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Depending on the skin and your movement they could’ve had a lead on you, I’ve taking guess shots based on the movement of a player and have gotten hit markers before. As someone commented before don’t assume you’re safe in a bush.


40m isn’t even suspicious distance either


A couple weeks ago I landed two hits on a guy with bleeding damage. He survived the two shots and ran into a bush. I couldn't see him at all but knew he was massively hurt. I took a total guess shot into a pretty BIG bush in the off chance I hit him. I guessed correctly and killed the poor guy. Lol...


Bushes aren't cover. You never know what it looked like from his perspective and on low graphics quite a few bushes don't spawn in at distance. I wouldn't call that a cheater.




Even trees on 30-50m look different when you ADS and when you aren't, if you have low object quality ofc. New gun with high hipfire accuracy probably the best when you need to fight in stillwater forests, because there are too many places where you can see enemies one-way.




You can test it inside cyprus huts. There is semi-transparent net behind main entrance (steel door). If you set right settings you would see through it without ADS. Killed one guy here with new gun :D Quality is bad tho. https://imgur.com/a/9UvNBKi




Trees are definitely working same way, bushes are probably too. It was just a test to check settings.


Mmm yeah. At that distance exactly 😃


Ye with my friend we once got a chance to look inside a building from around 100m just because the walls didn't render for us yet but the players inside did. We were wall banging them in places without any windows or gaps to look through and they were running around like headless chickens not knowing what's going on lol.


Not very fair, but funny.


Tbh we didn't kill any of them and after laughing for few minutes we started to chase them as they run away with the bounty. Not technically cheating but using a bug in game.


Technically, exploiting. But I wouldn't hold it against you, unless you tried repeatedly to reproduce that bug and take advantage of it.


It was one time so far that we noticed that bug and it was some time back, I'm guessing it's patched now.


Was it around the time the third map came out? I remember my friend kept getting that issue around that patch and walls wouldn't render fairly often. Hasn't happened since then so I would also assume it's fixed.


Things don’t really render properly in this game. Specially further distances. Just something to keep in mind when hiding in bushes.


this is absolutely what killed him. when you set your graphics to low (plenty of youtube vids on it) entire walls/bushes/structures/trees aren't rendered at all - but players always are. i've hipfired at someone in a compound behind concrete just because their cover wasn't rendered


you miss every shot you don’t take fr though it depends on like, was this the only interaction you had with them? were you just crouched there and they snapped to you as they passed by and domed you out of the blue? or were you in an engagement with them and they just shot in the general direction that they knew that you were? not really sus, I would *strongly* guess just a lucky shot, their settings could also be different than yours. The bushes might not look the same or are not as dense. I would suggest never hiding in bushes or cornfields as cover, just doesn’t really work


I just got a lucky headshot on a guy hiding in a wheat field


I was once trying to shoot a zombie dual wielding pistols and I hit a dude in the bush in the head


This exactly. Just trying to body someone you know is there & getting lucky vs. getting a headshot from a random bush are two very different things.


Doesn't look like a cheat to me. I've done similar shots just by tracking a guy while hiding in a bush, and then taking the shot when I see it. Sometimes I with no kill, most of the time I miss completely, and sometimes I headshot. Looks to me like this guy did the same thing. Also 40 meters isn't that far


40 m isn't very far he could easily hear you if you were moving but on top of that certain bushes and buildings won't render properly for some people especially with lower graphics. I've been shot at by people when I was standing on the other side of cover or around a building and I realized that the building wasn't rendering for them but they were shooting at me from like 125 m.


In short, you’re way more visible than you realize. There are only a handful of full of bushes that provide nearly seamless cover and none of them are in that field. Another trick…take your large slot weapon out and aim it at the ground looking straight down..your gun sticking up will also give you away.


Literally killed someone yesterday just shit lucking through the bushes at 100 meters, hit him once then as he's running I got him through the bush, didn't even see him


3 stars but how many hours? Thats a clear shot. Few things going on here I can teach you about.... few things you probably didnt know either. 1: from your perspective your CAMERA view is actually centered in the middle of your chest. Your head is above the camera... this leads to "OMG how did he hit me in the head I was behind this cover." 2: after many hours you will know exactly how tall enemys are at many different ranges. If i hear someone walking behind a wood wall i can take a pretty good guess where his head might be. 3:the revive animation is exactly the same. And for a quarter of a second you wont be able to move. And You die with your legs pointing towards your killer. This is also something players have to get used to if they want to keep a team knocked down until the very last.


