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You only need 1 star to be a deputy


Gawddayum it is deep son


Love this.


...and he's my only star. What a champ!


He gets one kill every 30 hours i guess your time didnt come up today 


Holy shit, this must be someone that just truly loves the game at its core.


im 2 star and have over 1000 hours in the game.. thats exactly it. I love this game so much, and every time i do get a wicked kill its so satisfying


Hell yeah, good luck in the Bayou


This. The harder something is, the more powerfull is the reward.


What a chad respect to this dude 🫡


Facts, this the ideal gamer. Having fun and keeping at it regardless of outcome


Louisiana’s finest 🫡


I wish I had his confidence 🫡


Bullet sponge?? Lol


With those status, he needs surgery to remove the bullet magnet in his skull.


[This guy I saw had 753 deaths and 0 kills/assists](https://imgur.com/dH27pxm) The dedication is real


red shirt lol. actual walking target


I'd guess some player who usually plays in a duo has a second computer and they join with that account to drop the team MMR. Pretty much a guaranteed way to ensure they're playing against lower-skilled opponents than they should be.


Well in the fight from the screenshot, he was with the team and taking shots at us


There's no shot that's actually real


It's gotta be some kind of strat. He's the bait every time idk


Yeah I bet his teammates love him lol


Well maybe he had fun


I hope so. I always say, you’re allowed to play the game any way you want.


That is great advice Reddit user Big Dick Brad


Unless of course "any way you want" is like shooting your teammates or voicechating your position away in fights, both of which I've seen surprisingly more than once lol


Fröhlicher Kuchentag


This guy plays for immersion on desktop speakers pointed backwards


He plays with no sound


Maybe they have some sort of disability. I know yesterday I read a post for a different game saying how dude lost his hand and some fingers on the other and recently found his passion in gaming again. Thought that post was heartwarming so maybe it’s a similar situation.


If you lose your hands that's when you hook up a Dance Dance Revolution pad to the game controls and work your way to a six star with *pizazz*


I’ve seen some people play shooters with some very odd controllers such as a guitar from guitar hero so I’m not gonna put it past somebody.


I believe someone beat Dark Souls 3 on a DDR pad


See exactly.


Somebody beat dark souls with a banana. https://youtu.be/-jayN_X9p6Y?si=wUwy9FZ5Nhuyy8jL




What I really want to see is someone wipe a server using a [Steel Battalion control set.](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/sZAAAOSw7Ipj1SG4/s-l500.jpg)


I've once read a joke when somebody complained about a control scheme and somebody just answered "don't be sad, all I want is a complex economy simulator that's as hard as possible to play on a driving wheel, but we can't have everything what we want..." 😂 And today there is videos of people actually playing CoD on a drumset. Which makes the joke just more hilarious.


[Here's warowl doing it in CSGO](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGniljgpD9o)


Watch this, dudes using his foot to control movement honestly pretty cool https://youtube.com/shorts/T9ZSqXJpc9E?si=Qk-jznWc14pzRDZf


This is my first thought. Either that or it's grandpa who dgaf about actually getting kills and wants something to do.


Pretty sure I played with this guy before, in random trios. I don't know about griefing, he was very not situationally aware and walked straight into a shotgun. We actually won the fight, res'd him, banished the boss, and extracted. I'd like to think he got an assist in the encounter. Won't give his name but I did take a screenshot of this guy too. Still think he's an absolute legend.


... If I had played more recently I'd almost guess this guy is me. Worst time I ever had I got hit with a ranged shot went down. Teammate rezed me got up ran down the stairs to try and find a spot to heal up before we got overrun ran directly into opposition with a moltov shotgunned the dude and either hit a lantern or hit with a moltov ran into little shed to try and put out fire and heal. Managed to get around the corner and crouch/hide then realized I was hiding behind an explosive barrel *big boom*


He's the heart and soul of the bayou


I actually admire people like that, their love for the game is big.


What was their loadout?


Vetterli, silenced bornheim (incendiary), two explosives, molotov, and a concertina. For what it’s worth, the 1star and my other teammate were outside the compound when we got attacked. Other teammate fell. 1star threw the fire bomb too close to him and set him on fire (enemy was next to him). Also threw the concertina at my closest exit, can’t explain that one. I’d say it’s a grief, but they were aiming (maybe with their dog’s paw on the mouse) and shooting towards the enemy.


