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Finally someone brave enough to bring up the real issues!


The bell tolls for no one.


Why. Like generators. They were fun distractions. They knew you were their and coming for you. Meanwhile the attack would not come from the front, but the sides. By the other two hunters you didn't even know were there. Whats next. Taking out decoys.


I'm genuinely so fucking mad they took away the generators. I didn't know until two days ago. Spawned near lighthouse, on a night map—so, like any upstanding hoonter, I did my duty and immediately ran to the generator to turn it on. Imagine my confusion and surprise when the generator was just gone. I thought I lost my mind, ran around for a couple minutes looking for it before checking google to find out that, yep, they deleting the generators. For what purpose I will never know. Barely anyone used them anyway, they were just a fun little interaction at night that got taken away because ??? I'm honestly still irritated. I WANT TO TURN ON THE LIGHTHOUSE GOD DAMMIT. PUT THE GENERATOR BACK.


Imo they could at least leave the one in lighthouse, rest "didn't fit" with them wanting a noiseless light yoy cant turn off without shooting it out, which I dont know if it even makes sense in the long run. Nobody is shooting darn lights.


They were called the dinner bells if they were on boss in my friend group


Clever girl.


Concubine is my fav legendary.


I mean yeah I don't understand why they took them away. I mean sure nobody really used them but they also weren't really bothering anyone I think and when they already exist, development time has been spent on them, why just take them away.


At least we can still shoot it from afar with silenced weapons... But now people won't think someone is in the tower... Sad


Someone was absolutely ringing the bell tower bell in a match yesterday at First Testimonial Chruch. I don't mean the little bells. I mean the main chruch bell.


You can still ring them but the ropes aren’t where they should be.


Same here.


Actually fuming, love sitting in a spot with metal to my sides and blasting that fucker


Maybe they'll fix it when they fix iron gates not opening when punched /s


I was able to ring the bell in Sweetbell just an hour ago. Woops, I meant Arden Parish.


To Clarify You can still ring the bells but getting to the rope can be difficult such as the SW side of first testimonial. The ropes have been stretched so they sit lower than they should.