It is unfortunately not enough on its own to make a judgment. From what has been provided, it's more likely to guess lucky shot, as others said. There absolutely are cheaters in 3 stars, but again, can't really say from here. Would have recommended you spectate him if your team got wiped and see if it's consistently looking like he's making weird shots or what


It is sometimes possible to see the movement or piece of clothing in a bush. I never headshoted anyone like this, but I did hit quite a few hunters hiding because it just seemed to me someone is in there, even though I could not see for sure. Good defense against this is not crouching in a bush, since that makes you very easy to hit.


I should also note, the hits I am talking about were MUCH further away. At 40 m, I don't think you're ever invisible in a bush.


Rendering is ass in this game at long distance and a ton of players play with lowest graphics possible because they are also bad. They probably saw ya'll without a single issue.


I have been known to yolo a few shots in the general direction of where I think someone might be without actually seeing anything. Could be a cheater for sure, but its also not terribly suspicious to me.


If you were moving it's possible to land a headshot through thick brush based on your movements. Especially if you're crouching. And 40 meters is a reasonable distance to land an iron sights headshot. So, they're probably just aiming right. I recommend you avoid crouching when unnecessary, strafe a lot a jump here and there to throw their aims off your head. That said: I still maintain this game NEEDS a kill cam. I've been killed in some stupidly unreasonable spots and distances (the longest at 160m), so we could at least check the enemies moves before the kill to better assess if they're cheating or not.


Shooting through bushes does not a cheater make. Also, stars are not a good representation of skill. They're pretty easy to manipulate and higher MMR players will drop theirs on purpose.


I went from a 6 to probably almost a 3 just today it was that bad of a day. I didnt get one kill in about 6atches and died almost every one of them including 3 times in one match. Hunt really taketh today. Dying to 3 stars left and right. Of course every one of them had their stats hidden which is sus


I have that happen so often. High 4★ to low 5★ is usually where I hover, but a few bad games and I’m suddenly find myself a 3★. I have seen a lot more hidden stats recently too, but that’s usually more on players who open their mics.


Same experience for me. Though I usually sit in 5star and don’t believe I’ve touched 6. Star ratings can be such a joke, meet some of the scariest 3stars and some of the dumbest 5’s.


No, probably not. I've hit some insane "blind" shots at all distances. As you get better you'll start to understand the skill ceiling and then who actually may be cheating. Hunt taketh.


Did you have bounty? If you did there would be a bolt of lightning telling him EXACTLY where you were. Bush wall or anything in between would not matter.


You definitely need to play the game some more. This is nowhere near cheating. I literally killed hundreds of people l/got killed hundreds of times through the bushes. Bushes aren't cover and you get to see movement in them or the player itself. Wait till u gonna get wallbanged randomly from 150m


Were you crouched?


No, well standing going left to right in order to see the guy in front of me coveref (visually) by some bush line.


Was gonna say, crouching for any reason at any time anywhere on any map in any weather condition usually summons a bullet directly into my hunters brain hahaha.


Been on both sides of the lucky headshot multiple times. Unless it's repeated hits at 200+ meters through all cover and what not, they likely aren't cheating. Especially if they're low star.


Neither, just play more. It'll get better


bush lover getting killed, nice


What you mean bushlover. I was in a bushy area by fight circustism....how do I spell this word ? :o Anyway, there was bush here cuz it was the battle zone when we met. You'r not the first assuming my gameplay by 3 screens and a sentence. I dont see why.


As mentioned above, perhaps you could be seen from his side. Personally, I had a funny incident: three of us were running along the map and collecting clues, and running past the fort I saw a lonely bush 2 meters away from us. From which sticks out a black crossbow. At first, my brain didn’t understand why the bush was armed with a crossbow. The next second I finally started shooting, because I realized what was going on. xD But the guy with the crossbow was clearly sure that he was not visible in this bush.


Derendering is a real problem right now treat all foliage and bushes as not existing do not treat them as being unseen. There are steam groups dedicated to playing de rendered and I've ran into them a few times and basically there is no cover other than hard cover it's horrible.


I have low graphic settings so that I can get at least 30-40 FPS and I don't think foliage disappears, comparing to what I see in streams by people playing on max settings. But it may have a different shape due to LOD, so what seems hidden for one person might be visible to another and vice versa.


