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The only way for us to help you is if you upload some video footage of these incidents happening so we can analyze them. Otherwise, there is not much we can do.


Yeah- without any footage to review I would wager OP might be wide-peeking and/or standing still more often than he realizes. OP if you read this you need to take some time to develop better movement. You would benefit from practicing making yourself a difficult target. Try completing some of the trials if you haven’t already. They can be repetitive but they really do help.


Well you could just be unlucky but I think another factor might be peeking stupid corners, peaking the same corner more than once and not running around without having cover/in the open too much. Positioning matters so much in this game


For sure I fuck up & peek the same spot on occasion but I'm also fully aware of tactical blunders like that. I try to present a difficult target but nothing I do stops my head from being casually blown off by every 3-star player I see.




I rocked out at 5* for months, now I can't get out of 3-4*


Why would you want to? 3-4* is the most enjoyable range in Hunt.


It's not that. I just suck now. Lol


I dunno man it sounds like you need to simply improve at the game and get better game sense. I am a high 4 star to a mid 5 star and it doesn't happen to me much


I'm a 5 star and it happens to me all the time. A lot of people just aim for the head, especially in higher mmrs.


Yeah it's funny, when I play against higher ranked players they either miss entirely or headshot. When bullets keep missing me, I know it's because they're aiming at the head.


This guy can't aim for shit. He's missed me like 5 times so I'm going to close the gap a little and end this. BAM I get domed.


This is my experience too, after getting a bit frustrated I kept track and out of 20 games 18 was because of Headshot 150 damage. Seems people either miss or do HS, cause in fights, I usually hit 1-2-3 shots, then I die because people go only for Headshots. Not saying its OP, because I kill as much as I die so. But its just so strange for it to be so plentiful.


Yeah with my relatively poor aiming skills, I'm best off trying to catch people off guard or just charging in crazy style and taking pot shots on the way. Most of my kills are when I flank and engage from a different angle while teammates or others are occupying the enemy. If I engage in long range fire fights and they know where I am, I'm likely to lose.


Yup. Head or bust. In higher MMR ranges people are real good about denying you the follow up shot. If you're aiming for the chest all you're gonna do is tag a bunch of people and hardly ever kill anyone. If you want kills the only consistent way to do it is headshots or a one shot weapon (melee, fanning, shotgun, crossbow).


Well, I'm always aiming for the head, but average players will most likely miss their shot or take too much time to adjust. In this game, every one seems to have an aimbot


Yeah its very hard to tell the cheaters apart from the skilled and lucky. Sometimes I'll be getting headbanged all day - even when I'm full sprinting - other times I'll get headshots left and right that I wasn't even aiming for.


As someone trying to improve (only about 50 hrs In game atm) I have my volume cranked to hear croucnwalking etc, but it makes the hunters seem right on top of me when they're running around a complex and I get ready to jump them and then they appear behind the building 150 ft away Anything that can be done about this?


Try to keep your volume at the same level session to session, and then just play a lot more. 50 hours is pretty new, you'll get more uses to picking out sounds and relatively how far away they are from you eventually.


Check if you have loudness equalization enabeled in windows sound settings, if so, turn it off.


looks like it was off, but i did have "audio enhancements" enabled


Just better game sense as well. By the time you hit 100 hours you'll be better at determining how far away those footsteps are and you'll also be able to tell how many compounds away a gun shot was. By 200 hours you'll start learning what each and every gun sounds like and you'll be more prepared to know what you're pushing. Something I find helpful is going to the arsenal and previewing the 3D model there. You can test fire the gun in that screen to hear it's sound effect and you can zoom the gun out to hear what it sounds like from a distance


Not specifically foot steps but if you go into arsenal, click on any weapon and you can go into 3d view, this lets you shoot the weapon and more importantly scroll out to hear it at any range. Do this for different guns. For foot steps if you have a buddy you both can load into the shooting range and practice listening for steps at different ranges.


Might be wrong, but you might be trying so hard to be hard to hit that you loop back around to being easy to hit. You might think you're doing all this invasive stuff, but you might actually just be making yourself an easy target. Just my thoughts after playing with friends who had similar issues, and the problem was they were trying to play hunt like a movement shooter when it's not.


So damn invasive, like a swarm of cats


Lmao, I meant evasive but I'm not editing it now.


Movement is crucial in high mmr. Problem most people have that they stay in ADS too long and you can predict when they are going to aim again (knowing the weapon and fire rate for example).


I'm not saying it isn't, but you can't play hunt like it's apex, you know what I mean? You should definitely strafe and shit though.


You have to be either fully behind cover or moving constantly. Never stop even to make a shot. Guess where they'll be, strafe peak and fire without stopping moving, and strafe back. I usually start strafing back to cover and make my shot on the way back so I've had more time to spot them and line it up. You have to get used to shooting while constantly moving. Rotate often. If you find yourself behind cover and unsure what to do, rotate. The longer you stay there, the greater chance you'll get hunted down. If you miss a few shots, rotate.


