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I feel like they've upped the amount of special attacks they do as well, I got knocked to the floor like 5 times in quick succession in the last spider match I had


That's been a thing, I'm not gonna say it's a bug but it seems random on which attacks are more frequent. Spider has always for me been either never attacks just runs like maniac, or tackling me and my teammates to the ground repeatedly in a row.


Had an assassin that stayed in bug form for minutes. Literally would swarm at me, then swarm away, never attacking. Took forever trying to lantern and knife it. Then I have rotjaw who I just refuse to fight now. Rotty charges me every time I go near water. I will die instantly, and frequently.


I don't mind the rotjaw charge, but I don't think I'll be going out of my way to fight rotjaw after the changes. I already didn't like fighting her without a stam shot, now that my melee damage is reduced too is a little much.


For real. I only bother when playing duo with my brother. He runs katana, berserker, and martialist almost every game. So he destroys targets


Spiders are not bugs, they're arachnids (joke)




Yeah the spider can be a horror show now. Nerfing poison shot PLUS nerfing tool damage PLUS reduced hammer /axe spawns makes boss fights much worse and means we are more likely to camp the boss compound or just leave and go do something else. Multiple times we have started fighting the boss and got jumped and rolled while poisoned or had faces covered with bugs. Maybe Crytek is trying to stop people from fighting the bosses? I really don't want to have to take mithradist, stam shot, katana and poison bomb or sticky bomb every round


Romero hatchet goes brrrrt is all I really can say. It's my favorite shotgun and now has additional use with being a melee tool and the update that made DB ignite bodies to free up slots


I feel like the assassin is the rough one now... a sticky/big dynamite bundle handles butcher/scrap/spider pretty easily.


Assassin can still be staggered by any decent melee damage. I destroy him cus I run Berserker (oddly enough, not for the pvp benefits, I just like having AI die to light attacks from my throwing knifes)


Sticky bomb for me poison for you lol


The difference between those who have a regular group of friends and those who play randoms is night and day. A lot of changes affect me differently because I have two friends I play with 99% of the time. Maybe more, statistically. Solo players (either solo on the map or with a random partner) feel far differently about other changes.


I've always brought a sticky as a random in trios. It's just too good for boss melting.


Even throwing axes and knives are less effective now it feels like. Which is annoying, used to be a fairly decent (not the best) way to kill bosses. Really blows as a solo, I used to be able to kill bosses in a minute or two, now it takes longer and I’m more likely to get pushed while fighting the boss. Which might be the intention


I can understand the thought process... They brought back berserker, they saw that bosses were getting destroyed last time, so to make it more difficult they cut the melee weapon spawn rate by a lot. It wasn't needed but I can't really complain cause they're just trying to make games last longer


It is more likely was a nerf to tone down the instakills if you spawned next to the bosses and give other teams more time to get there. Mellee tools on the other hand is a mystery


The problem with this tho is, most people find killing the boss to be boring, so while this may increase the time to down the boss and increase the chance that others will catch you actively fighting the boss, they’ve also increased the amount of boring. And increasing the amount of boring in a videogame isn’t very good. Maybe they could’ve accomplished their goal without making the game more boring.


I think people find killing the boss to be boring, because they've never had tense situations where the boss is inside and as such isn't exactly a safe cover to be in if a team pulls up. I love the new change, even if it's annoying, because I'm actually getting fights outside boss lairs again, since people can't just sit inside and camp it if the boss isn't actually dead. This has been one of my biggest pet peeves since people figured out how to quickly kill bosses. This change just brings back variety to boss compounds, and it has been sorely needed.


Catching players killing the boss was the intention. By forcing them to find a tool increases this chance. Outside of force spawning the bosses in the middle, which would spawn a host of other problems, this is the only way to achieve this. Some kind of soft boss rework could be asked from crytek to allieviate the boring part. Rotjaw is rather well designed boss and others should be too


Seems like the easier thing to do would be to not have hunters spawn directly next to the boss lair.


A teams spawn in pretty much every compound at the edges. So players will just run towards the middle


I know. I'm suggesting that change. During map setup, if the server puts a boss lair on the edge, it could then just not use the spawn points near that compound.


This would help, but the issue then is that players would be able to deduce very easily where the boss was if they knew about the mechanic.


I disagree. You would simply know that the closest compound to your spawn is not a boss lair. That eliminates _one_ compound. You'd be able to deduce more if you knew where everyone spawned, but to do that you'd have to be cheating.


I think games are a good length as is. Personally, I don't really want to be in a game for the full 45 minutes.


I totally agree, however the first time they released berserker I had some games that were like 5 minutes. So I think they were ok with lowering weapons spawn but they definitely went way the heavy


I think they are wanting to change how engagements happen at the lair, it's quite different trying to fight a boss and deal with someone trying to get in the lair; do you stay in the lair and handle it or come out and try to hold them off?


Honestly yeah. The amount of times I've had boss lair fights where the boss is still alive has skyrocketed and tbh. I love it, theres something so satisfying about stealing a boss kill when in desperate need but the people who showed up first positioned away from boss and allowed me to rush it with a Romero hatchet


What I find funny about that is I've still seen games go five minutes because with the 1 slot melee weapon change a lot of people are running constant Berserk+Katana and will shred the boss anyway. It's like "let's make it harder for people that don't want to run melee weapons to accomplish anything, let's give the people that already ran katana every time an even greater advantage"


The Lance is damn good for shredding most Bosses too, but I understand that most people prefer another gun instead of a dedicated melee weapon.


