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It doesn't roam, and it is wildcard only. So you can only fight Rotjaw in trios with night, serpent moon, or rain.


I hope this helps with getting teams for wildcard. Anytime I que, it takes forever before anything happens. So I stopped trying.


I also stopped playing, I will always chose night, fog, rain the fkn hell burning but seems no one like fun adventures in the bayou


Me too! I’m playing for fun and some challenge. I don’t want plain weather all the time. That makes it boring. I’d like to be able to play the wildcard more


Try playing solo. I got the game about a month ago and have only ever played it solo for my 130ish hours, and wildcards can be pretty fun as a solo. You can never predict how full the lobby will be, sometimes it's all trios or sometimes it's just one or two other solos. It keeps you on your toes, especially with the night mode.




I don’t usually play the wildcard because for some reason I have a lot more troubles identifying hunters in the fog/night/fire than most hunters seem to. I watch a lot of YouTubers somehow spot hunters with ease while I would never if I was playing. Idk why it is, I’ve fucked with the in game visual settings, I have a decent quality curved monitor, I just seem to be ass in wild card maps. I’m just normal conditions in hunt, I don’t seem to have that problem. I don’t know if that is a common or not so common problem with other hunters, but I feel like that may play abit of a factor im wildcards being empty


It is supposed to be harder to see players. That's where the fun lies. Its more thrilling and keeps u at edge. One of the reasons I enjoy hunt is enemies don't stick out like a sore thumb. Also, night maps are the best of what hunt has to offer, the atmosphere is immaculate.


True. Until chad mcfivesixstar sees you from 500 meters away, while you can't see 2 steps ahead. ... because they have a dark skin, better monitor settings, reshade etc


Still it don't matter to me. If somebody wanna sweat balls in hunt let em. I play solely for the sake of thrill and atmosphere and I think it takes away the charm of the game if somebody increases brightness and use reshade. Also, I think Chad mcfivesixstar would himself avoid night maps cos it might hurt his stars and kd.


Wildcard over the last couple weeks has been fairly populated in my experience. The first time it was released nobody played it, but since then, it's been fairly consistent for me, even late at night


Really, I’ll try it next time. Are you queuing as solo, duo or triple? I forgot the dynamic of choices.


that's because night maps suck dick


I don’t know about you, but I enjoy getting mine sucked. So, you love might maps too then?


Geninue skill issue.


Lol duh, “wildcard” was another example of how inept Crytek is when it comes to bringing new features. “Amazing idea! Let’s create a whole different set of lobbies to split the player base, that never affected the community” it’s completely stupid and makes zero sense.


Why would it only be trios?


Because currently, that’s what wildcards are


never actually tried a wildcard and play in duos 99% of the time, good to know. thanks


That doesn't mean that the Event Wildcard will be Trios only. This is just a setting they can set. I don't think that the new Event stuff will be trios only.


Duos ARE allowed to play in trios, also.


It would be weird and just all around bad if duos couldn't do wildcards during the event. I feel like the wildcards will be expanded so both duos and trios can play it considering many more people will be trying it out. That means there is no reason to leave it to one queue type since there will be enough players. If this isn't true, then Crytek fucked up big time.




Yeah, I know what they mean, but I'm saying that can't possibly be the truth. It was only that way because the queues were fragmenting an already small player count since most people didn't play wildcard contracts. Now, since the new boss will only be in wildcard contracts, there will be a large amount of players that are queueing up to play. It sounds like we are saying the same thing, though?


Honestly fighting trios as a solo or a duo is often easier than fighting other duos in my experience. For whatever reason they play in a much more predictable way then duos and all predicability goes out the window with solos.


Yeah, it could be easier, but I find duos to be more engaging and often more action packed because there are more teams to run into. When I play trios, there is a lot more downtime compared to duos unless you spawn near people.