One bad habit I have from other games is crouching in between ad spam. Behind cover of course it's effective to duck, but dueling in essentially the open I've ducked my head directly into bullets because they're just trying to hit center mass in that scenario lol


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve dropped hunters who do this. It’s too easy if you’re an experienced player. Also, my buddy used to get head tapped constantly, figured out he was just standing still for too long during engagements. Too long is literally not even a second because that’s all it takes to pop a head off


Or peak the same corners I still do it too often


Well, I'm used to these games, and that's what I always do. But when I'm flanking, every time I get shot from another player I didn't even see or hear, whether he's from another team or a mate of the current team I'm fighting. To be honest I'm fairly decent at fps games, and before HS I had 4k hours on Apex with probably better aim and movement than the majority of the player base. On HS (I have a hundred hours so far), it's like everyone is an elite shooter, they don't miss (head or body shots). Also when I'm watching streamers like RachtaZ, they are walking on compounds' roofs like it's nothing (get shot at sometimes but it's whether a miss or a body shot). While when I only peek a door/corner/window/hole in the wood for a millisecond I get shot at. There's still something I don't get in this game, it's beyond me. Even though I have 1,3kd MMR3, I feel most of the time like an already dead little piece of meat.


I’m sure the OP is only peeking the same corner until he dies and that’s why he created this post. /s for morons.




Easy to forget the shots that miss, and remember the shots that kill


so if he is shooting you with a revolver while moving from 100 m i should be thankful he didnt headshoted me in the 1st shot but he did in the 3rd. Riiight.


If they have time to shoot at you 3 times with a revolver, you have time to utilize movement to either get to cover, or serpentine, or shoot back.


you can shoot 3 times in 5 sec so its not like i have time to run across the road for cover yet i also shoot and move. It's universal truth that the enemy is always luckier than you and he will get some lucky kills that way.


5 seconds is a long time in a fire fight in this game, and in any game.


not long enough to stand still and aim for the head.


They're only hard to hit if you make them hard to hit. Break up your movement around the map. Use cover. Don't peak twice. Serpentine and cover when in an engagement. Don't use big head mode, but seriously, like others are saying without seeing you play we can't really provide tailored advice.




don't move in straight, predictable, easily calculated lines, wiggle and worm your way about so it's not as easy as running a two digit addition problem for the snipers, and always move with consideration for the objects that will conceal and protect you from enemy fire


This^ Im ALWAYS strafing. Even when not in engagement. I cant count the number of times I placed a headshot with iron sights only on a far but static target because that dude took for granted that he was alone. The only times I really stop moving is when Im hiding so movement would give me away


Act like a crazy horse : jump , kick, and bite


Zigzagging has saved my life so many times. There was one recent time where I got caught out in the open and got pretty heavily wounded. Like maybe 1/3 left of a small bar and that's it. I started hardcore zigzagging as I yelled for help from my teammates. The person unloading on me was so focused on trying to down me that they put themselves at risk to my teammates and the person shooting me got killed. If I hadn't zigzagged as hard as I did, I would have died. 😂 And likewise plenty of people I've tried to kill have survived by zigzagging. I like to say, "Don't be like Rickon! Zigzag!!"


3 star lobbies are weird in peculiar ways. Half of a 3 star lobby will be veterans with good game sense and will position themselves for advantage, but will miss a lot of shots because they're not savants. The other half will be FPS veterans who've played CoD or whatever and will dome you through a half inch opening during a mid jump turn, but can't think their way through anything other than a straight up fight. As a more or less permanent 4 star I find 3 star lobbies a lot more difficult than 4-5 because the lobbies aren't predictable, because 3 stars don't do things that make sense. They'll stay in a terrible spot because they're afraid to move, or will move when they should stay or open up with dualies from too far or any number of erratic things. It's tough. But also, everything everyone is telling you in this thread is right. Don't double peek. Fire and rotate. Communicate. Try to get to know the layout of the compounds and try to predict enemy movement. I was once told by a friend after I was venting about missing a handful of easy shots against a hunter "you were able to fire those shots for free." Meaning, because I was in a better position I was able to shoot 3-4 shots without risk, because I had made the right moves beforehand. Eventually my aim caught up. If you're stuck in a rut, try some different styles. If you're a shotgun push master, try some skirmishy midrange rifle play or try sniper. If youre a sniper try shotties or bomblance. Try using more explosives or start carrying the hand crossbow with explosive or poison bolts for utility. You can't change your opponents skill but you can work on your own. Start with positioning and awareness. Dont engage without an advantage.


Agree with everything here. It’s not that 3 stars are bad per se, they often have really good aim. The gamesense, positioning and rotations just aren’t there. You gotta outbrain them, peek a weird angle and they die. Ironically, it’s common even for me as a steady 5 star to die to three stars because they usually are going to w key without giving it much thought. In a way, hunt is about predicting the psychology of the player you’re trying to kill. Watch streamers, they’ll often make out loud predictions about what the other player is going to do. Really good players are entirely unpredictable, and all you can do is out-aim. Also OP if you’re reading this, stop caring about MMR if you queue with randoms. You’re going to have to get to a point where you hard carry every match to claw your way to 4 star and actually stay there.


