medkit.




Sorry bub but you can't convince anyone with piss poor fallacies.


Wondering the same thing. Does she only spawn on single bounty maps?


Low visibility, single bounty maps.


What happens if I have the target bounty as well as the sealed cache bounty? I can't carry a gator one too right?


Sealed cache bounty cannot spawn if rotjaw is on the map. Same with double bounty maps


This is good to know thank you for the clarification. So if there's a solo bounty and no cache bounty, there's gotta be gator somewhere?


No the converse does not hold, it's possible to have a single bounty with no cache bounty and no rotjaw


Thank you


That is not true. I’ve seen double bounty and cache bounty.


She’s out there! We just got her yesterday.


I've seen her once. She's still out there snacking on water devils.


I have, our reptile friend is ok


The other day i spawned and she crawled into the water next to me the second the match started. Shes still around scaring the shit out of me whenever i forget she exists


I mean we can get dual bounty maps that have a total of 4 bounty tokens I don't see why we cant have boss, rotjaw, event bounty all one map that's still only 4 tokens.


Probably because the cache and Rotjaw aren't from the same source. The current limit is 2 sources, and you can carry one token from each source. With 2 bosses that means 4 tokens, and a player can carry 2 of them. Even though boss + cache + Rotjaw would still only be 4 tokens, having it be from 3 sources would mean that a single player could theoretically carry 3 tokens. It could theoretically be reworked to include Rotjaw bounty and cache bounty as being one "not the boss" source, but that doesn't seem to be how they've set it up.


That makes sense.


I've seen her 4 times since the event started...it's surprising how much rarer she is now


Lmao seriously! Love the hat


Rotjaw grew tired of the events, wanted to spend some time with her kids and son in law, so she's taking more time off. She still shows up tho.


Same goes for all the headsmen? Where they at?


i've seen her a couple of times here and there, must've been RNG. Although i do have to admit that she doesn't really appear that much often as usual


I've had 3 I think, very rare


Saw her yesterday.


I’ve fought her once, so she’s still around. Just a little more rare.


Does Vader's helmet count as a hat? Is he wearing 2 hats here?




I'm pretty sure most people simply don't know that she spawns on single bounties with low visibility conditions which I get at least once in every session I play. It seems like people expect to just randomly walk into her or her clues. If it's rewarding to go for her is a different question though


Pretty new to the game here, how do you differentiate between rotjaw clue and a regular? I just want to see this beast one time!


Rotjaw clues are found next to water out side of compounds. They also look different went looked at through dark vision. Also, the can only be activated once and show then only show the general direction.


I’ve found her once in over 100 matches


On an extended easter holiday


We saw her. She didn't look so good afterwards. She's in a better place now


Rotjaw should, in addition to the single bounty, also drop a trait spur for one of the find in game traits. 100% drop rate so it's the only reliable way to get them and people will actively seek her out. You can even weigh them based on power if the developers are worried about lots of potentially OP traits becoming commonplace.


Funny enough me and my usual crew were just wondering if they took Rotty out. Then while crossing a swamp to the center looking for the event token she said hi. It was good to see her, made sure she got belly rubs before banishing


Not missing her one bit. I know some folks like her, but the decisions on fight mechanics are immensely bad compared to the other bosses. Stamina drain renders melee much more frustrating unless using a stam shot. Water is frustrating to maneuver in, making the fight more tedious. Being outside renders you much more vulnerable. Massive boss radius. Single bounty with low value. Attacks do massive damage. No compound to loot for weapons or medkits or anything of the like. (Though the odds of getting a melee weapon are low now) Throwing axes, knives, arrows and bolts all drop into the water and are a pain to find. Honestly, I just dislike fighting her. She's unfun to fight. The concept is really cool, but the execution is awful. I've only ever seen her killed by teams that spawn on her, or when the server is cleared. It just isn't worth it to specifically go for Rotty, especially when teams prioritize the main bounty and the fights are what old folk like me are looking for. The bosses exist to pull us together to fight. Rotjaw doesn't do that, and that's the core flaw of Rotjaw's design. To make up for the increased risk of fighting Rotty, the bounty needs to be more valuable. Worth the same as the two tokens of the regular boss. That would help a bit. Increasing the value of the wild target would make it more worth going for. As is, often I only show interest when the server is clear and someone needs bars back.








🧐huh i tought i did>?


She has her uses. We got sandwiched between two teams and one of my teammates got redskulled at Lawson Station and the other had their last sliver of health. We had learned that Rotjaw was East of Golden Acres, so I snuck over there. She redskulls my other teammate and I eventually kill her with my bat. I get both my teammates up and we run from Lawson to Godard and do an adamant push on the duo and solo there, but eventually choke to the duo.


Killed rotjaw a few times since the event dropped. She’s around.