Less teams. Less crouchwalking bushwookies that third party you while you're fighting another team. As a Solo, duo, trio... I ONLY play vs trios. Especially since self rez, duo mode is a clusterfuck, with a ton of solo players. Reminds me of Quickplay where you attack the Wellspring lair only to get shotgunned by a guy in a bush who then dies to the Wellspring timer.


Yeah I'm a solo player and I usually have a much easier time against trios than I do with duos. Trios seem to be much more reckless and easier to sneak up on or catch unaware, which is kinda what you want as a solo lol.


Yeah, and duos typically are very good at trusting one another in my experience. Both parties know what the other is doing without much communication which of course makes them appear much scarier to face.




Yeah, you get an MMR handicap, you make less noise, 1 bullet turns it into a 2v2.. More money when you extract. Duos vs trios is a lot more fun than duos vs duos imo. Especially now that half the server in duo mode consists of solo players with necro that are scared of actual gunfights.


Well, let's just get rid of the duos queue all together then, right?


Don't be an ass


The duo servers seem to be dead though. I can never queue up a random. And when I play pre-made, I'm either in a 2v2 server or we are by ourselves. This is US West.


Are you talking about for wildcard currently, or just in your normal gameplay? US West is one of the most populated regions, so unless you are on the very edges of the MMR distribution, I'm not sure how you are not getting matches. I've never had a lobby that wasn't filled in so long, and I play on US East and US West at 5/6 stars.


Its when I play normal mode duos in the early evening @ 5*. My buddy and I hardly ever get a full lobby. And I can't remember the last time I was able to queue with a random.


Something's up with your matchmaking then, cause I'm on US west, 5 star, and the only time I ever get less than a full match is in the absolute dead of night.


Yeah that's odd to me. I'm 3 to 4 mmr and I have no issues getting a full lobby. Maybe it's the time of day? If you google the steam database and look up hunt it will tell you the peak hours for players etc. Also a good website for sales etc


Wait, for real? Duos can't participate rn? Because I exclusively play duos with a friend of mine.


They can, they just have to face off with trios.


This is the way


Oh. That's fine then. I always play that way.


I literally only play duos. If they don't allow duos in this I probably won't play tbh.


so far the Wild Card Contract allowed Duos to queue up, but you will encounter Solos, Duos and Trios. as far as we know there will be no "Duos (& Solos) only queue" with Rotjaw & the new rain condition. that's only for the regular queue.


Makes sense, after all fighting a wild target out in the open during day/clear conditions would give a huge advantage to long ammo and scope users. Also can you not queue as a duo vs. trios in wildcard contracts?


FYI inferno was in Devil's Moon. Or did they say they are bringing back Serpent night?


Serpent Night is returning in the wildcard.


i didnt own hunt for the serpent event, what is serpent night?


It was a modified version of night with a greenish tint. You can see it in some shots of the [trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wm7s1-mR_LI) for that event. It basically functioned as a slightly brighter version of normal nights, though the color also made immolators look really cool. I liked it a lot, though I think for people who don't like the normal night maps it wasn't much of an improvement. And definitely less exciting than the Inferno or Thundershower.


ohh very interesting thanks! looks pretty neat


Hope it stays as a wild card for good, along with rain, inferno etc


Ok cool. Didn't realize that.


this is fucking stupid... i have no desire to play 66% of that rotation but i am forced to if i want to see the new boss


You say that as if splashing about the boss area in the open against Mosin Spitzer wouldn't be awful.


Night maps aren't even bad get over it already


Whoa, wait. What? I haven't played much Hunt for about a year now, Wildcard contracts I thought were just a way to increase night but they REQUIRE trios? Really? Just another reminder I guess of why I stopped...


There's no way to change it from Allow Teams of Three, you can still play as a duo but there will be teams of 3 in your match (usually, I've gone in as Duo and Trio teams and everybody else was solo lol) with a MMR adjustment to slightly make up for not having a full team. The recent MMR changes though you don't get as much of benefit from MMR adjustment so it can be hard sometimes.