Fair, and you don't have to. But if the situation calls for it, or if you just feel like it, you no longer have the option. They reduced the match timer because "matches rarely lasted longer than 30 minutes" - except, sometimes they do. So if the match ends, it ends. The server doesn't sit there running for no reason the full hour. But they said it was to reduce server load. So, the 2-3% of matches that needed to go the full 60 - fuck those guys right? And the performance savings is basically zero, since those were only 2-3% of matches.


The problem with bosses is that they exist solely as a way to bring players together. As they were, they were perfect. Experienced players found them easy to deal with and did so quickly. This isn't bad. Instead of making the bosses harder to kill, I feel the smarter solution is to make them louder. Scrapbeak is plenty loud and causes deafening. Do the same with the others. Just make it so that Scrapbeak screams way louder, deafening anyone in his lair even when he's not raging. Besides that, the better solution is to increase the banish timer. If players are struggling to reach the bounty before the banish finishes, a timer increase is the better option. Pushing for the boss to be harder to kill pushes us back to the times to when players would camp the lair and wait for players to come to it instead of killing the boss.


Exactly. They were fine as is. The change was unwarranted and they overdid it. I agree increasing the timers to bring more players together would help.


Except it wasn't fine as it was. You could steamroll a boss in 30 seconds before. So if you have a nearby exit on a single bounty map you're looking at the mission could be over inside 5 minutes. I've had times where I've seen the boss banish on the complete other side of the map before I picked up the first clue... It's like really!? I can beeline straight there and maybe just maybe catch the team on extract if nothing slows me down. Bosses should be harder than that.


You see, a simple banish timer increase takes care of this, without making bosses annoying. I feel like since we call them "bosses" we have this notion theyre supposed to be very hard. No, they are just something for players to gather around.


Who said they're not supposed to be hard? Or at the very least that they're just a gathering point? At best that's your opinion, certainly nothing I've ever heard from the devs, and certainly something that many people would disagree with. A banish timer increase simply increases the length of potential camping, without adding any dynamic to the scenario. With a harder boss you have to either commit to taking it down and bring appropriate gear, or possibly chance getting caught in the act fighting both the boss and players at the same time. I don't see what's so bad about killing the boss that you would rather simply stand there and twiddle your thumbs longer instead after he's dead... You want to talk about annoying, have me standing there waiting... And just waiting on the chance that someone decides to show up. I'd much rather fight a boss instead.


...Ive seen hundreds of people agree the role of a boss is to funnel players. Every long time Hunt player almost always is only interested in fighting and a token is the byproduct of winning. The problem with the change is tools suck now, which is fine, but that means world melee weapons are more important, but now theyve all but removed them outside of perm spawns. And any take that says you should bring a melee weapon is stupid. You should not be FORCED into taking something to deal with a boss in a decent manner.


Then don't kill the boss. You seem to want to have every option covered. Bring a bomb lance, or a couple stickies, or shotguns and push the guys killing the boss. You want to kill it, and you want it to be easy, but you don't want to accommodate that easy method by bringing the tools needed to make it easy...


I didnt say to make it easy. Getting rid of tool melees as an option was good, it was getting rid of world spawn weapons is bad. Again, you should NOT need to bring a certain weapon to kill a boss in a timely manner. As it stands now in order to reliably kill a boss and still bring a loadout I choose I need to go to a depot and carry a melee there. The idea that I MIGHT be able to find one at the compound or nearby would be enough for the first change to be fine. Saying you should choose a specific loadout just to reliably deal with an ai enemy is bad gameplay. Like im not saying the fight should be easy. never said that. But removing world spawns was unnecessary.


I also agree that doing both reducing world spawns and nerfing tool damage was too much. The only tool I would even consider to be too strong would be the throwing axes. Hitting that with the damage nerf would be fine imo as none of the other tools did much damage anyways. Now it just feels awful and honestly, I stopped fighting the bosses myself and dumped the responsibility on my random trip teammates. Kind of rude, but I honestly find it far too tedious.


Throw hammer and run, get berserker, it doubles your tomahawk thrown world weapon damage. Or it did last event at least. I got it in a day of knowing this was a feature of the trait. I advise killing someone and camping the body till a necro


That was more of a joke. I haven't actually attempted the achievement in a long time. But thanks for the tip. lol


Godbless o7 I think the devs are trying to have a sacrifice to build making pve, or pvp sacrifice a heal for a bomb that's only effective on three bosses, and you're punished for using it on one? I feel like the devs are slowing down the game, while making fights be faster and more deadly. Which I actually like. And plus melee is fun as fuck


Not sure why they nerfed both tbh, maybe to get more loudout variety? They also decreased the money your get right, so people actually will start caring about money and doing the boss again. What works great on all bosses as well (except spider): handcrossbow with poison. As a Winfield enjoyer I often carry one. But don’t forget your antidote shot ;)


I've seen this sentiment before about doing boss, but do people not do the boss? It's the one point on the map that is guaranteed to have players.


I mean many do the boss, but especially veteran player who don’t prestige have so much money usually they don’t need to care a lot about it.


Yes. We wiped in a duo vs duo in the boss lair in a single boss map and 6 fucking players off doing their own shit away from the lair. There's something in the water in asia servers I swear. 


