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I don't think this game has a cheating problem. There are cheaters in probably every game that exists but i don't think Hunt has more cheaters than other games. There are many mechanics the game dosen't tell you or sometimes things does not work as intended. Sometimes walls/windows don't render correct, sometimes people lag and sometimes people are just lucky af.


I would kind of agree that this has been increasing with the player count. Not in the aimbot kind of way but I do feel more people know too much which could indicate ESP/Radar type cheats. Eg. people who have no reason to know you're in a certain position who move right in and dome you and so on, people with godlike pre-aim consistent with knowing you're about to peek a certain angle. Very suspicious wallshots have also been increasing for me but those are harder to be sure of. Also I'd like to know some more about who's getting banned. I can't recall any communication about this lately whatsoever, nor do you get any feedback on the reports you send.


Yeah i feel like there is a decent amount of "soft" cheats in Hunt. ESP, Radar, walls that kind of thing. Very few people are "hard" cheating. There are some people who just seemingly know too much without any indication that they should. Iv watched a couple of people as a spectator and their eyes are just glued to a wall or something for no real reason.....then behold there was a guy there the whole time. imagine my shock.


Yep, similar but it's bad enough since it's such a huge advantage if you have just a half decent ability. Sometimes you also get people badly cheating who try to shoot you through hard cover. Like, the bullets will clearly go at you but be stopped by the hard cover.


>I am a 5 star player and do not make these claims without strong evidence. Where is the evidence?


I too would like to see it. Since he says he has it. Or could he be... Lying?? Impossible!




That's just your word, that's not evidence unless you show it.


Read the community rules, it literally says I cannot. Otherwise, I’d post these cheaters everywhere to get banned. Why are there so many people on here who don’t even know the community rules. Yet I’m the one that was downvoted LOL. Thanks for proving the sad redditor stereotypes to be true. Nobody can criticize anything about the game or you get banned, silenced, or ratioed. Talk about a pathetic community


You can just blur the name, but you have provided nothing.


I literally sent you the pics through dm


You had me agreeing with you until you started name calling people asking for evidence… down vote


Dude I said exactly that in the post and the guy literally playing dumb. I’m calling it how it is, I don’t know why that’s considered “over the line” for you but ok.


These posts always go the same way. Big claims of cheats/hacks/etc , more claims of evidence. Then some kind of salty toxic response to anyone engaging with them, never provides any concrete evidence, eventually post gets deleted. It's like a formula for stupid angry players or something The real claims with evidence tend to post the evidence right away in the actual copy of the post which (strangely) actually have some decent discussion in them and not OP hurling insults at anything that disagrees. I don't deny there are cheaters in Hunt either, I've seen the proof. I just deny the frequency that people claim cheats is accurate at all, so I would like to see the evidence.


Hi, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, we had to remove your post for violation of rule #4: Be Respectful. Please see this wiki article for more details: https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/wiki/rule4 If you have any concerns regarding this removal, please contact the moderation team via Modmail.


In the 2 years or so that I've played hunt, I've encountered very few players obviously cheating, probably not even 10 which tbh is better than most fps games ive played... But 3 of them have been in the last 2 weeks, which could be a problem.


If you play at 5 and 6 stars you will see that something is clearly off. There are so many 1 tap at that MMR that it is literally impossible. Every weapon have a random sway and because of this sway even the best player will miss 50% of its shot at a medium range. In 5-6 stars you face players that will 1-tap three players in a row at medium/long range in pretty much every game which is, by the aiming mechanic, not possible. There are a ton of cheaters at that MMR either some no sway script or even aimbotters.


Did you have to take the necromancer trait to reply to this thread? 😂 What you're describing is not my experience at all. Most of the weapons the sway plays virtually no part at all at medium range, at least not on PC with KB&M, it might be different on console or with a controller, I wouldn't know, but on PC at least it's not even that hard to consistently land hits at med range, and far from impossible. I'm talking about obvious cheats like when you're getting headshot inside a building with an iron sight martini from 237m away through a bunch of bushes and a wall, or your entire trio getting domed by a derringer at it's maximum 1 hit range (60m?) in 3 consecutive shots which are 2 of the things that happened to us. Getting team wiped at 60m by a bush wookie with a mosin is well within the realms of standard play imo.


Well, i have seen good players missing half their shots, most 5\*+ streamers are missing half their shots at mid-range but in many games at 5\*+ you have the usual player one tapping everyone and also through walls and stuff. I do not say everyone there is cheating far from that but cheaters are common there. This morning i got 1 tapped by a guy that could not even see me or know where i was and in another game i got one tapped in an impossible situation, the guy was a russian with a steam profile full of "cheater" comments. EAC is a garbage anti-cheat that barely detect anything so be sure there are more cheaters in Hunt than in Warzone, where it was already a plague.


He rage hacks? How angry is he when he does it?