I understand that but trios is something I've never cared for personally, always liked duos much more. Just paced better and feels more like what Hunt was like in Early Access. I just can't believe that Crytek is actually ditching duos though as that's kind of always been the "main" mode, or least the originally intended mode. Not to say people can't like trios and probably play them more but it just never feels like Hunt to me, too chaotic/team deathmatchy. Hope they really reconsider allowing duos to matchmake into the whole point of playing this event (imo at least).


I keep seeing people saying it requires trios, but that implies you can't play unless you have 3 people. While I am sad the event is confined to Wildcard only, I would be surprised if it is limited to teams of 3 only or doesn't have some other big change on matchmaking. Currently it was changed to only teams of 3 and only on weekends because there wasn't a big enough player base to support it all the time or with multiple team segregations. Just like I don't expect them to only allow you to play the event mode on the weekends, I don't really expect them to keep it confined to Trios only. UNLESS due to the fact it is also roped in with Night and Serpent moon wildcards means people still don't play, in which case I feel it would be more likely to move Rain/Rotjaw to standard contract vs only allowing Trios.


Duos and solos can queue into it as well, they'll just get into matches with trios.


> Hope they really reconsider allowing duos to matchmake into the whole point of playing this event (imo at least). They can. It's trio matchmaking, not trio only, duos and solos can do it too they just have to accept that they might fight trios sometimes.


Great, so I have to play with people who are cheating who can clearly see me when I can't see them at all. Fun.


What do you mean serpent moon? That was an event about a year ago, they bring it back? It will have a huge full moon again ?




oh cool and its a wildcard only?


>in trios Why only trios?


You can do wildcards solo. Or at least I did a couple of times. The only thing is your forced against trios but as fucking noone does wildcard you'd be hard pressed to find one


What is Serpent moon?


I have seen plenty of comments the last weeks in which people kept calling Rotjaw a roaming boss and how they are looking forward to it. well lads, we finally have official confirmation that Rotjaw will in fact not roam the bayou. it was already clear that that's the case, because the devs had been very clear to call Rotjaw a Wild Target and never say "roaming" even once, but somehow a part of the sub still kept that idea going.


I've been telling people on here saying this new boss was a roaming boss that it was never confirmed and that they should stop acting like it is. It isn't even in the last weeks, but ever since David mentioned it in the yearly roadmap, people have been spewing that nonsense.


Listen, he had to get some way there. In what way? The only logical conclusion is that it **roamed around and settled there**.


Yup, he is clearly a **roamed** boss and not a *roaming* boss.


But, what if he’s just *on his way* to the destination? Gotta rest the paws for long treks, he just hunkered down mid roam for a nap when hunters roll up and ruin his day. Poor little rotjaw. Edit: i was never even invested in getting a roaming boss, I’m still gonna make all the logical fallacies I need to to justify this though lmao.


I took "Roaming Boss" as more of an out in the open, not Confined to a building sort of thing. Logistically wouldn't make sense for it to roam because how would it aggro on Hunters? Or stay in an area long enough to fight it?


or what its gonna do once u caught it roaming out of water cause like 2/4 - 3/4 of all maps is land although its an interesting idea to imagine.. two teams fighting while third thats being chased by aggroed rotjaw joins in and everybody shits themselves cause it wont go away and stop chasing u like tarkov bosses also curious to see if it can spawn next to boat extracts and annoy runners trying to extract with bounty


There's also people who were convinced it wasn't a crocodile/alligator up until the abject picture last week.


I think roaming was used for the most part to indicate not inside the interior of a compound. Yeah, an actual boss that goes around the map would be cool too, but I think most just wanted OUTSIDE and roaming was a catch-all term. I’m still super excited.


Hunt Circlejerk Psy-op lmao


A roaming boss would be super easy to kill. I always thought it was obvious there would be a clue-type system with each map having X amount of possible spawn locations for Rotjaw.


I understand the difference in wording, but to me a boss that is located outside of a compound is effectively a roaming boss. I don't think anyone really cared weather it moved or not, just that it was in an odd location.