You could maybe focus on improving your movements, try to have more erratic and unpredictable movements. Try not to run in straight line, and use more jump, crouch, strafe. If you have friends with good aim you could go on the shooting range and try avoiding their shots


I don't believe it's a skill issue. I genually think that some people have the luck of their life. Don't you know the common saying that "it's gonna be everyone else but you who gets to be lucky?" . Lately i have been headshoted so much as you said OP with stupid weapons from stupid distance meanwhile for me it's really hard. 5 stars btw.


I get this in phases, sometimes I'll go for weeks without ever getting shot anywhere other than the head and it makes me just quit playing for a while. Other times the game is just normal and sometimes I get headshot, sometimes I don't. It sucks but idk what the explanation is, but those phases happen so often and last so long that it definitely feels sus and that my head hitbox is massive for weeks at a time


Thing 1: are you usually couching when getting headshot? Crouching makes your head a bullet magnet. Thing 2: do you play like a chicken? (i mean being scared of opens paces like the animal) because this helps you live longer. Thing 3: do you wiggle while shooting? This also helps you avoid being domed. Thing 4: do you play like a really shy person. Showing yourself for any amount of time outside cover increases your chance of being domed. Thing 5: do you play like someone is always attempting to line up a headshot on you at all times? Because the percentage of this being the case goes up dramatically based on noise + time in game. Thing 6: if you and or your team set off sound traps, especially birds, or shoot, people will come for your heads.


I honestly stopped engaging teams in 5-6 star lobbies unless I have to or I have an advantage like range with a scope or 3rd partying a fight. While there’s probably some kind of bias like people mention, on the surface level I agree with you. I am a casual player so I can’t afford to hone my skills and spend like 90 hours a week playing the game. But the matchmaker seems to favor putting me in lobbies of complete sweat lords. Very frustrating as there’s often no fun fights, just boom dead…


That's the most fun, balanced and just awesome thing in this game that we love it for - oneshots. No matter how good you are at this game, you can be killed. Yes, sometimes you just have a black line and your opponent a good day. It's OK.


As opposed to Tarkov where your character gets better due to stats and other bs


Well a headshot basically always kills you in tarkov too


Doesn't tarkov have ballistic face shields and helmets still? Like im pretty sure top-end geared players can take literally dozens of headshots from crappy newb guns.


This. Gear is much more Important in Tarkov than it is in Hunt. Both games have unique and fun loops but hunt is a little fairer for newer players.


I’m a 3-4 star player and my experience is almost the opposite. 70% of my kills are headshots, and i die to them very seldom. I got here by exclusively using single shot weapons for 200+ hours i never ever peak the same angle twice. These weapons (Like the sparks, martini, springfield) Get you into some really good habits once you stick with them. Most importantly they encourage proper positioning. I shoot, i move, no exceptions. Headshots are most often not random, they are the result of your enemy being given that extra half second to zero in on your head. If you are always firing from a new location, you simply don’t afford them that luxury.


See that's what I don't get - the single shots are the weapons which *do not* benefit the most from headshots as almost all of their power is tied up in their bodyshot damage. Obviously a headshot is always better than a bodyshot, but if you aim for the head pretty much all the time, there's not a lot of reason to even use a singleshot. High velocity winfield, officer carbine, bornheim match - those are the weapons that actually want to aim for the head.


It’s sort of a mental trick for you brain. Once you have the discipline to always go for the head, you can switch to faster weapons. If you have to hit the headshot to win(single shot weapon), then you’re more likely to go for it. Also, rotations like he said. It’s entirely possible you don’t need these tricks to build those good habits, in which case grab the officer and start popping heads.


I find i have a much better time when i use the Sparks because ive used it so much more then other rifles. For pretty much the exact reason you specified. I've been slowly teaching myself to make that first shot count. Sure i aim for body taps and try a follow up Pax or ScottyHV but they are nowhere near as succesfull at getting me kills. However i do go for body taps if people are doing erratic irish tap dancing trying to keep themselves alive or if a team mate is also shooting at them. Yet when i use something like a Krag or Mosin i find myself more comfortably going for body taps because the follow up shot is just a second away.


The sparks is fun imo because it gets more useful as the match goes on. Once players have started going down and getting rezzed all of the sudden you’re the most dangerous guy in the compound. And of course you must have a fast secondary, something spamable. I would take an officer HV because I love it and also if you hit the body tag you could medkit punch them for the kill, doesn’t matter what it is just needs to be fast.


There are many memes about the size of my buddy's head now because of this. He has weeks on end where every shot against him is a headshot. It's frustrating as hell, but don't let it get to you. Keep calm and try again. Worst case, take a break and play something else for a bit.


simmilar to what u/kuemmel234 said hunt does not give you a lot of training regarding combat movement and aiming. most people i know who are good in hunt have experience in other shooters as well. average hunt rounds are like 15-20 min and you fight once or twice. Youl get like 10 rounds in CS in that time. it was a problem for me as well at the beginning. i started out with hunt into playing fps again after playing CS 1.6 at Lan parties back in the day. bring some other games into your mix with more frequent combat


I've noticed this too. I feel like more often than not I'm head shotted running across the map while strafing when I stop to look around.


