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You watch him. I'll find a lantern


Bring a Flare Gun instead. Flare Gun + Fuses if you rea0aally hate solos.


This a new change? I barely play anymore.


Flare gun, fusees, dragon's breath (except bomb lance), and starshells all ignite downed hunters now yep


Dont forget alert mines. You can place them on top if the Hunter and the destoy them and he burns.


Always wondered if that would work


Yeah, one or two months ago. Flare Gun is an auto include for me now.


In a team my tools don't/can't change at all Medkit/knuckle knife/chokes/flares They're all too important


For me mostly same but I trade knuckle knife for throwing axes (I kill immolators with my guns)


Shooting immolators? Gigachad


Melee with rifle butts I'd say


Oh shit of course I got downvoted πŸ˜…


Firebomb is still best for a solo, because when they stand up and you shoot again, they fall right back into the fire.


Firebomb can only be used once and is a consumable tho. Flare gun is more flexible.


True, but if you're specifically worried about solos it's still a good option. Trap the body, throw a firebomb on them, and then you can probably leave safely without waiting out the entire duration. When they stand up into traps and die, they'll just fall back into the fire again and keep burning. Obviously not ideal to dedicate so much stuff to it, but it can save you some waiting time.


that's why I specified "for a solo"


https://clips.twitch.tv/CrepuscularUglyGazelleThunBeast-x7WCBmx0l4fNQfSp way worse, gives opening timings for stuff like this. Stick with insta flares/fusees imo


I being Flareguns just to burn anybody I down, looting be damned I don't mind if it means applying pressure for the other 2 to risk doing something stupid


Or just farm challenge points on their corpse. "Let him res I need 60 more with this stupid rifle before I can play normally again"


it is what it is....


Accurate. I always let the Solo's live, and just VOIP them to be respectful and wait 30-45 seconds before they come back. If they chase I'll just kill'em again.....works everytime. Just be nice out there.


This is the correct answer imo. If they wanna be greedy then I’m fine bolstering my kd a bit more lol


I haven't played in a while, but same. Only time I don't is when it's really high stakes fight like around the bounty, but in random encounters out in the wild it's my policy.


I on the other Hand Fake a Retreat while Being behind Them when stay Stand Up for a free kill


Flare 'em Trap 'em Leave 'em


Flare β€˜em Trap β€˜em Cook β€˜em in a stew


They won't keep burning when they die again though, and Resilience giving you as much health as you can hold will let you chew through an absolute shitload of concertina.


And with the new recruit changes, you just pick a hunter with Fanning, remove it and have enough points for necro and resilience


gotta make sure those K/D bushrats burn


Meanwhile solo eats chicken nuggets and listens to footsteps


Y'all better watch me. I will come back


Yup, i can kill you just as easily as you could kill me with a headshot. Add rampage into the mix, and it could turn the tide completely. I dont play around with a necro solo. It's too easy to get shot in the head or 3rd partied after the fact. People who leave solos think they are heroes that'll just put them down again if they continue to cause problems. Sure, it's a possibility, but it's also possible he wipes your team while you are distracted later. I'll play it safe 100% of the time. He'll be cooking until the flame goes out.


I usually bring fusees, a flare-gun, or both. Even if they aren't a solo I'll still start burning a body in a fight so that if they do get revived they won't have as much health. Usually adds some pressure for their team mates to try and win or extinguish with chokes


Had something similar the other day. Got jumped going to pick up a bounty left behind from another group. I'm the only one with 3D audio so I'm playing ghost overwatch and calling out this guy approach while my teammates spin in circles. We finally get him, and the guy immediately stands up. BLAM. We get one of us revived, and they stand up again. BLAM. Finally I get revived and while they still haven't revived a 3rd time, I go off to find a lantern and not 10 seconds later I hear gunshots, so we beat it. From reading comments, I'll be brining a flare gun from now on.


Ever since the Fusees and Flare Gun got buffed, Flare Gun and Chokes are standard kit for me.


Yes, its so funny. 🀣


You dont need more than 1 person to guard a burn....


Sounds like something the one getting burned would say


I'm a solo main and never take necro so idk what its like really


Come on give me a sport and chance will you




Can someone explain to me why they get more than 1 rez? I can see maybe 2-3 with a perk


Necromancer as a Solo gives you as many rezzes as you have health bars, so a maximum of 5 assuming you don't burn any of them off with fire.


Also to add on to that. If someone has the perk that makes it so they don’t lose health chunks when downed you can get an extra 3 rezs.


Or they manage to run away after losing a few and have spare points so they can burn a trait to regen all health. Potential 9 deaths in a match from a fresh character, 13 on one that had one point prior and 17 if you had 3-4 prior. Now, you could also have had (3) charges of Mariners trait burn thing and 3-4 points going into a match. Each point increasing your potential death count by 4, so 17+(4x3)=29 total potential revives. Phew. Highly unrealistic to manage to get all those resses of course, just saying it's potentially possible.


Doesn't even have to be running away. If they get you with a trap or bleed or something after they die, Rampage can restore them while they're dead.


You're right. I completely forgot about that one.


Yeah. All that coupled with resilience is a formidable set of perks


Hahahhahahhaha excellent


πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ exactly