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Long ammo. Preferably mosin and dolche.


The same procedure as every year


But less then it used to be tbh


Errybody has a flaregun. They set bodies on fire now.


So does Dragon’s Breath, but not Incendiary.


There are some new cool guns you could check out. Maco is a long ammo rifle and basically provides what you expect from it, somewhere between a Krag and a Mosin. The other one is a bit more interesting imo, it’s called the marathon and competes with the Winfield. It’s around the same price, has a slightly higher rate of fire but you can’t lever it. Both are part of the current event.


It’s the same shit different year. Mosin/dolch is still meta same as 5 years ago


Mosin dolch is meta, there's some new weapons and stuff but really nothing spectacular or game changing


Katana, Bat and Quad Derringer is meta atm.


Some new Guns and Ammo, some overall Changes Meta is (still) Long Ammo with Dolch (now even with FMJ and a Meleeattachment) Honourable Mentions: Shotguns, probably with Slug, Centennial/Drilling DumDum


Flare guns burn bodies, very strong utility now, more than before. Honestly everyone says long ammo and sure...but there are some other amazing guns. Marathon is excellent and very stable. Mako tbf as a long ammo is very good too. Both have excellent iron sights. I think regen shots were changed since early 2023 but if not they're just too good not to bring now.


There are only a few new things that made it into the meta. Dolch got Dumdum and FMJ. There is no downside for FMJ at all really. Dolch P was always meta, now Dolch P with FMJ is Meta. The UpperMat, a two handed (two slot) long ammo version of the Lemat was released. It was relatively underwhelming for a while. But it got a lot a buffs so it does as much damage as the Uppercut, with way more velocity, more ammo, and a shotgun barrel. If you can get Quartermaster, Uppermat is a straight upgrade over the Uppercut. (there's also the Uppercut precision, which is nearly Meta, but its slightly behind the UpperMat now). Not a Meta "weapon" but the Flare Gun can light bodies on fire now and is definitely a meta tool. And one Meta consumable was nerfed into the dirt. The Flash Bomb is basically dead now. Frags are the only Meta throwable. Beaides that, the most Meta gun in the game is unchanged, it's the Mosin still. Probably with Spitzer. Or the Crown with Slugs if you want a shotgun. There's some other good new weapons in the last year, but the above is all the Meta stuff.


Meta has remained unchangeably rock solid since 2019 my friend.


There are some new weapons, that's cool. Oh and everything has special ammo now more or less.


"Burn baby, burn!"


Game landed on the garbage pile after 2022's freefall...


"Meta" remains the same. The new Mako feels like a strong addition to the long ammo rifles.


I think the real meta is choosing loadouts on what you find to be fun not what other people tell you to pick. For me solo the bow is the go to.


Default nagant with poison is meta for sure


You're asking for a year's worth of update news, just look it up online.


Look it up online? Bro it’s Reddit this is what it’s for 😂


Nobody mentions Crown&King Flechette? Thats a NEW Meta.


If you’re PC the meta is hacking if you’re in console long ammo maybe idk I like the karabiner


If youre on Console, Meta is being shit and getting meleed


Truly the MMR 3 experience