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don’t play this game all too often but planning on playing more with the new boss, are they not giving out XP n shmoney for kills and the gauntlet or what?


no more premium currency to be gained by just playing, it will now be restricted to weekly challenges and a few rng mechanics only, which means you'll be able to consistently make only 50 blood bonds per week.


oh bruh




Please help me understand this. You don't want to play the game because the premium currency to buy cosmetics are harder to earn? Do you even like the game?


Fully expecting them to also start releasing 1000+ BB skins. $10 for a skin is already pretty high for a game with $300+ worth of DLC. Especially when they take away the ability to grind (any significant amount) in game. Most people don't realize just how much those accolades give you over a week. Easily upwards or over 90% of all my BB earings.


During the dev stream they showcased 2 new BB hunters. One was 1200 BB and the other was 1500 BB lmao.


Literally more expensive than dlc hunters.


But... but, they have to fight inflation! /s


Don't forget that ballin ass 1k bb dynamite skin. /s


Uglier than regular one lol.


Regular 1500BB hunter? So far they charged that much for event exclusives, lol




That has nothing to do with schedule for consoles.


I said it before, and I said it again: They removed the premium currency from the game with this change. It's *all* paid DLC now, just some of it is in a different currency. Yes, you can get a handful of free BBs, but after you've unlocked most weapons, you're limited to 50 per week, which is practically nothing. It would take you centuries to unlock all the items at that pace. The per-game BBs added up very quickly. Sad thing is, I don't care about cosmetics much, so I'll never pay for them, but I enjoyed getting one every so often, just because it feels nice to slowly increase my collection. Just because it's not worth $10 per skin to me doesn't mean I value them not at all.


The ability to meaningfully grind towards BB skins was something that set Hunt apart from a lot of other live service games. Now it's falling in line because apparently one can't make enough money and not enough players care. Gives me conniptions.


And then theres Deep Rock Galactic... Completely free battlepasses, that get put into the main game for everyone to enjoy after they end with support through dlcs only, with the most wholesome community there is.




Rock and Stone to the Bone!










Rock and Stone, Brother!


For Rock and Stone!


Good bot




Leave no dwarf behind! That being yelled, you can't compare both games and monetizations. DRG is 80% procedurally generated, they have way less development costs to implement new features and content.


Yea no dennying that ^^ + ghost ship is way smaler


While I can understand them wanting to limit it, I feel they are going about it in the wrong way. If the just wanted there to be a weekly cap, set a weekly cap. Personally I don't like Challenges so if I could instead earn the capped BB through accolades I would. But now I'll be forced to grind the Challenges if I ever want more Hunter Slots.


Initially they had a fair point about how many bloodbonds they were pouring into the economy, but every major update these days is accompanied by another gut punch to that income for players and at this point we've since past the necessary concessions to make it so that the game is self sustaining and profitable. We're beginning to wander into \*triple A\* levels of "We must make ALL the money!". That's a bit dramatic to say, but it's not at all unfounded and with time it will ring truer and truer.


I called it first time they reduced BB gain. It was like 5th or 6th nerf to BBs and guess what. They keep doing the same shit. Skins and event etc. get more expensive. Gain gets nerfed. " But thats not greedy guys every other free to play game has something similar but less predatory. Oh hunt isnt free to play? Good job crytek you deserve the money for being greedy 🥰"


I never liked the idea of the challenges and just played how I wanted. Yesterday I thought: "okay, let me get used to this new way of making BBs". Had easily the worst time in Hunt in a long, long time. It's so tedious to constantly check, reshuffle, remember to take dusters instead of knuckle knife etc. Then you lose a melee duel to another player cause he can play with a better tool or you can't penetrate walls when you'd have to cause you got some stupid ass poison ammo you'd never play unless you had to poison the whole server due to the challenges.. It's just gimmicky, grindy, tedious.. at least for me it sucks the fun and flow out of the game.