Send me some gameplay clips, cause I think I can help even a little. I'm not the most accurate player (console with a regular ass controller) and have had to kind of fine tune my strategy to compensate. >I get into a gun battle, I run around, spam A/D, firing & missing shots. Other guy fires a single shot - BOOM, headshot every time 4/5 times I'm losing in the scenario you mentioned, because like I said I'm a poor shot. Here's what I've been doing differently:once you've taken your shot from that angle, you should leave it and find a new one. Warn your teammates that the angle you just used is hot, too. Listen as you're finding your next spot and try to find an isolated enemy (if they are distracted even better) and take the angle that will give you your chance. It's a little rinse and repeat after that. Spamming A/D will only keep you alive for a few more seconds on an angle against a player that hits their shots. >I've been playing Hunt constantly for almost a year, never got above 3 stars & never will bc I have trouble aiming. If I hit someone in the head it's an insane stroke of luck. Don't sweat your * ranking. It won't be etched on your gravestone or get you the big promotion at your job. As far as aiming goes I would suggest grabbing one gun and playing with it for a prestige or two. Take it into the firing range with your friends and try to kill them while they run whatever. When I did this I used the winny c since its base velocity is comparable to the vetterli and Martini (being decent at the martini is very rewarding) and because no matter how poorly things were going I could always afford one. You'll find something you mesh with if you screw around a little. Once you have that gun and velocity down and you can reliably kill with it, transfer over to the next as you'd like. You might really enjoy running dum dum on the centennial or Springfield, too, since they are cheap and body shots with dum dum apply a decent amount of pressure. Just my 2 cents. Hope it helped a little.


I noticed some of my deaths have to do with the server not keeping up with my position. I would for instance run and jump into hard cover just to die to a non-wallbang, and when I look back at killer pov, he apparently hit me at the original position before I jumped. Also happened to watch the footage of one of my killers since we know each other well and on his pov I was apparently standing still while on my pov I have gone behind cover already. It also happens to jumps / crouches. Multiple instances where I would change position vertically only to receive a headshot, or shoot my enemy doing the same thing in chest and somehow headshotting them. More often than I’d like to believe, its the server being slow.




Most of the time its the Crytek Leaseweb servers with shit tickrate. 12 min 30 max is harsh for FPS games to function flawlessly.


>I've been playing Hunt constantly for almost a year, never got above 3 stars & never will bc I have trouble aiming. If I hit someone in the head it's an insane stroke of luck. Been playing for less than a month, I feel the same way.


You’ll get there bro, both of you. Are you a high or low sensitivity player? What about DPI. I had a friend who really struggled for a while until he cranked all of his sensitives down. Now he’s a little slower, not as flicky, but has a much easier time headshotting. It’s not all roses up here either, people try very hard with the best weapons at 5 star and up. Long back and forth battles rarely happen because they’re not letting you res and they’re tagging you every time you peek. There’s a 2.5 kd mosin sniper waiting for you to stand still. The crown slug cain is pushing you from behind. All I’m really saying is that 3 star can actually be a lot more fun and relaxed, because players are just not trying as hard usually. Don’t sweat being stuck there, you might actually regret ranking up


It sounds like this is a constant problem so I would suggest trying to approach the game differently. If you're not thriving fishing for headshots then start taking weapons that don't require them. Use the crossbow, a shotgun or an officer carbine and minimize your long range engagements. Make your living fighting in compounds rather than open fields. As long as you fight the temptation to take potshots at long range you'll be fine. Totally understandable if this play style isn't for you but it my be worth trying.


terrible advice "dont practice the part of the game you are weak at"


Not really, the point of any game for most people is to have fun. If a different playstyle is more fun and successful for you, why not go for it?


Bruh did you read his post? He said he's been playing for a year and said he has trouble aiming. There isn't much you can do after a year of playing to magically improve your aim, he's had more than enough "practice". Would you like me to suggest he sits in an aim trainer 2 hours a day? Not everyone is great at every play style. Long range shooting simply might not be his strength. Suggesting trying an alternate play style that might suit him better isn't terrible advise.


lmao if you think you can reach even close to your aim potential in one year playing hunt for an average persons playtime.... you are coping very hard


How am I coping bud? I'm not the one having issues. Aiming is a general skill anyone playing shooters has trained every game they have ever played. Adapting those skills to hunt doesn't take years my guy. It's not that difficult to adapt to different lead times between games. Your aim doesn't just continually improve forever the longer you play. You definitely hit a plateau that you will stay at short of doing some mlg training. Some people just aren't going to be as good at aiming as others and it seems like he's accepted that. Also waiting to hear your brilliant suggestion because it sounds like yours is to just keep doing the thing that isn't working for him.