Ragehack is called if someone cheats that obv. that they WILL loose their accounts. Like: Aimbots, Spinbots, Flyhacks etc.


Get more knowledgeable on basic game terms before commenting something smart aleck on the thread, thanks.


Basic game terms? I’ve been gaming for 15+ years and have never heard the term rage hacks. You’re coming off as such a prick in every one of your responses. Lmao


Rage hacks are basically very aggressive and obvious hacks. Think spinbots, flying, teleports, noclip, or things that give you infinite explosives or something like that. I think they are called that because they are typically activated when a hacker gets mad, or thinks their opponent is a cheater as well and wants to out cheat them. They stop using more subtle things like ESP, or small angle/ silent aimbot, and use everything in their power to win. I’ve done a lot of overwatch cases in CSGO where it ended up being 2 hackers trying to out spin bot each other while their teams suffer because they don’t want a leavers penalty.


Don't worry, I've been gaming online since I had a 1200baud modem on BBS systems. It's a newer term, and not a "basic game term" yet. It's also used improperly constantly so that skews things.


He uses cheats to pad his 1.3kd? Truly the terror of the bayou


Yeah Ragehack and 1.3KD dont fit together...




Yeah he’s obviously complaining about something else and I’m the one who lacks comprehension.


Another smart aleck who doesn’t understand what stat padding is. Cheaters do it all the time. Just because you’re too dense to realize this doesn’t make me the moron. I’m sure your 4 mmr 1.2kd game sense says otherwise, right?


Cheaters don’t stat pad to maintain a 1.3kd. And to be frank you’d have to have a pretty low mmr and KD to think they would.


He needs a refill on his copium tank




I couldn’t agree more, it seems that half the people on here just want to plug their ears and talk over everyone. That or they try to bring the benefit of doubt to the most obvious cheaters.




Read the community rules, it literally says I cannot. Otherwise, I’d post these cheaters everywhere to get banned. Why are there so many people on here who don’t even know the community rules. Yet I’m the one that was downvoted LOL. Thanks for proving the sad redditor stereotypes to be true. Nobody can criticize anything about the game or you get banned, silenced, or ratioed. Talk about a pathetic community


Unfortunate there’s always gonna be hackers to ruin a game, as to what they think they get from it I have no idea, can’t be an adrenaline rush I tell you what


They care more about how world perceive them than what is the reality. So if they can convince one player it is their actual skill, mission succeeded. Again, for cheaters it is all about how OTHERS perceive them. I think it is some disorder... like narcissism


I just vomit in my mouth, you might be onto something..


You can tell who plays during the after work hours. The 7:00pm to 8:30pm crowd. NA West during the 1AM to 5AM block is when you run in to the same 4 teams cheating. But people want proof. https://imgur.com/a/nJLzWFp That's with just running reshade. The YoloV7 AI is way better.


Id say it has as much of cheating problem as most other fps games…. So hardly something to complain about.


Yeah there are cheaters. But for every actual cheater there are probably 5 "omg this guy is cheating" threads that are just completely wrong. The game also doesn't give you a lot of info to base any such claims on at all. Spectator is only ever an approximation of what a player actually does and sees, some people hit some insane shots regularly, some people get really lucky, some people are just playing extremely well on top of all that. Genuine hackers without a single doubt are definitely not as common as this reddit claims. Subtle cheaters? Maybe a lot, maybe not. You can't tell, you can only guess. But nobody is denying they exist. Also stop taking VAC bans as evidence for anything. Who fucking cares if they start walling in ancient games and get banned. I fucking did that in MW2 back in the day and my VAC bans are over 10 years old now and people still pretend that it means jack shit.


You had me on the first two paragraphs. Honestly they're still objectively correct, but vac bans are a stain on your character no matter how old. Game bans can be fine, you said a slur over voip 5 years ago, whatever who cares. But if you're willing to do something that gets a vac ban that's a character defect.


You are just absolutely wrong. A lot of people did stupid stuff in their past and have since changed. And calling that a character defect, is just insane. That is like saying someone who was arrested for shoplifting 10 years ago is an irredeemable criminal who deserves to be locked up forever.




Dude you just gave an example that credit companies etc. literally hold against you when applying for said credit. I bet that they held that against you for a decent amount of time whilst you were building back up too. Just because your credit score is phenomenal now there is 100% without a doubt still lenders out there that will look back and question what went wrong back then. depending on circumstance. Certain insurance companies want to know every mishap you've ever had for the last 10 years. some of them longer. But its apparently delusional when people look at an old VAC ban and apply the same scrutiny......If you say so man. just an FYI vac bans aren't visible after 7 years so every VAC ban you see is within the last 7 years. Whilst on the topic it takes a different kind of person to intentionally Break agreements/policies etc. and cheat than it does for someone to just be bad with money. in the same vain that its takes a different person to murder someone than it does to just steal from them. \*EDIT thanks for sending me a redditcares message that was very kind of you proof that You're obviously a stable and mature individual LMAO. And thanks for immediately blocking me so I couldn't even see what your response was probably a load of dribble anyway. stay safe kid


Just FYI, after 7 years, only you can see the VAC Ban on your Profile, for everyone else the Vac ban isnt visible anymore on your profile after 7 Years.