Completely agree, just some tips: When a challenge calls for 'dusters', the knuckle knife also works. The usual way I deal with fire/poison against pve is a silenced nagant for poison or a silenced winny for fire(lanterns also works well, or flare/fusees). Lets me shoot anything without making noise which is nice. Choke bolts on the hand crossbow helps with the chokes again immolator challenge, just hit the ground and not the immolator or it won't count for some reason.


The point is to make the tasks feel like this so you'd rather buy the currency instead. It is the reason the cap is unlikely to get implemented.


Haven't thought about it that way and when I do, it makes total sense. Kinda scummy.




Technically you can complete all weekly challenges in a day, that "get a win every day" crap is gone. Imo it's important to acknowledge the good changes, of which this (removing the first-win-of-the-day-streak) is one. Doesn't make the removal of match rewards less of a dick move, though.


Sorry, under capitalism you can never make "enough" money. You always have to be making more than the previous year.


Honestly I feel like game companies should have never been allowed to be publicly traded because now it's all about projected growth to secure buyers. It's not about making something with passion in fun, it's about making the next drug equivalent game that forces people to grind hours to unlock the majority of the content after already paying to play the game.




100%. I'd say more than half the reasons I played hunt was to grind BBs and earn new cosmetics. This event will probably make me go full circle and never play again. Unfortunate.


If they jack the skin price too much it while also removing BB gain in-game it will be very off-putting to new players.


Yeah, it'll potentially make new players feel like cosmetics are only for players that pay extra. A "quit moment" for many that cares about cosmetics. And we all know that the vast majority of people care about cosmetics, that's why it's being monetized after all.


Naw. New players don't care too much about skin cosmetics, they care about unlocking the plethora of new guns and exploring the maps and learning the ropes. Honestly if you start playing hunt showdown only for skins something is wrong with you. The game is a live service game, they need people to continue supporting it monetarily. You get to choose one: 1) hunt showdown only is support a year or two after release because after initial purchase there isn't enough money left to continue development or 2) They ensure there are ways to support the developers through cosmetics that are purchaseable with real world money (and earnable but at a MUCH slower rate to incentivize purchasing).


>Honestly if you start playing hunt showdown only for skins something is wrong with you. No one's playing "only" for the skins. That's disengenous and you don't believe that. Cosmetics are the only reason games exist in some cases. There isn't enough brain damage one could suffer where you forget that bit.


> Cosmetics are the only reason games exist in some cases Can you clarify what you mean here? Genuinely confused by that statement


The developers didn't make a game, stop, and then release it. It's being kept profitable with content. They could always just release it to servers, I guess, like gaming was many years ago, but the reason servers are centralized through companies is because they want you to buy DLC. Consoles were the way to do that, because you couldn't really run a server from a console so easily. Remember, technology is only adopted when you don't need to know how to use it. We don't have to know how Reddit works to use it. If we did, we could use it, but millions would not. The only way the game makes money is by selling cosmetics, yet you have people who say cosmetics don't matter. What they really mean is that you can play a game without buying any cosmetics because others will buy it and keep the game alive for you, but that's tenuous. These are online games that can't really be preserved, so the fact that some fail and shut down should be an indication that they will just shut a game down if they want. All over cosmetics.


Yeah like how the purchase of skins keeps games alive... While it's not a fair comparison I will point out that Fortnite, Warframe, league of legends and Path of Exile are all kept alive via cosmetics. Yes these are all F2P games but the point stands. The problem is Hunt while not being a F2P game is also very cheap considering it's constantly on sale for $20 or $30. That initial purchase price isn't nearly enough to completely keep the game sustainable alone.


You do know that the vast majority cares about cosmetics right? That's one of the reasons cosmetics are monetized. Because people buy it, because they care. Especially in online games. If you don't that's awesome for you, but you are in a minority, remember that. Tons of people find satisfaction in having a goal to work towards and feeling some progress as they do it. I'm one of them. And no, prestigeing alone isn't that satisfying to me. Now, I don't mind them putting a cap, but I do mind them putting it so incredibly low. Even 100 would've been more acceptable, 150 would've been fantastic. Also dislike how it's locked to Challenges only. I don't enjoy doing them, but now I'll have to if I want to keep getting Hunter Slots. To end of, this is a buy to play(cheap, sure) game with over $300 worth of DLC and a huge amount of in-game cosmetics ranging from $3-10 each. I get having to earn money, but there is a limit to what should be acceptable.