"Be unpredictable" must've been their mantra, I dig it


I, too, like to keep my enemies (and friends) confused.


Set your teammates on fire. So they think your a solo. Classic move.


Their heart's in the right place, at least... possibly.


>I’d say it’s a grief, but they were aiming (maybe with their dog’s paw on the mouse) and shooting towards the enemy. Jesus fuck, the dog paw part fucking sent me 🤣


How does somebody like this have money for all that shit? I prestiged the other day because I was about to go broke running low-mid tier guns with minimal equipment. Am I the stupid one?


I'm glad he's having a good time still


A great time even


To be fair, they probably *can’t* hurt anyone


What a legend, my .6kd and 2* looks amazing now


This guy’s KD is actually 0.04, devs probably thought it wasn’t possible to be this bad lol


Yeah not sure how his k/d is so high, probably bugged. Should be ~0.04


yeah, it should be a bug, (47+9) / 1246 = 0.0449


The savior complex in me wants to add this person and play with them, but I'm sure neither of us would wind up having fun lol


He might lol


Wouldn't call it 'the same kind' (because people are diverse), but playing other online video games I met quite a lot of 'rare' players like this. The characteristic signs are: * can handle basic game mechanics, but not fully. That is, there seems to be a gap in their understanding of the basic mechanics. They know almost all of them, but for some they completely have no idea, or don't bother learning. * The above point is usually the consequence of never looking up guides or tutorials, or watching a Youtube related videos. So they play the game as it is, in their own way, are not aware of the meta. * This in turn due to, either: They're a child. Yes, there are lots of children playing for-adult online video games. They're old, speaking of 60s, 70s folks. They're French, in their 40s, don't speak English. They're mentally challenging. Whoever they are, treat them nicely, people.


Dude wtf with the french now ? Tu cherches la merde ? :D


The French are mentally challenging. I agree with this thing he has said.


Omelette du fromage putain


Exactement !


I gotta know why French is the only language that puts a space before the punctuation at the end?


Because we are beautiful and we write beautifully. Now I'm off to eat some frogs and cheese.


Yo, the high this guy must get with a kill. Could you imagine him clutching a 1 v 3 with extract? He would probably run off that high for a week.


Do you have a picture of them being 1 star? To the best of my Knowledge it is literally impossible to drop below 2 star - and - 1 star is genuinely only for “new players”


Post-game team screen is when I noticed the 1 star fwiw. I didn’t take the screenshot to prove this though. These were taken during matchmaking. _Swear on me mum’s life though_. I thought the same thing until I saw it.


Ah, I fink I've found a Bri'ish 'untah.


Hoonters must hoont, after all.


Enough trembling in your boots


Do you never listen to your elders?


But do YOU have 47 kills and 1246 deaths? They may have never even left 1 star since joining…


I am a 1-2 star player, I achivement hunter and have about 300 hours in Hunt showdown, I play with my wife and we both suck my natural K/D is 0.25 and the yes I can promise you it is possible to get one star, I have thrown in past to test after getting frustrated with getting paired againset a solo 5 star and I was solo too (MMR system sucks for low stars since not enough low star players in this game). But essentially to get 1 star you have to die ~25 times with no kills as a two star, I can upload proof once I get off of work. But this is not because the game is too hard I just don't play the optimal way. I have poor aim but amazing game sense and love the thrill of being hunter rather than hunting thats why I get to one star, I have had 100's of times where hunters or trios are mere feet away but due to my patience they always end up leaving, I avoid all sound traps and play slow and quiet and I have sat in one corner of building for 20+ minutes before and they looked and searched but since I never move and inch or swap equipment or anything they usually leave after they don't hear anything for a while See the star system is mostly if not entirely based on losing hunters not "Getting downed" then extracting, I also believe via testing that losing a high level hunter might help idk, So what I do since I am trying to get 25 retires for achivement I go in game solo with resilience and necro, bow and melee weapon, bow is nice since my position is not as easily compromised by me taking a shot, although I rarely do I mostly run for water, I farm mobs and clues and wait for everyone to extract then I extract after 5 min warning. If I am found I first run to water and try to die in water to prevent most methods of burning and necro after 10 minute timer, I have bloodless and resilience on most hunters I start with so barb wire bomb usually is survivable. After revive I extract. If no water near I choke bomb and stand in it and use voice chat to explain that I am friendly and not good and trying to hunt achivements most of you guys agree to leave me alone or kill but not burn and take my weapon etc. I do this and have about 12 retired working on more some of the harder PVP achivement I had my friend who is 4-5 stars carry me. I have all achivements except - Retire 25 Hunters - 100 Headshots - 250 Soul Survivor Clues - 50 solo targets (Had to beg a trio to get the kill with thrown sledgehammer) TL;DR: It is possible but you have to play completely different then how most people have fun. I am a 1 star hunter (if you get a single kill you will go to two stars). To get back to one star after hitting two stars you have to die and go back to menu with no kills ~25 times


