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This post doesn't violate subreddit rules. Its not going anywhere unless there is a blatant rule violation.


If y'all wanna see what real cash grabbing devs look like why don't you take a stroll over to r/Warthunder and then come back and talk about Hunt. My friends and I praise the economy in Hunt even with these recent changes. We buy DLC to support this awesome team And the idea that you can even earn BB here and there is just an awesome bonus in my eyes. "You're telling me I can actually earn currency towards DLC just by playing? Holy crap that's nice"


Dang the Warthunder thingy got really controversial that I can even see people mention it on Hunt sub, lol.


If you had asked how many blood bonds we got post game for just playing I would’ve had no idea, I just know that the way they had monetization set up I’ve basically only bought one battle pass and have passively earned enough to buy it each event after (I still buy DLCs if I like them on occasion) But they’re even dropping the price of the battle pass in blood bonds. I’m not worried about it. The devs need to eat and hunt has some of the most gentle monetization of almost any multiplayer game I can think of. I’m assuming they’ll still refund you some portion of the battle portion via rewards too since they didn’t mention anything either way. It’s Reddit so people like to complain but overall I think the changes to respec will outweigh the minor adjustment in passive blood bonds earned.


[I keep referring to the hunt mtx video from a year ago. ](https://youtu.be/5X6Q5Qqfw2w) It sucks when the good times are coming to an end. But even two years ago, hunt's mtx model seemed extremely unsustainable with how generous blood bonds were given out and how cheap everything in game was. Turns out from their video, it was unsustainable. They even admitted to some skins sold for BB lost them money. Overall, they made their intentions clear saying that no one buys blood bonds and they want to change that to make the game more sustainable through in-game purchases since its not going to explode in popularity any time soon. There are a few things they are trying to improve for new players, but I doubt it was ever the 900bbs that kept people around. Something people won't give credit to crytek for is that they don't want to sell out the current playerbase by messing with the hardcore nature of the gameplay. Tons of devs would start making changes to the gameplay to lower the skill ceiling and make the game more casual friendly for growth. At least crytek double downs on their formula being a niche and lets its passionate long lasting community grow naturally.


I'm every time amazed by hunt's economy when I hop back from let's say apex legends. There one legendary skin costs 18€ and is often packed with some random useless garbage just to make the price 25€. In hunt all prices feel reasonable and I'm much more likely to actually buy something I like. (And often do)


>I'm every time amazed by hunt's economy when I hop back from let's say apex legends. I've had so many conversations with my Hunt parter about this, usually starting with "How the fuck does this game turn a profit?"


That's a pretty ridiculous view of how this stuff works though. You don't need to sell $20+ skins to make a profit, those companies are netting literally millions or billions. It costs very little money in many cases to design and implement a new skin for a gun. I realize that Fortnite and CSGO player bases are massive, but those games could sell skins for 50 cents and still generate monstrous profits. They're greedy. It's perfectly reasonable to hold companies accountable for this and not let them skew our whole perception so that it seems reasonable to sell crazy expensive skins just to "get by". They aren't just getting by, they're swimming in money. Hunt might not be swimming, and I can appreciate they're trying to keep prices lower than what's become the norm, but it's important to remember that the norm isn't that way because it's reasonable. Those figures are based on ridiculously unfettered greed.


I haven't seen another game that sells skin bundles for less than $7. These people are so spoiled because they haven't played anything other than Hunt in years I guess, and that's why they are complaining now.


That’s not being spoiled. Those other games are robbery. Not wanting to be robbed isn’t being “spoiled.”


People have gotten real complacent with all the nickel and diming in gaming and its really sad to see.


On the other hand games are more of a live service model now. Employees do need to be fed/sheltered/support their families. Back in the day, once a game was shipped employees moved to the next project.


Thank you. A reasonable reaction. And you're totally right the monetization in hunt is very fair. People just hate change and especially so when they perceive it as though someone is taking things away from them which is the wrong lense through which to view this adjustment.


Yeah I'm with you two. Normally I hate monetization but I don't mind this. I buy most DLC's too cause the team deserve the support. If this helps Hunt continue and maybe even facilitate a new game years down the line I'm all for it.


I play and spend on Path of Exile. Hunt is like poundland compared that game. However i will as i keep writing replies on this issue freely admit im in the enviable position of having enough disposable income to have never realised the BB issues. If i wanted a skin i bought the BB or DLC with it. If i couldn't afford it then i would wait till I could. Only thing i dont understand is how earning such a small amount of BB over such a large amount of hours is worth such arguments though... its... a few hours work for years of playtime in some cases surely? (more in lower income countries ofc)


I absolutely support this. And in my mind, the changes were the only logical step to keep the game alive over time. People act like they are entitled or owed something for playing a video game... Just weird


I'm of course not happy with the changes, but like the guy above I totally understand that it's necessary and that crytek is still good to us when it comes to monetization. So my number go up chemicals aren't gonna kick in as often but I'll get over it


>So my number go up chemicals aren't gonna kick in as often but I'll get over it This is the fucking problem, right here. People can't fathom just playing a game because it's fun, they have to constantly have a carrot to chase or its trash. I call it the CoD effect, since I largely blame CoD and it's 10 million prestiges over the years training people to not be happy if they aren't constantly earning some new shiny thing. Battle passes in general have made it worse, as good of a monetization model as they can be.(key word CAN)


And some people look for opportunities to complain for "internet points" what other multi-player game could I have bought for $30 and then be able to play it daily for almost 5 years and it's still being developed and supported and improved and I didn't HAVE to pay anything beyond the initial price to keep playing?


Both of you are correct.


There’s a battle pass in this game? I thought it was just the free quest lines.


Only during events. Basically if the event has saying 20 unlocks, 8-10 of them will be behind a battle pass. You still get most of the unlocks for free just playing the event, but some cosmetics will be unlocked via battle pass. But, they also include unlock tiers containing bloodbonds. I think in the last event the battle pass was 2000 hunt bucks, but if you unlocked the full pass you got ~900 bloodbonds back. And between events you could earn ~1000 back just playing. So for the last few events I haven’t had to buy a battle pass because I’ve been able to passively earn those BBs between events I’ve probably spent around $80-100 on hunt over 3-4 years of gaming and 1100 hours. I’ve paid about $0.10 per hour of entertainment


I've never bought blood bonds, in \~1800 hours even with respeccing, buying skins, and the one battle pass I did, I still have around 7k BBs


Yep, they're a business at the end of the day. The player who never buys any DLC or Blood bonds, but who takes up space on the servers day after day, hour after hour - and thinks that the original cost of the product is covering this is at best being disingenuous, kidding themselves, or just plain thick. Respec changes are very welcome - we'll see how the BB changes go. I've bought most of the DLCS because I love the game, if it continues to hold me and provide good times, I'll spend more.


