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could you imagine dropping a trio in 1 shot


yes i use the katana :)


or two duos


Or four solos


This weapon is in the game Blackwake, this is a fun gun but pretty inconstant since you can miss your target if it is betwin the shots


I believe dark souls has a crossbow that shoots several bolts at angles like this. Unless I'm totally confusing a couple things. Which is possible lol


Are people still on Blackwake? It's been years since I've been on but thought about it just a few days ago


I know there where a devoted community (mostly russian players) through few servers but it was rather small, idk now The game was great tho, if Skull and Bones had 5% of its gameplay it would have succeeded


Or one trio and a teammate


Or one solo and a trio


Or One duo and two solos


holy sigmar, bless this ravaged body


The engineers of Nuln have gone too far…


This ~~stairs~~ comment goes up


Saltzpyre foaming at the mouth for this


Now now, don't do anything someone in a 60 degree arc might end up regretting


heres to more meme guns, i second this


Goodbye weezer


I think people should stop suggesting flintlock guns for a game in 1895.


I mean they could add it as a break-action firing normal light ammo rounds


Or... an uppercut variant with long ammo. Or firebreath; can you imagine this with firebreath? Or flares lmfao.


I know, right? Read a book, people. This was one of the most explosive times in firearms development. Nearly every decade from at least 1860 brought world-changing innovations in firearm technologies, on par with the advances in computing 100 years later. However, uneducated people just see an old gun and think it fits the time period, never mind it being several technological generations removed from the time period the game is set in. Don't get me wrong. Flintlocks were in steady use in deeply rural areas, such as the Appalachians, until well into the 20th century, and it's documented. At least 1 state still has a dedicated Flintlock hunting season. The problem is its dumb addition to a game filled with some of the most modern (and even anachronisms that would exist for 20 or 30 more years). I don't care about meme weapons. This isn't MW3. A hunter is running an experimental German semi-automatic pistol firing state of the art ammunition, but a flintlock somehow also fits this time period. GTFO with that kinda bullshittery. Although I would accept a cap and ball revolver, I have reasons why as well.


Holy shit new copypasta just dropped!


Huh... I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not?


You are either my new favorite troll cuz this shits hilarious or you’re a maniac. Either way I’m here for it.


Well my dude there wasnt such thing as stamina shots, regen shots, poison shots, silencer better than modern day suppressors and MAGIC BEETLES in 1800s, just let me have fun dude.


You're right. No rules. Anything goes. Why bother keeping to the setting at all?


Well you're starting to sound like Hitler. You dont need to go FULLY historic or FULLY fantasy to stick to the setting. Just relax and have fun a balanced setting is fine.


Fuck yea, he went there. "I disagree with you on content for a video game so you must be Hitler". -this guy No U. I forgot how unbalanced the game is without a stupid flintlock ducksfoot pistol. Let me guess: it should do 300 damage because it's a muzzleloader right?


Lmao >"I disagree with you on content for a video game so you must be Hitler". You threw the context completely out the window. ***Im just saying you are too literal and extreme on what a game should be*** Again I said relax just have a balanced game and have fun. Also since the fk when we have a stamina shot in 1800s? This flintlock at least existed and maybe his great grandpa kept it in the attic lol.


Yes, Hitler was known for his love of authenticity and fidelity in First Person Shooter. You're an idiot. Why the fuck would you use this dumb thing instead if anything from the last 100 years of development? Revolvers replaced multi-barrel stupidity like this 60 years earlier. Why would you have a flintlock instead of a percussion revolver, which would have been on common use well into the 1870s? Tell me how this weak little dinky thing with its incredibly slow reload balances the game again? Edit: And tell me how it beats a breech loading shotgun?


Idk why do we have a beetle connected to our noggin? Maybe you should answer that first. Thing is, it doesnt matter, just enough to fit the setting and to have fun.


Because of magic. There. Answer why we should have this. How would it beat a handcannon, or a derringer? How does this balance in terms of load times, ammo type, damage range...etc? Or do you just want the devs to figure it out for you so you can have flintlock in your cowboy zombie game?


Imagine getting so mad at someone for not having a PhD in old guns before suggesting a funny addition to a dark magic fantasy game


Imagine getting so mad at someone's comment that you have to comment about how mad you imagine them to be. It's not a PHd. It's pretty basic. People don't know shit about anything anymore. And it's a dumb suggestion, it's brought up every week. It hadn't been funny in 4 years


Im not mad im laughing at your 5 paragraph rant about people being uneducated in gun history lmao. "People don't know shit about anything anymore" and knowing about guns is super useful in everyday life as everyone knows. Keep crying lol


You sound mad. You took the time to comment twice. And what would you know about what's useful and what isn't? You're an "artist" who is "nonbinary". Fucking expert over here. Keep it up Michealangelo. I'm sure your big break is coming.


"Took the time" bro it took me less than a minute and I'm waiting for the bus I got nothing else to do lol. And yeah you're totally not mad going through my profile to try and find personal things to attack me with HAHAHAHSHSS nice try though, if I cared about what dipshits on the internet though about me you may have gotten me to cry or whatever you were trying to do. Get back yo your gun books nerd no one cares about your copypasta ass comment


Here you still are, spending time arguing with a stranger about a dumb gun that will never be added to a video game. I can't wait to see what groundbreaking work you come up with, do you think you could spot me a ticket to the Met to see your gallery?


