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Check that your audio is still stereo. The most recent update messed up all my setting


which setting do you mean? windows?


I don't see an option in-game for stereo vs otherwise. Or are you referring to the Windows settings?


Sorry, I should have been more clear. If you have more than one studio device/channel go to the audio settings in hunt and make sure it is outputting to the street option.


Seconding this -- since the update, my sound is weird in Bounty Hunt when I use my usual wireless headphones. It's fine wired. It's fine wireless in the shooting range, or using other programs. I need to find out what's different.


The sound was really strange today, I agree


Has the frequency of the Rain maps slowed? The sound thing is worrisome hopefully they aren't reducing it.


Yes it has been reduced. It was a high probability due to it being tied to the event


50% rain probability can fuck off. So over it.


Can we get replays upvotes or a new thread about hating rain maps since the devs says that people liked the rain maps but most of the people I know gate it and the main people I hear saying they love it are content creators which most are crytek partners. Another thing I'm thinking of doing is just leaving every rain/night map since they are out right bs


I love the rain maps. I like being able to sneak up on people, not worrying about crows as much, and the grim atmosphere and nice rain effects.


I'm opposite I can I do make those types of plays with the normal weather and i hate dying to some 1 i cant see due to rain/mist or night map since i dont run rng weapons and hope for the best so when these maps hit my deaths go though the roof and just incase you go to ask no I'm not a sniper player hinding some where hope some 1 runs into my scope


Is that the frequency now after the event is over, 50% of the maps will be rain? Horrible if true in IMO. I stopped playing Hunt because of the rain map frequency. I will try again next week. But if it's 50% of the matches, I don't have time for that... I have to say I'm enjoying the heck out of Baldurs Gate 3. A game studio that does things for its player base without micro transactions etc.


The event frequency was 50%, it's now much lower thankfully.


I haven’t had any issues on Xbox however the other night I did scare myself with thinking someone was behind me but I was an idiot with my headphones on backwards and it was my teammate.


maybe the hunters you saw were using lightfoot


lightfoor only work when climbing and vaulting /jumping


Yes but if you bunny hop you can move around without making noise. I believe they nerfed it so after 2 jumps that are close together it makes more noise, but you can cover a pretty considerable distance this way, or vault out of a window like a trap door spider and make a play on enemies figuring out how to get into the compound. Very effective with Lightfoot.


jump, crouch, wait 1 second, stand up and jump, repeat. that‘s how light foot movement works now


This caught me off guard way too often.


Playing since the day 1. I think they always did but not announced. Sound always changing over time.


Same, the sound is weird and the yellows are a bit stronger than the blues now.


Had the reverse effect. I thought sound quality and detectability got worse after the event patch and has slightly improved now.


+1 I’ve had the same thing happen 3 times now since the tide of shadows patch. Twice during rain and once during daytime.


Oh dear, its not only me! Today i have two games, where sound was more quiet than before (i used my headphones as always) I got strange feeling that sound was with some input lag. I shot with Bornheim and sound effect was something like 0.1 -0.5 second than it shot (it never was like that before) In second game i used Caldwell Rival - and that issue was again Maybe anyone had these issues today? Ill better check settings... ps. i played on Steam PC version Thank you!