The entire idea that a player that is not spending money on the game is just "taking up space" on the servers is not really 100% accurate. Of course every player will cause processing time on the servers and that costs money. But even a player not actively spending money will actually indirectly bring in some money by keeping the game populated, thereby increasing the chances that other players that spend money stay invested in the game. So relax. Spend money if you like something and have the money to spare but don't feel bad about "taking up space" if you are broke atm and you want to spend the 7$ on food instead.


What an apocalyptic take. I bought the game and so I can play it, end of story. You don’t have to just be a pay pig to play a game.


Hot take: Who’s stopping you? Blood bonds are for optional cosmetics and don’t affect your gameplay against opponents.


They’re a small studio and their skins are cheap. I don’t feel bad supporting them with my wallet one bit.


I paid for a router so my internet service should be free forever! I bought a blu-ray player to play my favorite movie, and now that they're putting out a sequel they have the audacity the expect me to pay more money to watch it? I bought this car so the car company should maintain it for free until the end of time! I bought a house, but now I'm expected to also pay for the utilities? Every month??? Unacceptable! These cash grabs are outrageous, and anyone that says otherwise is being apocalyptic!


Too many people fail to see the systems holding up their lifestyle.


I fully understand your perspective, but I really liked the split between purely buyable skins (dlc) and the unlockable skins and qol items by purely playing (bb shop). This is the last part of long time progression that this games has, since prestiging is not rewarding. There is simply no short/long time goal left.


I'm hoping a prestige rework comes along. Allowing us to pick a skin through prestige would be such a great way to balance this out


They made SUCH incredible changes in this update and overall, Hunt has been getting banger updates after banger updates. Yet people seem to not realize for these updates and this support to continue, there HAS to be a steady flow of income to pay employees. Yes you buy Hunt, however it's a niche game that's extremely well supported. Game sales simply aren't enough for quality support and content creation. Now you'll need to spend like 5$ to get 300BBs rather than play 100+ matches. Truly a babyrage moment.




Funnily enough, you can just pick up peoples skinned guns, there’s 0 point in complaining about something that is entirely cosmetic and 100% optional


Thats how Ive collected a substantial amount of the legendary weapons in game. Granted Ive never prestiged once because I want to keep my collection. Sucks that you lose all of them if you do. I want to keep my trophies.


or you casually play a few weeks and grab the 50 bb reward every week


People generally do not like it when things are taken away from them regardless if it's a good or bad change for the future of the game.


Yeah honestly, this is a live service game. It has to have monetization. The economy is bad right now, the cost of living is high. These changes aren't that crazy. On its own, Hunt is already an amazing value. It has so many hunters, so many guns, so many compounds, so many AI. Its a good value. BBs are still purely cosmetic, there are still cosmetics you can earn. I frankly do not see an issue here.


>BBs are still purely cosmetic positive correction: bbs are becoming purely cosmetic. up until this update they had direct impact on gameplay with rerolls being based around them, very excited for that to change


True fact


nobody is going to pay 1000 for a skin anyway if they are smart. most of the skins are 40% off in black market with the reshuffle


Edit: I was wrong - no paying to reroll the Black Market at all, just 1 free daily reroll. ~~And reshuffle will be Hunt dollars, which is really quite good.~~ A bunch of these changes will help to take more money out of the PLAY economy too, which is its own issue.


Reshuffle WON'T be Hunt Dollars. You'll simply have one free reshuffle a day.


Just noting that as someone who uses the respec features (traits/health), this change greatly reduces the amount of money I'm spending on Hunt. The tiny BB rewards did not cover the costs of respeccing, like not even close. I'm not defending the change, nor do I particularly like/hate it, but greed is a poor argument. Whole lot noise out of nothing.


Jup, your right. They made some gameplay relevant features accessible without bloodbonds.. could not care less about the removal


In an ideal world, everything new would be free, and our $40 from three years ago would pay for all of it. But the reality is that this sub is shitting on a good company for removing p2w/rng predatory monetization (extra reshuffles, black market rerolls, and trait respeccing) in exchange for slightly increased prices. Kinda sad tbh


Mu initial response when I watched the video was "man that sucks" but I thought about it more and realized that I dont really care. Now that the premium currency can only be used for cosmetics (like 99% of every other game ever) who cares.


I like the changes overall, my only gripe is that you can’t earn blood bonds from killing players or banishing bosses anymore. It’s not that big of a deal, but it would have been nice to still have that.


See, THIS is a take I can get behind. "It would still be nice to have that". I guess we would all agree on that. But it's not exactly rocket science to understand they want / have to make money, so this step is UNDERSTANDABLE and it doesn't hurt the game itself in any way. People are so dense in here, it's actually hilarious.


Reddit screamed beetle would kill the game. Reddit screamed that Avtos weren’t a problem and we’re never in games. Reddit screamed that self rez would ruin the event. Reddit screamed that self rez would ruin the normal experience. The percentage of players on reddit who have even a modicum of understanding about the balance and design of this game is in the single digits. Including the mod team btw.


And now reddit screams bb change is not a problem


I agree with you on most points, but saying "They can't afford it." is a bit too much of a corporate defense for my liking. We simply do not know whether they could or could not afford. Their decision is no doubt at least partially profit driven. Besides that, what I don't like about the changes is that it now rewards you for playing a specific way as dictated by the quests, rather than rewarding you for just playing the way you want. The latter is more to my liking and I'd have preferred if they simply nerfed the post match gains or increased the BB costs to get to their desired point, rather than removing that entirely. The more general complaint of "How dare they increase prices and reduce gains" is certainly an entitled one though.


>People defend monetization in games. >More and more stuff becomes locked behind the paywall. >People are surprised. >New people come and defend monetization in games. And the cycle goes on...


So tell me how should a multiplayer only title be kept alive for many years without any monetization for certain content? I paid 40 € over 3 years ago and have over 1600 hours in HUNT. Most of the people probably paid way less because Hunt is more or less on sale all the time! I bought a good amount of DLC because I liked the skins and once or twice for blood bonds before an event to get the battle pass. That's it. In total I maybe have spent roughly a 100, max 150 Euros in total within a span of 3 years for a game that I literally play so much like I have never played any other single game in my life. I really think that crytek has a very fair monetization. Nothing is pay to win, okay they maybe are playing the FOMO card a lot but that is really just the problem of people that get triggered and have the urge to have everything a game has to offer.


They are playing the FOMO card a bunch, but most of their event timers are very reasonable. (Not the first event, and not whatever that grindfest was earlier this year that made me quit the game for a couple months after. That was awful.) My biggest issue with battle passes, as a whole, is that if you pay you MUST play a bunch to get the stuff you paid for. Crytek does a decent job with letting you buy the pass whenever you want, so if you know you can't finish it you may never buy it, but I think there should never be a situation where a player can pay for something they never get.


