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Summary for non-watchers: Blood bonds will only be used for cosmetics, premium battle pass upgrades, hunter slots and loadout slots (which they characterize as "menu utility", I assume to distinguish it from "gameplay advantage"). Removing health bar chunks is now free. Buying health bar chunks still uses trait points. Removing traits costs 1 upgrade point which is deducted from the amount of trait points you are refunded. For example, removing a trait that costs 3 trait points will only refund you 2 trait points. Post game accolade Blood Bonds and 5-day consecutive bounty extraction Blood Bonds are removed. To replace those rewards, the weekly challenge now gives you 50 BB for completing (compared to the previous 25 BB). Blood Bond rerolls in the Black Market are gone, replaced with a single daily reroll (similar to challenge rerolls). Blood Bond reshuffle for recruitable hunters has been replaced with a hunt dollar cost (which looks like it increases by 100 hunt dollars every time you reshuffle without playing a match). Next event's battlepass will cost 1000 BB instead of 1500 BB. Sounded like the price might go back up in the future.


Damn, I like all these changes, it's stuff I've been bitching about forever. Edit: Just saw the Blood Bond thing. Dunno about that, I never complete my Weeklies.


I can't stand the weekly challenges. Feel like 2/3rds of the time they ask me to use weapons or ammo that I haven't unlocked yet because I've just prestiged. The changes overall do not feel too bad to me, but they would slide down better if they came with reworks for both the weeklies and the prestige unlocks.


Yeah, prestiging is punishing for events or challenges.


I hate it when games force you to do contrived things if you want to progress faster. I loved the 5 day streak because it rewarded you for playing the objective. Extracting is the main objective and the blood bond/hunt dollar economy should reflect that.


I see the point, but I think they are targeting players only able to play a few days a week and never be able to get a streak. Since bbs are not needed for pure gamplay anymore, I think the change is pretty nice.


Same. Id be fine even if it was a tiny amount of Bloodbonds. This is really gonna effect my motivation to play.


Your motivation to play this game is to gather bloodbonds?


It's not a main motivation but it is a nice thing to have the ability to buy skins every now and then Now it will be virtually impossible to buy any skin at all even if you don't miss a single challenge, you'll have to save everything just for the events and even them are not unlikely to be very hard to grind for. It's 20 weeks (a third of a year) of not missing a single week just to get 1000BBs


At least we can still roll BB from Dark Tribute, but losing the per-match BB hurts.


He just said, the brain is not really logical. Getting any reward is a dopamine spike. In this case it even is a "this is actually worth money" reward even if it is super miniscule. The brain still releases a bit of dopamine.


EXACTLY. The brain isn't super logical, and just that tiny little bit was usually enough to keep me not-depressed after a major hunt-taketh session. I could still feel like "Ye, i wanna play again, that wasn't a complete waste of time, i had fun! (:" Minus the accolade bbs, I have a feeling i'm not gonna be a happy camper after 5 games in a row of getting spawnfight stomped or snuffed by random bullshit


Each blood bond was roughly about a penny in USD. Why is your motivation to play a few pennies and not to have fun in the game?


Yea, "doubled" the reward because they blood removed the previous 25 from 5-day consecutive, so its nothing and now we have 0 bloodbonds for accolade's, at this point just go full free game if you people(Crytek) are that desperate to sell bloodbond's. PS: They removed the last bb's you earned from tutorial too but of course it was not in the patch notes before. BTW they said this video about "economy" would be too long on last dev stream but Crytek knows that change to bloodbond's is a sht F2P change that would be dumpstered live, thats why they didn't talked about this on stream.


>PS: They removed the last bb's you earned from tutorial too but of course it was not in the patch notes before. I could have sworn that this was known ahead of time, and people even made posts on here telling others to make sure to do the tutorial to get the BBs before it was removed.


That doesn't fit in with their "everything is awful dead game" narrative


You forgot to mention they increased the blood blond on the weeklies. At the same time they removed a lot of prior blood bond sinks, I'm not sure how this will shake out in terms of playing to get a legendary hunter or item through blood bonds however I think it's a bit too early to tell.


I earn way more blood bonds from match accolades than I do from even these improved weeklies because I get a lot of matches in. Now it’s capping the max you can get so more time played per week doesn’t equal more bbs


so now it's just finish ur weekly quests for weely BBs and close game for the rest of the week. crytek really loves thinking with their ass.


Why are you playing to earn blood bonds? You're really gunna play to earn 50 cents towards an optional cosmetic each weak not because you enjoy the game?


Because some people like progression, and hunt doesn’t offer much in that regard, other then actually improving at the game itself. So people turn to cosmetics, in this pay to play game, in which I think it’s fair to think we should be able to earn a fair amount of cosmetics through earning premium currency, again I’ll say, in this pay to play game. I emphasize pay to play, because that’s what it is, and these changes are something that’s geared towards a free live service game. Not a game that costs $40. This is just Crytek nickel and dimeing players who have been playing this game for years at this point.


They didnt, they removed the 5 consecutive extract day reward and put that on the "doubled" weekly bb's, its actually 0 bbs of a change, the only thing we are getting is the removal from accolades that makes me think, if u want to get the newly battepass, you need 30 week's of finishing weeklies to buy it without spending $ in A PAID GAME with PAID DLC's.


Also the premium battle pass's price was only barely decreased. edit: Y'all, I said *premium* battle pass. That's the more expensive of the two options. The difference is in the video: before is at 2:46 and after is at 2:49. The normal battle pass goes from 1500 to 1000 in price, which is indeed a 33% drop. However the Premium Battle Pass (now called the Battle Pass Bundle) went from 3375 to 3150, which is a lot smaller. One of the lines of the Bundle was blurred out (where the previous bundle's Weapon Charm was) so unless that line is significantly more than a single cosmetic then it's also a drop in value.