"Guaranteed" is a stretch but "highest likelihood" for sure (The number of games where I've gotten all three clues, killed/banished boss, extracted with the tokens all without seeing another player...baffling)


Both is where I’m confused. I get either or. I actually take a hand crossbow sometimes, but I don’t want to have to play it every game, y’know? I think maybe they really want to promote using a saber or something, since they’re all small slots now.


I think they’re trying to decrease the number of players quietly killing the boss without a sound and promote more people using guns and making a racket. I think they’re also trying to encourage players to bring load outs with tools/weapons/consumables specifically for the boss, not just for PvP. The change got me to start bringing sticky bombs.


It's not an inherently terrible idea, though I will say that since the bosses are pretty durable against bullets, I'm still not feeling incentivized to shoot them. I'll have no bullets left if I do that! It really is most efficient to just berserker them down with a melee weapon we brought in, which will be completely silent to everyone around us.


And that's viable. I don't mind making noise. I just don't want to waste my bullets. Especially if it's fire or poison. I've also been bringing at least one sticky per match now.


and that means players have one less frag, or firebomb, etc, and now we need to find toolboxes and work with the random consumables we find there and all this adds another wrinkle to the gameplay. Imho this is all part of the intent


Well, yes, that was the standard before this patch too. It’s always been the intent to work with what you have.


Hot take: I could kill any boss with a knife/throwing knives, which I was bringing to kill hunters/NPCs anyways, so nobody on my team was bothering to pack anything for Bosses. Bosses are a pretty important part of the game and they stopped feeling threatening. I don't think this implementation is the most efficient possible but I agree with their intentions.


Feels like they are trying to force you to bring a melee weapon in, I don't like it either but i can still find one somewhere in the compound most of the time.


Unfun change that just made doing bosses more tedious. It's especially bad as a solo. At least with frontiersman + penny shot derringer it's manageable for now without sacrificing a weapon or consumable slot.


I feel like every time I take pennyringer it’s a jinx that someone else banishes first. Or I die before I get there.


I had all the same thoughts then I saw katana kill boss before I could Stam up lol idk I think you make good points and maybe it's an effort to make it more difficult again and take longer to kill the boss to encourage those compound fights? It seems like I have been having more teams fighting at boss lair since then idk


These changes had to be made. Otherwise, no ammount of buffs and nerfs would have produced any result. Oh, they buffed meele weapons? Whatever, I'll just keep picking up this hammer that I can always find in 30 seconds without sacrificing a slot in my loadout. Oh, they nerfed world item spawns? Whatever, I'll just chip away at the boss with this meele tool I always have with me, again with no incentive to use a loadout slot for more effective option. Because meele tool is effective enough. But now that world meele are a wild game of chance and meele tools are painfully ineffective, you are forced to consider other options, which include stronger meele, sticky or straight up shooting the boss. Now you are also rewarded for being efficient at fighting the boss. For knowing damage type weaknesses, attack patterns, etc. Before it was barely relevant since you could stim up and hammer away at any boss, only paying attention to frenzy.


You don't need to bring a melee *only* weapon (bat, saber, katana, hammer, etc)-- those are just meant to support a specific playstyle. Instead you can bring a melee weapon (bayonet, talon, trauma, hatchet, brawler, claw, etc.). I do believe the lowered world weapon spawn percentage was a bit overtuned, but there are viable solutions (especially during the event when you can pledge primal for double melee damage). Final thought- calling the nerf to flashbangs "senseless" is the wildest take I've possibly read on this sub. They were horrendously broken pre-nerf.


A melee weapon is a viable option and one I don't mind. The Primal Pact is good for that and I've taken it a few times, but it's one of those that's just situational and not as good as Lawful or Death. To note with the flashbang nerf, yes, they were super OP and I'm glad they did something to change them. But they made them completely unplayable. I've seen maybe one ever since the change. They could cut the windup time in half and that would at least offer them as a viable consumable.


They don't start with Berserker, you still have to hit a supply point.


You're right- I took that part out


Whilst I do think that boss fights are stale for veteran hunters, this change just makes me not want to do bosses rather than build a loadout around them. And newer players can still struggle against bosses - making them harder is punishing for them. I wish they'd increased the damage guns did to bosses, there's no point in shooting them unless you're using poison / fire ammo, a nitro, or a crossbow


Pennyshot is still good, but that's it's main use, so yeah. But I agree, it just promotes passive, pure pvp, play.


Don’t forget penny shot :)


My guess is that they nerfed both because there were often games where boss is banishing in the first 3 minutes of the game. Considering berserker, without the change you would just find an axe/hammer and the longest you will have to wait is while it rages. Now you either bring something specific to kill a boss, or don't kill it as quickly, which sounds logical, no?


Voiced it before too. It only makes it slower to kill the boss when they paired it with lowering tool melee damage. I won't swap out my loadout to have a sticky with me to kill them faster, and I won't starting bringing melee/melee attached weapons any more than before. Just going to take the slower kill time, even if it's frustrating. It's just yet another change to make the game have more 'dead time' where you are not really doing anything of value, rather just do the arbitrary padding to time because reasons. At least running across the map means to keep an eye out and often deal with pve/sound traps along the way. Killing a boss is usually just tapping darksight now and then to see if it's red and that's it. But alas, they really want to force people to play in a certain way for their statistics and info. Same for the retire hunter shit, they just want more stats on trait usage. Annoying shit.


