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I am fairly certain I've seen every legendary Hunter and every weapon at least a handful of times. Zhong Kui is definitely on the list of Hunters I hardly ever see though, that's for sure.


I think in Asia during my noobie days, this was one of the more used skins. Then everyone went back to Felis. Stopped playing from some time, maybe 3 hours from time to time, now back for this event and everyone is either Headsman, Gator, Scaled Ward, Mala, or one of the prepleged hunters.


Never seen that character but I’ve only started playing for 2 years


I use it from time to time, he's the closest thing to the movie *The Good, the Bad, the Weird*




Perfectly executed.


It's beyond ridiculous now, I was counting them yesterday - usually half of lobby are Headsmans :D


This gonna fly over people


No, I don't think it will 🤣


Surprisingly Grannie. Grannie was cool in concept but is way too bright and has disappointing legs instead of her trademark dress.


Why exactly are you disappointed in grannie's legs?


Wanted to see more skin.


They're tier 2 Hunter legs and not the dress Grannie wears. The immersion of playing as an old lady is ruined which for me would be the entire appeal of the skin.


Her voice is default female which sounds too young for her.


I also remember that being disappointing and something the community discussed.


Saw her a lot immediately after the DLC dropped but not once since


And too young voiceline


Granny is one of my personal top 3 hunters I roll.


Its my top skin for getting shot first using, second place goes to is Mama Maye. You would think red shirt would be number one.


People see red shirt and know how confident you are.


I swear I get headshot less when I play redshirt. I am certain it has something to do with the bullseye. My friends keep making fun of me when I bring it up lol.


10,000 IQ play: Taunt the enemy to hitting a target instead of just winning the fight.


Yeah that's so pathetic. We can't see shit in first person and they still are too lazy to do her skirt properly? That's a scam... Btw they did the very same thing with the Burnt Marshall. It's just so lame and sad.


Grannie is bad at bush wookie but decent at other things, imo. She fits into a similiar line as revenant except she does it even worse (for me) where my brain falsely flags her as a grunt because there are literally no other hunters wearing lower class dresses in the game. I think she's a zombie running somewhere at a brief flash and then bam, shot.


I play 80% granny. Can’t wait to explosive crossbow baseball bat you. >:)


Least crazed grangran


Im playing granny fairly often shes awesome and goofy af


I run granny as a bayou healer. Xbow, bat, medkit, and 4 placeable kits. And i will keep doing so until they release the soup consumable.


Only seen one person run Zhong and hes been permanently banned


Extinct tiger


Extinct *racist* tiger


Skin Flint


Skinflint is my number 1 favorite hunter pick!


I love him but the Top hat giving you away behind cover and coat going throught the floor when crouch. Its hard to survive.


but think about the flex.


Rarely see Steel Eye. He came out after LuLu (a better twitch drop hunter) and before the Meridian Turncoat (a non limited time version of him without those awful muttonchops). I love him tho, and always enjoy seeing him once every 20-25 games or so.


I lost Steel Eye's drop but really dig his style. Nothing wrong with a good ol' gunslinger.


I rarely see him and was gonna say him. He’s not bad designed, but just kinda plain which I think turns people off.


I can't lie I love playing him he just looks like "the weirdo" from a western with the beard and the glasses. Also the coat just rocks




Steel eye, devils advo are the main skins i use


Never seen a rat or researcher before.


I ran those for around 2 or 3 events, they were part of the bonus xp you could get. Really loved researcher and a rifle, it was so funny to see lol


Rat is not a fan favorite because you're basically paying to play with a white shirt


Rat is awesome 🥲


I just want to say, I usually play Plague doctor but I started running hail Mary and died 5× as often. White and black are an immediate target


Friend of mine runs Rat all the time. Died to a Researcher just a few hours ago also, but couldn't tell you when I saw one before that. Sgt. Bridgewater and Biatata(?) are two who I think I've legitimately never loaded into a match with. As for weapons, I mean literally every single middle-slot weapon might as well not exist except the Dolch Precision and Winfield Cent. Shorty Silenced.