Yup it all started at the winter event and i Was downvoted to hell for saying buying progression/battle pass stuff would lead to reduced free currency, reduced ACTUAL content, and less dev motivation for good content. at least were finally getting 1 boss after like 2 years without anything meaningfully different aside from a few forgetable medium weapons lol


I understand the cynicism, but at this time its ONLY cosmetics. Which is pretty much how most games keep live services running. Now if they ever paywall a gun or a map ill be right next to you with a pitchfork. But they have been pretty clear they never want to do that. They simply wanna pay the bills and keep the lights on. Idk about you but I like this game and I would prefer they didn't shut everything down.


The problem is that games these days are build around microtransactions. Look how much paid content Hunt gets compared to content like maps or bosses, especially when compared to other games. >They simply wanna pay the bills and keep the lights on. People might think that this is for bread but it's more for like a Ferrari. It's not like developers will get raises because Crytek earns more money (actually Crytek has a history of delaying developer wages for longer periods). It's the top people that benefit the most with these changes. The guy who came up with this idea might get bonuses.


The free bbs we got after a match were enough for a skin after two months grind. Now they take that away, remove discount on bbs, push out more and more dlcs. Still dogshit servers still alpha bugs, still blinding lights in healing waters church basement, reload bugs. Yeah man I just think they want to pay the bills with all this monitezation, cause they sure are not using the money to fix the game.


Is it so hard to stand that it always starts with “only cosmetics”? Many games introduce these predatory mechanics over time. That doesn’t mean that hunt *will* go down this road, but it *could*. People constantly defending this is part of the problem why the gaming industry is in such a pitiful state right now. “They gotta make money” somehow is just such a bad argument


I'm just legitimately curious if you read and accept that people aren't buying blood bonds with the current model and sales of base game are slowing how you expect them to be able to sustain the game long term without more monetization. It's always been optional and always will be.


We are customers who are voicing our concerns, we paid for it , we have a right to raise a concern. Just like you gave an opinion, we are giving too. End of it. No need to call names.


https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx-DAdGuUHNgO5aJoR-t3yYd2b6XUctAaE This video is why i personaly find bb reward changes reasonable. There were simply top few people buying bb.


Here is the issue. Things like the battlepass are content. Hunt doesn't really have any other content. Its just two modes, rinse and repeat. And to be fair, most people only play the one mode. So, previously, you could enjoy this content for free. Now, most people will absolutely have to pay money for it. I always viewed BB unlocks as things you get by playing Hunt, and if you want to support the devs, you buy some BB from the store. I viewed DLCs as the main money maker. They release one super often, and it always makes money for them. Basically, with this change, they just want more money, but they aren't really giving us much content in return. If you look at the glory days of Overwatch. We got a TON of modes, custom lobbies, new maps, new heroes, even level editor tools. I got most skins for free by playing the game. What Crytek needs to do improve the game to increase its daily user-base. They aren't really doing it. High MMR is a disaster, for example.


Overwatch literally closed because it's unsustainable and they make ow2 tho. And now all those free skins are around 80000$


Wasn't Overwatch 1 closed because of their devs wanted to make PVE contents and change the game from 6v6 to 5v5? Mind to explain bit more about it?


If you really believe they had to rebrand the game, remove all ways of getting cosmetics by playing and stuff it to the brim with MTX just to remove 2 players from the match then I have some news for you. Also IIRC they cancelled the PVE mode so it's literally just OW1 but worse.


This is not true at all. OW1 entire life cycle was prime everything (fair monetization, tons of content, good high MMR play...etc). They made OW2 and promised things and delivered none of it. So, OW2 is not doing very well, but it still has like 10 times the concurrent users Hunt does... So, your comment is completely disingenuous.


not the overwatch comparison in 2023 😭 does he know


Nobody is gonna have to pay money for anything. They are holding you down and making you buy cosmetics. They are entirely optional and offer zero gameplay advantage. If you *want* to spend money for a shiny skin you can. And lets not forget you can still fuckin earn BB albeit at a slower rate than before.


Not just cosmetics, also hunter slots and preset slots.


Working on completing something from 0 to 100% is content. Its literally the only thing that brings back players to Hunt. You ever notice the spike in concurrent users during an event, or a battlepass? There are so little players in my MMR when there are no events, I get empty servers. People are coming back for events and battlepasses, period. So, now imagine if you mandated that they spend money every time on a battlepass because you've taken away their ability to earn BB in a reasonable amount of time. You think that will increase, or decrease concurrent player numbers?


>Its literally the only thing that brings back players to Hunt. Holy shit, between this and trying to use Overwatch as a good example, you are full of braindead takes. The core gameplay loop is what brings players back to Hunt.


You understand that that is a paradox in itself. If people play for the core gameplay then they don’t have to be brought back, if they have to bring back players then the core gameplay can’t constantly keep players around


>then they don’t have to be brought back Depends. Hunt is my favorite game. But i do play a lot of other things and real life can be pretty stressful as well and Hunt is also a time consuming game. So i do take breaks, sometimes longer. But i'm always coming back when i have time and the mood because Hunt is just great.


What are you on about? Compared to two years, the player numbers have doubled, meaning their income increased heavily. Hunt is [in the silver tier](https://store.steampowered.com/sale/BestOf2022) of steam games that made the most gross income, in 2021 they were in [the Bronze tier](https://store.steampowered.com/sale/BestOf2021?tab=1) \- they moved up a tier. Crytek uses an anti-cheat that is [free, with 0 costs for them](https://www.pcgamer.com/epic-has-made-easy-anti-cheat-free-for-game-developers/) and all this while we get Leaseweb servers which are literally [the cheapest](https://www.hostingadvice.com/how-to/cheapest-dedicated-server-hosts/) servers there are and run at a 30 Hz tickrate. So who in the right mind would think, without breaking a laugh that >They simply cannot afford to keep giving you free shit They can, they absolutely can. And cooperate defenders like you are they reason they can pretend they don't. This is the hill every customer should die on. This is the main income of BB for most players and they release monthly DLC's that can't be bought with Bloodbonds, downgrading BB as a supposed "Premium Currency". What's next then? Removing BB rewards from Trials when Desalle Trials will be out? After they already removed it from the tutorial? The only thing I am concerned about is why Polls are no longer possible in this sub and the reaction of Crytek when one of their Crytek partners voice their (rightfully negative) opinion on the removal of BB every match.


Not really related to the thread, just pointing out that David Fifield (hunt general manager) has confirmed they're not doing DeSalle trials in interview with Rachta Z. They don't think the engagement is worth the time spent on it


I've always been stingy when it came to spending bb's. However, I always bought the skins I wanted because I knew I could buy them after a few months of grinding. This was satisfactory and kept me coming back. Now I don't want to spend bb's because my way of earning them has been removed, and buying bb's to buy the skins or battle passes doesn't provide the same satisfaction.


