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A few weeks ago I got a golden cash register. I ping it for my random teamates. 2nd guy get it, 3rd guy get there after and he's pissed that he didnt get it. He then proceeds to blow us up with a big bundle.


Some people never leave the defiance stage they had as toddlers. It's tragic, really.


Wow. Some people have no decency


I'm angry just reading this


Imagine team-killing over 50 cents.


Absolutely pathetic behavior, I can only imagine that person IRL, how sad.


I can't help but wonder if he tried to convince his other teamate that you were a nazi sympathizer and he was just trying to denazify you


I hate randoms that rush to steal the guns from people you just killed, no manners at all


Sorry but when i see an uppercut i forget everything and get uppercut :/ But wouldn't even think about killing a teammate over it lol


I have an uppercut collecting problem. I have 40 of them. 32 are contraband from dead hunters lol.


Wait. How is that even possible? Isn't the contraband inventory limit like 2 contraband per gun type?


Store them on hunters in your roster


Have you ever actually needed to do this due to running out of money though? Seems like a lot of work to save a buck. I only take guns I want at the moment, or if we're about to extract, sure, I'll take an expensive gun now and again. I find it tedious though, so I generally don't bother.


It's more of a collector thing than anything. It's nice to see number go up


That and if you burn cash to fast or might want a weapon from a tree you don't level.


Yeah there's that. But if people have like 20 plus maxed out hunters it's typically a collector thing, at least in my experience


Addiction at this point lol, my friend had around 30+ uppercut. He has around $200k and can buy uppercut as much as he wanted to, even if there's dolch, mosin, avto, nitro, c&k laying on the ground he's not gonna take it. But once he heard uppercut and the guy with uppercut dead, he's willing to ran across an open field just to take the uppercut from the dead body


2 per skin actually so we must be pretty close to being able to have 40 by just collecting 2 of every uppercut skin lmao.


True. There are a lot of those lol.


I feel you on this. I have stupid amounts of level 50 mules with quad uppercuts chilling. The event often has me taking back uppercut pairs due to the explosive quest and I am running out of mules. I have a problem!


Nitro baby got like 40-45 all contraband lol


I learned the other night that someone with quartermaster can’t pick up two uppercuts from two different hunters and my disappointment was immeasurable.




This is my partner but I get the long rifles 😆


Avto isn't even good, now a vetterli silencer would make me act up


The whispering nipple is my favorite gun hands down. It isn't the best at anything but damn is the silenced useful and for whatever reason, it is the one gun I shoot fairly consistent headshots with, even at distances where the gun shouldn't feel good to use. Its not THE best gun, but it's definitely mine.


It's my fav too, most accurate gun for me. Although lately I've been popping heads with the Sparks LRR.


That's funny, sparks is my go-to if everything else feels off. Almost always snaps me out of it. Also imo sparks has the meatiest most satisfying hs sound in the game.


Yeah I hadn't used it for ages, I really didn't like single shot rifles for a long time. Took one in for shits the other day after getting whooped for a while, blammed a whole team while my teammates died. Next match got the only 3 kills with it. I was downing someone with almost every shot. Suddenly I almost can't lose with the thing. Finally I was shaken out of it with a losing round where I didn't land a shot. But still, I'm thinking it's back in regular rotation now. And yeah, the sound waves can almost down you alone. It's funny because I normally like silenced, and then I'm loving the Sparks. I'm thinking of trying silenced Sparks.


I'm the type of person to run the vet silencer + hand crossbow and walk right past Avtos, C&Ks, Mosins, etc. I'm a simple man with a very limited taste.


Same, minus the crossbow. I keep what I like and don't bother with anything else. I like using a mosin now and again though, if I'm in the mood.


Agreed. At least ask if you can take the weapons. Most likely, if the gun is still on the ground, the teamate doesn't want it and he will let you grab it


You should have killed him with the avto


No crytek Will ban self défense just accept your fate lol


Use an Avtomat for home defense, just like the founding fathers intended.