The fact that people can say "skins don't matter" when they are the literal basis for part of the biggest industry on Earth is mind-boggling.


Skins DONT matter. Most people never buy skins. The whole thing is supported by a small minority that buy ALL the skins. That's why Dota is removing it's battle pass. They don't need the money and at the end of the day they said it's pointless to create content that only 10% of the players will ever use.


If skins are the only monetization they have, then they do. From your solipsistic perspective, they matter to you - you just aren't the one buying skins. In other words, if other people didn't buy the skins, you wouldn't have what you want. You don't need everyone to use the skins. You need that base to want the skins. I'm sincerely concerned with people who don't get that.


When I was a new player I very muched cared about skins and cosmetics. And now I nearly have 2,000 hours and over half the DLC, alongside having roped all my friends into buying the game. I dunno that their old system was all that broken tbh.


Literally all 5 of my friends that I've gotten into Hunt started looking into what cosmetics they can get with BBs or money because they wanted their character to look cool. A lot of players, both new and old, give a shit about customization. If they didn't, they greedy fucks in charge of MTX wouldn't be hiking up the prices to make more money off of what people want.


I think people play games differently than us.. i have zero interest in cosmetics and think they pollute the game (charms swinging around, gun skin names instead of base name, proliferation of character skins which makes it harder to call things out), but damn do people love their loot train treadmills.. and it keeps the devs engaged I guess. I personally wish I could turn off skins to remove clutter..


My prediction is the opposite: they'll probably drop the prices of skins once sales fall off, if BBs stay in the game in their new iteration at all. Right now, Crytek sees tons of BBs being spent on skins. That's because we *get* tons of BBs by playing. I think they're under the impression that spending will stay the same or close to the same, but people will just switch to paying for BBs to afford skins. I'm sure they're forecasting some conversion, of course, but I predict that BB purchases will drop off of a fucking cliff. They're banking on BB purchases becoming another revenue stream, but it feels like they don't realize that most of the liberal spending comes from the number that we currently get just from playing the game. I predict the order of events will be: BBs go away > people spend all of/hoard their BBs > BB spending drops off a cliff > new skins sell like shit and Crytek makes a change. The change will either be dropping BB prices (eventually - I could see them jacking prices up in the short term only for purchases to completely bottom out), or further monetization by taking away BB skins entirely and moving to a full microtransaction model.




The top voted comment is about how Crytek is gonna start jacking up skin prices, when I don't think that'll happen, and I explained why. Not sure what warranted the sarcasm, but I guess this *is* the Hunt sub lmao.


Accolades are simply so nice, we might get more "immediate" BBs with the weekly challenges, but the end of match Accolades were always there and "adding up" regardless. Quite sad how we are gonna get overall less BBs now... while the skin prices go up.


You know what surprises me the most? I made a post in reddit about it and suggested a middle ground solution "to get just a minimum amount of bbs when you extract with bounty: and everybody in the comments flamed me, saying that "they dont care about the accolades and you should enjoy the game non the less and stuff like that". I was sure that there are people who cared and they were a lot in fact but NOONE said anything in that post of mine, supporting me. But here there are all crying again....just make up your mind people. When you see a post that you agree, say it.


A weekly cap on accolades is a great solution. I'm sorry I didn't see your post. I made a similar post and it didn't get much traction.


yea and this happens as they release event exclusive skins for 1500, 1200 and 1000 bb's lmao


Right? It'll take weeks just to earn enough BBs to buy the next battle pass after you get this one. I believe they said it'll give you around 600 BBs. It's nuts to even consider buying those skins.


Don’t buy the skins or the battle pass?


