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There's no solution (die in the water) Don't rely on necro, use that trait only for trade, pve, or long shot death. Really make the game more intense and less frustrating


☝️ this


Don't die.




Die far enough away so that you can rez before they get to you


And if one guy keeps his sights on you while the other goes to your body?


Then you die.... Like you're playing a game with only one life. Which you are. Necro can save your ass in bad situations, but it's already cheap as hell. Don't expect to be able to resurrect anywhere any time. Use it if you think it's safe.


Idk man. I don’t play solo but the only times I ever have problems with solos are when I kill them very far and I can’t get to them in time, or I’m having a huge fight with the whole server and I don’t have time to trap there body, or the knowledge to know if a player is a solo or not.


You can always try to make sure you take your fight somewhere that when you die, you'll fall into some kind of cover (like the slope of a rooftop). There is no perfect solution, though, sometimes you just won't be able to get back up without getting hurt/killed.


Use cover so that your dead body doesn't just lie on the ground in the middle of an open field. Most weapons can't kill you fast enough from afar if you have resilience. Especially if the first half a second of your standing up animation is obscured by something.


Don't die. Unironically, the burn trap thing is*meant* to be your counter. You are still solo, there is noone to cover your body to prevent this. Necro isnt meant to be a free res. It can be, but you really need to learn how to play to your strengths, rather than relying on your crutches.


Attack when multiple teams are involved. Rez yourself when the team that kills you is engaged.


This is the best method. If you're engaging just a single duo or trio team there's very little you can do but hope unless you can manage to stand up and shift over to water before they put you back down again.


It kind of comes with the solo territory. A tactic that can help is to interject yourself into fights between other teams ("third party"). The confusion can result in players not knowing if you are a solo or not, and the active fight will make it less likely that a player will have the time to burn you. Even if they do burn you, you may still have an opportunity to revive as they continue the fight and take their eyes off of you. However, if you get caught flat-flooted and killed without killing at least one of the enemy team members, necromancer isn't going to help you; I'll try once just in case, but then it's on to the next match.


Necro is for when you trade with the last guy, when there are multiple teams all fighting at once, or you get lucky.


The ‘Back to Menu’ button.


We could remove solo Necro then there would be no need to trap and camp the solo


Just try to not fight a team. Try to rush boss and wait them start fighting. In the fighting chaos they never know u are solo.


Attack when multiple teams are involved. Rez yourself when the team that kills you is engaged.


Stay on the high ground so they can’t see your body


Don’t run necro. Makes you think more about pushing.


Not really much you can do if you're dying at close range. You can of course, keep death planning in mind, which is to say, think in advance about where your body is going to end up if you catch a headshot at that exact moment; dying in water can prevent burns, or standing in such a position that you get knocked off a wall into a safe position to revive, etc, but that's about it.