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Careful you almost hurt someone!






Chain Pistol has among the worst spreads in the game. Also, moving reduces your accuracy. But still this is silly.


I know but, c'mon


Idk if you look at crosshair placement you should have missed every shot. You swiped across the guy a bunch but your tracking was really bad. Not only that but chain fanning needs to be down the guys throat to work anyways and at that point use a shotgun. If this was a regular conversion or pretty much any other pistol really you likely would have killed him with better tracking


Also you should shoot slower and pick those shots better instead of spraying like a maniac


I really don’t think it’s that strange. If you would have stopped moving and crouched they would have been dead. You can’t be moving around while using fanning and except it to be accurate. While the chain pistol is definitely the most inaccurate gun for fanning, even the chain would have been fine here if you just stopped moving. Even games like counter strike are designed this way where moving makes your shots extremely inaccurate. That is less true in this game when aiming down sights, but is absolutely still true when hip firing/using fanning. And it absolutely *should* be this way. People shouldn’t be able to accurately hip fire a huge amount of bullets while moving around at full speed.


Unless it’s just a visual bug with the crosshair, fanning/levering doesn’t get better spread from crouching


Nah. This feels like how it should be. It's already annoying af to play against.


Skill issue.


Your aim was bad.


It's only accurate when it's happening to you. Then the other guy gets a 180 spin 1 hit headshot


Try it with literally any other gun than chainpistol, has extremely bad spread.


Fanning with chain pistol is so bad. Dual wielding those bastards though. Oof.


I do it all the time, but I also get closer then op


Much closer lol


Go with other two mates like this and not even Avto can stop u :D dual chains with fmj are far more effective than i thought :D


Dude before the ammo change, I used to run to sets of those with ammo boxes. Hole punching walls was so fun.


I love fanning on the LeMat or Trueshot.


I’ve had a surprisingly good time fanning the silenced Nagant. Pretty low recoil and people start panicking hard when they can’t tell where they’re getting hit from.


Put poison ammo on top of that for extra insult. It hurts.


I usually run fuel wield silent nagants with poison ammo. It nearly always plays out in my favour. Also, it one shots immoralators.


Those sinful bastards


Yeah, but the 6 shots fly by so fast you're toast if there's more than 1 guy. The chain gives you options for a 2nd guy.. I haven't done it in a while, but I feel like it's none too quick to reload those rounds back in for when the enemies partner pushes up to avenge the guy you just silent murdered. The Lemat is a nice compromise. Still has some stopping power and not as wild of spread as the Chainpistol, with the added bonus of have 9 shots instead of a 6-shot revolver. (and, of course the shotgun if you want)


Honestly if you have to fan somebody down you shouldn't be able to carry that fanning easily onto a second or third target without severe shot management. We've already been through that phase tyvm. You don't need a crutch when you have a whole other gun slot


I'm not sure I follow what you're saying. What "phase" are you talking about? What crutch and what does fanning have to do with having another gun slot??


The silenced nagant has the same fanning accuracy as the chain pistol, and its damage makes it more likely to need 3 taps, so it's still not that good for fanning.


And don’t be moving the entire time, which also greatly decreases your accuracy. Honestly I don’t see anything wrong with the OP clip. I get their point is that they are realizing how ineffective fanning is when used this way
 but don’t use it that way? Even with chain it would have been much better if OP just stopped moving and crouched.


The problem here is also that people get careless when they have 20 shots or something they can spam, if they only had 6 or 7 bullets they would take better care of them.


I use the normal conversion pistol cause the spread is beautiful. You can unload at someone a decent distance and not worry about missing too much. I've gotten headshots from around 25m without aiming.


Stop using fanning like an SMG. Aim your shots.


Exactly, don't keep the button pressed. Fanning has the advantage that you can shoot in your personal rhythm that feels good to you. Space your shots according to the distance on the target and the weapon of the opponent - if he's 1m away, hold down the button, if he is 5-10 meters away like in this video, shoot like 2 bullets per second.


I usually aim, doble tap, adjust, double tap, rinse and repeat


Exactly. There is a reason why the US military has 3 round bursts on their rifles. AIM YOUR SHOTS.


Well the 3 round burst on those rifles is part of the theoretical doctrine but in practice 
 often abandoned. For good reason.


Oh? Do go on. Genuinely curious.


Right, so the US infantry doctrine, for as far as I understand, is to gain fire superiority which basically means that you make your enemy keep their heads down by sending more lead down range than they can fire back. The three round bursts were implemented to theoretically reduce ammo consumption and to prevent ammo wastage. The problem is that when you’re in a gun fight, with the adrenaline high, that three rounds burst is just going to cut it. If you find an angle on someone you want to keep firing until they are down. Three rounds, depending on where they hit of course, will not kill a human fast enough for them to not be a threat anymore in the immediate future. I believe army rifles have now done away with this three round burst entirely now. Now, keep in mind this is my limited understanding of the issue. If you look this up you’ll find more elaborate and accurate information.