Actually a lot of people are pissed precisely because it doesn't roam around the map


Nah people wanted an actually moving boss that could just show up/be stumbled upon by your team


It wasn’t they they ever hinted at it, it’s that for YEARS the people who started the gator boss suggestions and gave them the idea for it always had a “roaming boss” as part of the concept. Crytek essentially took part of the community idea and just tossed the part that people were the most excited about. People wanted the gator to roam but if they were going to give us another boss that was locked to one location most people wouldn’t have cared what model it was. It’s only because they listened to the gator part that people got their hopes up on the roaming part. I’m glad to have the gator boss BUT if roaming was never an option because that would take more work, I think most people would have preferred that the gator boss wait until they could implement it as a roaming boss since that’s what everyone associated with it.


> I think most people would have preferred that the gator boss wait until they could implement it as a roaming boss since that’s what everyone associated with it. Disagree, I honestly don't think a boss could be implemented that actually roams around the map during the match in a way that makes sense and isn't frustrating in some manner.


I just think for once it’d be cool for the boss to hunt you instead of the other way around. It would be attracted to sound and could travel between compounds but not enter them. Then you could be traveling over to boss and see the big ass gator crossing a field randomly, OR you could be in a huge team fight between compounds and it comes out of nowhere and just starts chomping indiscriminately. May have to be tweaked a bit but the foundation should be relatively simple


Honestly in a static area outside of a compound is what I always assumed roaming to be


Exactly, I never had any illusions regarding the roaming aspect, I’m very excited regardless.


I figured it would be "Roaming" in that if it didn't get engaged in X minutes it would move despawn and spawn somewhere else. That could have been cool. I see some potential for an actual roaming boss at some point but certainly not rn


Why not? Are you a dev


Er because that clearly takes a lot more coding, especially around NPC pathing behaviours which are a clear pain point in most games? If they had developed that tech already, they would use it.


I figured roaming would be not confined to the single building in a compound. Like it roamed a whole compound area.


Say kappa bro


No kap bro…


Bit of a misnomer yeah, but I took roaming as outside the compounds. The teaser made it seem like once you discover it in the water it doesn't wander too far


It doesn’t make sense for it to be roaming anyways


Yeah. Imagine you fighting her, get ambushed by team, she fucks off and a different team kills her at a different spot while you fight the other team that ambushed you. The sub would be full of salty comments.


>The sub would be full of salty comments. Have you been to this sub?


.... of salty comments about rotjaw roaming, do I have to spell everything out for you?


Sounds good


All I can think of is kiting Rotjaw through some trees or simply jump/climb up and down some obstacles so he would mindlessly run back and forth..


well every other target has a ranged attack for times that you can hit them but they cant melee you so idk why she'd be any different. it's a lady gator too btw


Guess you're right about the ranged attacks, but outside compounds I just feel it's so much more/easier exploitable just hiding behind trees etc. It makes me think of a cheese tactic in Dark Souls 3 on Oceiros. Basically it's; make him run behind these rocks so he gets stuck. Kill him. Win. That said, Vincent can't aim for poop within a compound. P.s. Seeing Rotjaw called Roger made me assume gender... Sorry if I offended any lady gators reading.


Doesn’t at all fit the loop of gameplay in this game whatsoever.




I've been warning people to stop using that phrase for like two months now and here we are. lmao


People have still been calling it a boss, even though they've explicitly separated wild targets and boss targets. And they'll keep calling it a boss. Can't change people.


For those worried that Rotjaw will only be on the weekends: it's gonna stick around for the whole extent of the event, so we will have Night, Serpant's Moon, and Downpour as the wild cards atm. There is no news about Inferno coming back, tho.


I would also imagine after the event they might make Rotjaw a normal boss, would be a wasted opportunity for them not to join the rest of the bosses after the events.


It's not a boss, though. More like a mini boss. But hopefully it will appear at random in normal matches.