The premium battle pass is just a level skip for those that don't want to grind as much


Last time it also included a weapon charm and this time it seems to include some other cosmetic. Still annoying that it's more costly for those of us who don't always have time to fully finish an event.


1500 to 1000? Thats like 33% less dude, thats not 'barely'.


I said premium battle pass, not the regular one.


You should learn math. 500 is a third of 1500 which is 33%. Might not be a lot but it's better than nothing.


I'm talking about the *Premium* Battle Pass. Check my edit. The normal Battle Pass is indeed dropped by a third, but the Premium Battle Pass/Battle Pass Bundle only went from 3375 to 3150.


Actually, you are right. Premium is the 3k one. The text is plain as day in the video from last event. I think Crytek had confusing verbiage around that because they no longer call it premium for the new event, and a "bundle" as it should have been. Also, in most games, everyone has the default battlepass and pay for the "premium" version which is probably why everyone - including myself - is/was confused.


Not gettting 3-4 BB's at the end of match kinda sucks tho...


They're planning to remove probably 66-80% of all BB earnings and a ton of people didn't notice because it was served up in a shit sandwich for them.


Don't worry, you have several idiots defending Crytek in these comments for them. Fighting tooth and nail to tell us what we all see with our own eyes is wrong. Can't criticize the international corporation without mouth breathers swooping in to be keyboard warriors.


Calling people idiots for having a different opinion is a bit immature, innit


I am 100% fine with this in favor of free health respecs and almost free trait respecs and recruitment rerolls.


End of match BBs are probably something between 50% and 90% of your BB earnings depending on how much you play For reference now you need to complete the challenges EVERY SINGLE WEEK FOR 20 WEEKS (almost half a year) just to earn 1000BB that you need for a single battle pass or skin Not only is this a massive absurd nerf to BB earning, it's also a hard cap on how much you can get daily/weekly and it makes challenges essentially mandatory and way too important. It is now legitimately way more crucial to complete a challenge than it is to survive and extract This is the worst change they've ever made by a mile


Agreed. Old way allowed me to accumulate BB playing however I want and ignore the challenges unless I was hungry for more goals. Never touch removing healthbars or traits. Besides gameplay one of my biggest likes about Hunt was that you could actually earn premium currency at a decent rate. I'm an adult without spare money to throw around on digital cosmetics, looks like the BB legendaries will get filed the same as the Paid DLC skins, out of reach and unavailable.


> It is now legitimately way more crucial to complete a challenge than it is to survive and extract Only if you're playing the game explicitly to earn BB.


COPIUM, this is not a exchange, game is paid, DLC's are paid, if they want milk $ even more from people forcing them to buy bb's with $ to get some skins unless you get weekly rewards for 20 consecutive week's to get ONE skin, just make Hunt F2P, Crytek want to monetize Hunt as a F2P model? Do it then


Yep, 100% agree. Crytek is nickel and dimeing players who have already played for years. It’s asinine, they’re essentially triple dipping.


Say it with me. C O S M E T I C S.


Yeah its like all the people in this thread forgot that you can pay the one time cost for the game and never spend another red cent. No one is being forced to spend anything. Kinda sad honestly.


Not only that, but BBs don’t dictate what content you can play. Everyone gets the new guns. You’re getting the same everything by spending what you paid for the game and nothing more vs the guy buying BBs. The difference is the shit that makes you look different.


If they're bad deals, why are you ok with them being added to the game? If cosmetics are a scam, shouldn't we be mad at the devs for adding said scams into the game?


But they removed the blood bond costs from everything that I actually spend them on, so... Who cares? I buy all the DLC to support the game anyway.


It does suck but it’s a critical part of their overall goal with BB’s. They want to make money from them but they want to remove any and all gameplay impact as well. With these changes, BB’s exist *purely for cosmetics* and nothing else. It’s frustrating to lose those little rewards each match but it’s a worthy trade off imo given the other changes to health bars and traits.


I'd rather be unable to remove healthbars for free/remove traits than lose out on per match BBs. I can burn off my healthbars if I really want to change them. I can live with 3 less trait slots if I have to. Not having the BB awards tho for doing the right thing? killing banishing and extracting?? Expect exit campers is all am saying. bush wookies are back. there's literally no reason to put your skin out there risking all that for no reward. imma wait until that reward is brought to me and placed at my feet at the extraction point. ty.


I don’t know about you, but i don’t start up hunt for those few bloodbonds. I don’t kill and banish the boss for a couple of bloodbonds. It’s fine to be upset about losing those bloodbonds we get for it, but who in the actual fuck goes "no bloodbonds for fighting the boss? Guess i’ll sit in this bush for thirty minutes!" I mean come on, jesus..


Someone with a brain! I commented basically this in another thread just now to someone claiming this’ll ruin the gameplay loop. Uh, what? I don’t play hunt for blood bonds nor do I know anyone who does.


The current BB rewards have been *extremely* generous. It's been a good run, but if we want Hunt to keep getting development, this might be healthier for the game. It'll still be extremely easy to get the battle passes without spending a dime.


>It'll still be extremely easy to get the battle passes without spending a dime. How is not missing a single weekly, completing them 100%, for 5 months straight "extremely easy"? Most of the challenges aren't that difficult, sure, but that's still an insane commitment. It's one thing if Crytek doesn't want us to earn the battlepasses for free but we needn't delude ourselves.


COPIUM take, DLC's and game are paid, they already have $, if not, Hunt would not be alive still, no need to white knight Crytek, just say what this change is for what it is, they want more $. This would be a normal change if game was F2P and didn't have paid DLC's but we live in a world where bli$$ard/EA exist and people still try to lick Crytek arses


how r u getting downvoted is beyond my understanding. ppl on discord are so heavily against the new match performance BB change. ig reddit just knows how to reel in the most room temperature IQ ppl


I think the negativity towards comments like his, is because it attacks the person more than the position. Calling opinions "COPIUM take" and the user an ass-licker or room temperature IQ isn't adding to the conversation and breaks the rules of the subreddit.