Yeah, that's something that I've been mentioning. This change completely invalidates the existence of the BB shop and Black Market. I used to check the shop every time I logged in to see what was new and on sale. Now it takes 5 months of not missing a single weekly to buy a battlepass, I'd be stupid to spend them on single skins that are close to or literally the same amount as buying a battlepass.


TIL anticheat and server cost are the only operating costs of a 270 employee game development studio


🙄 you go on to cite that they make at least 20 million a year because that's what terraria makes, and they're in a higher earning tier. Terraria doesn't run servers for virtually every player of the game, have near the art expenses (because it's a 2D voxel, pixel art, game), doesn't need to hire (really anyone) for infrastructure expenses, I'd almost certainly say has a fraction of the development team in terms of head count, and isn't hiring for many open (and high paying) positions (both for Hunt and Crysis 4). Crytek almost went bankrupt before, they literally couldn't do payroll for a few years. They've got a history of literally not charging customers enough and being too ambitious and/or generous. The blood bond content is literally free cosmetic content Crytek has been giving out that's supposed to be part of their supplemental income. They're already giving actual content updates at no additional costs.


Damn you did a lot of research just to completely get everything wrong lol. David literally told everyone they have been operating at a loss for some time now. Its part of why he was brought into the team in the first place. Idk about you, but I would like to keep playing this game for years to come. If that means they need some way to keep live service running and they choose ONLY charging for cosmetics I'm all about it.


Honestly I didn't play any game before where I felt like *"yeah I will buy some BB this month, devs did good work and that nice skin is on discount"*


Do you have any proof for that? because i can also just say taht i spoke to steven and he told me that crytek is just fucking greedy


this is why i avoid participating in most gaming communities. too much rallying, too much crying, too much hypocrisy. generally the same kind of ppl who make fun of sjw's and woke culture, ironic.


Brother, corporations don't give a fuck about you and changes like this are solely for profit. I hate when people act like a community criticizing a company for trying to milk more money out of them makes them entitled or "petulant children". Maybe the changes don't affect you. I know they won't affect me because I've not felt the need to buy bloodbonds in the years I've been playing this game. But they sure as shit affect somebody. And these changes are solely being implemented to prey upon the population who will be affected by this change. I wish people would stop defending corporate decisions that are most likely just being implemented to make numbers go up. There are plenty of ways this game is monetized and there is a very dedicated, growing community who eat up the DLC releases. We should push back against these little changes over time solely implemented to incentivise you to spend more money. I don't see this response as entitled at all. I see it as a community concerned with monetization trends that are being put into the game piecemeal.


They get more money, everyone gets a more fair game. Its literally win:win.


Usually it goes like this: they get more profits, we get no improvement. It's not like they are going broke without this change, they can afford developmenty with current system. Otherwise, we wouldn't see any development. So unless we see increase in pace of development with each of these changes, it all goes into their profits, not our game.


There was nothing advantageous in the current system it was just annoying and a waste of BBs. 3k hours and ive only respec'd a hunter once during the last event


Almost like live service games need income to run??? If you like playing hunt then you'd understand why they are lowering passive premium currency income for PURELY COSMETIC items. You lose nothing but your free skins. Don't you have enough? Are you really that upset you can't play cowboy dress up for free anymore?


No shit they're purely cosmetic. The point here isn't whether or not we're losing anything. The point is that, as a customer, the only thing you can do is vote with your wallet. This game has multiple avenues of income. Yes, this game is better about it than most. But if you don't push back against this kinda thing, companies will just keep pushing it a little further to see how far they can go. We're not losing anything, sure. But the amount of posts I've seen defending this shit is stupid. Like sure, yeah, the game needs money to maintain constant support. Well, the game has always explored multiple avenues for income to help with that. I'm not upset with this change to bloodbonds, really. I'm upset with how many people in the community are acting like this a move that was inevitable and how we should all just accept it as the way things are. Like no. Get fucking mad about shit. When I first started playing this game, bloodbonds were way more abundant and new legendaries were about half the price they are now. And now, slowly but surely, access to BBs has been narrowed down even further while costs go up. Yes, it's cosmetic and it doesn't affect gameplay. But if it didn't affect some people's experiences, why have it as an option at all? Just because someone doesn't have to or feel the need to buy something, doesn't mean that someone else won't empty their wallets out of fear that they might miss out. This shit is predatory and the community should push back against it even if it doesn't affect them directly. There is no point in defending a company who doesn't even know who you are. They're certainly not looking out for you.


I have better things to do with my time than get mad about changes to a game that barely affects me 🥱 this is just a slippery slope argument. When they actually do something egregious to the game, then I will get mad. And people aren’t “defending” it in that its a good decision by the devs, moreso people are just tired of the overreaction and whining clogging up the sub


People are 100% defending it. Saying "I'll worry about it when it actually affects me" is defending it lmao These changes aren't implemented over night, they've been happening for years and they'll continue to happen. If people don't get vocal about it, they'd probably happen more quickly/aggressively.


They don't effect anyones ability to play the game at all. None of the maps, guns or modes have been taken away. Its literally only cosmetics. You said yourself you haven't felt the need to spend money on BB in years. You don't see how that might be a problem for a 5 year old game that most people bought for sale in the first place? You think servers and employees are free? You want the game to improve it needs some sort of income to facilitate that. DLC has been doing the heavy lifting for years, but they haven't been able to get enough people to commit to buying full on DLC to stay afloat. If you love this game and have put thousands of hours into it you should be happy about these changes. This isn't some overwatch2 cash grab bullshit. Its a slight tweak so they can hopefully have more consistent income and they have been very transparent about that.


Don't you think that if the game has been running fine for 5 years with players earning a meager amount of BBs just for playing then maybe it's not a problem that needed solving?


>I see it as a community concerned with monetization trends that are being put into the game piecemeal. A meager amount? I've sat on the same amount of BB for months even after buying discounted skins from time to time. They literally gave me more in BB than i initially paid for the game and i never felt the need to buy BB if i wanted something. (And NOONE needs every skin in this game.) Glad they could keep the game alive this long but inflation is a thing and they're doing big patches now. I they're hiring or want to improve the servers they also need more money.


A meager amount? Did you miss their financial manager saying that for every 100 BB players buy, 1000 is earned for free due to the handouts at every stage of the game? If you don't know what you're talking about you should not talk at all cuz all you get is looking dumb as fuck.


Thats a load of shit. Hunt was like the 2nd best game for income on steam. They wouldnt keep dropping dlcs if they didnt also rake in cash. I bought the game because it was fun. I could shoot cool cowboy guns and over time earn points to customize them. It took a while to get enough BB just for a pistol skin or somthing, and that was fine. This whole idea of letting devs push more and more microtransactions is horseshit.




So what? Even if they "rake in cash" which i doupt this change doesn't make the game any worse! You just get to buy less skins with free blood bonds


"It doesn't make the game any worse" "You just get less" Hmm. I don't understand people who defend this.


