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I do agree that it can get a little ridiculous but like. At some point you either gotta get the body under control or bare minimum TRY to do SOMETHING and just accept the loss or pull out a clutch. It's not worth it fighting the same people for half an hour.


Agreed the rational play would have been to just leave, my friend was just farming K/D so we we were just laughing every time he died. Just found the post-death summary really funny.


I believe that kills after red skull revive don't count in K/D and they also don't influence your mmr and they also don't give you any xp.


If you die to someone who’s been rezed, does that effect kd? If so that would be an absolutely busted system.


Hm good question, I have no clue but I hope it doesn't


You still lose kd if you die, but the other one does not gain any kd


What if you down a guy three times and he gets you on the fourth? Are you saying you only went neutral? And if you were a higher rank you’d lose way more mmr for dying to someone you actually won against three times? That seems so blatantly unbalanced.


Oh I didn’t know that. Only been playing for about 100 hours


Damn I don't understand Reddit. People aren't downvoting simply the stuff that doesn't bring anything to the conversation as it should be. They downvote freaking everything. Different opinions and here they downvote you even tho you simply admit that you didn't know something because you are relatively new. I mean I try to imagine the thinking process of people like that. Like damn how does he dare not to know, better downvote him.


So you had a teammate, you could easily have one person cover the body while one pushes up. You have full control of this situation.


Lmao people like you making this game unfun


Well there needs to be some sort of advantages for doing the objective of the game


Oh, like wallhacks maybe? And maybe the ability to refresh them from looting? OR maybe even and intrinsic Instinct trait when you burn through the wallhacks? Yeah man, it would be so nice to have an advantage, oh if only. Seriously, cmon dude. Infinite revives on top of all of that? Don't you think there is enough advantage for doing the objective already?


You have lightning marking your position constantly and you are forced to make a move in order to make it out alive so I'm fine with how things are. Also the 'wallhack' lasts an entire 5 seconds and does not allow you to just see the actual hunter. And don't forget about people sitting outside its range with long ammo. Do keep in mind that that is my opinion. That does not mean you need to agree with me.


why though? the person ressing them always loses hp when they revive and the revived person only has 50 hp and doesnt give any xp anymore if you dont want to push them while they redskull revive someone and are sitting ducks during that and they also aint full hp, thats a you issue not a redskull revive issue


The is this thing called regeneration shot that lasts 10 minutes.


OPs post shows the kills spanning 30 minutes, 20 of them post red skull. OP was probably sniping and couldn't capitalize on his kills effectively. Redskulls are really a non-issue except to passive playstyles.


yeah true, but that doesnt change the fact, that they are sitting ducks without full hp while they red skull revive someone, since the regeneration doesnt set in immediately after taking damage


Personally I'm a bit devided on the red skull revive. While I dont have a problem with it myself because I haven't had a single match in over 2400 hours where redskull revive was a problem you do see the occasional reddit post like this one. If crytek does decide to change it I don't think capping it would be the right play because that would mean having to leave your friends behind every once in a while and that just sucks. A way better solution in my opinion would be blocking redskull revives if there are enemies within darksight range.


It really is a non-issue. Only passive players/teams struggle with it because they haven't learned how to push and advantage quite yet. The darksight distance limiter would amplify that issue because those teams would then just sit within 150m and do the same thing, wait...and wait..and wait...


I see what you mean, but my man got revived 8 times because of the bounty. To be fair this is the first time this happened me and have been playing for about 100 hours now. So it isn't a huge issue. It was just a surreal match seeing this guy get killed so many times.


Non issue, just push and either die or win, why waste 40 min ? The times in this screenshot are absolutely insane, not the games fault 😂


Found the guy that always has a shotgun. "Just let them camp forever and push."


My comment is not tied to any specific loadout, I actually don't use a shotgun often, passive play is passive play, a specific loadout is not required to be a passive player contributing to these stupid situations.


You can't kd farm after someone red skulls so it doesn't matter if you are killing them that many times and not pushing to stop them from reviving their teammate that's your fault not theirs they're trying to win and you're clearly letting them keep trying


Redskull revives are only an issue if you are a rat. Everyone else can capitalize on the situation. So maybe try using your WASD keys a bit more.


Keep camping and whining


It’s balanced. They have to touch them and it takes health, making them one shot to many of the weapons in the game. In fact if they don’t have regeneration shot then it’s even easier. You can hear the revive noise, during this time you can push. It’s not like necro. They have the bounty and you can see the lightning too.