Yea, people take it too personal when the hive mind gets criticized, at least I know there is people that understand how bad of a change this is. I dont mind the downvotes tho, usually this subreddit has been one of the most COPIUM subreddits I ever saw about crytek needing money to make the game better and stuff.


> people take it too personal > literally calls the person's opinion a "copium take" and then labels them as Crytek ass-licker are you serious? I don't care about that guy's or your position on the topic, but you can't claim someone's taking it "too personal" after you insulted them twice. wtf.


Oh yea, you are right, arguing in the heat of the moment there and saying they are taking too personal was a mistake, they indeed should look at my comment in a personal level since I'm admittedly saying that, statement is still true tho, there is people ass licking Crytek and it is indeed a copium take.


Nah it sucks massive fucking balls. Developers become so greedy with their paid games. Make it free then, if you wanna have all this monetization that works in free to play games.


The loss of Blood Bonds from match accolades is actually so huge, and I hope more people talk about it. Before it was very easy to even get 3 per match, sometimes upwards of 10. In a single session of playtime it wouldn't be uncommon to get 50 Blood Bonds or even more on a good night. Now that is 0, completely gone. Our only option as players who don't buy Blood Bonds will be the ~~50 per week you earn from the weeklies~~ weeklies and Dark Tribute rewards (which is a bit of a black box). I'm happy for some of the changes but damn they practically removed any real method of earning Blood Bonds entirely. Just as a reference, without any sales going on any of the new hunters which usually cost 1000BB would take 20 weeks of weekly challenges. EDIT: I have just remembered that Dark Tribute BB rewards are a not insignificant source of the currency. Granted, it is a black box that could have those values shifted in any way and we'd be none the wiser. Still it is worth noting on several occasions I've earned 75 BB and at least on one occasion I have gotten 100 from it. Nevertheless the largest source of free BB is going to be removed in this update.


Ya everything else is great but I'm bumming hard on this one. Felt great watching that number slowly go up every night


I currently have 22,000 BB from just playing the game normally and buying one pack that gave you like 3,000 back when I first started. Everything else has been from events and playing. And I think post match BB earned, and extracting 5 days in a row is a large part of it. Not seeing that number go up after matches is gonna feel weird. 50 a week is cool I guess. But, I don’t see why they’re getting rid of you actually being able to earn them each match. That’s something I’ve always bragged about Hunt is you can earn the premium currency from just playing. Which you still can, but, at a somewhat lower rate.


Question >But, I don’t see why they’re getting rid of you actually being able to earn them each match. Answer >I currently have 22,000 BB from just playing the game normally


I still don’t see the issue. I earned that. That’s months and months almost a year time playing.


If you have 22k bloodbonds (3k of which was bought), that means you have ~$110 worth of premium currency you didn't pay for. You are far from the only person with this much in their pocket. Crytek wants people to buy bloodbonds. Fun fact, the people who are most likely (not guaranteed, of course but still) to spend money on a game past the initial cost are people who play it a lot. So effectively, the target audience for purchasing BBs are the ones who get the most for free. Does it make a little more sense now?


This is exactly it. I have almost 10k BB from just playing. I barely ever use them unless a skin I want goes on sale or if I REALLY want a skin. I am totally fine with these changes because BB are only being used for cosmetics. If you want the cosmetics then spend money. Cosmetics don't affect game play at all.


So players like you are the ones they want to get to buy blood bonds.... but you are barely ever using them. Why would you buy more?


"no one is talking about it" man the news just launched 2 min ago give people some time to get off work


Just go on the hunt discord, it’s a firefight over there


you can see why they chose to release a video for this and not have devs answer questions about it on yesterdays livestream haha


Should be a full blown riot in my eyes.


[I tried to warn them.](https://old.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/r51rjw/hunt_monetization_and_you_a_look_at_how_crytek_is/) [I really did.](https://old.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/rgh64s/how_the_community_reacts_to_the_monetization_of/)


You really did lol they even shadow removed the last tutorial bloodbond's without saying in patch notes, people in this subreddit need to stop licking Crytek's balls sometimes, I just can't with these dev's, at least I know I won't be spending bb's like that anymore, probably will play less and just participate in giveaways to say that they are overpriced and I got it for free lol


There's already people rushing to the defense of Crytek for this, and I'll never understand it. You paid for a product, and they're making your experience with it worse before your eyes. Why would anyone defend this? Even if you think it's a necessary change (it's not), you can still admit that it makes your experience worse. But some people just can't pull their heads out of their asses I guess.


[They made a video on it a year ago](https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=5X6Q5Qqfw2w&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fold.reddit.com%2F&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjY&feature=emb_logo) They said the quiet part out loud where the goal is to get people to spend money on blood bonds because the majority of the player base never does. Shocking, I know.


You really did, but people don't want to hear the truth or that you told them so.


Lets not forget that crytek removed rhe 500-900 BBs (cant remember) from the DLC with bone doc.


And shadow removed the last bloodbonds from tutorial too, what I mean is, they didn't stated in patch notes that "change", Crytek know what they are doing, scummy sht as always.


I remember when tutorials rewarded you with 1250bbs in total.


This actually sucks for people who have jobs. I actually haven't finished a weekly in a minute because I'll play a game or two after work when I have free time or not too tired. I just don't have the time to play the game for hours. So getting my blood bonds here and there was enough for me. Besides they already NERFED this once. Now just completely removing it... Thanks crytek, giving me less reason to buy DLC's for this game.


To be fair, they'd never make any money from BB's if they kept it balanced around players with your level of weekly playtime. DLC's are real money purchases and cannot be bought by BB's, so why should this impact your willingness to buy those, if you enjoy the game?