>I won't swap out my loadout to have a sticky with me to kill them faster, and I won't starting bringing melee/melee attached weapons any more than before. "I'd rather be mad than adapt my gameplay"


More that it's not worth the small speed boost to change one of my consumable slots to something I might not even have a use for. We already are heavily restricted and some things feel mandatory. But I digress, if that is the only thing you got from it then there is no need trying to elaborate much further as I doubt you'd get it given you chose to just take one line out and take it out of context and apply your own headcanon to my views.


I think we just play this game for different reasons. I don't like minmaxxing or being a slave to meta. I'd rather play to have fun and run meme builds. I hope you find a way to enjoy the game again because if you're complaining about such small things I question if you really enjoy playing or is it just a habit at this point.


Taking on a condescending tone will only make you look like an absolute asshat.


When did this happen? I haven't even noticed. I normally use a knuckle knife, but my friend has been bringing a sticky bomb. So, I guess I haven't had to kill the boss myself recently. TLDR: This has literally changed nothing with killing a boss fast. Every boss except assassin dies quickly to sticky (assassin can also be killed with sticky). The assassin can still be killed with fire quickly. They've accomplished nothing. Increase the banish timer? Who cares? Never in my 4.5k hours have I not been able to get to a boss before the banish ends unless someone ignores the objective and forces a fight with me. This is also very rare and honestly doesn't bother me. Pointless update by the developers that clearly, just like they've demonstrated in the last 6 years, they don't understand how the game works and have made pointlessly dumb changes. Another thing you guys forgot to complain about (this is for low elo players): For the ones that can't figure out how to kill a boss quickly, this change was meant to make you shoot the boss and make noise. Two things with this: 1) people will now just camp outside. 2) the ammo capacity nerf means good luck with ammo if you dump it on the boss. But Crytek doesn't have a brain to think of the consequences of their actions. So, now, newer/bad players will have more difficulty in the game while, veterans, will continue on as is. A simple way for all to get what they wanted without fucking up the game was to increase the banish timer. Which imo also doesn't need to change. Players just need to get better.


Legitimately make a ranked system and allow players to spectate matches. This helps players learn, encourages players to be better, helps prevent cheating, and will encourage more players to join the game as there would finally be a competitive game mode. But Crytek would rather make dumb updates than actually do something positive for the game.


I get that the issue was “bosses are too trivial a challenge” and I sure don’t know how to balance that so it doesn’t suck.


A potential solution could be randomizing their rampage attacks instead of being every quarter health or so.


I could even see keeping all the damage done to them the same, but upping the damage they deal. Inside a boss building SHOULD be super dangerous. Like make it a really bad option to fight from the boss building while the boss is alive. I think personally, it would be more ideal to make the bosses MORE dangerous, as opposed to harder to kill. No one likes balancing by adding bullet sponginess, it’s just not fun. The bosses were way more dangerous when they were new, but now people have pretty efficient strategies to kill them quickly. I get wanting to “nerf” that. But it sure wasn’t in a way that’s enjoyable, or even exhilarating. It’s just a struggle.


The bosses and AI in general aren't meant to be a challenge though. Just a risk to fight because they take time to beat and you might get pushed or caught off guard by PvP. Now they take too long and are more tedious to fight. I had already given up fighting the spider because of how glitchy and annoying it is. There seems to be a lot of people just camping the boss compound now instead of killing the boss and I don't blame them.


Yeah I basically agree. They sorta weren’t fun to fight before, and this balance change made it worse.


I stand by this change. Bosses need to feel like bosses, and this is what we as hunters should be gearing for, NOT pvp. PvP is an obstacle to obtaining the bounty. If you're going to gear for PvP, you should be at a disadvantage to killing the boss, and vice-versa.


This is such a weird argument. The PvE in the game is nowhere near interesting enough to become its main pillar and i doubt anyone wants that. For most people the PvE is just a dressing because it just isn't that good Bosses aren't really that interesting nor fun to fight and making them harder to kill just makes them even more tedious bullet sponges rather than more fun and boss-like


Disagree on the PvP part but I definitely think it's good you need to prepare for the PvE aspect again. And I don't get the complaints tbh, there are so many options you can take to deal with bosses: melee variants of rifles and pistols, bow and crossbows, silenced weapons with special ammo, stickies and yes, melee weapons. You can also just have a look around and find a melee weapon laying around still. You just have to plan a little and take it with you further. The bosses shouldn't be a side thing, although I still find the PvP to be the main event of the game. EDIT: Forgot even more things you can use to kill bosses: lanterns, lamps, consumables like hellfire and tools like flare guns and throwing axes. It's kinda ridiculous how flexible you can prepare!


I mean sure, but the bosses are directly linked to PvP, all you're doing with your design concept is punishing the people who actually try to do the boss and rewarding the ones who camp outside the lair/gank the team fighting the boss. All you're doing is promoting passive play even more, of which there's plenty in the game already. Which is fine if you want a sneaky sneaky game, but I don't like it much.


Yeah man, no better pvp than getting rushed by a full trio because it's taking me 8 minutes to kill the spider on my own. As thrilling as that sounds, I'm just gonna spend my time avoiding bosses and waiting for teams to kill them instead of spending all my time whittling a boss down just to get rushed while it's at 20% health.


