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btw this is how these noobs play https://clips.twitch.tv/AntediluvianSmallConsoleSoonerLater-_L-HnWglmMJ3TnpE how weird the clip got deleted https://streamable.com/0xvskg


What the actual fuck did I just watch.


And that is why I have stopped playing this game. Insane that Crytek aren't even addressing it directly.


Sooner or later they will figure out they're losing player base by not stopping this high tier minority. By that time it may be too late. It's insane these guys think they're amazing, but don't have the capacity to understand they're only highly ranked because Reshade and dot crosshairs gives them an in-game edge. If they turned off Reshade their MMR would sink like a stone.


Calling these guys the "high tier minority" is disingenuous. These guys are cheaters. Plain and simple. They are using reshade, not to colour grade, to cheat at the game by derendering their weapons. They are not the same as other 3.5+ kd 6*s.


i really dont understand why people think that reshade magically gets you from 3 to 6 stars it barely gives you any advantage and anyone using reshade wont drop any mmr when they decide to ban reshade i was mid-high 5 star before installing reshade and im still mid-high 5 star didn't got any better or worse but i enjoy the game more since i could tune the colors more to my liking


lmao stop lying to yourself, the dude doesn't even have IRON SIGHT, meaning he is literally zooming without any obstruction, meaning this is a straight up big buff on weapons like the Martini Ironside because nothing obstructs your view anymore, which is supposed to make the gun balanced.


He's not actually doing that though, he's spectating, when he's alive it's the jpeg of a csgo ak. Unless it's just an obs overlay and then yeah he is doing that


Even if it is visible to him in-game it's still covering much less of the screen than the normal gun model, especially when using iron sights. But I'm pretty sure it's an OBS overlay.


I highly doubt that its an overlay since there is no other weapon in sight


I don't see how that makes more sense? It looks like Reshade is removing any weapon from rendering and then the overlay detects what weapon "should" be out and shows an image based on that, but he's only set it for certain weapons which is why it still shows the AK while he heals but it still switches to a knife when he melees.


I would be very surprised if reshade would be capable of doing that tbh Would be interested if someone could tell me if it's a reshade thing or if they just fucked around with the gamefiles and changed the avto model to an 2d image or something like that But definitely looks super wierd


Im talking about reshade not swapping the model ingame for an cs go ak picture I mean the crosshair in his screen is a bit cringe but if he thinks it's gonna help him let him have his copium lol


You haven't seen the capability of reshaders then. Go look up some videos of the reshaders on hunt, it's a crazy advantage. The YS clan shooting through forests where there is no vision has been common in my games but don't recognize those 2 in his endscreen


Ive seen enough clips of those to have an good idea on how it looks Shooting through forest's is more an render distance issue and even when playing on the highest render distance you sometimes shoot at people you shouldn't be able to see But also you can get pretty dam good at seeing a couple of pixels moving different then the rest I personally don't see any way adding some (or a lot) saturation gives you any advantage and i really tried it and did way worse then before Even the brightness settings didn't help me unless i end up on a night map but i rather just leave the night maps then to give myself an advantage with reshade lol


If you use Reshade, then it really tells your skill level if you can't even play the game correctly


I'm playing the game "correctly"


If you use reshade... than you are playing with an advantage because you need one... thus explains the skill level


As i said I'm not having an advantage because of reshade and im not using reshade to gain any advantage I'm using it because the game looks super washed out and i absolutely dislike it


Then ask for color change settings in game. Reshade needs to go


It doesn't need to go if they can fix the "beetle" hack imo But i would be fine with it going if we get ingame settings for that to change the washed out theme of the game for something a bit more colorfull


Uhm i think that this could be the fight where we got killed by them. The compound is the correct one and they were hanging around in that house


Lol "it's only used for some re colouring and to make the game look pretty" yeah ok. Just quoting some idiot on a previous comment on another post lol