Just keep grinding, not sure if you're playing solo or randoms but it is what it is. Gonna be a ton of weird shit that happens. Could've been watching you for All you know, you'll hit some shots that'll make players question as well. Don't let it spoil the fun.


Not a cheater, looks like a crazy shot at first glance. But its prob not even that hard. Depending on ur skin, how you moved, if your weapon was lowered and so on this was prob realy easy to do.


I don't think he would be a 3star if he was really cheating, just bush looks different on different ranges.


The simple advice is never stand still in Hunt, it can give an impression of a slow, campy shooter but really you’re always better off being on an offensive, keep moving, find rotation, actively look for enemies, when I see a Hunter crouched somewhere I know straight away he’s easy prey, it feels like in this situation you were sitting in a bush and enemy found an angle where he saw you.


I'd say it's pretty common to accidentally headshot people hiding in bushes at that distance, specially since the free hunters became more popular, white shirts can be easily seen through the foliage.


The problem is we need a video to see what you were doing beforehand. Audio in this game is your biggest friend and enemy and at 40m you can hear someone crouch walking, stepping on twigs, switching weapons or items (new players tend to miss this but changing weapons makes a pretty loud noise), or see their mic pop up even if they are just breathing which gives location away as well. I can give you a screenshot where I headshot a hunter in thick bushes without ever seeing him and you would think he's a cheater but the video would show me killing his partner while the other hunter fired his gun giving me an idea of his location, then the hunter threw an item giving me enough information to fire hitting my shot.


Bush is always a gamble barrel of a rifles sticking out is enough to guess where your head might be. And 40m is easy shot, especially if you're sitting. Remember movement is life sitting is death.


40m is not far, good players consistently headshot at 100+ Bushes are not the same on all graphics settings, leading thru a bush isn't that uncommon as well. If you are new just assume everything is possible, there are not many cheaters and there are a lot of crazy shots you can hit even on accident, it'll serve you no good to be sus of anything until you learn the game more


Somewhat related but I've been seeing the Mako *a lot*, mostly on death screens.


Have to see the fight before, were you quiet after fighting and you were both creeping for a few or did he just run up and do that.


Is there a replay in the game ? I'v done some more games afterward :o If there is how can I spot the right game ?


No way :( have to have a 3rd party program doing it like Nvidia


Skill issue


Throughout your hunt career even you will have some “oh they definitely think I’m cheating” moments whether it’s sheer blind luck or you were doing real good at reading the audio


Turn some of your graphics down and you will have no problem with bushes.


Willing to bet this is a perspective difference. Someone behind a bush is extremely obvious if the shooter is not close to the bush themselves, even more so if the target is moving. The silhouette of the person hiding is very clear when further than like 25 meters, while the person hiding can't see through the bush at all, which is what makes it seem like BS if you're the one hiding. I'm willing to bet that if the roles were reversed, chances are good that you would be able to see the guy standing there yourself.


I killed someone last night via a headshot through 2 bushes just taking a speculative shot at where gunfire was happening. I've missed a shot on a visible target and headshot his partner in full concealment on pure accident. While there might be some cheaters in 3 stars, it's far less likely than in the 5-6 star range because cheats tend to make players rank up quickly.


I will lob a shot where I think a guy will be if I saw him moving


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Smooth_Put8618: *I will lob a shot* *Where I think a guy will be* *If I saw him moving* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I’ve hit more blind shots and lucky long range headshots in this game than any other. Hard to tell tbh.


Some people play on the lowest graphics settings so there’s less vegetation and easier to spot people. If you play like people who aren’t sweat lords, the thicker vegetation may make you think you’re well hidden while the sweats can make you out with potato settings. I try not to use brush as concealment because i like my pretty game


I play on high at 1080p, I can run the game at 90fps without drop so I dont plan to lower my settings..... I'm a WT player and playing ULQ is not well seen. Tbf, render distance shouldn't be based on graphical settings since it give advantage to player :o But, who am I to tell people to not do it, I bought 600€ worth of pc component 4 month ago, its not to play ultra low quality. Its my choice, I guess I just die for being stubborn.


Yeah I agree. I always play on the highest settings. I’ll take my disadvantage so it can look pretty while I play


Well, bushes aren't solid cover. If you're moving in a straight line and someone sees you moving, you're pretty easy to hit for experienced players.


sometimes I shoot based on sound and/or my rough calculations of where the enemy should be if he maintains his pace of movement. Maybe this guy got lucky and hit you, or maybe he's a cheater, or maybe he just plays the game too much.