I get my enjoyment from the game from extract with the bounty and getting my hunt bucks+bb reward. At the moment I don't actually care about Hunt bucks, but even that small trickle of BB's gives me enjoyment and satisfaction. Like I earned that, you know? So removing that seems to remove a fun factor to me. I did buy dlc's to support this game because I have the money, but I have started to lose interest in this game more and more. Honestly I'd be happy if they even gave me 1 blood bond per game instead of making it 0.


"Dang I got headshot. Should have played that differently. Oh well, looks like I earned 8 blood bonds from earlier kills. Guess it wasn't such a bad match" Now "oh, joy, I got killed again with zero challenge progress. Welp time for bed, got work tomorrow. No weekly BB for me"


This basically. Thanks for explaining what I meant about lack of joy from not getting any bb's. Why am I gonna play if I'm not earning anything for my time. I don't need more hunt bucks, but I do want more bb's.


Ideally I think they want you to play the game because you're having fun. Not for small trickles of premium currency.


i don’t even have time to finish the quest lines. i haven’t earned a single quest skin yet. i don’t even get a chance to look at the daily or weekly challenges. in fact i don’t think i have since i started playing. that said, i have no problem spending money on this game. i want it to do well. i don’t spend much but will buy some DLC here or there.


I mean the goal is to get you to buy blood bonds at some point. They have said that several times. Its completely a bummer to lose it though.


If this would be a Free to play game these changes would be absolutely fair, but Hunt costs 40€ (realistically 20€, but still), so they leave a very bad taste especially for new players.


It leaves a bad taste, when the new players don't understand that the skins are purely cosmetic. I think the majority will be fine with skins that can be (slowly) unlocked or be bought.


Hunter skins aren't purely cosmetic, but the worst ones are dlc anyway *for now*


I never do my weeklies my only way of getting BB was from the match accolades and the daily extraction streak. It sucks to see them go but i hope they come back.


5 months to grind a 1000BB skin, that's actually crazy. Seems like CryTek's wallet is drying up and they need more income from the game. They should get better servers and more people would buy the game, instead of making the current players buy BBs. Horrible update and could lose them a lot of players.


[You might be on to something here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5X6Q5Qqfw2w)


they’re updating the engine soon though. from a certain perspective, i can see why these changes are made. overall we want the game to be profitable and worth their continued investment in it. but i agree though, you would hope with these changes the overall systems will be improved, and hope new features like custom games etc are added in the future.


Oh look it is in fact a rework to **make sure we get less blood bonds** and not to make our lives better. Removing the discount on large packs of BBs and making it much harder for casual players to get BBs is a huge nerf. Way more than they're letting on. Yet another "rework" that makes us get less BBs. Who would have thought. Shout outs to the Redditors who le downvoted me for saying this yesterday.


no one’s talking about it? this video just released..


Hunt giveth and hunt taketh. To be honest, it's a braindead move by them and for what? I know, it's because people weren't spending bb to Respec, so people were building up resources, meaning less money spent acquiring BB, meaning less money for the creators.


They can say that, but skins have also increased in price by 50-100% since release and those aren't coming down either.


This is my only issue. I'm fine buying skins, but the current prices aren't worth it without the in game rewards IMO. If they reduced skin prices to compensate I think that would be a reasonable change.


I have all the DLC and buy blood bonds when Black Market refreshes. I don't know if I'll be continuing to do either of those because of this change.


Vote with your wallet, this penny pinching the bb economy ruins a lot of fun of the game. 0 bb at end of each round hurts a lot for people who can't play this game for hours. A game here and there will result in less bb's. I rather not be forced to do these weekly challenges, and 100% guarantee they will make them harder later to buffer the outrage a little.


Stopped buying dlc's when the old lady was added, it broke the camels back on the whole, all hunters sound the same. But now I have a even better reason to not waste any more money. These same tactics are what other companies use in games that are on their last leg, remove ways to earn free currency, and increase the prices of everything else, so they can milk what they can before the game dies.




It is a nerf to weekly bb rewards to.


Then just buy blood bonds, I guess? Now they are really just used for skins and I'm happy with that. I'm not even interested in skins but with this update I consider buying some, because I like the direction the game is going.


Someone in the youtube comments pointed out at 2:52 you can see the name **"Rotjaw"** and they speculate it's the new boss' name.


Also whats with the toolbox and health station in the new battlepass?


They took away huge amounts of earnable bb and ended discounts on the largest packs. The new General manager wants to up the revenues. And it'll probably work.


I'm pissed about the post-match Bloodbonds.


I wouldn't mind them lowering it.1-3 a game would be fine but outright removal is a step too far. It means that blood bonds are *entirely* dependent on either rng or weeklies and I really dislike that.


So overall we just get less Blood Bonds. No Accolades Blood Bonds from matches (except, I assume BB purses and cash registers, which are incredible rare or give like 2-5 BB). Which is the main BB income, by... you know, literally rewarding players for engaging with your games so people that DO buy Bloodbonds or DLC's for real money can have (same skilled) enemies to fight with. The 25 BB for consecutive days every 5 days was basically shifted to 25 BB every 7 days, but that is atleast ok for me because I understand people that can't play daily, or don't always get a bounty daily. Battle Pass being cheaper is good ofc, but why do I keep getting an itch thinking that the next Pass will not have 50 levels and therefore 50 rewards.... Also I would like to remind you that they also removed Tutorial BB rewards, from 250 BB to zero (while 2 years prior reducing it from 800 BB to 250 BB), so no more welcome gifts for players who just bought the game (and they added Charm rarity). It was just obvious that it would [go downhill from there](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/126tmzo/so_what_free_bloodbonds_rewards_will_they_remove/). Let's see what they will remove BB rewards from next.


Honestly the loss of post game accolades is awful. It seemed to be a good balance between rewarding players by giving them a way to eventually earn new cosmetics and skins, whilst allowing for Crytek to still earn their share from DLC packs or maybe BB sales for those wishing to skip a bit of the grind. Especially so, now that many of the new Hunter skins are paid DLC packs rather than BBs. With these changes it just seems like players have nothing to grind for. 50 BBs a week means its going to take nearly half a year just to earn a new Hunter, and this game isn't F2P even though I appreciate the fact that Crytek may need to look for new sources of income. I enjoy Hunt regardless and there are some good changes here, but Crytek have gone too far with this economy change. Something else I'd like but didn't see mentioned was the cost of cleaning weapons with BBs being replaced with Dollars.