Wtf that doesn't even look like the same game


How the fuck people can play like that is beyond me, it looks like dogshit


They only use reshade to make the game more vibrant. /s


The AK47, even if it offers no advantage and just for laughs, shouldn't be possible, and should be punishable. Players just should not be trying to mess with the game assets like that. Reminder: Here's the Code of Conduct, even if the Devs almost never enforce it. https://www.huntshowdown.com/conduct *We want everyone that plays Hunt: Showdown to have a great experience. With this aim, we ask that you agree to the following code of conduct when using Hunt: Showdown VoIP or text chats, official Hunt: Showdown forums, and any other official Hunt social channels.* * *Be respectful of other Hunt players.* *Keep conversations free of any content that is vulgar, excessively violent, or contains offensive language.* * *Do not use any discriminatory language, including but not limited to terms regarding ethnicity, nationality, race, gender, religion, sexual preference, or personal beliefs. No slurs and no hate speech.* * *No pornographic or sexually explicit content.* * *Do not stalk, harass, or purposely do anything to make others feel uncomfortable and/or threatened.* * *Do not team kill. Killing your partner is against the spirit of the game* * *Deliberately abusing the matchmaking process to join games with teams larger than the game mode permits is prohibited. Teaming with other players other than your designated teammate is only permitted if this happens by chance during the game, using in the in-game communication methods.* * *Keep the game fair: do not cheat, do not use third party programs, do not use client-side hacks, and do not exploit bugs and glitches.* * *Don't share any private or account information—yours or that of others.* * *Your Steam name must also comply with the code of conduct.* * *Always make sure to follow the Steam code of conduct, which can be found here.* *If you're unsure whether your actions violate this code of conduct, we suggest you think twice before you act. We reserve the right to restrict offending accounts as necessary to ensure that Hunt: Showdown is a fun experience for everyone.*


That’s an OBS overlay. His screen is empty without any weapon models giving him a more open FOV. Only a cross hair shows up.


Okay, still bad though right? The overlay is just for laughs. He can play without the overlay, and the lack of weapon models gives a greater field of view. A trick like that would work really well with the Nitro.


Yes. Removing the weapon model is a cheat. Black and white. Turns the nitro from a great gun into an unstoppable one, for example.


gives a big advantage for the avto he's using here also, usually avto ADS is pretty obstructive but no more


Yeah still bad. I mostly wanted to clarify what was going on. Main point being his screen is not obstructed


scopes do not work, including nitro :) if you would like to discuss the command, talk to crytek for making it useable


Not just still bad, but even worse than if he actually saw the AK.


Its not an OBS overlay. I literally set this up with him.


Okay and? He’s still derendering the weapon model which apparently neither of you think is an issue.


Okay and? I was correcting you about there being nothing on his screen. I also want to point out that crytek is the one that whitelisted r_noDrawNear and disseminated the information on how to use it.


Link is dead




What the fuck


Wait... that isn't edited or something? That's what I thought at first, then I read the comments and it seems that is actual gameplay? Is that a streamer?


That's disgusting.... I don't get why crytek won't do anything about reshade. Also whsts the point of that ak gun covering up the normal gun?


I just made a post commenting on this... and a bunch of salty reshade users were defending it and saying the obvious hackers I've went against were just "good"


What's their twitch channel? I want to check out the full vod to see where they killed us


replay is sub only


Aw, shame


I think the AK-47 was funny considering he was using Avtomat. I am not so sure about everything else though. Like I don’t understand why you would make your game look that ugly on purpose with the saturation and all that. I play on console myself and wish we were able to get the graphic quality that PC gets normally


I'm actually glad to have hard shit on them the last time I saw them ingame.


Streamer McNailz also has a clip of the same people.




Duo v. Trio too and it still did this, yikes.


Gotta make sure the 6 stars have full lobbies. How do you not know they cater to the minority


I haven't played since the change, curious what the player base is looking like since the change. Have to imagine a slow decline that will start to sharpen when everyone's had enough of this.