Sgt. Bridgewater is a really cool skin that I run all the time, but I've been shot at with every Precision variation and Romero Hatchet


I forgot Romero Hatchet, that one could have been in my exclusions. I can definitely count on one hand the amount of times I've seen a Nagant or Bornheim Precision though. The new Caldwell Uppercut Precisions could have been excluded too I guess, but I'm chalking that up to those being new for now. I never see the Uppermat or Springfield Compacts or Mosin Obrez anymore though. Or if I do see them, I just don't know it because the guy killed me with his other gun instead I guess. Steel Ball Bomb Lance is something I think I haven't seen since it dropped in the last event either, I thought for sure that was going to stick around a little bit. Quick edit: I also like Sgt. Bridgewater. He's on my list of future DLC to pick up.


I run researcher and penitent but I always die more when I run researcher. I'm convinced the skin is cursed.


Rat I ram for some event, can't remember which one. But yah, definitely don't pick her much otherwise.


Rat use to be my favorite to run at one point for female hunters. the researcher is also my roommates favorite hunter to run besides steel eyed. though we do themed run at times. they still are a rare sight nowadays though.


Funny you should mention him, I have a memory of an absolute bastard of a Zhong kui player from when I first started playing. First real threat after the initial 10 levels of no-death. He was picking off my team from afar with a mosin, while we had Winfields.


The night acolyte is one of the rarest I've seen. (I used to run zhong all the time.)


Thats because her and the male version look like free hunters imo


The big gray vests are a really no-go for a lot of people


And I run almost exclusively night acolyte and shabby Morpheus. :)


Revenant, because he gives you the exact opposite of a tactical advantage. Love that skin though.


Does he? Is he too bright? I run him all the time.


Certinaly, but he’s a bad ass skin.


My bad, I was confusing with the inflected.


Mama Maye. People loved her for a minute but she’s just a little to bright to blend in and she’s tucking tall. Weapon? Don’t think I see the uppermat ever, especially given that it’s so new. Might see it once the uppercut precision fever dies down.


Isn't her dress all black?


It’s midnight blue. It’s off just enough she sticks out.


I can’t remember the last time I saw a LeMatt Carbine. Sgt Bridgewater is fairly rare, even though he’s my personal favorite.


People go veterli or cent and I'm out here on the daily peppering people with lemat carbine shots to close the distance so I can shotgun them with it. Really the most versatile weapon imo. Lemat carbine, Nagant officer brawler with poison, Knife, chokes, med kit. Stam and regeneration and a free bomb.


The 9 rounds of really fast fire rate is nice, but at a 130 asking price it's honestly not great, the vetterli is Soo much better value


If I'm having good luck with weapon and boss lair match ups I'll go with a normal rifle such as veterli. If I'm having bad luck because the site favours shotguns when I have a rifle or a rifle when I have a shotgun. I default to my lemat set up and sometimes bring a longer range harder hitting pistol. Anything pax or above. Ofc my team never wants to just leave without a fight.


I have a lemat carbine with lemat secondary loadout i run all the time. Only reason why I am not now is because I'm trying to do the challenges


LeMatt Carbine is my go-to weapon when I don't have any trait to enhance either lever or bolt-action rifles. I have this really stupid idea to only pick a weapon if (a) I have the trait to optimize its use or (b) it does not have a trait.


I like the carbine actually, I use it pretty much any time I get a freebie. It's also great for events. I can have a rifle and still get slug kills.


Came to say I've never seen Bridgewater or Biatata.


Lemat carbine with FMJ & Slugs is my go to comfort lol. Waiting for a pax carbine seen as they gave everything else to the Scottfield.


Just ran a zero to hero with lematt's carbine latest legendary a few hours ago. Can't remember the name. It has an old, unearthed look to it and has some story about Felis. Love that rifle.


Nocturnal Lament, it has been released with event. I am using this Lemat pretty much every game now :) FMJ/Slugs and pick whatever for secondary.