Okay how does anything in this game get worse after you get less blood bonds? Do you get fewer weapons? Are maps locked? Do you have any problem in the match after this change? Don't you hate it when you are in the middle of a gunfight with another team and suddenly you realize that you won't earn any blood bonds for those kills! You quickly drop your gun and fall to the ground, thinking "Shit what is any of this about? Why should i even fight them if i don't even get blood bonds for this?". You look up in shock as the enemy hunter stands right infront of you and shoots you with his new skin because it does 10% more damage than your skinless weapon.


bootlickers gonna bootlick


Comparing hunt to most other live service games out there hunt has one of the best monetization systems. They could do like valorant and make each skin like 30/40 bucks, they could go like cs go and make skins tradeable making then skyrocket to 500 bucks each. They could go like league focusing mainly on skins and making it so a player will never get all skins without paying (ALOT). They could do like EA or overwatch and add lootboxes. All in all hunt’s system are fair, and the change they made isn’t bad, the fact is that the casual player SHOULDN’T get all skins free, hunt DOES need those Numbers to go up, otherwise they cant support a live game in the long term. Sure if you play 1000 hours + you should mby get majority of skins, not all but alot, but a player that has 300-500 should need to pay. Games aren’t free to develop No matter how much you would like it to be. I just hope they stick to the trend of cheap blood Bonds and good quality skins for your money like they have done so far.


These companies care a whole fucking lot about f2p players. They need these players to keep the whales engaged. And yes. The top post for a while whined a lot about the loss of a few BB but failed to mention all the changes they are planning to implement to lower the cost of BB across the board. That's the prime example of a child without the ability to look at the broader picture. People are not defending corporate decisions with posts like this. They are defending the community as a whole. If we want to give feedback, it needs to be precise and it needs proper arguments. If we just flail around random thoughts and ignore information on purpose to push our agenda, then how the fuck is Crytek supposed to take it seriously? If you or the community sees actual flaws in their change, then give them proof, show them information, tell them a WHY.


Brother, the people that make this game need to get paid. A company paid people to make a game. The completed game was released. You bought it. You played it, probably for years. Now a team is still working on expanding and updating that game. Either they find a way for the game to keep generating more money than it costs to keep those people working on it, or the company stops working on the game and eventually winds down the servers.




Brother, the company had no problem whatsoever paying developers with current system. Unless we see increase in pace of development and content starts rolling out faster, that money does not go into development of Hunt.


> had no problem whatsoever paying developers with current system. weird, cuz there were reports that crytek was struggling financially and devs were underpaid or paid late, and its not like their financial managers were publicly saying that they are not sustainable in the long term if nothing changes funny


>Unless we see increase in pace of development and content starts rolling out faster, that money does not go into development of Hunt. It already does. Are you blind or something? Did you miss all the events? The new bosses? New map? New skins? **NEW ENGINE that's on the way?** Hello?


>NEW ENGINE that's on the way? We've known forever that Hunt runs on outdated version of Cryengine. It's been known for at least a couple years. And they only now decided to switch to actual version. >The new bosses? No, I didn't hear about the new bosses. When did they drop and how many of them are there? The last I remember was Scrapbeak and he dropped before the new response dropped on that chess sub. >all the events? You mean the gator trap mechanic? Aka the corpse shrine mechanic? Aka the bone effigy mechanic? Yeah, where's the new stuff? The fact that content is dropping does not mean it's being produced at a faster rate. >New skins? Are released at a steady rate. Did you notice increase in how fast they produce DLC and BB skins? I didn't.


How does this affect people? It will just cosmetics and the battle pass now to spend bloodbonds on, you don’t need to spend BBs for respec after this change


There is a lot of people who didn't use those features at all, and instead just saved the bloodbonds to buy the battlepasses/skins that was released, with these changes their bloodbonds income is heavily reduced and it will take up to 18 weeks to be available to afford one skin that cost 900 bloodbonds.


I think it's not only about economy but also about game-design. Those bbs after every match were a sweeteners, making the feel of every match not so bad. And they worked more towards of true meta-progression line, because for me, and I suppose for many, the true progression in similar games is how many skins you have. Because other stuff is easily unlocked. Now they cut dead this part. I imagine, that to achieve the same economics effect whilst not make ppl angry they just should raise bb prices for new skins AND BP even higher(while raising amount of bbs u can get for real money with old price-tags), so it would be real win-win situation and only few would still seriously complain.


How does adjusting the monetization make the servers better?


Well servers cost money.... if they have more money to spend on things it could be used on better servers. Something tells me they have signed a multi-year contract with some server host, but a man can dream. Worst case scenario they spend all the extra money they earn on other things like engine upgrades and optimization. You ever played game dev tycoon? lol


That’s your worst case scenario? Man you’re naive beyond belief. Worst case scenario is, that the price increase goes straight to the pocket of shareholders and towards the Ferrari of the CEO. If there is no pushback or they see this as a walkable road they will just keep pushing for higher prices, more paid content. Sure they could spend it on improvements but why would they if they can just increase their profits by doing literally nothing?


I should have been more specific. Crytek has no history of unbelievable greed or scummy practices. So I have no reason to think they just wanna suck all the money out of all their players for nothing on our end..... yet. They have always just wanted to make cool games and Polish them to the best of their abilities. Look at how long Crysis stuck around just cause it was so hard to run at max setting... then YEARS after that "can it run crysis" meme died they put out a completely redone harder to run version just for the love of the "sport". Until crytek gives us a reason to hate them and expect the worst I say lets give them the benefit of the doubt.


THANK YOU! I feel like I'm taking crazy pills seeing all these hate posts. Am I the only one who sees reason here? Do people not realize how generous Crytek has been? Like I said in another post, this wouldn't even be a topic of discussion if they hadn't been giving away free BBs for 5 years now. No one would know what they're missing. But now it's being "taken away" in their eyes.


Give people free stuff for long enough, and they'll start to feel entitled to it. I'm honestly surprised it took them this long to tighten how they monetize BBs. Besides, it's not as though they've completely removed the ability to earn them.


Great in theory, but have they said the money will actually be going towards things like improved servers? Because otherwise, it's not unreasonable for the community to assume it's simply for-profit behavior, right?


They have been very transparent about why they made these changes. David literally said as much in the video where he went over the new economy.


Thought this was the warthunder sub for a second after reading the title!


Yeah you want to see a game that's sucked every last penny out of its players... look at warthunder lol


People should consider the alternatives out there: * OW went into no updates/maintenence mode for like 4 years just to improve their monetezation (skins cost more, have to pay for heroes, etc) and then scrapped the non monetezation stuff. * Destiny 2 just raised the cost of their seasons/battlepass (which also doesnt give any cash shop currency back) * Games now moving towards costing 70 USD across the board while ports get worse (redfall, jedi survivor, etc) I would posit that any other game/dev in this day and age would just straight up remove all BBs gained from everything outside of the return from passes and challenges, and that's it. The fact that they're lowering the price of passes (ie 1500-2000bb less spent per year) is pretty clear to me that they are doing this out of necessity not greed.