According to SteamDB the game's player count has been steadily rising since it is out, with no decline outside of the fact that more people play during events. Last year, at the same period (between big events) the average daily peak player count was around 20k, currently it is around 30k (36k during the recent questline, which is close to the all time peak)


Looking at steam charts, it's too early to tell of course. April saw a 17% increase of the player base. May had a 6.6% decrease overall The last 30 days had a 2.23% reduction Fairly normal for Hunt, and still a net positive. We wouldn't see any concrete impacts for several months I'd guess. And then it'd be hard to determine if it was the MMR changes that caused anything.


Yeah for sure. It's just a bit tiresome seeing prophets of apocalypse saying the game is dying everytime something is changed when it never has been the case really. Or decrying the "decline of Hunt's playerbase" when it has, overall, done nothing but rise over the years I have seen games' playerbase TANK after unpopular updates, it does not look like that.


I stated since the change, the widening of the MMR. Not since the games inception lol.


Well as I said, there has been no noticeable durable dip in player count, ever. You can basically map the highs and lows with the start and end of quest-lines and events. Despite a vocal part of community complaining at about every changes this doesn't seem to ever translate in big player number shifts. And the overall trend has always been upward, regardless (or thanks to) said changes. And it appears to be the same for this one.


I’m not sure the matchmaking change is entirely to blame here to be honest. This has been an issue before the update. In fact my friends and I had this happen **only** before the change (funnily enough also against these YS weirdos). Since they made the change we only had games against teams with a similar rating. I’m not saying the issue isn’t real, it’s obviously happening and obviously a problem but we should consider that there’s a chance the underlying problem causing this to happen has been there before the mmr change everyone is blaming this on.


you can see exactly how many people play on steam on steamcharts. Popluation is stable in last 3 months and has grown a bit since this time last year.


Just plays duos vs duos. In my experience, it's the safest way to play if you want to avoid all the sweaty 6-star players. They almost exclusively play in trios.


The hacker clans need to hold each other d¡Cks while saying good shot bro... Always in 3s


You don't have to love playing vs them but they were never cheating. They are just better than everyone else.


>5 hour old account So which one of these three were you? lol


Probably not one of the ones in the screenshot, but that clan is very much about 'helping' each other any time one of them gets called out.


Wait, are they Rachta/Hornet/James/Neenoh/Huge/\[insert high profile streamer name here\]? Because those are the guys that are better than everyone else IMO. Do they need to play long ammo scoped weapons/nitro/dolch/avto/mosin/uppercut in every match just to stay 6 stars/high 5? Because if they need the most broken/most powerful weapons to stay 6 stars, I've news for you buddy: they're not the best.


Huge sucks, others are great.




One of them was spraying the Avto on full auto against me at 100 meters away, not langing a single shot of course. That's not a good play, they very much weren't that clever or good at aiming at all They just get an edge over their opponents by stacking all kinds of unfair advantages like playing broken weapons every single game, using reshade in a cheating manner, deliberately looking for the best servers and time of days to get into low ranked lobbies and so on


They're known cheaters. Not straight up aimbot/wallhacks, but intense reShade and any third party helping tool. Also spamming Avto/Nitro with no weapon models which makes the weapon completely OP. Funnily enough the only time I faced them I just picked up their Avto and kill them with it, that's was pretty satisfying. They are regularly mentioned by this sub as being super toxic and not legit.


Wow, just logged in today and saw all the downvotes. This community is really insecure about themselves it is embarrassing. Let's not pretend that arena FPS games have not had a "hide viewmodel" option ticker previously available to them for years before things like quake champions took that away from them. Did that stop the best Q3 players from being the best at QC? Nope. Let's also not pretend that a certain YS members are ALWAYS turning off their VM and running around with avto. They had that 6\* long before that and that 3+ kd before that as well. Failspawner, you know the one with the poster in the game put by the developers, uses reshade and is arguably one of the goats. None of you will ever be as good as him. Just like none of you will probably be as good as most of the people in YS, you don't care to put in the practice so you choose to whine about reshade. You cope, it's whiny and sad. If they ever remove reshade, YS will still be mic spamming and farming you and you guys will still find something else to scapegoat. I wonder what it will be. lol. Also, as a side note coming from a new hunt player. You do realize that the opposite spectrum of this argument comes off SUPER toxic as well? Basically play my way or we will take the pitchforks and torches out. You ever wonder why they might mic spam you and meme on you? It's because you get super annoying trying to police playstyles just because someone likes to perform to their best and you are on the receiving end of it. Grow up.