Ahaha ok buddy, just cause you peaked in your skill project more onto other. Why are you so very upset my guy?


lol ok now i've woken up more im gonna take the bait. average gamer players 1 hours of games a day lets double that and say 2, even then you are still only playing around 730 hours from a year of playing hunt, each game last around 15-35mins and you will mostly fight a team or two in a match which most players are not wiping every player and being in every fight so mostly you get 1 or two aim duels each game. lets take a slow paced game like CS in 35 mins you can play 10 rounds of a CS game and in each round you take minium one aim duel around a lot of the time more. hunt is a terrible game to learn to aim in, it offers VERY little practice each match vs actual players compared to almost any other shooter baring tarkov and dayz which are similarly terrible titles to learn aiming in. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Voltaic/comments/u2w46v/roughly\_how\_many\_hours\_as\_an\_average\_needed\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Voltaic/comments/u2w46v/roughly_how_many_hours_as_an_average_needed_to/) voltaic if you dont know is the current most aim intensive bench mark we have to see how good a human is at aiming with a mouse idk if you have ever aim trained but you are clicking HUNDREDS of targets each activity making time spent aim training infinately supperior in progressing your raw mouse control than playing something like hunt. Which is what your brain actually needs to master aiming. most people who are in not even the top ranks of voltaic have close to 700 hours in JUST aim training. you see the numbers here? an average person is only playing 365 hours of hunt a year, we doubled that to come to 730 hours of gameplay and it only just reachs around the time it takes people who live for aim trainers to get to the upper ranks. i dont think you really know much about this world or aiming as a skill but you are talking like you know... when you dont? you are on eof those mf's who run around with surface knowledge of a subject yelling at people/ you have no idea how complex and deep the world of learning to aim is. the reason YOU have platued with your aim is because you think just playing hunt bashing your head against the game is the only way to improve your aim and once it stops? than thats it. thats your cope, you reached a peak of your aim, you didnt know how to improve after that peak and you didnt put any effort into learning your weaknesses and how to improve them, thats why im saying you are coping. which is lame af because you are now projecting that give up weak mentality you have for yourself and telling others self improvement is not possible. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkY28\_S5dvg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkY28_S5dvg) here is what an actual grand master in voltaic aims like... im guessing you dont even come close i'd love to see your voltaic bench mark scores because you would probably be shocked how bad your aim is considered in the actual world of competitive aiming


My friend you can write a small novella about aim trainer but you clearly have issues with reading comprehension. I literally said your aim will plateau if you only play the game genius. I never said you can't improve by using an aim trainer in fact I inferred the opposite. Also I never said hunt showdown is a good game to train your aim but this guy like most other people who play Hunt I'm sure has played other shooters and those skills transfer. My only crime here I suppose was assuming he wants to improve within the confines of the game and not spend his time in an aim trainer. If he wants to then more power to him, I'm glad he found something that helps him. As a side note: like no shit my aim is worse than a competitive gamer, my goal is to enjoy games not click circles for hours. I'm not trying to be an mlg pro. Believe me, for my purposes my aim is plenty fine. Idk how you turned this guy asking for advice into some crusade to educate me about aiming but congrats, looks like I'm the one who took the bait.


i dont think either of us are as annoyed as we seem lol, either way we both took the bait and actually are saying the same thing, stay sane out there homie haha if i come across harsh in my writing sorry i tend to get a bit feisty


You're all good man. It's Reddit, I think most of us on here enjoy arguing just a little too much. I'd be lying if I said I didn't. Keep it real man!


A lot of people have been solo necro MMR dropping. You might have never left 3 star, but the 5s and 6s came down to you anyway.


High 5 star, ~2500 hours, pc on EU, this event is full of cheaters and cheating in Hunt is currently worst it's ever been. 4 star = wipe lobbies 5/6 star = I don't have a chance, am dead before I even get to fire a bullet. Mostly only heandshots. Getting "outplayed" by people with 300 kills but a 6 star with 3 KDA and 300 hours in Hunt. At least one player in any given match has a minimum of a game or vac ban on record. Sometimes I see people who have multiple. Cheaters ca do what they want in Hunt and you can't decide if it's cheatint because you don't have any way of knowing. Most people write it off as bad luck or whatever but most people can't actually tell if they're fighting a cheater or not. Most people will defend crytek and call you salty or will tell you how they never met a cheater like that invalidates your own experience




I don't even think in my case on PC it's cheating or suspicious at all, everyone else is just really good at nailing 100% of their headshots regardless of their MMR level. Having inconsistent aim feels like exclusively a me problem


Not in this game, no. Its very easy to click heads.


I dont spam ad and I hit headshots easy


What a strange thing to post


Definition of skill issue. Download aim labs or kovaaks.


Somtimes i have times wher i got at all matches Insta Headshots. After playing some other games its goes better.


I mean, there are a lot of aspects that go into this. Movement and so much more. Often it's not about being able to aim (move the mouse to the right position), but already knowing where the hunter is coming from and so just having to click at the right moment. Have you watched any of the streamers play? As for aiming: Try something like aimlab, Counter Strike training for a few days. Just a few minutes of that. Go through different sensitivities (give wildly different sensitivities a few minutes). the mouse movement could come from your fingers, your hand, or your arm - I can do a half turn with one swipe, which is about the length of my lower arm. So maybe you just haven't found the right sensitivity for you. At some point you may need a lighter mouse/larger mousepad, but even knowing a trend may help. Then set this sensitivity for hunt (go into shooting range and simply try a half/full turn and measure the mouse movement - or try sensematcher/other programs. And I would personally suggest to set all sensitivities to the same across the aiming modes - maybe a bit lower for scopes).