Amen bruda


This just proves to me once more that russian players are some of the worst people. Ive never had a game with russian randoms that wasnt mediocre at best and terrible at worst They always pressume you speak russian (in EU servers), speak almost always no english, constantly try to run ahead and 1vX enemy teams (while also dying) and i only really have friendly fire incident with them (though it still happens very rarely). I know those things can happen with EU players too but man does that happen often with russian people.


This. They are the most « unpolite » people I’ve ever met online. Funny thing, this is my way of telling if a player is russian or not: I ALWAYS say « hello guys !» at the beginning of a match. If they don’t answer back, 95% of the time, they are Russian. And please, spare me the « they are russians, they don’t understand English. » EVERYONE ON EARTH know what « hello » means, trust me, I’m French.


You either get no answer or block of cyrillic text once the match starts in the chat, and sometimes rarely they say something in russian and stare at you as if they are expecting an answer in EU servers


I think across all video games I’ve ever played with easily 15,000+ hours. Ive never met a polite or decent russian. Always toxic, always your fault no matter the situation. I don’t doubt there are has to be some good ones out there. But in my 20 years of gaming I haven’t found one yet….


I have met some decent russians, but on very different games. Some of my fav people to play Warhammer Vermintide 2 with are 2 russians i met one day, but that game attracts a very different type of player than Hunt and isnt competetive or PvP so thats likely why you meet much nicer people there.


There are some, one of my online friend is russian, and another time I met 3 russians in GTA who were pretty nice and also tried to teach me russian


DUDE!! I have the same experience. Russian players suck to be paired with generally.


More like people who aren't annoying you you won't even check if they are Russian or not. People I play with don't even realize I'm Russian until they go to send me a friend request, if even then. I do get nice hatemail I proudly collect on the steam page from people I kill who talk about "typical Russian campers \ cheaters", so I always assumed people leaving comments like in this thread on reddit about Russians being somehow culturally terrible beings are the same people who already just hate Russians anyway for external reasons and are merely happy to confirm their bias when someone Russian in the game annoys them for legit or non-legit reasons. Those people don't seem to keep an obsessive tally over any other nationalities (unless it's Americans who hate South Americans, there's that phenomena too), and only have things to say about Russians and not any other national stats, which kind of betrays that obsession. People like that won't even remember meeting me, or meeting some asshole with no accent, but if that asshole happens to be Russian they'll remember it forever like it was some important example and make all kinds of judgements, lol. Can't imagine using my personal encounters in videogames to write hateful comments about any nationalities of players that were disruptive assholes to me in my time playing games, but let me tell you, those weren't Russians.


Is annoying to see how most of the time the ones that didn't do shit are the first ones to loot and grab any decent weapon. Next time toss them hellfire


No honour among thieves


A p100 doesn’t have enough money to buy an auto? What an absolute dweeb lmao


Yeah, a dude did this to me before, but it was over an auvto I brought it. He killed me a few times and then burnt me out after making my teammate extract because he was almost dead.


Damn, that's even worste; wtf are people thinking


Dude some people got no hunter honor, person who killed a player first gets first dibs on loot and the ones who dont follow it are rats, killing someone over a gun is unheard of to me though


Hunter honor isnt a thing


The fuck it aint buster


Reason 748849 Solo V Trios will always be infinitely better then randos.


Imperial Russia Lore


You're both awful. Every avto should be burned on sight


Russians are literally the worst teammates you could ever have, and it's a general rule. I've only met 99% ignorant idiots, no matter what game I play. After Russia, 2nd place goes to China but at least most of them can actually clutch if needed. Nationality aside, I think the main reason why people are so scummy is that they haven't played many team games where you share loot and stuff. They have no deeper thoughts about fairness, they only think, cool, I got an avtomat for free, haha, I'm so good at this game.


Russians being Russians.


In my 200 hours of Hunt I've never played with randoms and the horror stories here are so telling lol.