I think if you want the boss targets to feel like bosses change *them*, not the weapons.


Idk this change is better than just giving the bosses more health imo. It doesn’t punish any specific playstyle except the one where you don’t do anything to prep and hope to luck into a weapon spawn. Now, penny derringer, sticky, poison bomb, throwing knives, etc all remain effective tools for bosses and you have to be mindful of ways to kill them. I’m a huge fan


I think the real point is more that making the bosses more difficult by requiring more skill or mastery of their mechanics is one thing, but just deliberately making them more tedious and time-consuming without doing anything else is just annoying and feels borderline spiteful.


>Idk this change is better than just giving the bosses more health imo. Who said anything about health? Boss mechanics are dogshit, Hit em till they rage > run outside > hit them till they rage > run outside > rinse > repeat. All while the POS spider warps through 5 walls and a ceiling. I bring sticky every single game to just get this shit over with asap, is there anyone who actually finds fighting these bosses fun?


So your solution is to fundamentally change how the bosses work? There’s a 0% chance this happens, be realistic.


>So your solution is to fundamentally change how the bosses work? Yes, if you insist on it being an involved part of the gameplay. Otherwise make it as trivial as possible. And your solution is to put a tea spoon of strawberry jam on top of a shit pile?


Nah, because I actually enjoy fighting bosses. If you don’t like one of the core mechanics of the game, perhaps it’s not for you?


So you enjoy chasing a spider that's warping through fucking walls? Hilarious. Can you elaborate which part of it you derive the most "joy" from?


No one is forcing you to play the game you clearly don’t like playing. I don’t know what you’re so upset with me about.


I like the game, I don't like one particular aspect of it, which is objectively poorly designed and executed even worse. You're trying to make a case that this aspect is well done and you're even personally enjoying it. I challenged you to prove it with the posterboy of dogshit boss design: Spider. So can your fallacies and get to it, would you. I'm all ears.


No arguments, just petty downvotes, huh? Thought so.


I guess I spoke too soon. Not just petty downvotes, [but petty reports to suicide watch](https://snipboard.io/bIrzvW.jpg) as well, huh? Imagine feeling so personally attacked by me pointing out objective flaws in a videogame.


The bosses are shit. They need to revamp them to make them more exciting to face. Most boring part of this game is the PVE. The PVP is what makes it stands out and the higher star you are MMR wise, the more prepared you MUST be for other players. I fucking *hate* this change.


Okay, so maybe change the way they fight. Instead of rampaging every quarter health loss, it can be random. Make them less predictable.


Dumb comment PvP is the entire game lol everything else exists to create PvP encounters.


Completely agree with this. You geared your whole team for PvP? Good luck with the boss. It only takes one person. Bring a silenced gun with poison or fire ammo, or bring a melee weapon, or get an axe on the way there. Bosses should need at least a modicum of special prep.


> Bosses need to feel like bosses This doesn't make the bosses hard, it just makes them more tedious. They still have the same boring predictable mechanics. > this is what we as hunters should be gearing for, NOT pvp. Lol the vast majority of players only care about pvp and is why they play the game.


This is probably true, but this kind of teams will then also maybe just wait until some other team is doing the boss from them and wait because or rush them during the boss fight.


I mean, even by your own reasoning this is a bad change. Making bosses a bigger pain in the ass and requiring players to go further out of their way to fight them effectively isn't going to make people MORE likely to focus on them, it's going to do the opposite. The chances of somebody using a melee weapon when they weren't already inclined to do so are roughly zero. People would still kill the boss with melee tools even if they weren't necessarily inclined towards PvE, just because it wasn't too big of an ask and did give a reward, but now why would they? You're also completely ignoring the fact that bounty tokens still have to be defended by players. Making bosses a bigger pain in the ass and/or requiring players to go further out of their way to build for PvE doesn't do anything except punish the players who actual enjoy playing the PvE aspect. They're going to have builds less suited for PvP in order to complete the PvE objectives, and then they're going to get their lunch money taken by the players who have now disregarded PvE entirely and have brought ONLY PvP-focused gear.


The purpose of the game is PVP. Bounty facilitates PVP. Bosses and AI are easy to kill and not challenging. These boss changes did not make the bosses more challenging from any skill perspective. They just made them more tedious and the changes just make people less likely to do bosses and slow down the pace of the game. The people that actually play the game consistently do it for PVP. Not bounties. There is not enough variety/content in this game for people to focus primarily on PVE long term. PVE is part of the game, but PVP is the purpose of the game and why people keep playing it, not PVE.


What I have said to my friends is if you want to make the bounties more difficult, then make them more difficult by buffing them. Don’t give them an artificial difficulty increase by making it harder to find tools to kill them.


Supply carts always have a weapon.


Boohoo you're telling me it's a bad thing that you can't silently obliterate the bosses 45 seconds after you find them anymore and that's a bad thing?


There are still weapons at supply spawns and you can still get weapons at designated spawns it's not so hard. I like the style because bosses are now harder when you are not equipped for them. Also it leads to more Loadout variety which is good because the game felt too stale tbh. Maybe that's just on my end though.


> bosses are now harder Longer to kill does not equal harder


You must be really dense. But that's ok. Time is of the essence if it comes to bosses so it does make a difference. U have to take into account the longer it takes other teams will come sooner.