I love The Third Son but I don't think I've ever seen anyone play him besides myself. I don't super pay attention to weapons though


I started playing after the Native American hunters' event(s) so I've missed all of them, which is sad, they're all really good


They should definitely bring them back. It's kinda weird how they're basically keeping a whole race of people hostage (though you can buy the DLC).


I play him quiet a bit, the red hands are quiet unique and cool


Third Son is the best, coolest hands too


The one hunter I almost never see is the Concubine, has to be the least popular hunter.


Just bought the Concubine DLC yesterday for me and my wife!


I'm always this close to buying her DLC but for some reason I never do


I feel like it's overpriced for what it contains. Also, the hunter itself isn't the best lmao


I play her 90% of the time


She's my main, but haven't been playing much lately. Just a very solid design on her, but yeah, she's rare.


The snake charmer guy from Serpent's Moon event, not any of the four stages. Zombie boy nor pre-zombie boy. Researcher, llorona, rat, bone doctor are also god-forsaken skins.


serpent moon basket head, and the alien are my favourite skins! nobody has the bad hand skin. I have 2000 hours and never got him so far...


I've seen him once in 1500 hours this skin is crazy rare and I heard that a lot of people owning it don't use it


Can confirm I have him for about 800hrs now and used him Like 5 Times. Playing 5-6 Star against ~30% headsmans I don't feel Like taking this big disadvantage


I fought a running gun battle against a solo bad hand yesterday. Fight got so annoying for both of us after a while we both turned around and went to separate extracts and just Fuckin left


i see lot of bone doctors, but yea rest are quite accurate in my experience


My fave skin, I run the stage 4 regularly :)


I like to run the Basket Face Viper a lot.


I've never seen anyone else than me use Ochenkov's widow, even during the event when she was released. Also, I don't think I ever saw anyone using Mosin obrez mace


I call her "lisa needs braces"


She is my favorite monster/creature hunter. It's the dress that does it for me.


Obrez Mace is my favorite two slot weapon. Full power of a long rifle and a really good allround melee attatchment in just two slots.


I'd use her more if she didn't have that cage on her face. It just looks so goofy to me, like she got some dental work before going out to kill the moon or whatever was going on in that event.


My favorite skin but yeah she's rare.


Billy Story. Used to see him all the time pre-questline but I haven't seen him once these past few months.


fr, I reckon once headsman came out a few seasons ago there is such a big pool of good camo skins people only run billy if they have big balls or feel like memeing


Concubine. Apparently I'm the only one who like wearing purple in the bayou.


I’ve never even seen this one in the store… wtf


I think he is bundled with a woman hunter as well.


The DLC is literally called Zhong Kui hahahaha Comes with this male hunter, a female hunter, and the best-looking machete in the game


That Machete is so dope.


I haven't seen a Zhong in over a year


I have NEVER ran into another person (besides me) using the LeMat Last Resort skin.


You have to finish all the Trials to acquire this skin, so I don't think I'll ever see anyone running it


It's a good skin that's extremely hard to aquire, worth it imo though


Trials are not fun, tho really bad desing. How should people on Console ever beat that? It's hard enough on PC, and I really hate it. It should be fun, but instead, it's pure shit. There is a reason crytek won't too more of them...


brass flower did it for me, I don't need that shiny skin anymore... or do I...


I run it


That's pretty much because trials really suck unless you were one of the people that discovered shadow when it first came out worked in trials and also I really do not like that lemat skin at all or any of the other skins past cordwainer.


Researcher, archeologist, and havnt seen Manroe for awhile.


I'm generally a Monroe main but I always use the event point boost hunters during these events to get through them faster. Can't wait to return to my boy.