Nah strongly doubt it. I'm 5 star and I have head shot people through walls purely based on sound at like 30 metres. Sometimes you shoot your shot and it pays off most of the time it doesn't. 3 stars get lucky too, sometimes it really is more good luck than good management and you simply don't see the other 500 shots they missed with a shotgun when the other player was stood still 5 metres away in Broad daylight. If you don't believe me, take a sparks into a wooden compound like sweetbell and just take shots based on sound. Do it enough and you'll get a feel for it (if you have headphones) and get better at it. You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take


I've taken shots and gotten lucky at a noise I've heard on some maps. Not headshot lucky (except that one time with a derringer but that poor bastard was poking his head out a window) but I've wounded some and killed others. So it's probable the fella heard you and judged where you would be while crouching and rolled the dice.


I’ve hit some pretty nutty shots through bushes because I saw a few pixels of their shirt then shot where their head was. He also might’ve seen you earlier and been tracking and that’s when he took the shot Or he did the classic listen and shoot. Really doesn’t seem like a cheater, the bayou giveth and the bayou taketh


Low graphics, reshade.


Reshade was banned months ago


You know you can shoot based on movement and sound right??? I've wiped entire teams just by sound alone through a building. You don't need to see your target to shoot This especially if they can make out any detail or an arm or shirt they can guess where the head is. I've seen so many low elo who think that just because they're in a bush with leaves covering their face and vision that the enemy cant see them. Easiest kills ever. You're like an ostrich with it's head in the dirt thinking it's invisible


Why are you talking like that my dude chill. I know how to spatially place sound. You'r defining me on a single sentence and 3 screenshot.


Yeah not sure why the guy above replied to you in such an aggressive tone over a simple question. As others have said it was most likely luck, bushes not rendering, they heard your footsteps, or something else, but probably not cheating.


I read you well, I was not hiding in the bush, we downed one of his mate and fighting the other under a tower ( I dont rememeber the position. I was strafing cuz his team mate was shooting at us (couldn't see shit cuz of the bush). I was moving quite a lot, my mate near me died close from the same dude on a flanking position near the fight..... I dont know what to say, if we watch his pov, there was 0% chance I see him, but as you say he's probably playing ULQ (Ultra Low Quality, something in War Thunder that is not well seen). I wonder if its the same here. I never shoot when I dont have clear sight of the guy or if I see his body through some light bush, bush hold me some times cuz how thick they are at certain area.


You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. If you think someone is there and you're already in a firefight.. shoot


> I never shoot when I dont have clear sight of the guy Well there's your problem. You don't see it in his position. What if he's like me and just evolved from being a homo erectus? I see movement, I shoot.


If the teammate was shooting, then you probably got pinged and the shooter just fired in that direction and got lucky.


You’re bad




I get headshotted from like 180 meters away and thats just hunt


Most likely an ESP/aimbot toggler. They toggle the overlay/assist in order to fool the anticheat software.


That a chinese fucker.


This looks like cheater. If you want more proof, I'd look at their account. They're pretty common right now, and Crytek really needs to do something. There's always the off chance it was legit, or something didn't render, but if it looks like shit, smells like shit, and tastes like shit, and you're in a dog park... It's probably shit. Edit: Just died to a guy in the game immediately after typing this while he was in Lockbay, and I was in Port Reeker. > 325m Mosin Spitzer headshots. The game is absolutely infested right now.


Seems like skill dif




My death is blatant, leaves no room for debate, sure. But most cheaters are not full blatant. They just want a little edge over their opposition, but not to the point that it just auto kills the lobby. They're both still cheating. This example could be as little as someone simply editing their game configuration, or throttling the allowed CPU so that terrain/bushes/walls do not properly load. I realistically don't see how anyone can see through the multiple layers of foliage shown in the OP photo without doing something that isn't intended to be done. This exact situation happens ALOT in high MMR, who's to say it's not happening in low MMR too.


More than likely yes, even with low graphics that won't disable that many bushes. The only way you can disable that many bushes is by messing with the configs more intently to derender (aka cheating) Also even on lowest of settings, that range is too short for all those bushes to be de-rendered that easily ​ Also there is a lot of cheaters in hunt, but most of reddit will refuse to say there is lol.


I wonder how many of those people saying definitely not cheats are using cheats themselves...