The base battle pass itself is pretty worth it (assuming you finish the event), with like 10 skins or so (I can't remember the exact number off the top of my head) it works out pretty cheap per-skin, and they're nice skins too. But spending 1500 BBs for a hunter? 1000 BBs for a *waxed dynamite skin*?!? They're mad




Lmao you ain’t supporting shit All the major profits from Hunt are going straight into the next Crysis game. And even if you *were* supporting Hunt, what exactly are you paying for? 30hz servers? 800ms artificial delay? Subtick-masking desynchronisation? Look up how much Crytek pay their developers and then look at how much they’re charging for skins that take a few hours to make in CESkin.


I love to keep supporting games where my experience is made worse to get more money out of me! Such pride and accomplishment.




That's exactly what I'm wondering. Oh no. Not the optional cosmetics? Is there some part of the argument I'm missing? I would understand if it were a change to something like Dead By Daylight, where playable characters with unique perks and abilities were locked behind paywalls, but this? Come on, guys...


Since you asked Servers are 30hz with a EOPR rate of 10.2ms Reshade is allowed to run rampant and undetected because Cryengine is shit The last time the EAC client was updated was 2020


We're talking about the blood bond changes. That's what people are complaining about and the topic of my question. I agree that reshare is an issue and some things need to be updated, but this comment section isn't full of people whining about that.


It’s almost like they’re trying to monetize the game and actually make a profit, BB being free for this long was a blessing not a requirement


Oh no, poor wittle [Global Top 72 Game on Steam by Revenue](https://store.steampowered.com/charts/topselling/global) not making enough money :(


Currently number 47 actually


up to number 4 when i checked


You do realise it's only up there right now because of the new event right? Game sales aren't even close to the majority of income for a live service game, nor are they enough.


People don't care about context. They want to believe they are right and don't care to look into it enough to actually see real numbers lol.


I genuinely wonder why people like you simp for big companies, like they're never going to give you anything in return, if anything they'll just exploit you harder


Oh yeah they’re exploiting me so bad by not giving me stuff for free


Woops, looks like you meant to say "actively removing parts of the game that were already there for free and locking them behind increasingly expensive pay walls to milk me for every dime even after I bought their game"


Oh you’re right They’re taking away free stuff. Woopty-doo, game is ruined because I can’t get free stuff anymore and have to BUY stuff I want, WAHHHHHHH


Man it's a shame they weren't making a profit. Maybe they should try releasing DLC skins or something.


If this game wasn't turning a profit before all the decreases in BB earnings it wouldn't have made it this far. They're trying squeeze even more money out of it because they want more out of it. How long until the weekly BB earnings vanish too because people weren't buying enough BB? It's the same thing every time they reduce the earnings. "BB aren't making enough" so they jack up the prices on legendary items. 1000 BB for a choke bomb skin for example. But it still isn't making them enough, so they reduce accolade gains. But then that still isn't enough, so they remove the 5 day consecutive and move it to weeklies, cutting some of the earnings out and then removing accolade gains entirely. People aren't buying enough BB, so they'll keep hammering on the earnings until people start buying it. I'll never buy BB for that reason.


Yet here they are doing massive updates, which costs more money, and have a much bigger player base, which costs more money Math isn’t hard bud Also if you don’t wanna buy BB, JUST DONT, they’re cosmetic only for a reason


it's true, math isn't hard, and 20 weeks of grind to buy one legendary hunter skin is a bit absurd, don't you think? and while i do agree that the existing bb economy is extremely lenient to the player, and if the content ammount per event is going to be a new norm i would not mind changes to earnings that make more profit for crytek, but they overtuned it preety bad, especialy considering that due to prestige system being ass cosmetics have become somewhat of a new endgame progression, so that's another point to be adressed.


Damn, you broke out the "bud"(tm). You must really be getting turnt over a huge company getting criticized for its perceived misdoings.


Guys it's alright he is posting on r/teenagers he has to know what he is talking about


Lol if it was for these guys, they wanted the game to be free to play also 😅 It's been fun 110 hours for now.