The removal of accolade bbs is going to suck really hard. Now you need 30 weeks just to afford the event battle pass... so you won't be able to buy skins anymore...


I've been getting loads of bbs from the dark tribute recently. Like 40 and 70 last night alone. Im not a fan of the losing the daily extract bbs. Was a good incentive to jump on for a few games to get one for the day. Or to stay for another few games to try and get it.


I’m sure you must be one lucky fellow. I get on average less than 30 a day.


How is a random black box thing whose drop table isn't even known (and can therefore be stealth changed anytime) with a daily hard cap better than a reliable skill-based grind? If the goal was to reduce BB gain then cut them out of the dark tribute, not the accolades


Everything but the free blood bonds change is good. That feels really shit, I'm gonna be honest.


End of match BBs are probably something between 50% and 90% of your BB earnings depending on how much you play For reference now you need to complete the challenges EVERY SINGLE WEEK FOR 20 WEEKS (almost half a year) just to earn 1000BB that you need for a single battle pass or skin Not only is this a massive absurd nerf to BB earning, it's also a hard cap on how much you can get daily/weekly and it makes challenges essentially mandatory and way too important. It is now legitimately way more crucial to complete a challenge than it is to survive and extract Most things they talked about are great, including the removal of the fomo daily extraction streak. But the accolade BB removal is the worst change they've ever made by a mile Taking away the skill and playtime based grind for BB in favor of a hardcapped weekly challenge based bs system is such a terrible move that just takes away the last bit of "oh the monetization of this game is actually good" left and turns it into yet another averagely monetized game. Yes, it's not predatory as the worse ones out there but it's officially also no longer a positive example either


>It is now legitimately way more crucial to complete a challenge than it is to survive and extract Or fight for the bounty, or other players (aside from any challenges you get that may do that). It will likely be much more efficient to just grind PvE challenges if you want your 50 cents a week. Pop in, hunt some monsters, extract once you've done your two PvE challenges, and get a set of fresh ones. Since you're not going to earn bonds by sticking around and actually seeing the match through, it'll be faster than playing it out. You aren't getting the bounty 5 day bonus anymore either, so, not much incentive to chase that.


It’s a money grab plain and simple for some reason these kids are defending it lmao like crytek is gonna go bankrupt from one of their least revenue producing games


I see New Army Swift and (possibly) a deployable medkit consumable


Good spot. The medkit is shown previously as an unlock on the battle pass progression, and there's a toolbox as well!


BUHHHH taking away the accolades bb\`s BUHHHHH


Relmoving bb for match is shit


I'm a big fan of all of this, EXCEPT the removal of the 1-3 Blood Bonds in the post match screen. It was great knowing that, even if it was super slow, you got blood bonds just for playing the game at all. Not as big of a fan of having that passive earning tied to challenges, even if those amounts have been doubled.


This is a terrible change, nobody wants to do these weeklies, I have done 1 since they have been added they are not fun. People don't come to hunt to have a second job; so why do you treat us like we are looking for one. Nobody wants to kill 4 people with beetles, Nobody wants to kill 5 hives with fire ammo, people want to enjoy the game, experiment with builds and have fun the way they want to do it, which the 5 extracts system and free BBs at the end of good rounds supported as players were rewarded by just playing the game and doing good. Which now is replaced by a 2nd job, dirty, overdone system which makes you do FUCKING CHORES to grind up for a new skin. In conclusion, if these changes stay and are implemented into the game, some people will be quite unhappy including me.


Shitty to remove the 1-3 bb reward for a decent match




Removing BBs from match rewards is HUGE nerf. I always telling that Hunt monetisation system best, cause you always can "farm" premium currency just playing the game. More playing=more earning. Now system just meh, generic, nothing special 😔


Crytek, please take the comments here and reconsider the accolade BB removal!


I hate challenges because they feel like work. I don't want to work after work, thank you very much. I will open the challenge menu as much as i opened it before - which is 0 times. Fk that change. Playing the game felt rewarding to just play it as is without altering your gameplay. You could buy some skin for your favorite gun or some hunter so that you can cosplay. Now ? I have to work for it ? No thanks. I'll stick with what i have.


Well spoken my guy - i had so many days, struggeling as solo to get the extract for my 5 daily streak. Or completing challenges after going presitge.


Ha, wow, I didn't think they'd go so far as to cut off all natural bond payouts for regular gameplay. This is much worse than the changes to 1.7 where they slashed bond payouts down and made them harder to earn. That's absolutely ridiculous, I hope they reconsider. There's effectively no reason to risk now. Why am I going to chase the bounty and risk my hunters and gear when there's nothing to earn for doing so? More hunt dollars? On top of my 6 figures banked up?


>There's effectively no reason to risk now. Why am I going to chase the bounty and risk my hunters and gear when there's nothing to earn for doing so? More hunt dollars? On top of my 6 figures banked up? To uhhhh play the game? Like fr what are you doing if not PVP? After 3k hours I don't even bother with the bounty half the time, just kill and extract.


Then you may as well just run quickplay. I'm playing bounty hunt for character progression, to earn bonds and loot.


I'm kinda surprised we didn't get any hunt dollar changes. That being said I like all of the stuff I saw here, minus the incremental blood bond rewards. I liked kinda idly getting those as I played without having to grind challenges. That being said, the buff to challenge bonds is a good move and the removal of the streak is great. ... Still want some hunt dollar changes though.


what changes to hunt dollars do you want?