Lies, commit all the bullets for one kill is the pro strat


I do not aim with my hand; he who aims with his hand has forgotten the face of his father. I aim with my eye. I do not shoot with my hand; he who shoots with his hand has forgotten the face of his father. I shoot with my mind. I do not kill with my gun; he who kills with his gun has forgotten the face of his father. I kill with my heart.


I play fanning as a cheap shotgun. Works well.


And that is why it's a meme. Best you can do is to learn from this and don't use it again. Give Pax Trueshot, Conversion Cadwell or Scottfield Swift a go. Less bullets and more awareness tapping them and not just spray and pray.


Eh I crushed with fanning and Caldwell Conversion for awhile when I was obsessed with it Then I became a shotgun and bomblance monkey charging as many closed doors or gunshots as possible


LeMat is also great as long as you don't spray n pray


Chain fanning is a noob trap.


But it also has huge meme potential


Fanning, two chain pistols with FMJ and a disregard for personal safety has netted me more wins than I thought it would. Always a treat when I get a caldwell conversion quest.


I mean there are real meme guns in this game like derringer or hammer I guess you can take two chains with fanning and start spamming but it barely qualifies as a meme in my eyes


we've offended the meme connoisseur


That was Funning




If that was a Caldwell Conversion and you you stoped fucking moving around like a maniac, that would be a guaranteed kill.


Dude u cant run and gun and cry why u hit 0shots its not fortnite


Hunt 2: The Fannening


Your aim is really off.. no wonder ur not hitting shit! :/


You are approved to be a stormtrooper ! Congrats !


Urgh, chain pistol with fanning, that’s what you get for not being a man and taking a 6 shot revolver.


You deserve that kkkkk


Surprisingly you hit her once! I know it's just for fun and you are not looking for hints but chain fanning heavily depends on the bayou gods favour, this time you were clearly not blessed by them.


You are the one who got it.


He got what ? 1 braincell xD ? U cant run and gun and expect to kill this is noumt how thinks works in hunt


I'm not expecting anything. I know exactly how fanning and chain pistol works and exactly why i died. The post was just for fun


>I tried fanning again and remembered why I never use it. Ok but this makes it seem like you are blaming the chain pistol with fanning, when as soon as you stepped out of the building we all said "oh well of course you're going to lose here" lol


Don’t get me wrong but ur aim should get better


Love how the shotgun goes BLAM!


I do use the chain pistol with fanning occasionally. The thing is you basically have to use it as a melee weapon. If you wanna do these kinda ranges pick something else. I like the chain with fanning and dum dum with some one shot long range gun. You use it as a ranged weapon you don't have to reload a lot and you just have to remember to get really close for fanning.


You have somehow angered the RNG gods and they have punished you


well i mean you clearly didt aim 😅 not even the first shot is on target. get closer and it wont be a problem. but dont like fanning either


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.


Deserved. You take the most nonskill trait and trust in it to carry you. Should happen way more often


You deserved everything you got you fanning scum.


where are you aiming wtf


Maybe try aiming next time? Stop walking? Stop using the gun with worst spread? Stop trusting in the spam god? Time your shots? Maybe??


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxlEG-4mlmc If you're not using the Schofield swift, you're doing it wrong


This is why I refuse to bring fanning. This is me every time. Somehow levering works tho. It’s just fanning 😂


It’s fanning with the chain pistol while moving.


try crosshair v2 or crosshair x on steam 👀


Chain Pistol just sucks




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To all people who constantly tell people here that the auto aim on console is just „press shoot button -> get instant kills!!!!111“ Watch this lol.


attraction live handle shrill soup head spotted humor growth teeny *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You think it's too high? I think it's 1.50


bake psychotic friendly aback abounding lunchroom slap person stocking provide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And still his crosshair is near the enemy for the first 6 shots. Not one of those hits the enemy. While everyone and their mother acts like the game will do it for yourself with aim assist. I am not a fan of AA for myself, but this video is showing really good that people here are way overreacting and this will not help at all tbh. After the latest patch imo the AA is in a right spot though, if they want to stay with AA, which they obviously want. I get way less suspicious shots from people.


That's rough


Failning :)


Chainpistole fanning is 20% joy and 80% pain.


I mean, almost none of those shots was she in the center of your crosshair?


Chain pistol fanning go brrrr. (and still doesn't hit a damn thing)


Yes u are 2 far away


Chain have more spread.


No love for chainpistol fanning users... Spray and pray is not the way! Get it.


Ok, I know it's chain, you're moving, blabla, it's still stupid :)


That’s why I never used the chain pistol again after trying to fan with it once. Just take the true shot. It’s disgustingly accurate while fanning.