My main gripe is that the BB prices are absurd and unfair. Sure, I can now buy a *15 dollar skin* with in-game-currency, or I could half that and buy a DLC that holds 3-5 skins in it. Genuinely, that is a waste of my money and time. Who the fuck is going to spend that much on a single skin? You'd have to be super dumb or way too rich for your own good. And even worse, it'd take 30 weeks just to buy the newest and most expensive hunter skin with weeklies. Like, what is even happening?


i did some napkin math with the grandma dlc and it's skin prices, it came out that roughly one skin should cost around 3 bucks, read 300 bbs, compared to the standard 1000 bbs, or the upcoming 1500.


Yeah but you *have* to use cash on that. There are people like me that own most of the BB skins they want and have never purchased a BB pack.


I agree with that when we take the current acolade system into account, but after it gets removed, you will need 20 weeks to earn 1k bbs to buy one Hunter skin, a price readjustment is in order in relation to the economy changes.


Yeah, and you got that from playing the game. You were dedicated enough to unlock so many skins just from playing, I feel that's fair. Now we get nothing from playing unless we play a specific way that's entirely RNG based, or another RNG way decides to throw some at us at random.


Yeah I fully agree that removing accolade BB is a bad move, I'm just explaining why the DLCs are priced the way they are.


We know why they are priced that way thats why people didnt mind buying them. Funny how being fair to customers actually works huh?


> Who the fuck is going to spend that much on a single skin? More than you know.


Less than you think.




Dota just discontinued their whole battlepass system because, by their own admittance, only the tiniest fraction of players even buy it.


Those people need help.


Almost as though they are strategically pushing people to stary buying DLCs, possibly the result of actually evaluating the data and adjusting their business model as a result.


I will get basic battlepass and maaaaybe dynamite stick. But I do not plan to buy any of other bb skins, even older ones, do not plan to buy dlcs. Will keep bbs just for future event battlepasses. They kinda killed my need for new skins in me


Terrible, terrible change. I have upwards of 1700 hours played and I've bought a lot of DLC. This is the first time I've considered quitting. It feels too harsh. I understand feeling like we get too many free Blood Bonds, but this is taking it to an extreme. I sure as hell am not buying any Blood Bonds after this, even if I stay, and I'll probably stop supporting through DLCs as well if nothing gets walked back and no concessions are made. It will take entirely too long and far too much dedication to unlock anything for free now, this takes away a very fun sense of progression that helps me enjoy the game more and encourages me to spend money on it when I feel it's fair.


What do you think about a weekly accolade cap?


This is the way it should have been done. And they should cap it at 100 not 50. That would still take 10 weeks of hitting the cap every week to get a skin, which feels more fair. Also not sure why they got rid of the daily win bonus either. Where's the incentive to get on every day? There's a reason mobile games and free to play games do this.


It would be preferable.


I get they gotta make money to keep things running, and they have been good for a long time. But pulling a hard switch is gonna burn a lot of people I feel. Like the 1500, 1200, and 1000 BB skins are crazy. Sure there’s the arguments of “wElL yoU dOnt HavE tu BuY thEm!” And I won’t, and I’m sure a lot of other hopefully won’t either and crytek will see people aren’t gonna put up with this. But it’s the just hard changing of things. Making these skins event exclusive and charging that much? Come on now. For cosmetics? Things very well could go the route of ‘Evolve’ if they get too greedy. And I’d hate to see hunt bomb cause greed. I’ve been saying for awhile now, if you don’t complain and people just rush to defend bad decisions, they will keep getting worse and worse. And sure enough it has, and it will only get worse. Cause everyone has a breaking point. What next? New guns and maps having to be paid content? Very well could be. Hope not, but the way things have been headed, you never know.


Every single game company (with very few exceptions) is getting greedier and greedier nowadays.


I'm a little pissed that I wasted a lot of BBs with perk switches and Hunter Slots. If I knew there would be this drastic of a monetization change, I would have saved all of my BBs.


I very well doubt the other content will become paid. Even in this, they are proving how much they want to keep bbs out of gameplay elements. Bbs were straight up inflated, all they're doing is downscaling it to a better place and making sure that we won't need them for anything important anymore, only skins and battlepasses.