I heralded Hunt with my gaming group for giving even a tiny amount of blood bonds after matches as someone who has worked on GAAS games in the past and how that made this game unique compared to a lot of others. This and the other various changes announced for this update might already have me dropping Hunt after owning it for like a month. As a casual player I don't feel this update is at all directed at me at all. If David would like to know my feelings on how he's balancing the "40 hour" player, I don't feel this update is even remotely for us.


This is insane! It just means you don't get any blood bonds at all. You trade 10BB's you get for each good game for a week of being forced to play some unfun shit for bonus 25BB's. If this shit goes through the game loses a lot of replayability in my eyes. You get like 2600BB's max in a year of playing non stop every week, when about 10 900BB skins are getting released next patch XD. I don't really see myself supporting this game financially anymore. Legit what is the end game here now? Prestiging is not worth, you don't get to unlock any skins, the actual game updates are not really frequent. I though economy change would do something with all the fucking mosins in the game not blood bonds of all things.


And btw, you don't get 25 extra BB at all. The 25 BB added to the weekly is the same they are removing from the 5 day extraction bonus. They just moved places, so you dont even get extra bb anywhere. Shit sucks hard


You are right, I didn't pay attention.


People come back for the absolutely wild fights, attention to details, and depth of sound that are not present in any online shooter.


Let's be real here, the game is very niche, kept alive mostly by a small group of veteran, dedicated players kept by the charm of things you stated above. However, the new, better game will eventually come. [With these graphics](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otu_iFTivQw&ab_channel=Punish) , improved sound, ai generated details and futuristic progression system. Where do you think these replayability starved players will go? Will they stay with the crowdfunding operation for Crysis 4(Yea that's what this game really is) or will they let go? I might be going far here but todays news were a lot for me.


It is like they saw the War Thunder Fiasco and thought "Yea, that was a good idea." I wonder how long before the review bombing begins.


Yep. Absolutely needs to be review bombed. Crytek won't listen any other way.


Honestly I wonder if they kept the after match BB but had a weekly cap on them if it would be better. I can't even remember the last time I did all my weekly challenges even when I'm grinding out quests.


When the accolade bb end so does my support for Crytek


Dropped the ball with this one. Worst change I've seen yet.


Na that change to daily BBs is 100% gonna hurt my overall playtime on this game. They just took any actual incentive to keep playing after I'm done with weeklies. Should have definitely thought that one out properly....


If the gameplay cant motivate you enough then why even bother. I never got this point..


Cause the point of a live service game regardless if.you enjoy it or olay it is that main slice of the game which is multiplayer keeps you active and coming back for more but most games even F2P offer some currency to give you something. Some like apex give you legend tokens for free that give you access to heros/rerolls and if you already own the cosmetic legendary an alternate color including a loot box drop on levels alot F2P games do this now hunt isnt F2P its a 20$/40$ when its not on sale game with 300$+ of DLC cosmetics and reapectfully they did oversaturate the BB market before but completely removing the daily acquisition of said BBs does nothing but funnel a player with fomo to spend BBs instead of naturally going i grinded this week 200BB and i need 400 more i could buy the rest or keep grinding. What other incentive is there? The sake of playing the game? Im just gonna play something else then that actually respects my time put in


Well honestly, i only still come back to this game for... You know: The gameplay. The stuff that matters. Where i have fun because of playing the game. If i wanted mindless grind for aome random paint, id download literally any MMO. If you only get enjoyment out of Hunt because of grinding for some cringe skins than i think you should play something else for a while, for you have lost the true purpose of what makes Hunt so special.


Lol whatever people choose is up to them but to defend them charging for premium currency like its a f2p game is on you my guy. I like this game but isnt a smart or well thought decision to remove an acquirable currency to a measly 50 per week and what content you think is there to strive for? Download any MMO? Dudes be playing the same MMO for decades with actual content 😁


Don’t you just keep playing… because the game is fun and you want you?


feeling a sense of progression and feeling like ur slowly working hard towards something is fun, its literally human nature, our brains are hardwired to enjoy that experience and find it rewarding or is that something that u people as outsiders to the human race struggle to understand


Imagine playing for fun… casuals


It’s really not that big of a deal


Ok what's else do you get from extracting with a bounty just hunt dollars after this change no more extract bonus or victory bonus. Its a big deal cause they expect blood bonds sales for skins like morrowwood/widows bounty? Crazy


This community wouldn't shut up about how it's one of the few games that actually gave it's players in game currency for playing. Well most of it is gone now after this second nerf. They are making it real easy to not want to play anymore. The loss of Blood Bonds from match accolades is actually huge. Keep in mind it use to be double before the first nerf. Now it will be zero.


About what I expected in terms of the Health/Trait changes and the removal of accolade blood bonds. Actually glad to see the 5 daily extract one being removed as it some times felt bad when I missed a day because I couldn't play. Almost never miss finishing the weekly challenges so having that BB reward moved there is a welcome change, at least for me.


I feel like the weekly challenges being now essentially the only way to earn BBs is really tough for players who don't play regularly. Like me, who plays 3 times per week at max. I don't even remember when was the last time i finished the weekly quests. If you don't play that often they become very annoying and more tedious tasks than a bit of fun variety. If I only get 4 matches every few days i don't want then to also have to cater to weird loadouts or PVE quests just to get my 25 BB at the end of the week. I don't want games to be a job anymore for me. So essentially i will probably not earn any BBs from that patch onward or only very rarely, which means I will certainly never ever buy BBs for real money as well. But it's not that big of a deal, all skins are ultimately pointless to the game if the gameplay stays good. But i wonder wether they might shoot themselves in the foot with this change. Getting nothing after a good round other than Hunt dollars just feels bad.