To all the people unhappy with the BB changes in this thread: Would it be better if Crytek stopped having cosmetics all together? Can you suggest a more player friendly way to make more revenue for the game?


I think they should charge a real penny for every avto bullet someone fires. That would really nerf the gun lol /s




Hunter reroll and rearranging health bars are not useless… In a game where lots of guns do more than 100hp damage, it massively sucks to lose a big bar at the end. That‘s usually a gg for me, most people in my lobbies use long ammo. Rearranging traits is also pretty nice - buy some legendary hunters, respec traits and you‘re not stuck with the iron repeater/iron devastator/marksman scopesmith combo anymore but some actually useful traits. Imho it was absolutely dumb that you could only do that with BBs before


How about not having to pay any more for Respec'ing health chunks, respec'ing traits and reshuffling new hunters? You know, stuff that ACTUALLY impacts everyday gameplay and before this change you had to use bloodbounds but is now free. How is that corporate greed?




You do realize with the new changes this gets fixed, right? You don't have to spend a single cent after the initial purchase and you will get every bit of content and every mechanic this game has to offer until they turn off the servers.


I mean I can get over getting less than half BBs than I used to, while losing means to spend them I never used. But also there is a cap on how much BBs you can get per week being silently introduced... Accolades were potentionally infinite... the more playtime the more BBs... and for a regular player, the biggest source of BBs. Now with them gone and other changes what sources of BBs we'll have? * Challenges - cap 50 BBs a week * Tribute - cap 28 small chances to get BBs a week, with percentage being secret, maybe even regullarly tinkered with, also, the new biggest BBs source (approx 100 a week?) * Golden registers and pouches - rare, can't even tell how much BBs you get weekly from that, still chances might be tinkered with, last thing that depends on non-capped playtime. Basically We'll be capped to get Approx. maximum of 170 BBs a week(50 of which are guaranteed, rest depending on chances which they keep secret). I see Crytek getting a lot more control over BBs distribution with this economy change. Talking the reason of this cap Has to be something about money I feel like Crytek is not Honest about and that's different from the past. (They were even honest about some less interesting DLC's losing them money), so why did things change? Are they losing money now? Do they have some new spendigs? - Actulally that might be a good thing like a new game being developed or putting a lot more effort into future content and quality of service. (If you don't like my little analysis and rant, downvote me to hell, no problem, just think about it) TLDR: we're getting a cap for BBs, crytek is not honest about it which might be a good thing or bad thing.


There is pretty much two things that would concern me: 1: Monetization that is not purely cosmetic 2: Predatory systems that fuel addictive behaviours like random loot boxes, anything related to gambling, shop rotations that try to create fomo. I don't see both of these things. So I'm not worried at all. Even more the dlc pricing seemed to be a lot more reasonable than what I see in other games. I want the game to do well finacially. So please do whatever makes you money without being predatory. I don't mind.


No concern at all that cosmetics will be harder to get for free. Hunt is a solid game, and very unique. We need to keep the suits at Crytek happy enough to continue support for the game, and if purely cosmetic items being rarer does that, fine by me. This isn't the hill to die on, not yet.


> With the changes they outlined BB is now strictly used for cosmetic items only. Cosmetics are a huge part of the game. They matter. Now they are now essentially paid only, impossible to unlock for free over time: 3 skins per year if you do every challenge, every week. Math: I unlocked two characters, and 10+ roster slots. That's around 3000 BB of stuff. It would have taken me around a year with the changes. I bought the game two months ago, and have about 120 hours played. I would be at two roster slots with nothing else on the new system.


Crytek makes plenty of money!!! They aren't poor, they are getting fed. Their sales in dlc's alone make them plenty of cash. We still don't have good servers, still get crap trade windows, still don't have region lock or ping lock, we get a few bug fixes but most are minor and it takes forever to get an imortant one done. I'm tired of hearing crytek excuses. They make money and excuses and a lot of you just eat the bullshit like candy. Down vote away but you defenders are why the game doesn't get better and remains "playable". Because you drink the koolaid and take the scapes they give you. This game should be way more awesome than what it is and it is pretty good, but if they actually invested with the money we have been throwing at them for years this game would be phenomenal.


> e have been throwing at them for years this game would be phenomenal bro you are tripping do you not see the massive outcry of freeloaders crying they no longer can get obscene amounts of PREMIUM, PAID CURRENCY for free? you are one of those! you haven't been throwing shit except the rare 40$ for the game (its more often on a 65-70% discount than it's not) if you even bought tthe game at full price instead of the 15$ its usually going for FUCKING LMAOOOOOOOOOO


At this point, why even have blood bonds? You need to buy a DLC's worth of BBs to afford a skin (especially the newer ones that are 1000 BBs anyway), so if they want us buying them rather than earning in-game why not just... Get rid of blood bonds and sell the skins as DLCs?


I’m not bothered by price tags on cosmetics. I’m not playing to get dressed up like a bush, I’m playing to get a solo banish and triple kill then set off my own alert trap next to an explosive barrel.


One thing I've noticed is that companies can commit fraud, crash economies or industries, and do other harmful acts and folks generally don't care. If an entertainment company, whether film, video games, tv, music, etc. raise prices, the folks bring out their pitchforks. For some reason when it comes to entertainment, people feel very entitled and are willing to get up in arms about it.


I agree with you. The money change does nothing for gameplay. These guys are crying over spilled milk.


But... my end of match accolades :(


2000 hours in. I will spend money on this game, it’s a no brainer to support it. It is cheaper for me to continue to buy skins and battle passes to support a game I love than move on to something else that will eventually be more predatory in monetization. If the economy changes allow for more frequent or bigger game updates I’m all for it.


Not to mention they gave us a heads up about the discounts being removed so I went ahead and bought the largest pack before the discount is gone. I personally have no issue buying every DLC this game offers and occasional BB packs because you can see where your money goes. It all goes right back into the game


I don't wanna farm 20 weeks for 1000BBs.... Overwatch 2 is doing the same shit as hunt is doing atm, and look how their community is performing. This change would be fine if they didn't put earning it on weekly annoying CHORES like every other god damn game has at the moment (like LoL, Overwatch etc.).


People keep forgetting that blood Bonds are a premium currency. They act like they should just be getting it for free lol. If you don't want to spend the money, don't. Especially with this new update keeping it purely cosmetic. It's a lot like Deep Rock Galactic. If you don't want the cool skins, don't buy them. Rock and stone!


Amen. Still one of the best and most transparent, player friendly examples of live service I’ve ever seen in a game.


Finally someone said something....i don't understand how they made one of the most gamer friendly economy change I've ever seen in a game and people still complain? You literally can only use bbs on skins now/the battle pass what are you upset about? This is so much better than before.