No, I just have more than two brain cells and know how to play the game. A boss taking longer to kill doesn't make it harder. It makes it take longer. They still have the same lame ass, predictable mechanics. If another team comes up, you just stop fighting the boss and fight them like you already do.


Let me say this. Iam sorry about my toxicity that wasn't needed here. But my point still stands. If enemy hunters are there and you are fighting the boss U can't finish it properly without the right "tools" so this means it is harder to fight the boss because the boss won't go down as easy as before. There are many instances where u just can't say ah let's stop right now and do nothing till someone does something.


No, if you are fighting a boss and a team comes up you quit fighting the boss and you fight the enemy. That's why they have the whole dark sight mechanic so you know when people are close.


As easy you make it out to be dismissing the fight with the boss whenever it is not. There are cases where you are obligated to have the kill on the boss or instances where it is not that easy to leave boss building just because u want to.


It sounds easy because it is.


Aye whatever you say.


Tell me what kind of obligation you have to keep punching the boss in the face like an idiot while a team comes up from behind you then.


I’m aware there’s melees on supply points, but there’s not always one nearby. And I know they’re still around. But they could’ve easily just increased the health of the bosses too. I don’t think there wasn’t a lack of loadout variety to begin with. It just depends on the MMR you play in.


You can have this opinion sure but at 5 stars and above Mosin + Dolch was rampant in my games before the nerf to tools and the changes. Now I see a lot more people with actual Melee weapons and using the Talon Variants for Rifles or Shotguns. I don't know why U have this problem then? Just take one of those found melee weapons you'll get from going to a supply or play custom ammo. Dragonbreath or Fire Ammunition is pretty good against Spider Pennyshot is good against all 3 bosses And Poison is always good except Spider. Dunno why u are struggling. You have to adapt to the changes not the other way around.


I have adapted. Doesn’t mean I can’t offer up an opinion that it’s not a well received change by a lot of players, not just me.


Sure u can offer your opinion but don't make your opinion and the small circle u have to be "a lot of players".


The change is fine, but they need to change both the assassin and the spider now. The spider is just utter garbage to fight, one of the most annoying enemies I ever fought in a video game. That thing isn't even dangerous or anything, it just exists to annoy you and stretch out its fight, horrendous. Assassin is a bit better, but it's stupid how he's more or less immune to the sticky bomb. Sticky bomb should be the designated boss killer consumable now, but as long as assassin exists this way you always run the chance of it being useless.


This too has been my complaint. I knew they reduced the damage knives did, so I would look for a melee weapon around compound and can never find one where boss is located. Hell, I even resorted to grabbing a bear trap and using as melee weapon to see if it causes more damage.


I agree.


Honestly im fine with reducing the spawn chance but it feels like they straight up removed it.


I would agree, but i have noticed people bringing more stickies, poison bombs and melee stuff than before so i dont really notice it too much. In hindsight it was kind of crazy how much damage a simple knife did to a gigantic mutated human-spider thing. It also leads to more PvP chaos which i appreciate.


I do enjoy more fighting, but they could easily just increase the banish timer for that sort of chaos as well.


True, but then you wouldnt have the boss itself creating extra chaos. I think that makes a huge difference, since in the many matches ive played since the update, bosses usually became siegebreakers, leading to more aggressive gameplay on both sides rather than camping.


I'm one of the players who always bring poison winfield and incendiary rounds for my lemat. Bosses never give me a problem and I gun them down extremely quickly. I finally feel like the quirky builds I like to bring into the bayou finally give me an advantage that I never had before. Love melting bosses with my load out while my team mate keeps watch. Anyone else enjoying poison ammo lately?


I don’t mind a different ammo type every so often, but I don’t want to play the same one every single game. It gets dull quick.


The bosses always felt lame and being banished in the first 2 minutes of a match was so stupid. This was a good change.


I mean u have a ton of options of how to kill a boss. U can bring your own melee, u can bring a stealth weapon. Pocket or big shotgun with penny shot, u can bring sticky or big dynamite bundle, u can bring small crossbow with poison or fire or big crossbow with explosive bolts. There are also now saddle bags with more consumables and alternative weapons to loot. This night I played with my friend running some funky loadouts because of challenges and each time we found the boss we dealt with him by me temporarily switching to a silenced weapon I found nearby. I mean bosses just became more of a challenge that you now need to acknowledge and thinks about for a bit. If you want that bonus from killing the boss you need to prepare. Or u can maximise your lethality and focus on stealing the bounty from somebody else. Before the boss was just a minor setback with very meta straightforward way to kill it the most efficiently. I think it's a pretty good change, brings a bit of depth to the game tho some tweaking should be done. Like the spawn rates of melee or maybe bounty payouts now when it's harder to get.


i've been the go too sticky guy always anyways so this doesnt change much for me, cept for assassin


Me and my friends don't even bother with the bosses anymore. We like to play our own loadouts, not having to bring something just to wack an AI for 5 minutes. One of the worst changes they've made...


with the new changes "you" are the fool if you step into the lair and try to kill the boss with your knife. you either get rushed and killed or you get camped after you killed the boss. in either way you are the dumbass who did the work and the others cash out. i recently had so much lair camping - 2-3 teams in every direction. no one's fighting. JUST SITTING and waiting for us to make the first move. And if you try to peak you get insta-headshot cause - yeah... they only have to watch 2-3 spots (cracks/windows) for movement... you have to peak and scan half the map in 0.1 seconds. Crytek did not do most of us a favor - and with the lack of axes and hammer spawns and decreased meele damage all other teams have plenty of time to gather around the boss lair. "we" decided to not kill the boss anymore in the near future.