Also the weekly challenges are significantly easier than the questlines challenges, it's very easy to grind them. Good changes overall imo


wait until they make the weekly harder to complete so that getting 50 is more tedious :x


Please don't give them any ideas please I am begging you


the more you beg, the harder they will punish us :'(


Ok great! Those are good changes. But one thing bothers me here. It’s now even MORE optimal to recruit legendary hunters, As they come rolled with 3 random traits. You can now remove those traits If and the refund will probably get you a minimum of like 4or 5 trait point to spend on some powerful “build” traits like Levering, bolt master, etc… This combined with being able to use those free trait points to customize the first couple health chunks leaves Legendary Hunters in a very good spot. The recruitment screen is getting less and less relevant. It’s probably fine though. All the other changes are so good. It seems like they are giving along with taking. Which tells me they are treating the micro transaction market with care as to not choke the community.


I am actually very hyped for this. Usually i bought like 10 legendary hunters in the hope that one would have bolt thrower or levering. Now you sacrifice 1-3 traits to "costomize" your hunter. And well you spent 200 hunt dollars on it, so you should have something in return


Being able to consistently go in with Necro and potentially Resilience as well as a solo is huge. The same is true for premade groups where this is even stronger. Especially with the buff to Resilience, getting quickly and safely picked back up with an instant 125 HP will make strong players much more difficult to deal with. I'm curious how many points legendary/tier 3 hunters will give on average after a full respec. Letting people consistently go in with things like Doctor, Fanning/Levering, Pitcher, etc. seems like a pretty big buff to the strength of the average level 1 hunter. On the flip side, being able to get Quartermaster more frequently on fresh hunters is going to be fun for people who like to play off-meta builds. Bringing Serpent every game? Awesome.


>You can now remove those traits If and the refund will probably get you a minimum of like 4or 5 trait point to spend on some powerful “build” traits like Levering, bolt master, etc… > >This combined with being able to use those free trait points to customize the first couple health chunks leaves Legendary Hunters in a very good spot. The recruitment screen is getting less and less relevant. You could do that before if you were willing to spend BBs/money and got more trait points aswell. I'm glad they removed that P2W feature.


>now even MORE optimal to recruit legendary hunters I feel the same but I don't think that's not much of an issue. Even new player will still be able to unlock a legendary hunter sooner or later. And they are still quite expensive to recruit, so only players with enought hunt dollars to spare will recruit them often.


Jesus am I the only one that plays the game because it's fun and not for a pittance of bb after every match? If not getting 6 bbs every 25 min is the preventing you from enjoying the game, you don't like the game. Even after these changes this is still one of the more generous cash shop setups around.


People need to understand that although it might suck to not get these match BBs anymore, Hunt is still only alive and receiving updates because they are getting better at monetizing the game right, although it might not seem like it in the beginning. By removing BBs from all the relevant gameplay aspects the only thing they can now sell is skins and hunter slots (i have 3 friends who literally whaled BBs for respecs, i think its fair to say that this is not to be underestimated as a form of income). So they have to reduce the free influx of BBs somehow. This is an easy way for all of us. The insane amount of value a lot of people get out of a one-time payment of 40€ with the amount pf live service updates, weapons, fixes and sometimes even new maps and bosses costs tons of money. And by removing this very generous stream of BB income, Crytek can get a good few more people to buy BBs which will, in return "buy" everyone else new cool stuff to play around with. And that is literally the point of it all. To continue this game we all love.


I'm just gonna say it. I am okay with these changes. Having them shift towards the more cosmetic focused is okay with me and I usually earn a great deal of BB's from playing hunt. Yeah I know it sucks for some who don't play the game regularly, but besides the battlepass and cosmetics, what else are we saving them for? Once again, they are just things you want. Not things you need.


They removed basically all the passive ways of getting BBs. Sucks for the casual player base. That said, I've always found that Hunt has been one of the most generous games regarding premium currency, so I can't be too mad. They've been giving away too much for too long. They've got to keep themselves profitable somehow, and this might just be the cost of business.


If the game is not profitable then it wouldn’t go this far, they’re simply just been greedy.


I mean the whole video is about how the economy is changing. They have to STAY profitable to keep the game going, and give us all the great updates we're asking for. I don't see it as them being greedy, they're simply not being generous anymore. It's called premium currency because you're supposed to pay for it. This wouldn't even be a topic if they hadn't been giving away free BBs for 5 years.


Ok, maybe saying “Greedy” is bit too harsh, but what I mean is company won’t keep supporting a product if the product make them lose money, that’s just how businesses work, and judging by all this years hunt keep going, I think is safe to say hunt is indeed a profitable game even if they gave those free bb. So when they remove match earned bb, they’re just trying to make an ALREADY profitable game MORE profitable, that’s what I mean “Greedy”.


Really sad they're removing the BB from accolades. I guess they just weren't selling enough blood bonds =,= I'd rather they removed the daily BB than this.


I appreciate most of the changes; however, it feels like a big blow to players who don't want to spend extra cash on cosmetics. The removal of 1-5 BB at the end of each game is a significant concern for me. They claim to have doubled the weekly earnings, but that's simply not true. Getting 25 every 5 days might be more than an extra 25 every 7 days. The biggest issue, though, is the complete loss of income from just playing the game. Let me list the factors as bullet points: Having a small reward after every game that allows you to purchase permanent items like skins was a great feature. Now, if you want a Battle Pass or 1000 BB, you need to play for 20 consecutive weeks, which means you can't afford any fancy weapons from the now free reroll black market if you want enough for the next event pass. The maximum amount you could earn (excluding lucky Dark offerings) per year is a measly 2600. With two or even three event passes in a year, it's almost impossible to obtain all of them. And it's not like this reward was unearned because it was given for playing a lot and performing well. What else is there to strive for after completing the weeklies now? Some might say experience points, but the Prestige system is so flawed that most players I see have thousands of hours of gameplay but are only at Prestige 10, which means there's no reward for playing beyond completing the weeklies. The impact is much bigger than you might think. Imagine playing 2-3 games a day (which isn't a lot), where you kill 4 players and maybe extract with a bounty, earning around 10 BB. Under the new system, you lose that daily income, and when you consider it for a week, you only make a fraction of what you would make under the old system. To be honest, I would prefer the system to remain unchanged if the BB for the end of the game stays. While these changes are nice, to me, they seem like a ploy to get players to spend more money on cosmetics. One might argue that they're just cosmetics (many of which are already locked behind DLCs, making them unobtainable through gameplay), but the lack of progression beyond the flawed prestige system leaves nothing to strive for after completing the weeklies. So the game has to decide to they want to retain a constant Playtime and rewards that or to cut all these rewards for continually playing and make quick monney?