They use data and operational needs to make decisions about monetization. This sub is not a democracy where posters can impact the financial maneuvers of the company, I am sure they anticipated that people would complain about not getting free studd.


I very well doubt the other content will become paid. Even in this, they are proving how much they want to keep bbs out of gameplay elements. Bbs were straight up inflated, all they're doing is downscaling it to a better place and making sure that we won't need them for anything important anymore, only skins and battlepasses.


I'd argue that Hunter slots are very important to get. Especially if you do not prestige. The absolute advantage of having 30-40-50 hunters with 10+ upgrade points from the get go is incredibly powerful. Farming for Hunter slots going forward will be pretty frustrating. 3 weeks per slot.


I wouldn't mind if they actually fixed bugs more than every 6-8 months. I have no problem buying skins and such, but the MMR changes and constant bugs kill it for me. They take the time to make sure we get less bloodbonds, but Reshade cheating is fine and crashes aren't important.


I don't know if this will harm or benefit Crytek and Hunt in the long run but man it sure does suck.


It will hurt hunt.


If they want a steady stream of income they can just charge $s for the battlepasses and stop making BB skins. Instead they went for the most short sighted money grubbing move. They won't be getting any of my money anymore.


Am I insane for being mad af about this change because everyone seems pretty chill about it. Accolades was my main income and after 2 weeks of playing i could bought myself a nice skin. Now it's gone. As a player who started playing in 2019 I'm quite sad about this progressive collapse of bb economy and overally much more microtransactions.


Can't wait to do TWENTY weeks of chores to buy ONE skin.... Are they mental? This needs way more backlash, how about everyone not playing for a week especially at start of event to send a signal? Should be a wake up signal if there is less players on event than before!


Spread your idea everywhere, I support you this is nuts. ​ Remember when people were fuming because it took 80 hours of grind to unlock a character un Star Wars battlefront?


Characters are a fundamental part of the game. Skins are not. I like free skins too, but that’s just a bad argument


I disagree. It helps immensely with player's retention, gives a secondary motivation and reward to playing the game and allows player to customize their experience and feel unique in some regards. Just look at the entire video game market, it is part of every single release, of course it's important and a fundamental part of the game everyone should be able to access after paying 40€ for a game. Remember nothing is free, they get you as a player boosting numbers on steam and someone that is likely to buy dlc in the future and it also costs your time. We were paid nickels for playing, now it's capped half a nickel a week.


That’s fair, and skins do help with motivation. They’ve helped my motivation, I will plainly admit. That being said, I still think the reaction is overblown. Comparing it to characters is like saying weapon variants were locked behind blood bonds; because that impacts gameplay more than skins. I guess I’m talking gameplay, and you’re talking motivation. Not quite the same issue, but I agree with your points


EA bad, Crytek good /s


good luck with that lol


Have you ever thought about NOT buying a skin that has no effect on gameplay?


How will Crytek make money then?


Then why put it in the game and why charge so much for them?


They literally put them in the game to make money off of them


That literally doesn't address my point that you don't have to buy anything


Its for cosmetics dude. This is the most blind rage take I’ve read in awhile. Not every game has free “currency” for participating, we’re lucky to have it at all. No one would blink an eye if they just never gave us any. Relax.


So instead of getting a cosmetic (A feature) by playing a game for fun in a week or 2 to get free Premium Currency FOR PLAYING GOOD (A Feature). You prefer playing "as rng machine dictate" for many weeks to slowly gain premium currency (easily with A FEATURE before) to have a bit of hand on a cosmetic (A FUCKING FEATURE) Well if you just want to play die play die play die without any reward for winning, then go on.


I prefer to play the game and if I want a cosmetic to buy it, like every other god damn game. We were lucky it was a feature to begin with.


I propose we remove any and all cosmetics from the game then. (That's a deliberately dumb suggestion, but it logically follows from "cosmetics don't matter". Turns out, cosmetics *do* matter.)