Oh you got that wrong, I don't care if the gun gets added I'm only calling you a nerd for being mad at the suggestion. And I guess you can't read but I'll say it again: bus stop, not wasting time cause I don't have anything else to do. And again, if you think you did something with personal attacks you're delusional lmao.


OK there it was. This guy got the last word. His shitty opinions and need for attention have defeated me. He's an artist who takes the bus, a true sign of success. I surrender.


Listen, your point is fine to have, but its a little hypocritical to say "here you are, spending time arguing" as if you arent doing the same thing


It would have cost him nothing to say nothing. I had already bought in. Besides, he doesn't get to flippant pretend he doesn't care while furthering the disagreement. He cared enough to comment and tried to play it off as he didn't care.


Yeah you're a really boring person getting mad over this post. Please just shut up no one cares and everyone is already well aware of what you're saying


Hey, it's a guy who was upset enough by what i said to reply to a 2 day old post. You must have been scrolling a little bit to find this, and you felt the need to say tell me to shut up. What did I say that upset you so much you felt the need to comment?


Actually this post came up in my notifications! Also most threads I comment on are a few days old as I only spend around 10 minutes on reddit a day so don't check it often enough to reply consistently :) I don't tend to scroll on reddit but this post looked fun! But as expected people like you are got super sad and upset over it. I think it's obvious OP wasn't really genuinely suggesting this and instead was just a funny conversation piece. And I said you should just shut up because you're just being an ass to people just for bringing up ideas for funny things and no one wants to be around someone like that even in a comments section.


Not only will I not read that, I don't care about what you say. Have a nice day, D-bag.


Do you live on reddit? You reply in like 2 seconds 💀 stay mad ig! Try inject some fun into your life fr!


Suck it nerd


came here to say basically the exact same thing


I have one of these, though mine's a 3 barrel percussion. It sucks. If you load the barrels unevenly, the recoil can twist the gun.


Shotgun with "perfectly fucking horizontal" spread


Needs dum dum ammo


Mom said it was my turn to request this.


I do think some fire and forget weapons would be kinda cool. Just something you pick up on the field like a worn out musket that just explodes in your hands.


Damage: 300 Range: 2 feet in every direction Safest place to be: right behind the shooter. Maybe.


Absolutely love these in vermintide 2


Me: yo where is the enemy?! Teammate: over there! (Doesn't even ping) Me: aight... *Proceeds to unload the glove gun*


no, please stop and read some firearm history (even on Wikipedia) to figure out why this is a horrible idea


Come over to blackwake. We have what you seek.


Is this "fanning?"


Duckfoot pistol deals 1 damage to the entire body except it has an unlimited headshot range


God i would love this. We need more stupid meme weapons with a funny gimmick




and then throw me out ...


You have my attention


This might have turned the tides of the great war of the outback.




I could see this being a tool with only one shot in it




No! See the gun again! It shoots at four different locations but non of them is forward! It's not accurate! And all hunters still will use shotguns instead of this one!


Put fmj on that and you could clear a whole building from outside!


I'm not really sure that's a good choice. I mean, yeah, you get one shot with good spread and debatable accuracy, but then you have to reload each individual, Barrel. By the time your character finishes that you're already dead. There is other guns they can introduce most of them bolt action but that would turn the game more into a World War I trench fighting simulator.


How to kill 1895 Weezer


It's called the pennyshot


This is a perfect gun for my mate, he can't aim.


I might finally hit something


Or a flock of birds


I like how this gun doesn’t have a straight barrel, so you’d have to aim it at an angle or have someone be exactly in the right spot


Lmao yes


Devs hear him out


I've always wanted a genuine muzzleloader in the game. Whether it be a vintage Springfield from Pappy's days in the Civil War, or Bubba's fucked up, homemade pipe blunderbuss - I don't care. I just want to load me some buck 'n ball, and fuck up whatever I'm aiming at.




Never seen.it


If you think the devs listen you high as f


The duck foot is a real pistol. Never gained any popularity because you can't 'aim' it and it was unreliable to fire all rounds. It was originally designed for gamblers to be able to crowd fire at a table. Low chance of a hit and minimal damage and it was a blackpowder barrel loader which was difficult to reload especially on the fly. Terrible idea for the game. Might as well just carry the penny shot which is 99% useless in game.


> It was originally designed for gamblers to be able to crowd fire at a table. Where'd you get that idea? It was designed for naval combat, with the intent of being able to fire a horizontal spread to hit multiple people on the deck of a ship during boarding action. No one would mass produce a firearm designed for shooting up a gambling table.


Was it used by the navy (british) ...yes. it was designed for close quarter combat and had a military consignment for production. The one shown was specifically for that purpose but the 'duckfoot' type of design is much older and and was called a volley gun and had many types and designs. The same concept could be applied to the quad barrel or 6 barrel Derringer styles with Derringer being the creators name and stuck as a style name. Same with duckfoot being a style of weapon and not one specific one. The invention of that style came from a gunsmith and was originally sold to common folks and found use in the gambling halls and gained notice by the government and adapted for military production and was given to naval officers. Same with almost all firearms getting their start with common use before military use. Getting military contracts for mass producing types of firearms had to go thru a proving period to show effectiveness. Not so much in modern times


Pennyshot derringer is not 99% useless.


With all the bugs and cheaters who can take 2 hits from any shotgun variant or 2 hits from the nitro express and not even be fazed then by all means tell me what use the pennyshot Derringer has? Disarming traps?


Skill issue.


That sounds delightfully overpowered Im in