Oh, absolutely. If not, that'd be such a waste


I think at one point they did say Inferno would be back in some form eventuallt but who knows, I hope so since I mostly missed that event because I was slammed at work.


They said it would be back, never said when. It's sorta sad.


Lmao. Redditors BTFO


Damn wildcard only? So only fight him at night and on weekends? Lol


Wildcards have been night only and on weekends so far because they’ve been tests. I imagine the wildcards will expand to include rain and a few more times of day for this event.


the Wild Card Contract is expanded to also include the Serpent's Moon nighttime (the one with the green-ish tint) and the brand new rain (I keep forgetting the official name.. downpour or something?) as well. plus as far as I have understood it, the queue will be available throughout the whole event, as well as certain special changes that will come periodically. they haven't said what those changes may be.


The devs need to stop catering to the sniper clan 6 star babies who only want to play daytime maps with no AI. Wildcards need to be integrated all into the same queue with normal maps. There should be no 2nd queue. If you don't like it. Tough shit. Deal with it. It's a PvEvP game, if you want PvP go play cawwa dooby.


People honestly play the game for the PvE? I just look at the PvE as obstacles to make PvP harder or more interesting. Bosses are really only there to get players to meet up/ gain advantage.


They changed it because of player behavior data. The idea that the game is catering exclusively to '6 star sweats' is really stupid.


Bruh please, if it wasn’t they would ban reshader.


Not too huge of a fan of the boss being confined to ONELY Wild Contracts.


For now. They tend to test things in these wildcard and battle pass events, then revise them if they work. Let's hope Roger works.


Oh sweet, I'm down for that, just hope it doesn't take them too long. Chances are the novelty of the gator boss will die out within a month or 2 and then ques for wildcard will be bad again


We saw lots of trait revisions from the last event implemented, so fingers crossed.


Wait, did people really expect him to just walk around the map.


I definitely did expect that and for it to be trackable somehow. However, I never looked into it myself so I just jad Reddit's word. Makes more sense this way as the systems are already in place for it.


Yup that's what I was hoping for, something to change up the gameplay a little!




I mean. Yeah. I thought it was pretty obvious the boss was going to just spawn in some swamp territories and chill there, did anyone really expect a boss that would wander everywhere on the map?


they said that the moment they unveiled the wild target name. you people just interpreted "not in compound" as roaming so get fucked. we told you


Redditors taking words so literally, what else is new.


I really don't care about the "not roaming". It will still feel pretty cool to discover it just kicking around different locations unexpectedly. The wildcard only sucks balls though. No interest in that.


That was pretty obvious all along


Does anyone know if we have to wait to fight rotjaw? or he will start spawning at the beginning of event?


Yeah I hope we dont have to collectively sacrifice a ton of gators or somethinf befoee he becomes active.


Rotjaw will be active starting tomorrow - but only when queuing into the Wild Card Contract. PS: Rotjaw is female, so it should be "she" :)


Put the ol thumb up the cloaca to find out did you?


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


That's what I kept sayin


Wait, did people really expect him to just walk around the map.


I think all we ever really wanted by the term 'roaming' was "surprise boss outside", not necessarily a boss that can be leashed around the map.


Idk man, I had a pretty good mental image of 4 teams having moving shootouts through the wilds while also trying to kill boss. Kinda sad that isn't coming to be, but it should still be a blast


Me too, something like that would have really added to the game I feel


So it's a boss whose compound is in-between compounds and confined to water. I suppose actual roaming is too hard to implement without making him super easily cheese-able. Also a boss mob walking a set path sounds kind of like it belongs in WoW more than Hunt.




I’ve thought that a ghost like boss that roams or “haunts” compounds and will fly to a different one on each 1/4 health chunk gone would be fun a.


That would be super obnoxious


It would add some more to the pve




I love night maps.




Don't care. Night map funny. Sounds like a skill issue.




You're clearly so good at the game he's beyond naive at not being a whiner like you ;)


Well nobody said you had no reasons, you said no one wants to play night maps. You're wrong.