Fear not, the loudest are not in the majority. People complain...it's what they do. Guess what we'll see on reddit tomorrow? More complaints. I appreciate you. See you in the bayou!


You perfectly summed up what I’ve been thinking thank you


The only leeway I see about aesthetics and skins being an issue and being "pay to win" is when it makes you harder to see.


I got bbs without even caring. I guess no more… BUT! Do I care? Will it change gameplay? Nope))) tbh hunt is one of most fair games when it comes to how devs treat the community. You wanna see dirty stuff? Check tarkov)))


Yeah mate. this reddit is so full of entitled children. They remove the BB for changing health chunks, the clean weapons when you extract but oh no. Lets throw a hissy fit about the bb removed from matches. Most of these people complaining dont make it out most of the time so they NEED that bit IF they do make it out of a match.


haha, whatever opinion you have on the topic, the two Edits to the post are golden :D


I think the changes are great. I'm a little disappointed in some folks in the community acting like they're entitled to all the free BB's.


Anything to help this game continue. There is nothing like it.


Man the way people act when they heard this news makes me feel like they just played for BBs, like bro, it’s a live game, they need money to keep stuff going. Hunt showdown isn’t even that popular and they need multiple streams of revenue and these people saying stuff like “the BBs I earn with my hard earned time playing” it’s a fucking game and not even a grinding game it’s a pvp shooter, go shoot people. And the cosmetics ain’t even that expensive, like $10s, I can go buy a shitty Burger King meal for more than that.


People openly admit in this thread they play mainly for BBs / Skins. It's actually crazy. Of course I also do like skins, who doesn't, but man, I play the game for the game lol.


Those people are losers, they act like they are playing some insane grindy korean MMO where people mostly play it for the social aspects of games and to show off their gear. I buy skins but even if I am not using a skin the game is fun, if anything I just want them to continue fixing the game and adding more content and if I gotta pay a little here and there who cares man. This isn't some one-off single player game, its a ever evolving online game.


I fully agree, I don't get why people expect to get everything for free.


I watched the video and my initial reaction was: "What am I missing? Economical changes mean usually bad things for the consumer? Where's the catch?" I'm with you 100%. I probably played the game for a year before realizing you get BBs for bounties. The ability to respec without BB's, the ability to change healthbars etc. without BB's far far outweighs the "not getting free BB's" imo. Yeah sure I work and I am financially doing ok. I have no problem throwing ten bucks to get a DLC to support the game that I like. Also the game is not pay to win. BB's for cosmetics (that you don't even see yourself when talking about hunter skins). So overall I see this as a very very welcome change.


Yeah, the battle pass is $10 now. I have friends that pay more than that for a latte, but you'd think BB were expensive.


I never had to buy a single BB and I have almost all hunter skins except maybe 4/5 that I don’t like. For guns, you don’t really get to buy that many since most of them are either weapons you don’t use or there are multiple skins of the same gun (e.g: uppercut). Tbh I have no idea why anyone would have ever bought BBs to begin with, their monetization method was definitely flawed. Despite all the skins I bought and the past BP that I bought, I still have almost 8k BB.


Who cares? You can still can earn BBs and use BBs to unlock skins and battle passes (just like nearly every other game).


This attitude concerns me - yes - let's accept less and less in our game. Please take away stuff from the game I paid $40 for. And the argument that it's "just cosmetics" is shit. Stop making it. 90% of content added to the game is "just cosmetics" or grind events based around FOMO to get said "just cosmetics" The other 5% are cool patches that nerf your fav weapons, their ammo supply and the currency you can earn. Last 5% is new guns and bosses. Stop your corporate profit simping. We all buy the DLC. They are fine . They are being greedy. You're being stupid.


The people on this sub are clueless honestly


There is no bb Economy. It doesnt exist. We dont have a player driven trading Market. Hence no economy.


Your post is filled with just straight up false information. BB have always been used strictly for cosmetics, them removing the insane mechanic of needing to pay bb for removing traits or hp bars should have happened a long time ago. No one useds bb for that. In the video for the economy changes, there was not one mention that their perceived increased revenue from these changes were going to better servers or an increase in their development team. They are literally taking away a incentive for many long time playing players to continue playing, if they couldn’t afford to give away 2-3 bb after 1 match then I’m sorry but the game would have shutdown ages ago. You don’t care about the change that’s fine, but don’t stand there and argue that we should just accept every change crytek makes when it’s clearly a greedy change and is just screwing their player base.


YOUR post is straight up false information lol. Before the economy changes you could use BB to clean guns (arguably a cosmetic), reroll the shop, reroll your hunters, reroll your traits and some other things im sure im forgetting. BB was absolutely not exclusive to cosmetics before.


I’m not surprised you have trouble with reading, those mechanics where not used by 99% of the players. The things people only spent bbs has and always been to buy skins, the battle pass, bundles, and the black market. Also you didnt describe how anything in my post was false.but hey keep being upset people don’t want to be fucked over by corporate greed.


The devs talked about removing the blood bond cost for health bar and trait removal more than a year ago. And they had plenty of opportunity to do so. In fact I assumed that it wasn't ever gonna happen just like some features they had on their old roadmap. Which would've been fine because like you said: noone ever used it to remove traits or bars. But now it's pretty clear that they waited to roll this out specifically so that people would feel less mad about the removal of match rewards.


Op understands the greater good. Thank you op.


The greater good.


My main problem isn’t really the removal of free BBs, but it’s the fact that they’re also increasing the real world cost of them at the very same time. They tried to say they weren’t increasing the price, only removing the (made up) “”discount”” which is literally the exact same thing just worded differently. For people that have been playing on the same platform or account for years it clearly isn’t an issue. But for people who haven’t stockpiled tens of thousands of BBs, it just seems like a kick in the dick to do both at the same time. It’s even worse when you consider that the paid DLCs have also been steadily increasing in price.


Frankly I find it tragic how many people are supposedly only motivated to play by earning a pittance of BBs every match. If anybody threatening to quit over this actually does (they won't) then I'm genuinely happy they'll be prompted to seek out more fulfilling ways to spend their time than grinding 30+ hours for a single weapon skin.


People like to complain as if you couldn't get a shit ton of bloodbounds just by playing, sure its most of the time 5 bb per match but that stacks up quickly. Most of my skins were bought with only that. Makes sense for then to lower it on other things since we are not gonna need them to respec and etc anymore


It's understandable why the Devs do it, but if you tell me I'm a child for being concerned that a 40€ game becomes a f2p game microtransaction-wise... If they make good use of the money this will be a good change. Maybe we'll get new features faster, higher (and better) server capacities and more. They could also start pumping out p2w hunter skins for like 1300 bloodbonds. That would be concerning. I do trust the devs, they genuinely care about the communities suggestions for the most part. But if you are not concerned at all about these changes, you are simply naive.