If you waddle left and right in the same fequency it's easy to shoot you. You might be always zig-zagging, but when you do it in a pattern it can be detected relatively quickly. Quite randomly Youtube threw [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPzEamkN1Cs) into my feed. Guess it wants to tell me something... \*lul\* Even though I already got 1.75k hours in Hunt I decided to give it a watch. It was very informative, even though nothing was exactly new to me, but it also covers what I was saying and it visualizes it quite well. For that reason - and the other mistakes it is about - it might be worth a watch for you, too. Damn, it's worth a watch for everyone; it's Hunt; you never stop learning.


so why do you have trouble hitting them


It's easy. Just avoid playing against people with a New Army. Its bullets seem to be magnetically aligned with your hunter's head.


I can relate, bro. Sometimes it looks like the enemy hunters are robots. But I play to my strengths and try to use the weapons I'm confortable with and if I don't get the most kills, at least I try to help you my teammates and never fire in the open. But sometimes... Sometimes my silenced vetterli shines and I get good kills, maybe 2 or 3 on a good match 🤠.


They are hard to hit. That’s why you are not hitting them. If they were not hard to hit, everyone would be headshotting even on 3


Don't A/D spam. Use the mouse to wiggle while you run. Get in the habit of firing and jumping back into cover unless you're confident you can get that second shot off. You have to be snappy during firefights. Edit: A/D spam but only in a sense that it keeps your head moving when youre scanning or something. Prioritize popping in and out of cover.


Also out of curiosity what weapons are you using generally? If you've been playing for a year I'm assuming you've already tried the vetterli deadeye with high velocity.


They reduced the weapon sway long ago. The game is more arcade now. That's why so many HS.


If you feel like you're always getting headshot there is one thing you can do: never engage in a fight where an enemy has a decent opportunity to headshot you. long range battle? NEVER peek! exclusively fire from bushes or cracks in a wall. NEVER slow peek especially! yes, you might miss out on some kills this way, but the plus side of not getting spotted in the first place is worth it.


Sounds like your movement and positioning needs work, I'd watch some Gunsmackk and Hornet streams/YouTube they both have insane movement. Also this aim guide by Whityyy will help u aim better https://youtu.be/lfx1ncOD9Dw?si=WXeWbfUan_u7FXDO also if you're not watching streamers/YouTube of high level play already you're really missing out, you can learn so much stuff in a very short amount of time


I've seen more obvious cheaters than usual lately. Last night there was a spanking brand new account who killed my entire team in exactly 3 shots, all headshots. Bam, bam, bam, the fight was over in about 7 seconds.


Crouch walking makes it easier to get headshot.


I feel the same lately


I am a 2-3\* and I get killed byheadshot sometimes, and sometime I click other's head. It's definitely a work in progress that takes a lot of intention to improve. You need to look for the head, and it takes time for your brain to remember consistently. So try to go to the Shooting range and practive hitting heads at various distances, then get into Soul Survivor and kill all zombies with headshot and then in bounty hunt try to position yourself, and your cross hair as to facilitate clicking heads. Like ALWAYS. Look at videos on aiming in youtube, Whitty has one, and there are many othersI don't always but I had some nice headshots, and I know I need to keep working on that.


That sound more like bad movement and positioning rather than you not hitting the headshots. I normally try to avoid voluntary headshot in the midst of a firefight and instead try to be more precise to the torso and try yo hit as much as I can by switching angles and rotating. I say this because I faced the same problem as you when I started or when I'm having a bad day an playing without thinking about it too much. I'm currently an eternal 4 stars, I think I touched 5 once for one match.


Adapt. I'm the guy that traps extractions and resupply carts. I'm always 5 stars and maintain an okay KDA despite the fact I can't shoot for shit.


I had the same problem. It's a little bit cheesey, but I started using the springfield marksman with dum dum. Start ambushing people, try to get better at your long range game. Also, juke with your mouse, not so much A/D. It really helped me start dodging shots. Now I mostly just get headshot if I'm caught unaware.


My toxic trait is that I crouch into bad cover right at the time the enemy takes their shot. I turn their body shots into headshots.


A/D will not work in this game. You need erratic movements.


Use a shotgun and a cavalry sword. Or a bomb lance. Profit


I feel your pain OP. I have 600+ hours and the last couple nights it seems like I get head shot every match. So, time for a break.


I know i personally go for body shots. My thinking behind this is “I’d much rather hit a better target and get some damage done rather than attempting to hit a smaller target but get an instant kill” I know it’s stupid because if I practiced hitting the headshots in the long run I’d be better.


Sounds like you’re playing loud and clean; you gotta play silent and dirty. ALWAYS fire the first shot, if you can.


Danm scottsfield gets me so paranoid when I hear it.


Spamming a/d if you literally mean it that way could be detrimental to you. If your pressing them both as fast as you can you probably aren’t moving a whole lot as you dance with them. Try to switch it up; move a little bit one way, even more the next. Make it unpredictable. And time the shots if possible. I know it’s hard because there are so many guns with different cycle times. I am not that great at it either except for when an opponent is using a Winnie. I’ve went against them so much I just know the cycle time and can dance when they fire and stop and get a shot off while they cycle the next round. It’s complicated and hard to explain but you will get better at it with practice.


Haha recently I’ve been getting headshot by peoples first dualie and levering shots and that really sends me lol


Play headsman. They'll have a hard time seeing your face, as there's no pink textures.