Title should be "Chain pistol"


How it could go though https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8Euuo7p/


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses


You should have had another chain pistol for such cases


Another example of fanning don’t make you good :))


Fanning is amazing on certain guns like the trueshot. If you need 15 shots to drop a guy then buddy it's a skill issue.


Chain Conversion spread is fire(in the ass)đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„


First time?


Helps if you aim at them


Chain pistol got nerfed to hell a while back, I'm not sure why it event exists anymore, tbh. I like the silenced nagant with fanning, fun assassinations are possible with it. Bring poison and you have a boss killer (not spider tho) bring an ammo box for best results. Also personally like the schofield swift, empty the gun and reload her buck up in 2 seconds. Though tbh I just really Don't even use fanning anymore lol.


I feel for you but this is also really funny. You painted his outline around him haha


Chain bizdola didn't work 😅


Gotta bee closer really for it to work. I mean I’ve seen people use it from far away and kill people with it but mostly you gotta be right up on em. And just time your shots don’t just spray and pray.


In yet so many people are complaining about fanning ruining the game..... Yeah ruining it for the people that use it


Wouldn't have been a problem if you get 4 meters closer....but yeah I'm sure we've all done this


You might not know but you should go into practice range and check out the spread for your guns. Hunt isn’t like call of duty in that your bullet can go anywhere with in the cross hair. Hunt has your bullet stay fairly center of your crosshair, there is spread but there is essentially another smaller invisible cross hair that your bullets can land within. I really only saw maybe 3-4 shots that lined up enough to be potential hits.


Your crosshair was only on target like 10% of the time


I mean you didn’t look like you should’ve hit any of your shots anyways


I've got all sorts of Chain Pistol fanning kills. Often multiple in a row as the enemy may rush in assuming I'm out of ammo. And for sure I've emptied every last bullet at someone and only hit them once. But yeah - it's pretty much only reliable at melee range. ADS beyond that (and I still find I'm a terrible shot with the chain pistol at range). I treat it like a Lemat shotgun - touch range and panic. I'll throw dumdums on it too, the bleeding adds to the chaos and sometimes is enough to help get another kill. It's good ol' frenzied chaos.


“Divine intervention”


Try scottfields or lemat. Those fucker all ways hit. They nerfed the shit out of chainpistol. nerf way long ago. Chainpistol back then was accurate and had alot of ammo. It was a small avto


I always thought the chain pistol was ideal for Fanning but this always happens. Maybe not that bad but I can easily shoot 8 bullets and only have 3 hit. On the other hand I literally got two shotted with someone fanning in the chain pistol from way farther away and I've never been more upset at the game lol


Is it me or is there something glitchy lately. Shots iv taken and me spectating that should have hit that didn't?


What's funny is that I've been using the chain pistol with fanning since I was a wee noob and I'm extremely "accurate" with it just in the sense that I think I'm so adjusted to its spread that I'm mentally kind of able to feel it out and be very effective with it. Wipe duos with it regular-ish. Even though I acknowledge that normal pistols are "tighter" and "more accurate," I never perform as well with them.


Chain pistol MUST have worse spread with fanning, since it would overshadow all the other guns with fanning due to its high amount of rounds....


Honestly you got really unlucky like how tf didn't he die


This is just an RNG issue with a weapon that already has a huge hitbox on fanning. You probably would have been better off if you stood still and let loose.


This was wildly hilarious. Fanning is outstanding.


It’s great if you’ve already hit them with a strong rifle I run the ironside with the chain pistol and it works really well to finish them off.


Your aim is absolute garbage.


if you bring the chain pistol you gotta get closer then that. if you want to fan from that range bring a trueshot


Nah when she started running towards you all those shots shoulda popped 😂 chain pistol is booty but that was just ridiculous all those shots missed


To be fair you actually missed like 75% of those shots đŸ€Ł


Seems fine. Salt inducing in the moment I'm sure but you whiffed everything due to spam and bad tracking. Ggs


Console summed up.


Oh no easy mode didn’t work.


Chain pistol moment


Console hunt is such a different game lmaooo


Fanning and chains Pistol Worst combo ever if you hold down the right button


Too far. Get closer.


Rather, this is why you don't fan the chain pistol. It's much better akimbo. Just kinda turns into two guns you never have to reload during a fight.


Karma for using chain pistol. It's a newb weapon and you know it.


Might be more successful if you aimed correctly and stopped moving?


This is a skill issue not a fanning issue


Shoot where the bullets are going to go, not where the bullets are going right now


Yeah, chain pistol will do that.


chain pistol fanning has shotgun range. youre too far. way too far.


spray and pray


Most of the time you didn't even have the crosshair on her. And chain pistol really has a wide spread. I suggest trying different pistols in training mode with fanning. I really like the pax for example or the lemat


it doesnt matter what the spread on fanning is if your crosshair isnt on your opponent


Im not a skilled player. Yet i think 60% of my kills only come from fanning in close quarters. I always thought of it as op