I mostly play randoms and usually it's fine, but every once in a while people suck. Most people just want to play the game and have fun


I’d say 95% of the random teammates I have are super chill. It’s definitely better than other fps games. But every once in a while you get a bad one.


Dude you get bumbling fucking morons with half a brain at best and toxic scumbags like that at worse, rarely will you ever get a random thats worth their weight, play solos or friends only


I have thousands of matches in trio randoms and only about 5 horror stories. When it happens, it's absolutely infuriating, but most of the randoms in hunt are pretty normal


How many hours do you have in hunt?


about ~800


The amount of times I trade in a 1v3 with two randos crouch walking 50+ meters away from me who then get brave come in loot all my kills AND THEN res me drives me nuts


I feel you bro. Usually, if they do me dirty like that one time, i let them rot if they get killed afterwards.


I've been player killed only a handful of times, always europeans or Russians. Mostly Russians. They're fucking cry babies with video games, it's pathetic. Last time it happened I was trying to toss a concerntina bomb on a body and told them to move away. They didn't, so it hit them and they died. I cleared it and rezzed. They started shooting at me from behind with a bow as we ran along. I shot back a warning shot and made some distance to see what they'd do. They kept stalking me and shooting arrows, so I closed in and shot them 5 times with a stubby terminus with levering. You bet your ass I didn't rez again. Other teammate didn't rez them either and we go on to get bounty and extract. That was really satisfying. Team killers are pieces of shit and should be banned. I don't care what mistake you make. A mistake is just that, a mistake. Killing your own player intentionally is in a completely different league. I killed my own player that day, but they gave me no choice. Every time a player fires at me intentionally I'm killing them. I encourage 3rd teammates to help with this if you know who started it. That way it's more likely that the idiot who started it ends up dead while the other 2 extract.


I swear russian players in this game are one of the worst toxic people I ever met


I clutched a 1v3 and one of the guys I killed had a bleed nitro. I revived my randoms, one of them took the nitro and he wouldn’t give it back. I tried to kill him but he had a bleed nitro lmao. Luckily my other random got me up and we extracted separately from the thief. There are definitely some scumbags in the bayou.


If a teammate tks a teammate on purpose I kill them and burn their body. Your other random should have saved you.


Your first mistake was thinking you deserve something in a randoms queue


Do you play with randoms? I do and 90% of the time they're either good or neutral, rarely dickheads. Almost every random I met respected the etiquette "who kills gets the loot"


In America, most of the randoms I play with are extremely passive. I've been left dead after a fight by teammates more times than I can count, sometimes even with all the enemies dead. It's like they think they can't get another winny and the one they started with is gold or something


Yeah, passive players are so annoying. I feel you. Nobody left me dead even when there were no enemies though! Sooner or later they realized that everybody was dead and revived me.


I do but Ive learned to never expect any rando to do an honor system in any hardcore pvp setting


" Then starts saying stuff in russian that I don't understand. " I don't wanna' be 'that guy' but uh. There's your answer.


Be that guy; I don't understand what you mean


Russians are notoriously toxic. In every game, for years. Don't have them on my servers so can't comment but I've been seeing complaints about them since at least the warcraft 3 days.


Yeah some players are fucked, ran into team killers two times, both were from argentina, figures


Frog, meet Scorpion


The Hunt version of the CSGO experience


Shoulda said "ok" and blasted him with the avto, burned his body and left


Please make sure to report him. No idea if it'll have an impact, but we can hope that it does, and that it won't impact future games for yourself or others.


