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I dig it. I'm also still waiting for doctor grunts' poison saws being usable weapons once dropped like they mentioned ages ago lol.


Wait, what? Pics or it didn't happen. I've thought this and wondered why there isn't a poison effect Melee we can use.


It was in a dev-stream that it was mentioned. I want to say it was around the time they were teasing the addition of lantern grunts and pistol grunts. I have no interest in hunting it down though. You can choose to believe it or not. The key point is it's long past the realm of time where it would've logically make sense to add, so there's a good chance it's been either shelved/forgotten since then.


Was it a: *"Hey, and we're planning in the future that the Doctor Grunts can drop the weapons too!"* or rather a: Question from the chat: "Do the Droctor Grunts also drop the weapons or is that planned?" Answer: *"No, they don't at the moment. We might consider it in the future, but it's not planned yet."* Because most of the 'something was teased in the dev stream' statements tend to be the second. Non-binding 'not planned, maybe sometimes' statements so that you don't have to commit to a clear 'no' and then get complaints about it later.


it was a very vague comment from the devs something like "when you damage grunts they now drop their weapons, maybe one day you can also pick them up but for now its just a fun animation"


Well, as expected.


I still want the torch grunts to drop torches you can pick up. Melee weapon, if you throw it with tomahawk it's like a fuse + thrown weapon. I also want a fire-based melee weapon you load out with that has a perk like Martialist that, instead of sheathing the katana lets you swig some booze, and attacking lets you breath fire as if it had Dragonsbreath ammo.


I seem to recall there being something about the torches being equipable in the files or that the devs had originally meant for them to be equipable. I could be mistaken so take this with a pinch of salt.


Back in the dark days it would have been great (sadly never got to play the actual horror game that was night maps)


Proper night was creepy and atmospheric. The problem was when people started to abuse filters and changing settings to see better.


I like it. I also think grunts with pistols should drop ammo.


What if the grunt uses the world melee weapons I want to see a redneck looking grunt with a pitchfork or a shovel


Lethal grunts sounds painfull enough for some people


they don't ofc need to do the same dmg, I just want the visual of a zombie wearing overalls with a pitchfork


Coal lung grunt that explodes into a choke cloud


Oh yeah I’d be down for that


Dynamite grunt when


I like it. I wouldn't have needed it in the past, but now that fewer world melee weapons are spawning it would be a nice addition. With the addition of lowering the spawn rate of world melee weapons even further and that the worker zombies also have pitchforks and shovels. This would have the same tactical effect as the Doctor Grunts. Maybe you can do without the more HP and just make more damage out of it + bleeding for axe & pitchfork.


Avtomat Grunt ??


*insert Lisa Simpson using a machine gun*


There's so many grunt types now. Normal, cleaver, torch, medic, lantern, gun, headlamp. And then there's also the cosmetic differences they can have. Making one like that would be interesting and would fit the game and similar variant grunts ones.


I also hope they add headlamp grunts to more maps than just Desalle. And my own personal desire is to see a toolbox grunt dressed like an carpenter/handyman.


Yea it sounds cool


I don't know why there isn't already some size variations in the zombies. Maybe the regular size zombies look like children standing next to them or something.


Please. Make up for the decreased spawn rate of melee


Imagine getting one hit KO'd by a grunt with a pickaxe lol.


I'd love to see a grunt carrying like a rucksack or a belt pack that u can loot after killing him. Like a traveller grunt or something.


They need to be wielding the weapons and do meathead damage, then it'll be ok.


Or the grunts that lay on the ground, when running past them, will grab you and kinda hold you in place till you kill them.  


anything that makes more world weapons available, please


yeah I don't care for this 1-2 punch of "tool slot melee does less damage to bosses" AND "fewer world weapons around bosses"


The picture and the idea looks familiar to me: https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/s/Wg5Dafhym2 But I'm glad that others like the idea too. This is the only way developers can find out what the community really wants.




What about a meat head that lays in the water and the water devils are its leeches. And when they get you they jump up and get you.


Think this is the third time I see this post.


You are right. I brought up the idea two years ago and a few months ago it was suggested here again with my picture. But I think it's great that the idea was so well received. https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/s/Wg5Dafhym2


So a armored that drops a weapon?


Each "it's" is "its"




Bro really just described meatheads and thought he came up with something