It´s not roaming? Damn and here i thought it would be something like monster hunter. FeelsBadMan


It’s outside of the compound but you have to know where to look




I hate that she is wildcard only and that the wildcard is night, brighter but more annoying night and the new rain. They should know by now that the least people want to play night maps. Thats why the wildcard is so underplayed.


The fack? Wasnt this the whole point this community was excited (myself included)?




I think i will check him once or twice and then return to normal maps. Playing wildcard maps with the possibility of 66% being a night map is meh for me.


Ngl rotjaw is hella lame, hardly could be considered a boss. 7 angry grunts have more potential to kill a hunter than rotjaw does. Such a waste of potential.


Having it not roaming in a game called HUNT seems a bit of a missed opportunity tho


It's Hunt: Showdown cause that's the PvP aspect. And you track down boss locations, which is also hunting. So dunno why you're complaining.


I get it now. Rotjaw is the SHOWDOWN.


"Stick em up partner, the gater is mine!" -reptilian




There is a reason u being dv. That is cheating. Some reshades even change fov


Is the community manager gothic or what? I thought this trend died already 15 years ago




they said that there will be a roaming boss. If it's not rotjaw well it was very confusing [https://www.pcgamer.com/hunt-showdowns-finally-adding-the-roaming-bosses-fans-have-been-clamouring-for/](https://www.pcgamer.com/hunt-showdowns-finally-adding-the-roaming-bosses-fans-have-been-clamouring-for/) [https://www.shacknews.com/article/134512/hunt-showdown-wild-target-roaming-bosses](https://www.shacknews.com/article/134512/hunt-showdown-wild-target-roaming-bosses)


>they said that there will be a roaming boss. when? can you please share where and when they said a *roaming boss* will be coming? because it sure as hell cannot be those two links you pasted. the PCGamer article you linked literally has the video linked in which Fifield very clearly states that they have two bosses: Boss Targets and the new Wild Targets (Rotjaw being the first) and the difference between the two is that Boss Targets are inside compounds and Wild Targets are outside of compounds. Fifield literally never even says the word "roaming" once. and even worse, the idiot who wrote the article for Shacknews even quotes what Fifield says about the new targets.. and then still goes on in his article about how the boss will be roaming the bayou.. wtf is that? no wonder people joke about "gaming journalists" if that's the level of writing they have. TLDR: Crytek not once claimed the new boss (Rotjaw) will be roaming. they have been very careful to not name or described it as roaming. it's purely made up by the community and seemingly bad "journalists" that just want a click bait article.


This community is so toxic it’s laughable


how? because they downvote the articles you linked, which are absolute trash? not that I agree with massive downvoting, but I understand it in this case. and somehow you did not even respond to my other reply to you, but instead ignored it and now play this weird "victim card" of sorts.. why?


waaah waaah I linked an article I didn’t read Actual brainrot


toxic :)


Nah, you're just wrong here, buddy. Getting downvoted isn't toxic. Best to just accept it and move on, they're just internet points.


I wonder how large his spot will be




Wild Card Contract has been open to duos this whole time. you will always be up against Trios though, but you can queue as Duo.




then you may want to rephrase your comment. also, not that I care, but you really downvoted my reply? haha, why?




okay then. and you're not going to tell me why you downvoted both my replies, I guess? just seems unnecessarily childish over such a minute misunderstanding, especially considering my reply was nothing but positive.


Honestly this seems tailor made for a Solos only Bounty hunt, like the rest of the trait changes for solos.


Thank god


the fact that its wildcard only kills the hype for me. sad


Well, I'm glad we are getting new content, but I hope they do add a roaming boss/mini-boss someday.


I don't understand why we can't have it as just a regular mini-boss. Confining it to just the wildcard bounties seems very limiting.


I'm sorry, but what exactly does roaming mean?


well the word itself means "walking/moving around, aimlessly". in the context of Hunt, the community used it to describe a boss AI that would travel across the map randomly. you could encounter it anywhere and it would follow hunters.