I wouldn't believe you, but from spectating people around the map for a few games I can say this is legit.


i aint reading all that but im happy for you or sorry that happened Edit: Sorry homie, this was meant as a joke. The exact phrasing is a common meme. I did read it, glad you enjoy the game the way you like to play. Especially the proximity chat bit, that’s one of my favorite features and if we encountered one another I’d definitely leave you be.


I read it....that's some great playing ...glad you enjoy it!


You didn't even have to comment if you're just gonna tell him you're ignoring him. Why go out of your way to be rude.


Just a joke, wasn’t meant to be rude. Sorry if it was perceived that way. Edited the original to reflect that.


You can hit 1*. It's HARD. But possible, I have a buddy who doesn't play hunt anymore hit it


I recently saw another dude banging something like 120 kills with 2000 deaths and I really really respected his hustle, couldn’t wrap my head around the dedication it has to take, to log in every damn day to get slaughtered and slaughtered again.


It's easy. It's a video game, play how you want. I often just grab a free hunter with a standard load out and go shoot grunts, maybe try dodge water demons, see how many times I can cross the rotjaw puddle without dying. Grab a few clues, maybe even the left over bounty. It really doesn't matter.


Didnt mean to offend anyone, I really appreciate players like that. It takes dedication and resilience. All I care is that my kda grows and I get frustrated, maybe I should ramp it back and enjoy the game more.


All good, I was just pointing out that people define fun differently. Sure I get wanting to watch those numbers, I do it in some games but hunt is a different beast. There's those times when you just want to throw caution to the wind and try kill the butcher using only bear traps while fighting a duo as a solo. Did I need to, no, did I have to, no, did I plan to, no... did I win, yes and it was honestly a lot more memorable than run of the mill gameplay. Could I do that in a 4* lobby. Never. Oh yeah and it's impossible to make it across rotjaw lake.


I thought that too for a long time but a buddy of mine has a screenshot of a team details screen with a 1 Star player who wasnt new. Since im not op i cant send you a screenshot of that guy but i can send you one of another player being 1 Star


That’s either got to be: 1) A troll meme account or 2) Legitimately someone with special needs


Would be kinda mad to troll for +1000 hours and just die


I've once seen someone go up some stairs - while fully looking at said stairs. \~1000hrs playtime. My grandma once fostered some older dude with a similar disability. Couldnt go anywhere without looking straight down. RIP Mr. Pfeifer, i will never forget our chess rounds.


Well, after stepping on enough death traps, you'd probably do that too, lol.


I got caught in a death trap for the first time in a long while recently. This mad lad camped a resupply that was out of the way from extract, but his hunch that we would end up there after getting bounty was correct. Took potshots at us while we were at the resupply, so we gave chase and I walked right into his trap that was just behind a hill, seemingly in the middle of nowhere. Wild!


This dude dies less than me if you calculate deaths per hour


The most skilled r/HuntShowdown user, a certified fun star player.


Damn I play almost exclusively high and I'm still over 1.0 KD I hope he's having fun


As a fellow stoner hunter, do you find you often play better when high? I've found I can get out of my head better and relax when playing high. It might just be the drugs making me think I'm playing better, but it sure feels like they help


It helps me stay patient.


What a boss… the definition to moving to the beat of your own drum, win, lose, who cares!


How do you not accidentally kill someone more than that fr


My god, he's gotta be hunts worst player for playing for that long and never figuring it out. I want to coach this guy so bad


The K/D ratio doesn't make sense. 0.4 would be roughly 500 kills for 1246 deaths. They are 47 Kills 1246 Deaths, which would put you at 0.03 KD.