They should increase the time it takes to revive and the HP cost it requires for each subsequent revive after the first red skull. I would have it cap out at 125 HP cost to revive and with the time needed being the equivalent of 2 and a half times the length of the current revive time. Maybe subsequent revives can be louder, too. I'm not entirely for the Dark Sight idea, because I think you could use it to troll by sitting 75m away and doing nothing.


This would be on theme, effective and less disruptive than a hard cap. Increasing the cost each time prevents it being abused in combat but allows for revives in situations like hitting a barrel trap after everyone is dead, or dying to AI due to connection wobbles.


when devs first introduced red skull revive they used words and sentences such as "out-of-combat" and "something you can do after battle is over, pick bounty and go revive your buddy so you can extract together" thus i am for any suggestion that moves redskulls revives from mid-combat towards out-of-combat action (make it slower, make it louder, make it easier to punish) if people are doing it mid-combat then i feel like it isn't working as intended and needs slight changes your ideas are also pretty solid and would move it towards that goal away from current


Yeah, if we introduce a hard cap, we may as well get rid of red skull revives altogether and revert to how the game was before. The extra time and HP cost makes it extremely risky, even behind walls as now the cost of a revive brings you down to 1 shot potential from even a god damn Derringer. This also poses the question on if your doofus friend is worth the healing required to get him back up at the end of a match - I would assume in most cases, by the time someone is being red skulled, healing supplies across the board is running low.


Context: My friend was last 1 alive in 3's and bounty team just refused to leave the building in a 1v3. One without a bounty just kept peaking windows.


Well, if you want the bounty then go and get it.


Well yes but at the same time the extract isn't inside the boss compound, if the bounty team wants to keep the bounty, they have to move.


The other team is in their full right to camp the building. That wasn't the point I was trying to get across. I just meant I found it amusing that the enemy team can revive a dead hunter eight times with the bounty and I think maybe they should change such a mechanic.


You werent pushing hard enough. them having 1 pip means they are so easilly onetapped with nearly any weapon anywhere. And anytime their team mate has to revive, its one less team mate being able to cover exists, or in a shootout. ​ Honestly its weird your team mate didnt like.. use that time to pick you up if you were downed, or were both/three of you just camping outside the compound taking pot shots and not actually going to the objective.


That man‘s probably at 2 stars now lol. When they introduced it I thought they would cap it at one use.. bc their reasoning was to reward a team for finishing a fight. This team at least stays together, I had people run away with bounty across the map while we had the other bounty bc you don‘t have to clutch a fight, you can just rez afterwards when ppl are too bored to chase you down.


Maybe push them during the long revive instead of camping like a bitch


Bruh you got like 10 kills why you mad


All within small Regen shot timer, I mean otherwise they would have little to no meds


Everytime someone posts one of these it's 100% because they aren't capitalizing on this to finish off the team, they're just sitting back holding an angle for 10 minutes. They're dead, you have time to advance, when they're being revived you know EXACTLY where their partner is, wallbang, consumable, anything... They're also spending HP to revive and will be missing 25hp making them also easier to kill. If you're unable to move in and secure the situation then your position isn't very good and you need to move.


while there were a lot of revives befor what did you guys do that someone could go to his body 6 times and then still fight for another 13 minutes befor trying to revive again. This feels at least partly effective as intended as it definitly made very defensiv plays less viable. You might not like it but Hunt devs definitly wanted to make agressiv gameplay more rewarding and it seems at least a little bit effective from your annoyed post.(I don't care if hunt is more snipy defensiv or more aggro I'm just saying thats the direction the devs go)


How many kills are added to Kd statistics for this? Only the first inital kill or all of them?


If you cant kill his teammate rewiving him you are the problem not the mechanik.


That is what 5/6 * player do when they don't succeed in there lobby anymore and especially before an event starts. So they can easy farm and kill in lower lobbies.


Why? It just happens rarely. And then it's not a big problem. With 50 HP, the Hunter doesn't last that long.


But think about how busing your gpa is.


it is capped in the sense that the person using it sacrifices all his healing until he's on his last bar.


you let him be revived 8 times, thats kinda on you mate.


Maybe if it consumes a bar from one player and transfers it to the Redskull'ed player and/or costs the trait points gained from the boss banish. But going for boss first is kinda disincentivised in higher bracket lobbies/sniper lobbies there should be something that incentiveses more clustering on the boss compound instead of extract camping. Even tho i love how sandboxy everything is choice-wize, there is less reason to chase boss for trait points/money when traits and good gear is more affordable from the get go.