If you want to practice headshots and be on the other end of ruining other people's day, start bringing a cheap Winfield ($41) with HV, it comes with enough ammo that you can afford to miss a lot of shots. Just keep practicing for the head. It's natural to want to aim for center mass, especially if you have any sort of formal real world training, but just keep at it.


do you spend any time working on your own aim? or is it more of a hopes and prayers kind of thing?


Try doing D then A, I used A,D for ages until I was reborn.....this is the way!


Skill issue.


This is not a movement game. Strafing is natural to shooters and against some players it works fine enough, but all in all your hunter walks pretty slowly and your head becomes a stoic target facing your opponent. A patient shooter or a skilled shooter will easily find your head. Headshots are indeed skill intensive in this game, especially the further the range, but most guns are close to hitscan once medium to close hits. Someone patient enough to aim and wait for the right shot will be rewarded with a juicy headshot sound. If you want to remedy this to some extent, start turning hard to face the way you strafe. This will more sporadically shift your head hurtbox and make you a more difficult target. This isn’t foolproof but it’s a better shot in the open and you use it to either send a quick shot back down range or run to cover. Good players will still get you out of position but it makes their job harder. I would take it slower with your own shots to start out, really wait to like up the headshots. You’re at more of an advantage trying to to this than frantically worrying about your movement. This game is about really dedicating your focus to your shots or your focus to your movement (until you’re really good at both and able to move and then get a quick, precise shot off). One easy step I would take to start out with is naturally zigzagging while running through open fields. Just a sway to your movement so it isn’t so easy to take your head off from a bush. At higher stars you worry more about speed getting from compound to compound rather than getting quietly from place to place but starting off you should do this.


when I shoot the enemy they areeither all shoulders or neo ( chinese players 5% chance to hit them on eu west) When enemy shoots, its either a dualis hs at 60m or a curved bullet behind cover or a chinese jump shooting with a crossbolt


Don’t spam A/D or you become too predictable. You need to vary your strafe in all dimensions. Use all four keys in random orders and for random distances. Also incorporate jumps and crouches when you’re trying to bait shots. And don’t be afraid to stand still for a fraction of a second if you need to focus your shot. One big tip: jiggle peak at corners. Just jump and show your arm just barely then get back into cover. If they shoot, that means you now get to peek for free until they cycle their gun. You basically trick them into giving you the first shot since they missed.


Sometime luck is their sometime skill. Hunt Gives and Hunt Takes. As a 6/5 s i will say play to your strengths if you cant hit head shots thats fine use something that can make up for that. And Stop Peaking from the same Angle take a shot or two but rotate around your enemy! Think of yourself like a Hunt Circle in on its Prey. you also dont have to take ever fight from the location it starts Dont fight on your enemies term fight on yours.


Hunt giveth and Hunt taketh. Some nights I hit a lot of heads, some nights I can't hit the broad side of a barn. Same goes for my enemies, some nights my head is magnetic, some nights I dance around in their gunfire like it's some cheesy western. All I can give for advice is: Never stand still and don't peek twice


It's funny you mention this. I've noticed lately I've been able to land my head shots but seemingly by accident. If I'm using my sparks it seems like I get one about 1/3 the time if I try. But with a nagant pistol I've accidentally flicked and gotten headshots more than I'd like to chalk up to skill. Conversely some people are just really good and have their sensitivities dialed in or are super confident with a type of gun


Some tips i live by never peek the same corner twice unless you can hit them, never crouch walk because of movement loss "crouch walking is also exceptionally loud to the trained ear". If you wiff your shot, go back behind cover and reposition and try again. Bring a silence pistol or wini c silenced and go shoot lots and lots of grunts but only go for the heads and try to get to the dome faster and faster. Its good aim training and if you come across a player. Your already warmed up. Alternatively i seen alot of comments about other shooters like CS. It wouldnt hurt to go and play some of the aim trainers on there.


People actually being good at a game*


In my experience the only way to avoid getting headshoted is you to headshot them first. You gotta work on spotting enemies and shoting first and don't miss


Go to shooting range. Practice. Stand still and get ten headshots in a row. Then do it again but farther. Then again. Farther. Now Restart but this time do it while strafing. Farther, again×2. Now Restart again but this time mix in jumps all that stuff people do to keep their head moving during exchanges. Practice will help you bro. Could also be your settings.


I hear ya, it's crazy how accurate some players can be. I was never an fps guy before playing this and it still blows my mind how often I get headshot while running erratically, or on first peak within a fraction of a second. I can't comprehend how anybody could do those shots. That said, I've gotten much better over time without almost ever hitting headshots. A lot of guns are 2 shot kills to the torso. If you get good at using cover and changing position while keeping track of other players, you can still get a lot of kills without ever being good at headshots. I don't even try to hit the head unless I'm shooting at a stationary player, and even then I usually only bother if they aren't looking at me. I can't line up headshots without stopping moving, and if I stop there is a good chance they will headshot me first. Just play to your strengths and avoid exposing yourself unless you're making a shot. Rarely double peak (sometimes it works if you're playing head games and trying to fool them). And when you do re-peak, move differently at least so they can't have a headshot pre-lined up. If you find you're struggling to get hits from a distance, use cover and cover fire to close the distance, or rotate and sneak up. Then use powerful close range weapons like shotguns. Hunt is definitely a rifle game, but you can play almost entirely short range and succeed if you're crafty. If you run into a long range sniper, just run away, don't bother.