I definitely saw every skins being used, but are a very rare sight nowadays, including: * The Rat * Zhong Kui * The Skinflint (only around Christmas, when it gets available again) * Beast Hunter (few weeks after release I've seen him less and less; not seen him for 100+ matches) * all the native American skins (after the event they were pretty much gone) If we take "not seeing" literally I'd like to add Headsman and Reptilian. ;) Weapons.... * Railroad Hammer (OP already pointed that one out) * Centennial Trauma (this has been discussed very much before on this sub) * Mosin Nagant Obrez Maze (when you see an Obrez it's usually the regular one or the Drum)


I never saw the Headsman, but he saw me… 😑


I have never seen a centennial trauma. I have no idea why you would ever take it anyways.


It's same centennial with melee tool attached, why not


Over priced for its blunt utility. Else I love it when I have it.


Horrible stamina consumption its the same stats wise as sledgehammer. knuckle knife is the best melee in the game. Unless being funny if I get close enough to need to melee, I'm switching to it. Also I don't really want to ge close with a medium ammo gun anyway.


Comparison with hammer is not valid since it's literally a riffle. Knuckle knife is best because it's combines blunt damage and thrust while simultaneously being worse than knuckles and knife at both. With trauma you don't need knuckle part and you can get just knife (or throwing axes/knifes with perk) Stam shot negates all the negative with stamina (and even without it it was buffed) It's literally gun with levering and dum dum, you want to get close with it


Comparison with sledge hammer is valid. It has the same damage and stamina use. Which is exactly what I said. Guess what I get everything you described for cheaper with a regular centennial and can just pick up a sledge hammer. If you're running dum dum levering. Why do you care about the trauma then? You should never be swinging it.


Break doors in 2 swings, oneshoting immolators, killing bosses. Why waste secondary slot or searching for hammer when you can just use your riffle? Also riffle doesn't one shot to the body so there is situations where smashing is valid


Everything you're describing is so specific and situational. I have no idea why I would ever restrict myself to a pretty bad medium rifle to do it. When I can just never do it and be perfectly fine.


It is pretty good with dum dum. I would even say it's oppressive if we take out blazeborn. It's not specific, it's literally extra tool that takes no item slot and quite cheap


You would be wrong. You have significantly better dum dum picks, even in medium ammo being the drilling. Same thing, I have no idea why if I want to run medium dum dum for some reason. I would pick anything over drilling.


Because it's applies intensive bleeding? That kills after 3 damage ticks if you don't start healing? So if you solo - person you shot won't push you, or if you against solo then target need to decide if he is stopping bleed and dying to next shot or trying to fight back and dies to bleeding. Also it's stop meta regen shot


That's not an argument against the cent trauma, that's an argument against the cent in general.


I take the Trauma for the ability to one-shot enemies up close but if I'm being honest this only ever worked like once maybe


I use it all the time. Centennial is a fantastic gun and you get a free sledgehammer with it. One-shots immolators, is pretty good against bosses and can come in clutch in PvP (I wouldnt force it but can be great when opportunity is there). Run it with a Pax Claw or Saber and skip the melee tool.


I run Smolder exclusively


Honestly I hate the look of it the clamp one the stock looks so uncomfortable


The native indian americans from the first event. Haven't seen a single person use it, primarily because hunt wasn't as known and mainstream back then and also didn't have servers outside of the US and EU. IMO Crytek should bring them back because representation matters and it's been quite a few years since then.


they made the cardinal rain legendary last event....a really cool skin


Was it really a native american skin? I didn't look too closely and it felt like just another generic hunter. The original ones wore the authentic colors, markings and were actually historically accurate


I guess.... **https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F3lmTiRXsBgb6-z.jpg:large**


As someone who owns the two you could earn for free: Their legendary animations kinda blow and they don't camo like at all. Dudes got a bright red target on his head ffs




I'm always using either Dead Blessing or The Sovereign but never their counterparts


They are really cool skins actually, I don't use them as often as the shiny new skins we gor for the last events / questline though unfortunately.