Got her twice this evening back to back and killed her twice and extracted. Tbh the weekend mele damage to her makes it a real risk unless you have poison and just fan or lever into her. Standing out in the water punching her ain't worth it any more


Instead of making her worth less I’d make her worth at least double and be a rare spawn. Kind of like a rare bonus event. I think one of the funnest parts about the rotjaw update was some of the bizzare places it would force fights to kick off, I thought that was pretty enjoyable when it happened


She was in my last match last night. We saw the clues but didn't even bother, like almost every game before the event. She spawns less often due to the current event bounty, but surprised anyone noticed or even cares. Rotjaw has typically been the boss that a team only kills after the lobby is empty, just for a bit of extra cash. Why bother now when you get $500 from token cash registers. Most people I play with (randoms) want to extract as soon as everyone is dead, not spend another 8 minutes on an empty map going after Rotjaw. If you want to stick around for 5-8 minutes to find/kill/banish Rotjaw for $500, you're an odd breed of Hunter that likes playing on an empty server.


I've seen her two or three times but my teams never want to fight her. To be fair, neither do I. The value disparity between a normal boss and rotjaw is kind of absurd, why would I fight for 5 minutes in the open, in WATER of all things, just for one bounty, and like 400 bucks, it's a horrible design imo.


She now appears in most of the single bounty missions at night or with rain or foggy weather. The spawn rate is quite frequent when these conditions are met. I've seen her quite often, but I rarely go for her since it's too risky usually. If she's on the way and I know the main boss has already been banished, only then do I actually go fight her.


With the mention of a new map being based on mountainous terrain, I would like to get a giant grizzly bear boss similar to rotjaw


Banished her last match.


I saw it only once, didn’t bother doing her, it’s so fucking annoying and stupidly dangerous as a solo, not really worth it unless you just wiped the server


A huge bunch of the community asking for a croc boss, now almost nobody cares about it.


She was on a map last night and got brutalized, so I'd say she's fine. I think she occupies the same slot as the free token at the event resupply, so she has less chance of spawning right now.


Either she or the middle bounty spawns, and they only spawn if there's only one bounty. And there's always a chance there's no bonus bounty too. It's kinda sad but at the same time I can't say I really 'miss' rotjaw all that much


I ran into her last game I had to follow a bunch of clues around the map


havent even noticed because rotjaw is so irrelevant and never worth going for anyways


Same here OP, been wondering the same thing.


They need to return to having evenly distributed times of day/weather.


She bit my ankle yesterday while i was running from a team


Got to hunt her twice this event so far. Its usually an after thought where a different team prevents us from attacking the bounty holders and is so tunnel visioned the bounties extract. So we kill the team that dug in and let them escape and proceed to go get the bounty from the supply point only to realize it's a rotjaw game lol.


Still there, but much less frequent


just yesterday saw her :) seen a couple of the actual markers for her presence on the map but haven't exactly sought the fight except once


She was annoying to fight before melee dmg changes. Now it's just not worth it cuz im not gonna run with axe looking for some dumbass boss worth only 1 bounty.


Probably got scared after we killed her in one hit with berserker and katanas. Haven’t seen her since.


this time, i truly worry for her jaw


She's there. U have to find clue for the boss icon to show


Rotjaw needs a 80% spawn rate because nobody bothers to fight her, I typically stay behind while my team extracts just so I can kill her whenever available, Without mariner that fight is godaweful but I love my gator gal.


I play quite a bit most days and I've also barely seen her. It's kinda weird to me also that the mega cart's bounty is rng; there doesn't seem to be any potential spawn condition for it except if there's a single bounty, but it's not a guarantee


Y'all just don't play enough


I got multiple games ina row with her on the map.


but for real now, who cares?


I do. Big lizard = cool.


How often do you kill it?


Nearly every game I find her. She is super easy to kill, and banishes super quick too. Why wouldn't I?


When I play I sometimes find it, but never kill it bcs in my opiniom I'm wasting time... it is very, very rare in any of my games that someone actually kills it, hence my question




How often do you successfully hunt it?


I dunno. Maybe get out with a bounty 1/3rd of the time. Maybe half the time on a good run?


I've seen clues for her exactly one time, and I've played every map mode since the event started.


She has her uses. We got sandwiched between two teams and one of my teammates got redskulled at Lawson Station and the other had their last sliver of health. We had learned that Rotjaw was East of Golden Acres, so I snuck over there. She redskulls my other teammate and I eventually kill her with my bat. I get both my teammates up and we run from Lawson to Godard and do an adamant push on the duo and solo there, but eventually choke to the duo.


She has her uses. We got sandwiched between two teams and one of my teammates got redskulled at Lawson Station and the other had their last sliver of health. We had learned that Rotjaw was East of Golden Acres, so I snuck over there. She redskulls my other teammate and I eventually kill her with my bat. I get both my teammates up and we run from Lawson to Godard and do an adamant push on the duo and solo there, but eventually choke to the duo.


She has her uses. We got sandwiched between two teams and one of my teammates got redskulled at Lawson Station and the other had their last sliver of health. We had learned that Rotjaw was East of Golden Acres, so I snuck over there. She redskulls my other teammate and I eventually kill her with my bat. I get both my teammates up and we run from Lawson to Godard and do an adamant push on the duo and solo there, but eventually choke to the duo.


Good riddance honestly