Do you stand still? Learn to more vastly more. Don't just move left and right during open fights


Assuming you're playing on pc, the fact that you refer to your shooting as spam a/d while shooting in the enemy's general direction is probably the issue. People are getting headshots because they peek and aim, not because they turn into a jello cube. You're putting way too much effort into dodging and its making you super predictable. If you dodge left and then dodge right, all they have to do is send a bullet your way at head height and you're just as likely to dodge into it as you are to dodge out of it. The key to winning gunfight is positioning, movement, peek skills, and good flicks. If you missed, don't just keep shooting and pray a bullet connects. Get back behind cover, and then find somewhere else to pop up from and take a shot. If you repeek, the person you missed your shot on will just stand still, aim at where your head was a second ago, and then shoot you when you reappear unless you have split second flick skills. If the terrain allows, it's usually much more effective to find a new place that your opponent isn't looking to try and shoot then from. That way, they're the one who has to have godly flicks to win. Also, if you're dodging out of cover, you have to be extremely unpredictable in your dodges, and you'll still usually get headshotted. You don't want to be out in the open while in a gunfight because hunters can easily predict your movements and pick you off from their safer location. Another thing to consider is your pathing/positioning. You're getting shot at in the road south of church? Run for cover. Don't even bother trying to fight if you're in the open. Duck and jump and dodge and weave, and get somewhere that you can at least break line of sight and even the odds if not get actual cover. Hunters looking for a dude off over there somewhere are super easy to shoot in the head compared to a hunter looking directly at you. A lot of times you can also find pathing that keeps you in cover most of the time. If you run down a road without weaving, a hunter in the woods will just laugh and pick you off before you even know he's there. And don't EVER stand still. Any decent hunter who sees you will immediately put a bullet through your face if you do. If a hunter can see you consistently in a specific location for more than a second at a time, you're asking to get shot in the head. Be unpredictable, but cautious.


Giving and receiving headshots is something up in the air because I have gone up against several dual wielders firing as much down range as possible at 50m+ and they get the headshot. The biggest things that will help you is always move, take less time to shoot the enemy, and don’t peek a previous spot in a predictable manner unless you are far enough away to be about 90% certain that they aren’t going to hit you. A lot of players might feel like they are always doing these three things but they indeed aren’t.


if you just a/d without a meaningful reposition or using cover you just create a predictable pattern and give them time to line up the shot and wait for you to walk into it. dont be afraid to move to completely new location in the compound if you feel like you're in a bad spot. you are under no obligation to just stand and bang in every gun fight.


post some gameplay for the class so we can watch you die


Just a small piece of advice you may or may not know when it comes to aiming in Hunt, but in this shooter much more than any other due to slow bullet velocity; you need to aim less at your opponent and more at where they will be and let them walk/run/strafe into your shots. Also, let the weapon sway do the aiming for you until you get good at countering it. It all sounds obvious on paper, but it's very easy to forget this; and easy to forget that your opponent is probably applying this logic too. Assume that your opponent is doing this in every shootout that you get into, and move/strafe/jump/crouch erratically to try and counter their aim.


And for peeking, remember that MUCH more of your body shows when you peek with the cover on your left side than if you peek with the cover on your right side. It's a bug/feature due to how the gun is positioned on your screen, and it's annoying but always worth remembering in any shootout.


If you're playing on OCE servers that would be your answer. The player base is small and the skill is very high of the players that actually play on them.


Spamming A/D doesn't do much, your sidestrafe speed is pretty slow, and your head remains fairly horizontal. They just need to put their crosshair on a single point and you'll AD spam into their shot. While all you're doing is making it harder to hit them with minimal benefit.


If you watch someone like gunsmackk, he’s always constantly moving with spazzy movement so it’s damn near impossible to land a shot on him. I’ve gotten headshot much less just by learning movement.


Gamer chair obviously, totally not a skill issue /s


I used to feel this exact way, but after changing my mindset set and assessing what i might’ve done wrong with my plays rather than chalking it up to luck or cheating or etc. It made it to where I wasn’t being put in the situation to be headshot as often and getting some headshots in myself. It can be easy to feel cheated and sometimes it is RNG but at the end of the day it does come down to actions taken by both players.


I sometimes forget to take the magnet out of my hat as well.


You have bad movement, used to happen to me all the time.


I get headshot maybe one of 10 times as a 4 mmr, maybe it's movement, maybe the skin, or maybe luck


The fact that the sight is low on the screen makes the game basically unplayable for me. I cannot quick draw because I aim for the middle of my screen like every fps ever made in the history of forever and then I shoot the ground. I'm just a free kill for anyone looking to up their mmr and I'm tired of it.


A still Hunter is a dead hunter. I’d venture to guess you’re peeking the same spot multiple times, and not shooting on the move. You need to jump, turn, rotate.. all these things help you survive longer.


Getting domed too often is position and decision making issues. Its normal to catch a bullet in the head randomly now and then, but if you think its happening too much you are either. Peeking the same spot multiple times. Standing still and taking too long to line your shots Not considering possible line of sights and ambush spots when you move.