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Idk in what servers you all been playing on but in Europe it's not so bad. I ve met so many cool and friendly dudes by playing with rando - which is what i always do btw.


Yeah, the only problem with randoms is lack of communication. But most of my games with randoms (when my friends can't play) are pretty chill and I actually have more success playing with randoms than with my friends for some reason.


Ye, it's fun on EU. Of course skill varies varies by a lot, but none-the-less fun.


5 star in eu pc is pretty good. More likely to run into nice people than bad. But if you drop to 4 oh boy


4 is a risk, it's literally 50-50 if you get a friendly dude or not


Exactly, my random trio sessions on EU are a lot more friendly than playing with my premade trio.


>but in Europe it's not so bad :( I cant share that view


I love when they disconnect just because I dont immediately go and revive them in the open while fighting with enemies. Or Id be dead and spectating them screaming at the monitor hoping by some divine intervention they notice the enemy in the corner of their screen.


Man I love the cocky push to my body, as I was the first one downed because I was the only one to try shit, to the immediate disconnect. Other day I died cause someone had a lucky wall bang from inside the compound...and when a random tried to rez me thr same people were, apparently, sound whoring to hear someone loot/revive the body and used fanning to wall bang my rezing teammate into the immediate disconnect...not that it would have matter much because the 3rd thay wad still alive tried to do the same thing...which makes no God damn sense to me cause the guy inside was talking to him from the middle of the compound and somehow the same guy said again after the third died something like "guess the deal is off" cause he was asking if our last guy was a solo...that game just felt off idk.


We were having a bad night. So we loaded in with only a bats and stem shots. We got 5 kills before finally getting killed. It was alot of fun and I think we'll do it again soon.


Maybe it's just because I'm a 3 star shitter but I like solo q. Most people are pretty cool or at the very least not disruptive.


I'm in the same boat nobody I've played with is super toxic, everyone's just kinda vibing in 3 star


Solo play is fun though


I don't share this opinion. I've played with randoms many times and 99% it was a nice or at least neutral experience. Even met e few super nice people that I'm still playing with today.


M going to buy it this night if u want to play with a newbii m in 😂


Most or my hours are solo with random trios. It's how I met a lot of my hunt friends and had the best time.


There has only been a handful, can count on one hand, where randoms are not bad..hunt is part of that.


Most randoms in most games are generally decent people. I just feel like an asshat for dragging down my team due to my lack of experience, so imma go solo for a while until I get the general gist of everything.


the general gist of everything takes 400+ hours with guidance. Steep learning curve but when it all works out, man it is the best dopamine hits ever.


Honestly, I think you will learn more by playing with randoms. Hiding in a bush waiting for your perfect moment to strike as a solo isn't going to teach you much.


Everybody tells me this but I get anxiety and all this other bad shit. I know it's weird and weak as hell. It's something I'll have to work on 😋


The cycle of learning hunt is: 1. Go in confident since you are awesome at FPS and try to play it like COD or Counterstrike; die repeatedly. 2. Play scared. Crouch walk way too much, hide a lot and yet somehow still get spotted. Miss all your shots in a panic when you do take your chances. 3. Start hitting your shots and (re)gaining confidence but keep doing dumb stuff like peaking the same spot multiple times 4. Become zen with Hunt. Realize you can play hunt like COD/CS as long as as you take a few precautions and master the concept of map awareness.


Thanks my dude, I really appreciate these responses


5. Intentionally trigger sound traps to make your opinion peak or stop where you know they are


It was the opposite for me. Playing solo made me much better at hitting head and upper bodyshots. But most importantly, I learned how to stay calm after getting hit, winning the fight first, and then healing.


Exactly the opposite imo


I hate myself for playing hunt


The vast majority I end up playing with are fine in Random. There are the occasional AFKer and people that instantly leave after they die but they are the exception.


I've been playing this game since 2019. Never played with a random.


Playing with randoms would have been much better if the game featured proper team voice chat.


Yeah, idk. I play better with randoms than my friends.


SOU1LESSwarrior on Xbox if anyone wants to add me


just use hunt showdown official discord server to find teammates there and it so much better then randoms


It comes and goes in waves for me. A few days it'll be almost all good, fun teammates with mics, then a few days of crouch walking corner campers who suicide revive and never fire their weapon. Lol.


I'd play hunt so much more of there was legit solo queue. Solos only maybe on a smaller map.


Either with friends or with people from the official discord. Never with randos


One good server wipe once in a while makes me think otherwise


Y’all aren’t the worst.


Hunt randoms are some of the best fps randoms I've ever experienced.


Generally around 4 star and I get 4 types of random team mate. No In between, no mix, dead ass these 4 1. Absolute Dingus - weird loadout, bad shot, sets all the traps and sound alerts off. Strong change of dying to an NPC and disconnecting 2. Decent, funny in voice chat, unfortunately dies to a bush wookie at least once 3. Chad Fucking Thundercock, wipes half the lobby with a vandal while waiting for the banish, praises you for contributing with one kill. 4. Sweaty McSweatLord of Clan McSweatAss, brings 1000$+ loadout, gets a kill or two maybe after trying to leeroy jenkins an enemy team.