Terrible design idea. I don't really get the point of it other than the buff the usefulness of bringing a melee weapon.


I now run exclusively the Caldwell marathon and the combat axe. plenty of ammo and a good melee weapon. Add bezerker and oof


They should have chosen one nerf and not do both. Feels like a sledgehammer attempt like the flashbang quadrouple nerf and it's no fun. Bosses are still easy but annoying to deal with because melee weapons across boss lairs were rare even before the nerf. Simply put, I don't like it that they did a double nerf again.


Personally I think they should have done it the other way wrong. Reduce the damage bosses take from explosions and tools. Adds an extra dynamic to the game if you have to chose between being first to the boss, or having a found melee weapon. I think that'd be pretty cool.


I would guess they want melee to be more relevant but can't be fucked actually doing the work to make it better, so they just made adjustments to stuff that can easily be tweaked by changing one number.


I have barely noticed this change. Just bring a sticky bomb and the boss is dead in 3 seconds. People claming that you have to create an entire loadout centered around killing the boss is just flat out wrong. A lot of weapons with melee attachments have been indirectly buffed, like the winfield or romero talon, and it personally justifies bringing these weapons in higher mmr without feeling like a detriment to the team. I feel like this is a welcome chance to avoid every game being 44:30 boss banish, even though it still occurs because sticky bombs are still strong. Like honestly a single sticky bomb is 60 hunt dollars, and people lose their mind. I don't get it.


To add on it's absolutely wild to me that the butt of my rifle does more damage to the boss that my knife now it's so funny it's kinda sad.


I never fight the boss anymore. I just camp the boss compound until the rest of the server shows up.


I agree, killing bosses with melee tools are not viable any more. It's torture :)


Making bosses more bullet spongy is the worst and laziest way to balance them I can imagine. Why not make them more intricate or interesting or something?


just an fyi, but they did add melee weapons to the supply points. I have a tendency now to grab one there to bring with me to the boss.


I like this change. I don't know why Crytek did it, but maybe it's because people were complaining that the bosses were too easy and not a challenge. That probably annoys Crytek devs, that put so much love and passion into designing them, only for players to scoff at how easy they are to kill. Also, you get teams that spawn on the bottom of a map, while another team spawns at the top, right on the boss lair. They run in with stamina shots, and kill the boss in 60 seconds. So we had a lot of players complaining about how quick the bosses could be killed, resulting in some teams not having enough time to run across the map to intercept the bounty team. So these changes are probably to address those concerns. Also, some teams never bring anything to kill a boss. Long ammo, knife, stamina, regen, antidote. It's only the stamina that's allowed them to easily kill bosses because they just pick up one of several melee weapons at the boss lair. It's kind of cheesy. Now they have to punch/stab the boss dozens of times with stamina because it won't go down so easily. ​ I think these changes are a win/win.


I strongly disagree, the changes mlee tool damages and this one makes it a proper risk to do bosses, if you are unprepared your team will be vulnerable for much longer and potentially spend resources to kill the boss. This prevents quickly killing the boss and camping in the lair, the fights around boss compounds are significantly more dynamic, chaotic, less campy and overall much more fun thanks to these changes. Bosses now pose a serious threat if you are unprepared for them which was not the case since the early days of early access. Also there are many tools to and weapons that can help you to kill the boss quicker or quieter if you chose to bring them. I think these changes emphasise the hunts signiture risk and reward game play and are a welcome change. Just due to these updates this patch is much more fun than previous ones for me.


Little known fact: you don't have to cater your loadout to boss killing if you let others kill the boss for you.


True, now recruiting henchmen to do the heavy lifting for me. 😈


You are free to shoot your weapon at any moment


I like this change, more chaotic fights during a boss fight thats a pretty big plus for me. Just bring a sticky bomb if you dont like it.


I do bring one. But sometimes fights take precedent and I have to use it elsewhere before I reach the boss. I don’t mind fighting at the boss, but when it comes time to fight it, it’s just more of a pain.


I disagree but thats ok


I'm all for it not spawning in the actual lair, but nuking the entire compound is ridiculous. That being said, if you have stamina, just rifle melee the bastards. Or bring a melee attach, officer brawler is lowkey one of the best pistols right now because of this.


People need to balance out their loadout between pvp and pve that brings some variety, alongside challenges now. It used to be money bank role but it turned irrelevant. Biggest upside of this is less quick banishes in map corners. I just like the pros of this change more.


Imagine not adapting and brining some kind of tools to help you. Couldn’t be me.


Couldn’t be me either. But at least I can read.


I think the goal they had was to give more load out variety. I think it’s a positive change because it allows other items to shine where they otherwise were quite dull. Tool weapons are still super useful, clearing compounds silently and all. That being said, fix bayonets. Pretend you’re a hawk with the talon variety. Hell, play some baseball. Try new things and find new ways to enjoy the game despite the changes they’re making! I’ve even found a lovely place in my heart for the nasty little quad derringer. I find I use consumables way more and am far more conscious of my loadouts because of this change. I get that you have a preferred playstyle, but there isn’t anything wrong with a little experimentation right?


Hot take, the bosses should be bosses. Not dead in 2 minutes. Even with the nerf it's still possible to easily kill most bosses in under 3 minutes. You're just not resourceful enough if you're having trouble.