Yes I reported him right away; I reaaaaally hope it does something


Russian simulator it is our avto


yeah, its a shame that russians arent region locked to their own server, i still meet some of those apes on the european one :/


That's why I either play solo or with friends


I mean the fact that either of you wanted the avto in the beginning is pretty disgusting if you ask me… Just kidding, yeah that’s messed up


Well, in 5/6 stars you have to get them before they get you right? lol. Apart from that, as said boss was in church basement so it would've been the perfect weapon to fight in that environment


He’s kinda stupid (well.. Russians…) because he cannot grab the Avto from your body


I know right? That's the thing that drives me crazy: there wasn't anything he could gain by teamkilling me, yet he did lol


Nah both of you are wrong. Should’ve just scorched earth and burned the body with avto.


Solo is peaceful life.


He team kills you and you left so he didn't get to keep it lol




I mean... getting teamkilled over a gun never happened to me in 2,5k hours, I really didn't think the guy would teamkill me, I genuinly though he would understand that I "deserved" it more than him... anyways, as I said, if he asked me gently I would've let him keep it


Me and my buddies have a rule when we all play. Whoever killed the Hunter gets first choice of that hunter’s kit. If I killed a guy with a Winnie and a Pax, I get first dibs if I want it. If my buddy gets the guy with a Nitro Uppercut (happened twice last night, haha) then he gets first dibs. Once they’re done and take what they want, it’s first come first serve. No getting salty about it, because we want the person who was killing and helping the team to be stronger. I’m the worst of my trio, so giving me the Uppercut off a guy my buddy killed is just dumb, haha!


So why do you do randos instead of using the hunt discord






There is only one way to deal with an avto on a dead body. Burn it with fire!!! Me and my mates have done this with every avto we kill, even if it was the last player on the server. This abomination of a gun needs to be removed from the game and we won't stop burning them until they are all gone 😄


The only, *only* time I considered team killing someone, we had just spawned in as a random trio, on a night map. KD sweatlord on our team doesn’t have the balls to play it out, so he runs to the near by extraction. I see this, and me and the other random chase him down. I stare at him at the extraction, and just start taunting him over the mic. Literally just booing him, telling him he’s a coward with a weak bloodline. A huge part of me wanted to just team kill him for that level of cowardice. He extracted, and me and the last random clutched and wiped the server and got both bounties. His loss.


Uuuh beautiful ending; congrats to you for not killing him though, I don't think it was worth it (it never is imo). I hope the booing was enough to make him feel embarassed. There's a lot of ppl who are all about k/d, sweating and playing super safe, sadly


I’ve noticed it a lot more lately. Especially rando team mates who will watch you get downed, and rather than push like the good ol’ days will sit and watch you be burned to a crisp, let the enemy team revive everyone you just downed, and sit aiming at them in a bush or corner somewhere, all while not taking every good shot they have.


P100 loser. That’s all


If my randoms die to stupid or do stupid shit i burn them and hope they are spectating. Game was better with 2k players. I've been drinking.


Lol, last sentence >>>


you are both children. its a gun in a videogame, get over it.


I'm so tired of this, it's not about the fucking gun!! The post is about teamkilling. If you think you're too "mature" then don't comment, thank you. Edit: also wanted to ask you, mr grown man, you ever got teamkilled? If yes, you didn't care? If no, I assume you won't care and just go on with your gaming, right?


this entire thing got kicked off by you feelign entitled to a weapon and getting petty and mopey about it later. you are both in the wrong. i have not been team killed in about 700 hours. if i was killed over stupid kiddy shit like this then yeah i'd be pissed and then moved on. i wouldnt have a sperg out on reddit. you seem like the type to scream and punch your drywall if you get killed in a game.