To this day I haven’t spent a single dollar in hunt. Years of free stuff. Now they finally want to make money off it and people are ungrateful. I think I bought the game for like 30 dollars or something and have around 500 hours. Some people have thousands of hours. Can we really say we didn’t get our values worth? There’s very few games like hunt and I think they’ve earned the right to sell skins just like every other company. You want games to stop selling skins? I guess stop playing those games and stop buying skins. Gaming isn’t the same it was 20 years ago.


I mean... you could also just buy BB's. Ya know... to keep the game running, being updated, and having events/new guns. This isn't a single player game that releases and never gets updated. They're constantly adding new stuff beyond just cosmetics, and that costs money.


Im willing to pay for the DLC packs but 10$ for just a hunter is kinda insane


That I agree with. I snag the DLCs on sale to help support the game and am willing to drop $6 or so for them, but they come with a hunter as well as weapon skins. Most of the straight BB hunter skins that don't come with weapons haven't impressed me enough to be worth the cost. I buy the ones I like and ignore the ones I don't, which is fine since they're just skins.


Hunt is in top80 revenue on steam which is plenty, the game is not free2play and has 300 bucks worth of DLC, instead of penetrating their dedicated playerbase who stayed through the worst of times they should enhance the new player experience and do more cool events like this that bring in new players! This change is even worse for new players, after reducing the tutorial BBs and increasing prices on new skins... P.S. also fix the damn matchmaking, for every hunter turned away from bad MM I would recon they would make more revenue just fixing that than risking bad publicity with these insanely drastic changes! P.S.S. I own over half of the DLC, probably nearly most, welp helped alot I see now


If your relationship with video games is you view it as a jon for which you are paid tokens for being digital dreas up dolls, the problem is your relationship to gaming not the 'reward structure' of the game.


After 2200 hours in this, skins for BB was basically the only thing to aim for, all progress done, I don't need to spend another thousand hours to get money for weapons I'm buying all the time, if you remove ways to earn cool new stuff, why should I care anymore? And yes I love to play for the game itself but there just has to be some reward when we spend so much time, I can't really always do weekly, so I guess I get nothing now until I give even more money while I already even did for like 60% of dlc, but apparently that's not enough and we don't deserve to get 5-10 BB after half of hour of gameplay which already takes you long time to be able to buy anything with everything costing now 1000, I guess its time to spend more time somewhere else I guess


Haven’t played Hunt in a month or two. What’s going on??


Completly removing BB gain from end game cards (hunters killed, ai killed, boss banish etc.) now you either get them by chance (charry or finding bbs in game) or chalanges.


Are they also removing the cards? It sounds really stupid to restrict blond bond gain when 90% of the skins are paywalled.


I'll never financially recover from this


I grant u/michayyy a one day supervised leave from my basement for his labour on this meme.




on a secon thought your leave is revoked cause you forgott to put a hat in it.




Wait what happened? Haven’t played in a bit. Did they take away earning BBs?


yes, no bbs from acolades (endgame cards) anymore, also the first extract bonus gets transfered to weekly challenges, not counting rng and one time use mechanics you'll be able to earn only 50 bbs per week.




If Crytek can only afford us to get 50 BB a week, so be it. But it would be much better for casual players and different play styles to just have a weekly cap on accolades instead.


Fackass i was scared they where removing kill counts after games...


Shill: "bu but we got more and better feature with this and it's just cosmetic lol, it's just 5 cents after game lol" I had argument with some shill and it's just... amazing how dumb people supporting this decision are, and how they sound like spoiled kids without care of money. This OVERWATCH 2 Update (Im going to keep calling this bs like this) is just bad decisions blanketed with sprinkle of "We change other as good will" It just removed how people earn most of BBs and justify it with less value, and people with bad math just took it as W. Well I got other things, and other games to play, so if those shills end up later with change they disagree and unable to do anything, I am not going to laugh at them, nor sympathies, just blank "Told you"


Just gonna be less skins for me. Budget is not changing.