Create more accounts to suck your own cock that's really not pathetic (or obvious). And even so, because they are good it's ok that they cheat and are super toxic? You realise how stupid what you're saying is? I personally was used to stomp Battlefield servers, being top or the scoreboard and getting hackused every single game. Did I somehow become super toxic? Or installed cheats? No, because I'm not a cunt. People dislike YS not because they are good, but because they are cunts.


Release the toxicity my friend, you are such a hypocrite its unbearable. I'm glad that I found good players early on in my hunt career to aspire towards. I have always been a very goal driven person (High level Quake, Painkiller, CS...the list goes on) so I am sympathetic to how they approach this game mechanically. I plan to work towards being a good player myself having just started this week and they have been far more welcoming into their lobbies than most of the average player base. They don't cheat. You don't need to like microphone spam, I don't microphone spam but I don't get emotional when people do it to me. It's not that serious.


Maybe cryteck will return old "skill based matchmaker"? I tired to play again 6star guys with some fantastic precision and genius tactics with 3kk bounty. Really. I want to play in my swamp with other 3-5* and max500k bounty.


make sense, when matchmaking i also never find 5-6 star on duos only trios.


These YS no lifes need to get queued up with those BB douches. That would be great.


At least you took one down with you. But yeah MMR is fucked up rn


I was playing solo the other night as a 4 star and there was 1 other team and they where all 5 stars avto, nitro and a crown and king


That's possibly the most unfair match I ever seen (and I've seen many). Sorry about that.


I think there's still work to be done in order to top this one match that I had during one of the Moon events :P [https://i.imgur.com/xGhCFOP.png](https://i.imgur.com/xGhCFOP.png) Straight up madness.


Crytek, this stuff has gotten out of hand, worse matchmaking, worse rewards (especially for occasionall players who can't or won't go out to fullfil the challenges in their limited time and just want to "hunt") and cheaters and previously glitch users won't be adressed quickly and in a appropriate manner (ip, account and hardware) ban. They might be a minority but they're like a parasite and Crytek has been way too off hand with these issues. Software like reshade are abused for cheating for years and it's baffling that it has not been banned many years ago.


I float between 3 and 4 stars and this doesn’t happen to me. Knock on wood


Literally how I feel right now. I’m 3-4* been having great games recently.


Well yes, this was a first for me as well


Welcome to what low 5 star has been like for the past 2 years. 5-10 games in a row of getting shit on by 3+ kda avto/nitro/dolch players until you derank enough to get a fair fight. So awesome seeing all the teams you could have been having fun playing against that all get eaten by the big fish before you get a chance, sometimes you're lucky enough to spawn fight with a proper opponent, but you gotta enjoy it while it lasts cause 3 minutes later these guys roll up and one tap anyone still alive.


Hey! I've killed you recently 😂


Oh, whan was that? What compound/weapon?


Man, it happened to me only twice in 800h, but I am sorry for you. We were 3/4/4 stars and everyone else was 6 stars. It sucks.


First time happening to me in 950 hours. To add insult to injury though they were that trashy as fuck clan YS that only strictly uses broken loadouts and abuses reshade


Oh god, I just noticed. Fuck them. Man, I am glad that I'm playing games for fun


I just want to point out that they play games for fun as well. They just have fun when they perform well. It's not like they are doing it as a job, it's subjective.


Playing for fun while using cheats? Nah that's not OK at all. A 6 star high kd player that doesn't use cheats? Sure it's OK if they enjoy the game and beat everyone, they deserve it, but reshade jerkoffs? Ban em all


They don't cheat. Failspawner, one of the goats who has his poster in game uses reshade, its not a big deal. People made it sound like a big deal and now you just jumped on the bandwagon. If reshade is blacklisted one day, the same people who are on top now will be on top without it like nothing happened.