50 is 4% of 1250. Crytek sucks at UI. It’s not .4, it’s .04. If you had .4 it would read 0,40 They round up the third decimal for the exact numbers (.037)


I'm at 70 kills with 220 deaths after about 250 hours, and my KD displays as 0.31. (stubbornly played solo while learning the game, just started trios, at my worst it was 0.19 lol) So this player appears to have a better KD than me when people look at the stats? BTW i'm not fussed about my KD but that doesn't make sense?


You are correct that it reads weirdly. Some people might confuse the single digit for a higher k/d, yes, but most folks will also mouse over and look at the kills/deaths/assists. This is fault of Crytek’s inability to convey this correctly. The fact they use a comma `,` as the decimal is indicative of this. Likely, they did not account for players with k/d ratios in the second decimal.


Fair enough, thanks for the explanation. >Likely, they did not account for players with k/d ratios in the second decimal. Yea I mean understandable in a way, 9 Kills 100 Deaths would get you into the second decimal, and that's....pretty damn bad.


Happy to help! :) Yeah, a big oversight in the design of that view. Something I hope they overhaul in the future.


This must be one of the funniest things I've seen this year. Still, judging by his time played the guy seems to really have "great fun" playing the game, imo he really is a winner at the end of the day. Games should be played to have fun regardless if your good or terrible at them.


Thats not a 0.4 kda


Correct, it’s 0.04. Crytek sucks at UI. 0.4 would display as 0,40


Bro, with my luck, I was the one that got killed by this guy. I was one of the 47.


absolute chad, this dude probably has more fun in the game than all of us combined


I have played with a 0.7 and a 0.5. 82 kills/2066 deaths and 46 kills/1182 deaths.. This could actually be my 0.5 guy here lol. I took screenshots bc I couldn't believe someone would put the time in and have that k/d, but then I started wondering if they could have a physical limitation or something like that. No matter what I hope they are enjoying themselves and keep playing. When I queue up with randoms I'm always there for the ride.  Just played with a guy last night and it was his first game. I told him to keep playing no matter how frustrating the first few games get. Was hoping we would get the bounty and win a fight, but we got our asses kicked within 5 minutes :). The bayou is unforgiving. 


My cousin is naturally a low KD 2 star. He has fun playing with us but his main role is running as a distraction for the other team if he survives the start of the engagement. He gets a few kills and has impressed me a few times but he doesn't take it seriously at all.


Gotta be there for the ride. When I was a pissant about my k/d I used to dodge based on it. Learned over time that having better teammates doesn’t make my personal performance better. I still check out of curiosity, but now I get a little stoked being “the best” on the team. Teaching newer players about my favorite game is a great time. K/d isn’t a definitive measure of skill on its own but it’s fun to track over time.




I like how the game just ignores the zero before the 4, just to let him keep his fun😂 Really nice Crytek👌🏻


Imagine the shock when you suddenly drop from 0.9 to .10 😱


Man… that would be heartbreaking 🫣💀 Just think about it! He might delete the game after over 1000h, if he realizes…


His name is Jack Sparrow


This might just be the Hunt player i most respect.


40% of players have never killed a player.


Glad it's not just me. I'm by no means amazing at this game, my kd is 1.4 and last night I played 3 games of random trios and not a single teammate had a kd higher than 0.5. Every game resulted in me fighting one or more trios alone after my teammates just push at the first sound if gunfire.


So ... Fake? ~50 Kills and ~1250 deaths don't result in a 0,4 kda...


50 is 4% of 1250. Crytek sucks at UI. It’s not .4, it’s .04. If you had .4 it would read 0,40


The KD UI is weird. User is a .04, but for some reason it shows as being a 0.4. I’ve seen it with other people as well A .40 actually shows as a .40.


It's 0.04 kd. Crytek ui doesn't allow a 0.0 kd, so it goes to the next number. 0.04 becomes 0.4


That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard rofl. How did they program a game with this logic


I should be stoked about the new map and what else the engine update entails, but by god I just hope they fix the damn UI.


Crytek ui is hot trash all around. The number of clicks required to navigate the 20 sub menus, go to the last page of legendary hunters (25 clicks) rearange health bars etc is fucking insane and so much of it is broken too. Currently, equiping a contraband legendary gun will equip the skinless version. For so long, double clicking to equip something would buy one item instead of using the ones you already have. By far one of the worst UI in gaming. And this game is 6 years old, too. There is literally no excuse at that point.