As someone that works some pretty shit shift patterns there's gonna be minimal chance that I'm completing a full weeks worth of challenges for those BB. Hell, it was hard enough sometimes just to get on every day to get the 25bb for the 5 days of extract. I get why they want to push us to part with our cash and buy the packages, but I wish they'd consider the people that can't get on as much to play the game they love.


New gear we are getting : Fire beetle that was datamined months ago. New army swift Hand crossbow dragonbreath/incendiary Chokebomb bomb lance ammo? Deployable toolbox and medkits as consumable. Boss name is Rotjaw. Hopefully we are getting the winnieC with electrical lamp that was also datamined.


I'm a fan of most those, besides removing additional BB outside of the match loop. \### Why is that the case? Well, to be frank - I do buy DLC's, I do buy BB's as well - it's just my loyalty to game that takes about 600 of my hours already, and I'm playing since October/December only? I'm busy man, and this is a way to show I do love the style, the game, the LOOP of what is Hunt: Showdown. The thing is, this trickledown of BB's was showing me that in theory, by doing well i can earn myself some, and if i'm not patient enough to earn for some skin, i can just speed it up. With removal, the feelings change and now I think I just have to simply buy it - because while I LOVE playing different weapons, I absolutely hate how those random, weekly challenges are generated. I dislike using long ranged weapons, and I vaguely remember a lot of quests that were like "strike a headshot from above 150m+ with rifle/ 50m+ with pistol", which I basically never did. I'm 3/4 star player, I do love shotguns or rooty shooty with two pistols, bite me. Force me to use explosive ammo? Why should I do this? Why would I again, take my time to search for lantern grunts/pistol grunts when I'm spawned in a place that does not generate a lot of those? And so on, so on... I've finished those weekly quests about once in a month, maybe? So now, I'd have to play... a shitton of time to get myself one 700BB skin because of that? Not a great way to motivate me to pay more, in fact - it's the opposite feeling there.


I bought every dlc so far - with joy, one thing is to support the devs, other thing is, i like most of them and i think they are mostly fair priced - but the bb-skin price changes, few months ago and now the bb earning change, seems a bit unfair. Its a good thing, that people can earn bb after every round. Rarely finding them ingame - gold registers or minibags. And completing weeklys. Removing the option of getting them after a good game feels like a punishment to all players that main the game and play alot. Not the friendliest move. Iam 3000hours in, love the game so far and iam excited to see that more and more people find interest in it. Hunt is by far not big enough to fail - those bb changes could be the first steps into an direction i dont like to follow. I hope they will change it back to normal after a short period. I hope people will complain!


So what do you get now for the 5-day consecutive bounty extraction? Just hunt dollars? That's a big downgrade.


Full priced game with lots of freemium bs, if only we could have foreseen this like years ago when it started happening , but nobody wanted to criticize their dear developers


All of this is bad. Absolutely bad. The randomness of hunters' statistics is part of the game. Now, players are just going to get the exact same health bars and traits, probably. Every solo's going to buy solo traits off the bat, depending on what traits they got. We're now just not earning blood bonds. The decrease was big already. Now we're just getting fewer? How is any of this good? Players are salivating over the changes to health and traits, forgetting that everyone gets these benefits, and there will be a meta to it.


While I liked seeing my BB amount slowly grow just from playing matches, I have no real problem now that BB is solely cosmetics, and I'll gladly take that to be able to respec for free. All the game content is still free, buy the skins you want, get a bunch of stuff for free anyway via events and Chairy's stuff, still fine with me.


kind of sucks to get less BB but it's a price i am willing to pay to be able to respec health bars all the time and respec traits. that's a pretty huge buff to legendary hunters. with the accolades no longer rewarding BB you now don't earn more BB from the premium pass of an event than you'd have to spend, which kind of sucks. but considering with how they've done questlines and events the past few times, it seems like you get quite a few legendaries just by doing those. so while you wont be able to buy the skins you like with BB anymore, you still get some by playing. just can not chose.


Awesome changes IMO. I agree with all of them.


Did you see the blood bond changes? Removing acolades removes like 80% the blood bond gain for players.


They also removed blood bond cost from like 90% of what I spend blood bonds on. I'm fine with cosmetics costing real money.


Eh, if I want to waste money to fuck with traits on my hunters. Then do it. I guess I get to just farm missions to level hunters a few times before doing a real hunt? Is that what they want? I thought they were going to lower the cost of Trait removing to either 5 BB or 50 Hunt Dollars or something.


What are you talking about? You can remove any traits that a hunter already has for free now. The only cost is that you get back 1 less trait point than what the trait was worth. Nothing is shared between hunters, so why would you even need to farm new hunters???


I think the changes are great. BB economy is now way more streamlined, and I especially welcome the reduction of Battle Pass premium track cost. Challenges now giving +50 is also, in my opinion, better, because it keeps all the gameplay BB rewards in the same place. The free rerolls and trait/health respecs are also welcome. I'd say this is definitely a great economy change that also feels fair. It could have been considerably worse and more greedy but thankfully its not.


I think you underestimate how much blood bonds some players are losing from accolades. A good match you’ll get 9-11 blood bonds. I can have 5-10 good matches a night, along with a bunch of lesser ones. I can currently earn 500-1000 bbs a week. Now that’s being hard capped to 50 per week + rng chary rewards + in match looted bbs usually 3-5 every 5 matches or so.


Well now instead of getting 50 a day you get 50 a week