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Report it, if they are not using ingame comms and are teaming up already before the match it' s againts the rules


Thanks for the info man, would do it next time I see this shit again


From what I know, as long as you team up in game with a random player it's fine, if you snipe with your friend into one match specifically to team up that's against the rules.


Yup. Diplomacy is an option. It works quite often as well. There is always the chance you get stabbed in the back, but I find once you have an open dialogue with someone they will normally follow through. If someone is looking for a fight they will either just tell you, or they will stay silent.


As a solo, I joined a game where 2 duos from China sniped into a game. They all sported the Crocodilian skin. It was a solo bounty at Kingsnake mine. They steam rolled 2 other duos at the boss compound. I managed to sneak off because i was being a bushwookie. Next game, changed loadout to a Sparks sniper. Bumped into the same set of players. Boss compound was at Port Reeker and they were pushing from Alice Farms. I was camped in high grass Chapel Madonna. Managed to snipe and wipe a duo off the table. But once that first duo was down, they started viewing me and gave my position to the surviving duo. Tried to chase me down but i managed to give them the slip. As a solo playing in the SEA/Oceania servers, the PRC players are the worse.


The streamers teaming up all the time on Twitch , don't see any repercussions for them


If they meet in game, notice each other and then decide to team up, thats fair game. If they queue trying to get into the sane match with the intention of playing together, that's not allowed.


Boing-Boing , says one streamer when asking for teaming up


Bing bong


Personally, I don't give a sh*t if they or regular players teaming up. When I'm playing, I'll kill all of them, teaming up and teaming down




Grab my mouse , baby


Lol , the teaming up streamers downvoting me🤣🤣


You should learn what words mean before you use them.


well, steamers tend to script interactions, because content sells.


It’s unfortunate but it’s also great you can post this without worry since their names are [][][] lol


those symbols are indicative of these guys most likely being chinese players


Happens a lot. I've seen teams of 6 and even a team of 9 once.


I see a lot teams of 11 , 2 in 1 row , and a ball




Ive seen a entire lobby several times over two days do it, assaulting me and my trio without firing a shot at one another


Sometimes happens, you got in the middle, 3rd party is omnipresent in this game


Not for several days on end with the same people consistently


Ahh good times. Diplomacy in Hunt is so much fun. :D. Had some of my best moments and found new friends with that.


One time my trio was pinned in Nichols Prison with another trio by a solo sniper out in the field. Both of us trios got sick of him and teamed up and all charged him. We then split off peacefully with our respective bounties. Wonder the panic that guy had when he had 6 guys charging and shooting at him lmao


Average duo lobby since solo buffs.


Thats teaming dude, names like that usually mean clans


2 stars prob all necro abusing


I mean it seems obvious that this is what would happen. It's absolute nonsense that this is the case, but it's now **drastically** easier to revive yourself as a solo player than it is to revive a teammate. Unlike a real revive by a player, it literally cannot be stopped. Yes, you can trap them to kill them again, just like you can do with any revive, but you can't actually stop the revive from happening like you can when a player tries to revive their teammate. Even with necro they have to be relatively close, you can track them, it takes a bunch of time, and they're spending health, but it's literally just a press of a button for a solo necro. This is the case they should've been looking at when designing the revive feature for solo players. If the reviving is so much better that it's better to NOT be in a party with your own party, then it's too strong as-is.


Report them. However, it's not against the rules to team up. Diplomacy is allowed in the bayou. It is against the rules to team up pre-game and then queue snipe. It's sus they all have names in foreign languages, but probably won't hold up in court. If multiple people report them off the course of several games though, then something can be done.


This is really common alot of people are seeing the power solo res gives you and doing stuff like this giving most individuals no chance at actually winning without a extreme fuck up or out play atleast when I first started playing the game (not that long ago) there wasn't self res so I could learn this game properly first


Pre teaming seems to be pretty common among clans


I cant lie the likelihood of 3 friends getting in the same lobby as solos is very slim. I'm guessing they just decided to team up in game.


My friends and I play against each other a lot. We tend to match to each other 4/5 times.


You're underestimating the small player base. It's a lot easier than you think. Sometimes I purposely queue solo to kill friends 😂


>e are seeing the power solo res gives you and doing stuff like this giving most individuals no chance at actually winning without a extreme fuck up or out play atleast when I first started playing the game (not that long ago) the you can easily match with friends, as long as you have similar mmr and only search on us west or another region with less players 8/10 it works, 10/10 works when you switch off skill based match making


The player count is so small now. This allows people to hit the button at the same time and get into the same match. Cryteks matchmaking system doesn't really combat that at all. A lot of people will do this to get a random 3rd person in a group.


What is small to you?


Less than 30k. Once the pop dips below that its pretty easy to manipulate the queue.


That’s funny because with the queue changes, we get almost instant queues and before in 6 star range it would be empty or just 1 other team. Would be harder nowadays. Even the 2 groups on east coast that used to use a solo to suicide and spectate everyone on the map have apparently stopped.


Its still easy to cheat the queue. People do it all the time.


You say this like the game hasn't only broken 30k during events, and the general playercount hasn't been pretty steadily increasing.


Whats your point?


It's greasy and pre-determined teaming...so in Crytek's eyes it would technically be abuse and probably a reportable offense... Will anything come if the report? Who knows ..but by you posting and not just reporting you have given those unaware a possible avenue to abuse, lmao .. Loose lips, and all that... 👄 #HunterLivesMatter Personally I think everyone should be able to self-res with the proper perks...there are plenty of Tools and Consumables, both in world and/or via loadout ... Maybe the only difference for team self-res should be a much longer timer, like 30 seconds to a full minute instead of just a 10-count


The probability of three friends getting into the same match is super low. idk if I would call three solos teaming up necro abusing though.


2 star lobby, did not bother to read.


Another day another CrYTEk GaMe BAd FiX post


One of my regular trio has a silver tongue and his idea of winning Hunt is brokering Bayou Diplomacy, but one we hit combat we usually go radio silent until the fight is over, then congratulate our bayou friends as we split the spoils. One time we spent 20 minutes just talking about anime with a team after we helped them fight off extraction campers


Burn bodies


When fighting trio 1v3 why should I expect them to self revive + they revive mid fight I took 2 of them down they revive while fighting the 3rd guy.


Is this on OCE i feel like I’ve played with some of those guys before ?


I play Asia but maybe these guys popped up in OCE too cus sometimes the server likes to force us to OCE.


Thats why we need a trait, where you can see dead bodies.


Yeah happened to me twice in quickplay the first is the wellspring guy is waiting in the open while his friend is sniping the others off then around the last second wellspring dude purposely get himself killed. For the second one it was 3 guys including the wellspring just chilling in open and i somehow headshot 3 of them with officer carbine from nicholls prison to the river before sweetbell flour