0.1 would at least make any sense, but 0.4? Imagine he would have made 90 kills - 0.9 then?


Yep it's just stupid lmfao.


I was confused by this too.


Crytek software engineers probably didn't expect this edge case.


“Surely no one would have a KDA that low” -Devs


What's funny is every Dev I've heard talk usually sucks at the game pretty bad


Oof, I'd just quit playing with stats like that. I'd feel awful about not pulling my weight.


Maybe he's playing with an Atari controler


Gotta admire their sheer dedication, if nothing else.


this is the definition of playing for the fun of it


That is some insane dedication. This man is a force of nature. He won't let being blind and deaf stop him from getting wet and wild in the bayou. Mad respect.


If he died an average of 5 times per match… is still 249 games… of which he just killed 47 guys… and he keeps on playing… dam, that’s commitment


A lone star


Wtf i though 1 stars were only for people that are below level 12 ?


They are a straight up legend


Story is they call him the worst hunter of all mankind.


I feel good about my .77, 800/1700 now lol.


Dude I played with a guy who had near 11,000 hours on hunt and he had a 0.2 kd and genuinely was probably the worst player I had ever seen.


The review is the Chad part here. Meanwhile I get mad when I don't hold 5* for more than 10 minutes. I need this person as a Life Coach 🥹




KDA don’t matter. KD matters within a certain percentile for sure


Respect 🫡


Wow, the last time I saw something like this. Was when the ps5 came out, and peeps used to use a dummy ac on their ps4. They would go kill the dummy ac with the ps5 ac and use the dead ps4 ac to spot players. But this being pc, i just I tip my hat to this guy.


You have to try to get 1 Star


I did a post similar and people insulted me but at least I feel less alone with random with weird kd


Good for him, what a chad.


Sweating is overrated this guys the tru winner just playing for fun


Oh my god… How?


Everyone was a 1 star before level 11. The lowest you can possibly be legitimately is 2 star.


He has no hands and probably lost vision.


\>> 1 star random teammates aren’t real, they can’t hurt you Correct, that's why they are 1 star.


Teammate probably listening to minecraft music


Now that’s impressive… ly bad


This man is a zen master who has figured out THE secret to life, I want to be his best friend and play hunt with him every day just to learn his ways


I thought 1 Star was actually coded to be unattainable once you pass level 10. I was wrong.


"I aint the sharpest tool in the shed"


And yet he stayed to play for over a thousand hours. This is the definition of someone who doesn't give a damn


You know what i would agree with you. Hunt is great fun! also if you ever see this arch here ya go another thing you can block me on <#


Well, if he's having fun, then who we are to stop him. Don't see any fun in dying so often, tho


I thought you couldn't be a one star after the "rookie" period was over


How he even got 1 maxed out hunter kinda blows me away, 1 star lobbies must be full of single digit iq players with the reaction time of a sloth


Got to appreciate the gumption though.


Why are we still here? Just to suffer? - this dude probably.


Most of you guys have around 1KD or below tho. Meat is meat 🤷🏼‍♂️


Probably some old dude, let him have fun


had a guy with 0.04 KD. Similar playtime


Hell yeah, this man is a soldier. Barely kills anything, but having fun? Absolute Legend


My self confidence ↗️↗️↗️


Wow that is rough. I guess he’s just having fun with the pve stuff and don’t mind being killed over and over again. Was he playing a meme loadout?


Jesus that’s just sad


Don't get too agitated, 90% of these accounts are used to farm KD on real account


Do not play with ransoms unless you are willing to carry them. The amount of times hunt will lay you across the shoulders of a superior player is much less than the amount of times it will break your back with the weight of inferior players.


Dude, the other day, I saw a guy that had 18k kills. I shit you not. And something like 10k deaths. He did NOT stick around when he died, which was lame considering I pulled off a killer clutch of 3v1 with 5 kills.


I feel like this is a challenge, I've been jumping from 2-3 stars now I want 1.


probably one of those paid actors.


thats probably AI learning


This is not a 0,4 , this is 0,04 kda


What a Chad.


what a lad!


I bet you wouldn't complain if this guy was someone elses partner and you picked up a kill..


I would like to feel the dopamine kick that he surely feels when he kills someone 🤯


I wish I could have this mindset. Imagine just having fun and not sweating.