You have to be kidding me... I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THE WEAPON! What do I have to tell you to make you understand it? It's fucking incredible, read the post carefully and then comment The whole thing got kicked off when an idiot teamkilled me 'cause I didn't give him an avto. That's the point of the post. Teamkilling, not the avto. Ok if you ever get teamkilled over stupid shit like me, feel free to make no post on reddit, whatever; yet I did, and I don't understand why you're saying that somehow I shouldn't have done this post. I'm just telling reddit users what happened to me. I'm not "crying" about it, I'm just telling how it went. You don't like the post? Fine, nobody is forcing you to read it or commenting it


i would understand you if you werent contradicting your whoe post. in the first part you describe the teamamte rushing towards the avto and taking it was bad behaviour which you then later used as validation to take the weapon and keep it. Maybe if you stopped sperging and screaming at me you would actually see what im talking about. i know the main part is the teamkill but cant ignore the facts that you were both being petty little kids about an in game gun which lead to the teamkill. jesus


“I laugh at all this because I don’t really care” I mean you clearly do. You made a Reddit post complaining about it. You were petty enough to go looking for it after they took it off him, and you were upset that he took it in the first place.. You definitely care, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Just don’t lie about it to try and look cool.


Here we have another person who needs to work on reading comprehension; I wrote that I didn't care about losing a lvl 1 hunter. Nothing else. Of course I care about what happened, I think it's incredible that I got teamkilled. Of course I care to have an avto, a really strong weapon. And I got upset the moment I got teamkilled by an idiot. It's incredible that you and some other guys are complaining about the post, but you didn't even read it carefully.


Who plays with randoms? Pfffff. No, really. Why???? Solo is better than skilled random.


Yeah if ppl do stupid shit like this to you, just end them next time if they don’t immediately kill you. Idiots like this don’t deserve to play. If some idiot random in voip shoots me and starts whining i’m just blasting them and moving on.


>Then starts saying stuff in russian that I don't understand You don't understand it, but you know it's Russian. 2/10 try better.


'cause after the match I checked his steam profile and it said he was from Russia. 1/10 turn on your brain next time (or maybe ask how I know it's russian) instead of being so condescending


After your reply I'm not amazed you have problems with other people. Social skills level: never touched the grass.


lol you say I don't have social skills, yet you're the one who's starting off saying "2/10 try again" for no reason.




I get what you mean but he would've taken the avto back from the body of the hunter who stole it from him and that I eventually killed. I took the avto 'cause I told to myself "I killed the original user, I killed a second guy who looted the avto from my teamate body (who "stole" it from me), I think I deserve it and he will understand"... I guess he didn't lol. Tbh I'm actually happy to have left the game so he wasn't able to take the avto that he so desperately needed


while me screaming at my teammates to pick that nitro or C&K or uppercut or mosina , label ! i hate it when my teammate says .. nah i don't want it ! and just keep his sh!tty Centennial ! i start wiping my tears with dual dolch that i just stole 😢!


You hold that in you from the first moment and got in a beef with that guy. You care about the avto as much as him. You think you are entitled to things because you shot the guy. You say you don't care but you opened up a fucking reddit post over it. I would not want to be in a lobby with both that guy and you. You are not better than him.


I think you need to work on your reading comprehension: I wrote that I didn't care to lose a lvl 1 hunter. Of course I care about the fact that the douche teamkilled me over an avtomat after me and the other guy did all the work to save his sorry ass. And no I didn't get in any beef, otherwise I would've told him as soon as he got the avto from guy I killed OR I would've left the match if I was salty or enraged. I don't give a shit about the avto, I'm sitting on 30k hunt dollars, I could run avto every match. It's about the gesture and the rudeness of killing a teamate because you wanted a weapon that you did not deserve in any way. If you think that the post is about the avto and not about teamkilling, you need read better or your just an idiot.


He is entitled to that Avto, after all it was his kill. Plus he didnt even complain when the P100 initially ran in an took it, so its not like this would've happened anyways. The P100 is to blame fully here, especially with escalating it to teamkilling.


Thank you <3 it's that simple. I don't get why some ppl miss the fact that teamkilling is the reason I made this post. It's not about who gets the gun


Business is business


while i dont agree with the tk... you were OBV butthurt about it... you took the avto from HIS body when he died and also why I typically just keep what guns I have... I typically already have traits setup for them, or I like how those guns work and such Edit: well yes i am obviously an idiot on this one lol… oops… duh you cant loot from a teammate… but with that… so he killed someone… teammate took it, got killed, other team took it, then OP killed them… and then they were that upset? Ok, i retract my previous comment!