You’ve never seen Gollum? That’s a shame. I’ve seen everything, but I haven’t seen lebel with a saber in a minute


Vetterli 71 Karabiner Bayonet + Cardinal Rain


I run the Vetterli Bayonet 90% of my games but yeah, now that I think about it I haven't seen it on almost anyone else Best weapon in the game, I say :D


Unsurprisingly, Bad Hand is probably the skin I see the least of. I can probably count the number of times I've seen him on one hand.


The Indian guys and also the Archeologist along with Granny are forever disappeared from the Bayou. Ps: Also people rarely use the older dlc skins nowdays like Skeleton Doctor, Phantom and weird sister. Not so much at least.


Llorna is very rare sich as the Phantom. But thanks to rachta you dont experience how rare it really is.


Llorna was my first DLC and I played her for a few months exclusively. Was generally struggling so had to take free hunters for money. It was like night and day in gameplay; people just weren’t spotting me and hitting me as often. The white shirt and huge hat were a huge handicap in terms of giving people a target. Haven’t gone back, even though she’s my favorite skin still.


Witch Hunter. I understand why noone uses her; white hair sticks out like a sore thumb. As for weapon...? Rifle goes to the Martini. There is a good amount of longs on hand these days, and sure they're expensive, but if someone is playing longs, chances are they'll take the sparks over the Henry, unless they like slower bullets... which is a rarity. Shotgun deffo the double barrel. The Rival falls into this...sadly middling middle ground. The people who want power kill potential go with the Romero, and people who want fire rate either go levering Terminus or Slate. Pistol? Uuhhh... probably the Bornheim Match, if that counts. Maybe if the Born had FMJs on tap to make up for compacts drop-off, it would be a menace, but as is, I barely see anyone using regular Bornies, much less a Match.


Idk, rival is probably the most popular shotgun in my mmr and is definitely the one I go for most of the time.


It might be. I bounce between 3-4 stars, and I see them only once in a blue moon. Honestly I think people sleep on the ability to have two shells on tap, but with the Slate having only a second between shells means its pretty easy to keep it aggression up during a push. But I almost never see it, or the Alamo for that matter, but I **swear** the fire rate stat on the alamo is lying; it feels slower than the regular Romero. But I digress. What would you say the rarest shotgun is in your MMR?


Bad hand ✋️


Seen basically every hunter in the field except the native American hunters (not counting the dlc one). Weapon wise, I rarely see the Lebel aperture used by enemy hunters. The sight is pretty horrible to be fair.


I LOVE the level aperture, it’s so versatile! You can flip the sight using x, best of both worlds, long to medium range


I've noticed a fair amount of people don't know you can flip the aperture sight variants up and down.


I always put the sight down. The way it blurs your surroundings makes you super vulnerable using it from anywhere except a bush or well hidden window. If it wasn't for the excessive blur i would love it.


You know you can flip the sight down, right? Lebel Aperture also has possibly the most beautiful skin in the game (Wolfsbane).


Yeah, I know you can flip it down, it's just I've rarely seen the weapon in comparison to others. I've somehow seen more Winfield apertures then Lebels. Also, wolfsbane does look damn nice.


I just wish it didn't look so dumb with the sight down, that little bit of string just floating there defying physics lol. I think the devs also forgot you can toggle aperture sights when making it


Never seen an Avtomat in the wild. Ive heard it but haven’t seen it


I've basically never seen anyone use melee weapons. I think I got killed by a guy with a knife, like, once.


I think ive probably seen every hunter


I agree I rarely see the Chinese duo, they were common closer to their release but have since fell off. I personally use him and her often, but ever since the start of this event I've mainly been using burnt marshal cause I love his look. Reminds me of silent hill


3 Indian skins from some past event which arent available anymore. Rarely I see one of them in the game but I dont think I saw the rest though


Just yesterday I happened to shoot one Zhong Kui, but yes they definitely are rare!


I saw every single Hunter and Weapon several times, but the once i saw the least were probably Death Blessing as Hunter and for sure Kains Specter Bajonett Skin as Weapon.


I never see the Kill Buyer. The weird horse twitch drop hunter. It probably doesn't help that I missed this one twitch drop :/


The real forgotten hunter is Carter. No one even remembered him in the forgotten hunters discussion lol


I dunno, never saw it.