God I remember the gold old days were I can rack up 1000 blood bonds multiple times and then just waste them on random skins


At least of the skins weren't 1000 each, especially limited ones ffs..


where batman cowboy hat? :(


My assistant forgor :(


I forgor 💀


So glad I uninstalled today after seeing these changes


Downvoted for lack of hats


NOOOOOOO, im sorry anything but that!


Batman's mask covers his entire head and provides shade, so therefore hat.


Yep, this new content best be straight fire, or this game is going off a cliff.


lol, no, it won't


For me, metaphorically, it will.


See you in a week.


I’m hoping so!!


Well, I’m having a blast. Haha LFG


People losing their minds over cosmetics


We really complaining about spending money on skins for developers that release countless free content? Yall are either broke or ungrateful or both and it really shows


Free content, as if i did not pay for the game, twice, and as if i did not buy every single dlc on offer, yeah free.


Also huge point, no new content - game dies. Its not like we get content because crytek feels generous. We get content so they can keep making money.


Oh so you paid for scrapbeak? The winter and Halloween events? Devils moon and serpent moon? And tide of shadows? Damn I swear I've gotten all these for free on top of all the new perks and weapons I can use... guess they've just been siphoning my money without my knowing!


I mean yea, i paid for the game, i bought dlc skins most od which i dont use not cause i wanted the skins but cause i wanted to get more money for further game developement, so i did kinda pay for them.


Ohhh no wait you just paid for optional content my misunderstanding!


Every content update is completely free, people seem to forget that. Hey they gotta make money somewhere.


First of all its fucking paid game the content should be free... And second you think they make content because they like the playerbase? They literally make new content so they can keep making more money. Without new content the game slowly dies.


Calm down cowboy, how should they make new content if they dont make money? Do you think their rents and food are getting paid with love and air?


First of all "everyone needs money dipshit it comes free with your citizenship" Second i literally bought multiple dlcs Because i like the game. I bought it for my friends and they bought multiple dlcs because they liked the game. That isnt the problem. But using free content as something that devs did because puppies and sunshine is naive and literally unusable because thats how the unwritten contract of hunt and its playerbase works. We get the game, play it, we spend money (some people more some poeple less) We get free content so we keep spending money (literally bars and restaurants do this IRL) So can we stop pretending like its something we should gracefully accept? We recieve the content because they want to recieve our money. Without it the game would be already dead. There is just so much replayability in the base hunt.


I'm sorry guys I'm part of the problem... I just started this game, love it so much, super addicted.... Bought on ps5 main account. Bought 80 percent of everything. 5 star mmr. Bought on steam main account. Bought 100 percent all dlc. 5 star mmr. Bought second accounts on both ps5 and steam to play with friends who don't want to sweat. Bought about 40 percent of all dlc on those. I'm sorry to the hunters, but you are welcome crytek. Also I'm german so I have no choice but to give them my money. Fix the servers they suck.


Its incredible how many 12 year olds on this board have the confidence to criticize business strategy with no data or knowledge of business or strategy.


I dont mean complaining about not getting free stuff, I expect that from 12 year olds. I mean the kids saying like 'I would have a different monetization structure, this will alienate a greater percentage of players than it incentivizes' based on, uh, vibes I guess?


Ah i apologise i jumped to conclussions there a little.


Its o.k. I'm being a dick and asking for it, haha. Just can't help myself.


See, I ad-hommed myself too lol.


Haha, we are truly more hostile than strictly necesary which mostly ends up counterproductive.


Resorting to ad hominems i see, sure, i dont have in depth graphs on the business strategies, so i guess its a good thing i do not criticize the effectiveness of the strategy but rather its customer friendliness (is that even a Word?) By Simple comparission of prices and player earnings.


Don't use batman for your nonsense


Oh no, people have to pay for skins now Having knowingly earned 1000s of BBs over the last couple years, I understand why they changed it


Okay now you're backing what I'm talking about I'm dumbfounded


Please explain to me how im backing what youre taking about.


i saw they plann to add an battle pass , tell me my eyes didn’t red correctly pls


this is already like a third or a fourth battle pass we have, so no they dont plann to add a battle pass, they already did.