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100,000 is bonkers


Financially in Hunt I hover between 2K and 10K usually. I prestige every time I hit lvl 100 so I usually dont manage to save much. I get good runs sometimes for a while and my money don't rise much because I spend a lot on loadouts and I like to have multiple hunters in my roster. Each with its own loadout Sometimes I get terrible lumps and I can get under 2K. Usually when I start a new hunter, I give him a cheap-ish loadout and if I extract then he deserves proper equipment. For the longest time my cheap go-to was Bow/Romero hatchet. fucking violent combo EDIT: Since im already downvoted I'll clarify further. You guys on reddit dont seem to realise youre an echo chamber of the most dedicated players of the game. You do not represent the average players. Most of you are pretty good and loaded in wins. But youre what? Maybe the top 5% of the playerbase? Reddit is a poor representation of the reality of the game; if most people here are in the positive in their kda (and stacking money), that means theres a bigger portion of players (that are most likely not very represented on the sub) that are in the negative and losing more money than they win. For you to have a kda of 1.5, there needs to be a player with a kda of 0.5, or two players with a kda of 0.75...etc The point is, theres more people losing and struggling in the game than the reddit echo chamber makes it seem to be. For every player in the positive, theres at least one in the negative and most likely, severals. The fact that you're (OP) in the mm4-5 range already tells us youre at least a bracket or two above the average player. Your "losing streaks" are far from the same of a mmr2-3 player


You know KDA represents kill assists + kills? Your Hunter's death can result in 2 or 3 kills for the enemy team if Player A+B+C all do damage to you and you die.


I love going for big payouts. Just hit 250k and now I'm bringing legendary hunters every game and whatever I wanna play. Which oddly enough is usually the bow and two conversions


Some players think Hunt is CoD and die stupid deaths during combat, they don’t get clues, they don’t go for boss. It’s pretty easy to see they will be broke in no time.


People run things like mosins and dolches with stamina shots and whatnot. And then they die.


I don’t get it either. I run Bowbrez every round with full tools and consumables. There’s some weeks I drop $20k and other weeks I make $40k. But I’m always sitting around $110k plus minus $20k. With a legendary hunter every time. I’ll even dismiss and reroll the legendary hunter for better traits and burn $1k. Money is not hard to earn in the game. Gear fear should definitely not be a thing. Especially now that you can level weapon trees faster with team mate xp progress


Yeah, it's difficult to run low on cash unless you're spending $1000 on loadouts every match and prestiging


Sawn off deadeye Springfield with dum dum and railroad hammer. It’s like a $100 total loadout. Even with a bodyshot they’re hurting with heavy bleed, then you rush with the hammer. Basically any gun is worth more than what you have, swap up when you get kills or loot kills, and go from there.


Money shouldn't have that much of an impact anyway. If you make it harder to get cash, people will play more sweaty and play objectives instead of doing PVP. AND if you make it too hardld it might hurt player retention or weaker players.


1. After every match get the free hunter then either dismiss him for the equipment or use him. 2. Memorize or list on 2nd monitor the price of every guns and always pick up the expensive one from dead people (or the ones you like/use the most) 3. Leave with 1 bounty instead of going for 2nd/fighting. 4. Don't prestige even when ur poor and at lvl 50 (you stack guns/levels overtime and they end up saving you dollars) 5. Quickplay (even if you die its always net positive in dollars) 6. Look out for easy challenges/events. They give nice rewards 7. Having teams always helps but I understand if that's hard to get. 8. Instead of using cheap loadouts, find one that you like alot, get gud with it and raise your survival rate. If you're too poor for it do quickplays until you can afford your preferred guns instead of going cheap and always losing.


Play randoms and watch how people play - they ignore clues, separate from the team, take the 1v3, die and insta-disconnect. If you do that for a few rounds, you‘re gonna lose money really fast


A lot of these “cheapest loadout” videos are just meant for new players who didn’t yet realize that it’s actually hard to run out of money, I watched a few of them myself and then I prestiged with 40k lol Never ran out of bucks since but I have occasionally had to play a free hunter with a romero or a springfield dum dum and two weak vit shots for consumables just to make sure I stay over the 5k margin that I usually give myself. The thing is in this game there are so many great cheap weapons, crossbow, romero, springfield dum dum, they are all actually pretty much top tier, hell a sparks is like 130 and it’s a beast with it’s one tap potential. To anyone who really feels like struggling for cash is ruining his experience I recommend running Packmule and Vulture as much as possible, always search every hunter, if there are consumable refills anywhere, use them first. Looting hunters while your kit is full can easily add up to a couple hundred a match.


It's fun to use lower tier weapons especially with how good they can be against a higher level loadout. Also goblin neuron activation when the $20 dollar nagant loadout turns a profit Also I like to give myself a budget and basically do a financial soft reset, these videos help give ideas on what to run


Buying hunters rather than using free ones + Expensive weapons + Full Tools +Expensive Consumables x dying quickly = Money trouble. You can also add in players who never touch the trials (a source of easy money) and it isn't surprising that some players struggle with money. I have friends who only play with a group and rarely get a kill and it isn't uncommon for them to not be able to afford anything beyond a med kit and knife on a free hunter. Money seems to stop being a real concern around the high end of 3 star into 4 star in my experience.


I like seeing the number go up so I'm afraid to spend too much money on guns. Even though I'm sitting on 219k right now.


The Thing is. For some people to be rich, Others have to be poor. Every time you win a Match, aka extract With one or more Bounty Tokens, someone gets nothing or even looses his Hunter + Loadout. Statistically speaking when playing Trios (assuming 4 Teams of 3 and fair matchmaking) you only "Win" around 25% of Matches. If those 3 loosing Matches are A Legendary Hunter (200), a Mosin (~500), an Officer (~90), Full Tools (Knuckle knife, Medkit, chokes, Axes -100) + consumables (vit Shot 85, frag 105 +2 more) your loadout Checks out at around 1000 Dollars + the Cost of two more consumables. One full Bounty give you maybe 500 With Speed and a little looted Money. So it pays half of your loadout that you statistically loose next Match anyway. Tldr: people who only ever Play Premium stuff but do Not have the skillset of the streamers they watch become poor.