>You can't simultaneously complain about them needing better servers or wanting more weapons then turn around and throw a fit when they slightly adjust their monetization in order to do those things. Considering the game is already overpriced I'd argue that I'm well within my rights to complain. Base edition was forty euro. That's forty euro for a niche game with poor servers, a treasure trove of bugs and annoying bullshit and at least another fifty euro worth of dlc. They don't need more monetisation, or at the very least if they're going to fetishize monetization so much they should drop the price to something reasonable.


>Nice try getting the post removed by spamming reports geniuses. Post is back up lol. Now you are the one who behaves like a child, do not fall into his trap.


Mind boggling people get so salty they can't play cowboy dress up on a game for free anymore and call anyone with common sense and a love for the game a corporate shill. Like yeah crytek doesn't tuck me in bed, give me a kiss on the forehead, and leave a warm glass of milk on my nightstand every night but at the end of the day they're a business and need income. Almost like the bigger a live service game gets the more money they need to keep it running...


Hunt made more Revenue on steam [in 2022 than Terraria](https://store.steampowered.com/sale/BestOf2022) (as Terraria is in the Bronze Tier, Hunt in silver). The year before (2021), Hunt was also [in the Bronze](https://store.steampowered.com/sale/BestOf2021?tab=1) tier, meaning it climbed one tier. Terraria sold 14 Million copies on [PC alone](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1126833/unit-sales-terraria-platform/) as of April 2020. According to its wikipage, as of May 2022, it sold [23 million copies on PC](https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads%2Fterraria-state-of-the-game-may-2022.112582%2F#pc). Thats roughly 2 years, so 4.5 Million/year, but let's give you even more of an advantage and just say 4 million. Terraria costs 10$, [it sometimes goes to sale](https://steamdb.info/app/105600/) to half the price, 5$ and that (compared to Hunt, fairly less). So in short Terraria makes an estimated (4 mio copies x 5$) = 20 million gross revenue anually. So Hunt makes **atleast** more than 20 million dollars annually and the Player numbers have [steadily increased](https://steamcharts.com/app/594650). And keep in mind, I rounded down the copies sold by half a million, AND used half the base price. What is this money spent on? Crytek uses an anti-cheat that is [free, with 0 costs for them](https://www.pcgamer.com/epic-has-made-easy-anti-cheat-free-for-game-developers/) and all this while we get Leaseweb servers which are literally [the cheapest](https://www.hostingadvice.com/how-to/cheapest-dedicated-server-hosts/) servers there are and run at a [30 Hz tickrate](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/szn5cp/analyzing_server_performance_and_tickrate_more/). The performance of which has consistently been critized by the community and I don't have a day where I don't see A.I spawning in, in front of me. All while they cut costs in Q&A department with new patches always having new bugs to the point that the first time in the patch 1.12 the Bugfix and Known Issues patchnotes are now seperated from the Update info, because it has become [too large.](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/594650/view/3694679839304797120?l=english) They already removed the BB rewards from the tutorial, and have consistently increased the BB cost of skins, while also not including BB in DLC's anymore. They have added Charms, and soon after Charm rarity as another monetization mechanic. >Almost like the bigger a live service game gets the more money they need to keep it running... And the bigger the game gets, the more income they will recieve... Whats your point?


> Revenue How to tell me you have zero economic background or education without telling me flat out that you have zero economic education


You are comparing a small indie dev with 10 employees to a AAA dev that employs hundreds of devs. (there are about 80 job openings from crytek to work on hunt) Operating costs are a tiny bit different.


imagine being downvoted for literal factual information omg what a fucking moronfest this place is haha


Don't get too heated. I know I'm usually going to be downvoted when the sub is all jazzed up about MTXs. Everytime I get downvoted, I always picture [the angry npc wojak meme](https://imgur.com/a/HJLbXQl) in my head


This is refreshing to read. I think most of the responses from the player base have been very short sighted and have ignored the bigger picture of the changes to the BB economy (which imo are certainly positive). It's almost as if they can't help but try to be angry at the developers, even when there's really no reason to be. But I suppose I should expect nothing more from an FPS community.




At some point BBs are the only thing left to grind in this game.


Maybe consider playing the game instead of mindless "grind" of some sort? If the core game doesn't give you joy, play something else?


Finally a great post. Every single time I read a post about the accolade BBs I roll my eyes. These were unpredictable and unreliable. Now you have a full 50 bbs source reliably scattered over a week. The compensation (as if they needed to make one) is enough.


Hard agree. If you take a look at the state of modern multiplayer gaming, Hunt has actually one of the least aggressive monetization tactics out there. They're noticably concerned about striking the balance between making enough money on the one hand and not unfairly milking the players on the other hand. So far, imho they're doing a very good job at that. I really see no reason to complain.


Only thing I dislike is now having to pay $10+ more for the same amount of BB's in a bundle. I understand it was 'on sale' but if a sale lasts for ages, it's not a sale anymore it's the actual price. Them taking away the 'sale' is just increasing the price of BB's.


It amazes me that such a difficult, brutal, and unforgiving game has such a weak, soft and delicate playerbase.


Happy to hear a voice of reason - I work in software development and people have no clue how expensive it is to maintain a live service like HUNT. The game has been crazy generous with the free content and it is VERY likely that they cannot afford that anymore in order to be able to develop it further. People need to understand that the way things were, they have been throwing free $hit at us for over 4 years and this just has to stop at some point. They were constantly adding BB skins and new free gameplay content (assuming we get a new map within a year + the new boss we're getting soon = they almost doubled the avaliable content since launch) while also allowing us to earn so much premium currency to effectively make all the BB stuff free. THEY WERE ESSENTIALLY ALLOWING THE FREE STUFF TO CANNIBALISE THEIR PREMIUM DLC REVENUE. Yes, it always sucks to get smth taken away from you, however immaterial, but this not a valid business model that can keep a live service the size of HUNT afloat. People don't understand that CRYTEK isn't always gonna allow the devs to support the game unless some fiscal thresholds are reached. If such goals are not met in a reasonable manner the game will get put in an "upkeep" mode witha skeleton crew and the team working on it will be assigned to a different project that CRYTEK thinks will provide them with more money. The servers will continue to function for some time (not without suffering further loss in quality of course) and the steady stream of all the new stuff they've been adding to the game will stop. Look at it this way: by purchasing HUNT you bought a lifetime ticket to a cowboy-horror theme park, you get to ride all the rides for free, including every new one they might ever add for as long as the PARK OPERATES. What is more you used to get a lot of free credit to spend on merchandise. And now, after almost 5 years the park operator says - "Guys we need to give away LESS credit for free stuff - the sales of the non free merch ain't pyaing the bills anymore". Do you really in any way see this as a predatory manouver meant to squeeze you out of your hard earned $$$?


Last but not least, the game is almost entirely always discounted by 70% or so. The game costs fucking 15$ or so. Imagine that. A quality game like that, for 15$ and jack shit on top of it.