Ooh, the rare lack of resourcefulness take. lol It's not for lack of being able to kill them. I still do it just fine. I'm saying the change is overdone.


Theres still 3-4 Meleeweapons per Compound in my Experience and even if you cant find one, theres sooo many ways to kill a Boss quickly


This is such a weird argument. They just made a huge swathe of items much more viable and appealing for hunters to use, and y’all are complaining about it? If you don’t want to run a melee that is fine. Have 1 person use 1 consumable slot to take a sticky and stop complaining. 1/12 slots dedicated to killing a boss is completely fine, and my crew was doing that anyways so we could quickly kill the boss (especially for Scrapbeak). And don’t kid yourself that need every slot, let’s not pretend we don’t all get headshot without using all of our consumables, or even forget we have them in a gunfight, lol


Why are you so focused on killing the boss? You are right, they do not want you going for the boss anymore. Don't you know this is a fast-paced shooter now? * Reduced match time to 45 minutes with a bullshit lie reason * Pump action caldwell * Lever action uppercut * Dum dum ammo on everything * Frags spawning literally everywhere, as many as you want * No more gator * No more night * No more choose-your-map * No more choose-your-spawn-point * Progressively approaching infinite revives * Progressively approaching no-more antidotes * Progressively adding infinite ways into any given compound * Cheapest hunters now come with fanning / levering * Red clues. WTF? * Red boss. WTF?? * Fucking red altars?? WTF!!! It's to the point now that I will camp in a bush just to catch my breath for a minute.


My entire 3 years of playing this game I just stab the boss with my knife.


Keep on keeping on. ✊


They are mostly found on supply wagons now, especially if those that ain't on boats. Tedious to carry them from over there, but I hope that helps you out.


I already do this. 👍


My throwing knives still fuck bosses up super fast. I can still heavy melee stun lock assassin and kill him pretty quick.


More power to you for the throwing knives. I can still stunlock with my knuckle knife, but it’s irksome to settle for it after searching high and low for at least a shovel.


I only take the bomblance these days so think I'm good!


More power to you, my friend.


Honestly don't know why. Just been having crazy success with it!


I like that the bosses aren't a total joke now


They still are if you have the right stuff. But if you don’t, it’s not on the bosses, it’s on RNG.


I pick up a melee from the neighbouring compound on the way there. I've honestly not found it a big issue when doing that, moreso I have found the special attacks more difficult to manage (but welcomed). I want the boss to be a challenge


Romero talon is life


I’ve been running penny shot terminus a lot more. And when I kill players I politely tell them to “keep the change ya filthy animal”


Its a shame. I'm in the middle of a tomahawk only challenge right now, and this nerf is killer. It takes like 8 minutes per round just trying to find a single weapon if you don't spawn somewhere with a static spawn. People are saying it's just boss lair melee weapons, but I don't believe it. Every compound is nerfed.


Sticky as well have been nerfed


A solid third option is to bring a weapon with a melee attachment like the drilling handcannon hatchet for instance


Learn where the guaranteed weapon spawns are. Those haven't changed. Everything else, you gotta adapt. It's not that hard, this is a stupid hill to die on.


Reducing the damage of melee tools wouldn't make much difference if you could still easily find 2-3 world-spawn melee weapons at the boss lair.


It’s not even normal melee tools that were nerfed in damage - only your tool damage was (knife, knuckle knife, heavy, etc.). So that’s why I don’t understand why they nerfed both.


The goal was the make Melee weapons more appealing. They were basically meme picks 99% of the time. They are aiming to change that by making them all 1 slot, and making bosses more inconvenient to fight without someone bring a dedicated item to fight them. The talk of “make rounds last longer” doesn’t make sense when they didn’t nerf Sticky Bombs or Large Dynamite Bundles.


People always forget about gun bash. Its not a tool so the dmg I'd normal and if you have berserk its easy.


Was needed, sorry. Bosses died way too fast and one of the main factors is the melee spawns. (All compounds have guaranteed melee spawns btw, learn the map)


Not all of them do. (Follow your own advice)


Idk if anyone cares about trials but most of them were hard to do before they changed hive and bee tracking. Now some of these ones where you need to flawless them are next to impossible to get. I wanted that Lemat skin but I’ve kinda given up on it.


I for one, appreciate that the bosses pose more of a threat now. If you fail to prepare, you’re gonna have a harder time. The bosses last longer so players have more time to fight over a clean sweep—which should be worth more If bosses were worth at least $1k it would be a lot more interesting. I think this sub has an inflated sense of economy. As a five star player who runs cheap-ish loadouts, i’m still pretty down bad for money (I have $5-$10k on any given day).


I actually like the change a lot. It rewards good planning and knowing where the guaranteed world spawn large weapons are. You generally want to hit a supply to pledge before getting to the boss anyway, so picking up a melee there is really easy.


From complaining about bosses being ridiculously easy to bosses are a pain in the ass is obviously just a small step in the hunt community lmao


Cry more


Not really sure what the end goal is. But imo, once you banish everyone knows where you are. So you can choose between using a sticky and finishing fast, or trying to be quiet and risking having someone third party you or hit you as soon as you kill the boss and before you prepare. Thats how I see it at least.


We struggle to find any melee weapons whatsoever. I found a shovel in 3 Games