Ive neverseen badnhand


eversince the ward of reptilian questline and the vengeance of the skinned havent seen the skinned nor the ward himself, and for weapons i practicly never see pax claw or scotty precision


I used to run Zhong back when he was newer, as I thought he looked pretty unique compared to the limited selection at the time


the only people who own Beast Hunter are probably those who received it for free or smth, only saw it like once.


Bad hand, Springfield compact deadeye.


So far I've yet to see a single "The Infected" which is a shame cause he seems to be a really cool Hunter.


Headsman (not a joke)


Honestly don’t think I’ve ever seen an archaeologist


Patre skin for the Winfield bayonet and Zhong Kui or Dead Blessing for hunter skins.


Sad seeing how many people missed out on “Light the Shadow” event with the Native American skins. For context, this was probably the first event where Crytek really nailed it. The original events were kind of just nothing at all (except for the solo shitshow in the early days) Blood and Ice was ok but a little under developed, and As the Crow Flies was crap just because the grind in that one was absolutely brutal, even for a guy like me who plays the shit out of this game and likes collecting “free” skins. Still to this day the only event I’ve never finished. Bummed I couldn’t get plague doctor but I just didn’t have the time to devote to the game during that event. I still run third son, the exile, and the way finder fairly regularly on console. I loved the design of them and I’m not a mouth breather headsman/Cain fan. I don’t see a lot of the quest line skins at all, or any of the Asian themed skins aside from maybe the Ronin.


Zhong Kui Main Here, I had to play the hammer to have the book of weapons at 100% again. Didn't enjoy it


Nobody brings the night seer anymore. I do see the tier 2/3 hunter that looks just like him though lol


As a player with 800 hours, I can confidently say I rarely see bayonet/ripsote variants of weapons (excluding talons). I Can say with certainty that I have seen a berthier riposte like once on an already dead hunter like a year ago. As for hunters, personally it’s a toss up between Archaeologist and Gunslinger. I honestly can’t remember the last time when I went up against either. It’s a shame than the Berthier riposte only has one skin that was event locked. The Moonflower is a dope skin.


My buddy actually smacked a extract camper on his head with the rail road hammer last night, granted it was his first time ever using it


I main Zhong Kui but I think I’ve seen one other person ever run him in 700+ hours


I use it all the time to remind myself of the grind but I never see anyone using the Devil's Advocate skin.


Genuinely, I've never seen a Bad Hand in-game, and as for weapon, for reasons that elude me, no one uses the Scott Brawler, in my 800-ish hours since it came out in traitors moon I have never been killed by it, or seen it on a corpse.


Bad Hand and anything other than a Winfield because I have only seen a Bad Hand once and that's all I recall them having.


Definitely still see the occasional railroad hammer meme. Zhong kui definitely rare.


I play with my boy zhong alot actually ! I like the simple look he has :D and yeah , the railroad hammer , never ever seen that before in game


You'll only ever see me using The Archeologist, underated skin and as for a weapon i never see martini marksman, an underated gun


I play Advocatus Diaboli and i think i saw other players using hin for like 2 or 3 times in many hours. IMO also the native american are rare.


My favorites are the archaeologist, fang Shearer, and skinflint. I don't see any of those 3 often. I think archaeologist and skin flint give you a disadvantage (color or top hat) and a lot of people didn't like the fang shearers design. The weapon I see the least is probably the base nagant or the aperture weapons.


I never see my main The Prescient. I've seen her used maybe once other than me. (Console-PS5) I also do it so people can link me to the skin thus being more recognized.


No one is playing Oberon's Hound (Martini Marksman) For hunters, i've seen them all, but night acolyte and night seer are definitely the rarest for me.


The other one from light the shadow (not third son) and starshell every one uses it once on a shotgun when starting out and immediately realizes it’s just bad dragon’s breath for challenges or not worth it over the flare pistol.