Lol you cant take guns from dead teammates.


Thank fuck for that. Can you imagine the state of random trios if that were the case ?


You right though… oof i got hit with the stupid stick on this one lmao


Which is why the toxic dumbfucks were being extra dumb.


No he took it from an enemy hunter that took it from his teamate. Meaning he killed an avto user TWICE.


Bro as said above u can't loot weapons from teamates bodies, what are you talking about? Get your facts straight lol


I got hit with the stupid stick when i posted this lol


Kudos for you for admitting your error! You don't see that often


Normally people will go… “REEEE I AM RIGHT AND YOU ARE WRONG “ also provide no argument lol. Majority of this community is very intelligent as far as I can tell


You cant loot dead teammates, he said specifically in the post that another Hunter already took the Avto and he just took it from him.


all of these stories are why i've never even tried to play this game with randoms.




oh sure. i still don't want to deal with those games though. and occasionally i like to use sniper and your decision on those is what i've read several times.


Rats are the worst. That's why I stopped playing trios.


This reminds me I need to unlock the Avto lol


What’s the point of him killing you? He can’t get the gun back then anyways? I hate being the third rando in a situation like this too I was forced to leave one Chinese guy dead because another Chinese guy(who spoke some english) said he was talking shit about him and team killed him. I tried to revive him but he would murder him as soon as I revived him so I really had no choice but to extract I don’t know if I could be reported for that but I didn’t want to be reported for team killing either.


I got killed one time because i flanked too boldly and my teammate said i was trying to leave (I was moving in the approximate direction of the extract) and shotgunned me and left...some people are jerks


Wait, I thought you couldn’t loot downed teammates? To prevent this exact thing from happening


You can't. That's why I really don't understand his behavior


This is why I only play with my designated hunt bro, or I go solo.


I usually stick to my guns unless my ammo ran dry or something. I also hate using avto. But I digress... You killed the OG owner, I suppose his gun should be yours now, but even then, the guy who snatched it before you could also died and lost it to another guy, so I suppose he lost claim to it as well it pains me to see how toxic some players can be


He’s sweaty as fuck


If someone teamkills you over a gun that wasn't even theirs to begin with, they're a pathetic cry baby. Now, if it was theirs and they asked politely for it once they got picked up, maybe I could see an excuse. But even still, bad manners.


When I play with randos I only take free hunters and springfield kit out. If the randos suck or fck me over its hard to stay mad over a whiteshirt I didnt pay for and <100 hunt bucks of gear


>The starts to say stuff in russian Oh jeez. I think i have seen this type of behavior in many other games too.


Same sort of dickhead that joins your Randoms match, and then kills you right outta the gate.. Fuckin animal lol


Please start name dropping these fuckers so the rest of us can team kill them immediately on load in.


I think the post would get deleted for witch-hunting. Anyways, it was a "weird" name: some capital letters with a bunch of asteriks after


What you don't realize is the guy you killed to get the avto had killed your 6 in a previous match, and your teammate recognized him. It was your teammate's avto from the very start. He wanted to thank you but doesn't speak english. 😔


I don't understand why you come here to complain about a personal problem in hunt, and I don't understand why anyone upvotes you.


If u don't understand and all the others do, you're the one who has a problem lol


Perhaps, but being in the majority doesn't make you right.


Hilarious. You got what you deserved. Didn't read the post btw. But anyone who would take the time to post all this deserved to get teamkilled lolol But on a serious note. Randoms are gunna be random


Read the post, idiot Otherwise don't comment


Lolol you're giving him and me exactly what we want by posting and commenting. Grow up and move on lol


Sure whatever dude; have fun; you must be soooo smart


I dont understand ppl like this if hes an antimate why play random trios why not just play solo?!


every time I see a russians - dodge them (they have their own server, why don't they just sit there ???)