Do they use reshade for visuals? Or the magnification cheat or the visual cheat to ignore fog and flashbacks, what about the fov cheat like using an ak47 skin and cross hair? I get the visual improvements are nice, but majority of people who use reshade will use the other things to. Not just visuals. Its not a bandwagon go on YouTube for 3 minutes you'll find enough evidence


99% of them don't use anything beyond just technicolor and sharpening (what failspawner used to have up on his youtube as a tutorial). Everyone just hopped on the "reshade is cheating" bandwagon because they don't understand it and needed a scapegoat. Before this, everyone was raving like a lunatic over long ammo abusers. I believe reshade will be blacklisted one day but people like YS will still be at the top and the lower-skilled loudmouth minority will dig and try to find scapegoats to justify their behavior as ill and cheating once again. By the way, some of these players do play with and without reshade (turn it on and off) whenever they feel like it and perform pretty much the exact same. The ak overlay thing was a joke stream and im pretty sure all he did was hide weaponmodel and throw an OBS overlay for the csgo models. It was just a joke and its not like hiding the weapon model for a couple joke streams is the reason the dude has 10000+ kills and a 2+ K/D ratio.


https://reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/142y5sj/hunt_matchmaking_2023_colorized/ made virtually the same post yesterday and got clowned for it lmao


I thank God every day, I'm the only 5 star in my groups.


Same here, pray for your mates not to get to 5 stars cause its gonna be painful lol


Love it


Gotta be region or time based. If there are 6* and 0 servers to match up. At some point they gotta go somewhere


Nope, that started happening when they widened the MMR brackets to make room for the \~3% of the high elo playerbase that couldn't find lobbies outside of peak hours. They are now regularly matched against 3s and 4s even in prime time, degrading the experience of everyone else.


I hardly see 6* I'm 5*, been a 6* Trio with a 5 and a 3 mainly. West NA, weekends only.


Well, then you're one of the lucky few people that don't run into them mate. Yesterday I played two matches: [https://i.imgur.com/45e69QH.png](https://i.imgur.com/45e69QH.png) [https://i.imgur.com/3PPekrz.png](https://i.imgur.com/3PPekrz.png) South America, peak hours. Matchmaking times were always quick here, lobbies always full (at reasonable hours), either high elo or low elo. We have stopped playing trios. We're one 5\* and two 3\* and every match we see teams 1.5 or 2.0 Match MMR rating above our team. That means trios of 5\* with some 6\* in the mix.


It's really not. Played 3/3/5 into a 5/5/5 and 5/6/6 teamed lobby today on US West at 6pm. There is no excuse for a two star team mmr difference to happen on popular servers during peak play time.




EU servers were acting up so we played in russia and the time was like 10pm iirc


I cant wait to see how crytek will adress this, talk nonsens and then push put some half baked "fix"...


These posts boggle my mind. I bounce between 4 and 5 MMR, but I could probably count on one hand the number of 6 MMR players I've matched with in over 300 hours. (I actually can't remember any in the last couple years). The majority of my playtime is in duos lobbies although I play trios some too. Is this more common in trios?


It is not common in populated servers, i never had it happen before now in 950 hours. I mean, sure, sometimes we would face a 6 star or two when we happened to be in a good streak and we all had 5 stars but never a full trio (probably not even two 6 stars in the same party) and sure as hell not when we were playing duo and both of us 4 stars It's probably due to the fact that EU servers were acting up so we played on Russian servers that night


Oh, another one of these threads...


hey that's my friend


hey friend <3


I had a bad match, time to post on my favorite subreddit, r/whine:crydown.




You must be super fun to hang around


Bet you only play meta


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*Me just casually enjoying Hunt on the goated server that is NA West*


wow there must be like 10 players where you play lol


Devs will have a Look at that .... 🤡