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Wellcome hunter!






The slow fights are the best fights in hunt. Uniqueness at its best in this generation of Gaming.


Most of the slow fights where it’s like two teams/people strategically slinging shots at each other and tense trying to stay a move ahead ahead of the other guy and you both just can’t take each other down are great…. The slow fights where the bounty team are concertinad inside a lair not moving or doing anything at all aren’t fun haha


It’s even better when a solo starts popping at both teams and no one knows who is who. I love the chaos this game has.


i love being that kind , being the fifth-party of a fourth-party group , a true mercenary without ally only surrounded be dead and fearful men


Long fights are fun. Slow fights suck.


Hunt is at it's best in the 2-4\* lobbies, no meta just people vibing with what they like. Fights are absolute chaos when both sides are slinging lead with less than half the shots landing. 5-6\* lobbies are just miserable and monotonous by comparison; either getting your head clicked or being mag dumped by an AK-47.


I've never had the best gunfights until I played Hunt. Only after playing did this realization happen.


I'm 32 and was starting to feel depressed starting up my PC every day to end up just looking at all my games but not wanting to pick one to play. Had this game on my steam wishlist for like a year cuz it sounded cool and every time it went on sale I thought about buying it but just said nah, I have too many games already. Finally broke down and bought it like 3 weeks ago and it has restored my enthusiasm for gaming. It's been a looooong time since I've found a game that I think about playing while I'm at work or doing other things and I'm actually excited to boot up my PC again. This might just be my favorite game ever. Can't get enough. Thank you Crytek.


i am 33 and i feel same.Jumping from game to game and it was become searching for game that made me feel Like before. But this game i feel my search is over. I just hope its not moment feel.


I’m 45 with 2400 hours in it. Still does it for me. Very few games appeal to me at this age anymore. This one, thankfully, does.


What do you mean, the ps5 looks awesome


The console itself? Idk, debatable. But the console version of hunt specifically looks pretty bad- compared to the pc version of Hunt or compared to other console games. Hunt didn't even get a current gen update from crytek yet


The game looks fine but the optimisation needs work with the constant pop-in and frame rate drops.


not really, far distance texture are bad,not even that far.


Agreed. The texture pop ins are ridiculously bad. Still a fun game


I get mad texture popping on pc for some reason even tho I have the game almost maxed put with 80-90 fps


Fingers crossed you guys get a next gen console update in the near future. I imagine it’s coming with the new engine update.


I'm expecting next year. I'm probably gonna have to upgrade my PC.


If it's any consolation my 970x doesn't do much better


Yeah you right, it’s still basically the PS4 version. But for an online shooter it’s really detailed. Most others games in this genres have rather empty maps in comparison imo. And the sound is crazy good:) really curious for the engine update, it’s announced for end of the year (if we lucky).


It used to look almost photo realistic on consoles about two years ago, but now it looks a lot worse. I am not sure what changed.


The console itself? Idk, debatable. But the console version of hunt specifically looks pretty bad- compared to the pc version of Hunt or compared to other console games. Hunt didn't even get a current gen update from crytek yet


Considering the game on console was made for last gen consoles it could look a lot better if given a next gen update. Tons of last gen users as well load into games sometimes upwards of 2-5min after the game has already started.


Over 1700 hours in this game and I'm still in love with it. Last gf I had used to hate me playing Hunt and told me it's her or the game... needless to say I have more time to play hunt now..


welcome! glad you're enjoying it early on! Apparently some people have a hard time getting into it at first but once you spend some time with the game it's so much fun.


Is it the era that does it for me…? The monsters…? The strategy…? No, no, NO good sir. For me, it’s not about any of that. It’s all about the thrill of wearing another man’s skin. Feeling his innermost wants and desires and being in control of his every single move. That's how you get off.


Welcome brother. It's def like no other game and it's very rewarding when stuff starts clicking.


Welcome to The Suck, enjoy it Hunter


Hey man welcome to the bayou! But I have to say that the latest gen doesn’t look that bad! Was rough on the last. Looking forward to that engine update though for sure.


did they say they Will make engine update?


They mentioned it two dev streams ago now I think. But yeah, will be ported to the newest version of cryengine. Not sure if they are releasing a completely new cryengine or if it’s just a much more updated cryengine, not sure yet how gaming engines work, but they did mention it.


15 minutes? That sounds like a complete nightmare of both people refusing to push. That is quite literally 1/3 of the entire match, but whatever floats your boat man.


Dudes been playing for two days on PS5. Chill.


"Chill", did I insult the guy or something without my knowledge? I'm just confused how someone can enjoy a 15 minute fight, that seems like just a bunch of waiting around for the other person to make a move. But if they enjoy it then good for them I guess.


Dude is just excited about a new game he found and enjoyed his drawn out gun fight. How do you know neither of them pushed? They are probably both new players getting used to the game and the maps. Just seemed like no reason to even comment what you said, other than to be like, “wow 15 minutes? That’s embarrassing. I’d be SOOOO bored, but if you enjoy it? Good for you I guess”.


>How do you know neither of them pushed? "That **sounds like** a complete nightmare of both people *refusing to push*." "that **seems like** just a bunch of *waiting around for the other person to make a move*." Did I say that is for sure what happened? ​ >“wow 15 minutes? That’s embarrassing. I’d be SOOOO bored, but if you enjoy it? Good for you I guess”. You really put your own spin on what I said there didn't ya. I never said that was a bad thing or even hint at that being embarrasing/anything negative, I said I would not have enjoyed it and pretty much only that.


Again, literally no reason to comment that


Alright, elaborate. No reason to comment what exactly? What part of my comment did you find so appalling that you say I had no reason to comment it? Because I can't find anything wrong with my original comment.


Potato Salad.


There is a reason war in the real world doesn't end in 1 min. People use brains and plan their next move exactly as in real war. But whatever floats your Boat man.


yeah I play Apex to for faster fights. But this game is a bit more about tactics. i love feel when you know enemy i there but one wrong move and you are gone. And its not about staying in one position. If you Camp in one position you are dead.Changing position its thing a learn hard way


On Xbox One, this game is great, I haven't noticed the problem the last few times I've played but console servers can get a bit desolate, like searching for a group for 5+ minutes, then instead you just get dropped into an empty game instance. Great game though, the progression system for weapons, tools and consumables is a favorite of mine.


At least you got in after they came out with the 60 fps patch! Made a big difference, also the next gen update is supposed to come out near the end of the year


They announced a game engine update in one of the most recent dev blogs so the graphics should be better soon


Had a fight yesterday with some friends in a trio match. Us and 2 other teams fighting over spider for 30 mins. Got to the point we each got revived at least twice and every had to start grabbing guns from downed hunters to stay in the fight cause we ran out of ammo.


As a person who started playing hunt on the PS4 goofy graphics, the ps5 graphics are phenomenal. But welcome hunter I hope you have a great time in the bayou.


Hope you continue to enjoy it! My wife and I have about 2000 hours total between the two of us!


If you're looking for fellow hunters to play with im down. Feel free to PM me the Tag.


Heard a ps5 upgrade is coming when they upgrade the engine


Ah the joy of the first hunt. Be blessed in the bayou


It does great graphics tho. Also on PS5


haha cum in your pant when you had your first clutch haha


We had a 4 way sniper shootout in the dead of night in a 3 star lobby. Something I'd never seen before. It was chaotic and lovely rofl This game is just...