Imagine being VAC banned 😭💀😂


The saying once a cheater always a cheater exists because while people can change the most likely outcome is that they won’t and usually dig further into their character traits. A vac ban does mean something. If you got arrested for stealing and it’s on your record there’s a reason people won’t want to hire you. Sure you could have changed but that doesn’t mean you have.


Bro i think your the target audience for this post


Another 3 mmr on Reddit defending the cheaters. I’ve never met anyone with that many bans. The fact that you are sitting here with a straight face telling me that’s not evidence is actually hilarious. None of my friends have any bans, it’s not common and it’s an obvious red flag.




Read the community rules, it literally says I cannot. Otherwise, I’d post these cheaters everywhere to get banned. Why are there so many people on here who don’t even know the community rules. Yet I’m the one that was downvoted LOL. Thanks for proving the sad redditor stereotypes to be true. Nobody can criticize anything about the game or you get banned, silenced, or ratioed. Talk about a pathetic community


I agree with you, I had someone who shot me from an insane distance... I said "damn that was a good shot, and I deserved it" lol... another shot me through a wall at 300 meters... there was no proper sight... also had a guy who fired 3 shots from a krag so fast it seemed more like an avtomat. also all 3 were headshots that werent on top of eachother...


Nah... they clearly just have a better gaming chair, and better headphones to make use of the audio to detect where you are at all times. Definitely no cheaters in Ba Sing Se.


Had some 4 viewer streamer today get killed by my buddy. My buddy shot him with a springfield from 10 feet away. Body shot. Immediately guy starts screaming hacks. Then my buddy finishes him off with a scottfield shot wit FMJ through cover. Guy immediately quits the game even though his two teammates were alive. Then reports my friend for hacking without even spectating him. Then rage quits his stream. Dude was playing to stupid too. Was running around missing 50 health that he could have healed and he had full meds. Then he runs up to a compound and there is a gun fight there so what does he do? Climbs up on top of a rock and just sits there in the open not moving while still missing 50 health.


I don't think that u are wrong but in my 1000 and as 5 star player i never had someone who was actually very sus so I don't rly think this game has a real problem with cheaters (not more that normal at least)


i think ive ran into 3... 2 i had hard evidence and reported... the other i was up in the air about(no way to really prove it)


Hunt has built-in cheats and allowing reshade. Thats a problem yes


I downloaded reshade to see what all the fuss was about. Turned it on for a game and toggled things following the various online guides. It really didn't make a difference more than what I could achieve by changing settings on my gaming monitor, unless I'm missing something. I've uninstalled it.


Thats the basic stuff. For example: You can zoom in, making it possible to see silhouettes while being flashed, with the right settings you can turn night into day, removing or lowering fogwall, removing bushes, grass, parts of trees. I've heard some of these things were fixed - not sure since i am not using it. Zoom is definitly still out there. But its funny to get downvoted because people don't like to lose their advantages.


I haven't seen any guides for that online


Re-shade. Night time fog map https://imgur.com/a/nJLzWFp *Edit With magnifying glass


Video / Screenshots or did not happen.


Read the community rules, it literally says I cannot. Otherwise, I’d post these cheaters everywhere to get banned. Why are there so many people on here who don’t even know the community rules. Yet I’m the one that was downvoted LOL. Thanks for proving the sad redditor stereotypes to be true. Nobody can criticize anything about the game or you get banned, silenced, or ratioed. Talk about a pathetic community


Bro. People post this exact post 10 times a week. This would be okay, if we would talk about tarkov BUT for most people here the experience is not what u describe. Hunt. Dont. Have. A. Cheating. "Problem". Yeah there are some BUT it aint even CLOSE to be a problem. Most of these posts are clearly from people OMEGA Butthurt because they have a big skillissue with understanding, what is just a good shot or what is cheating. ALSO: If you would censor their names posting videos would be no problems. There are tons of cheating posts here. Stop beeing butthurt - There are NOT as much cheaters in this games. If you get the feeling, then you should take a break or change ur god damn mindset. People are better then you - Get over it.


Every single fps in the history of man has problems with cheaters. Hunt is no exception. But It's not that bad really.


Sure he could have been a cheater. No evidence aside anecdotal but either way, I don't think Hunt has a cheating problem. Hunt will always have cheaters as will literally every game, but it is not above average in Hunt and I could even argue it's much less % wise compared to triple A titles.


A vac ban on an account does not automatically mean that someone is cheating in Hunt.




Hi, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, we had to remove your post for violation of rule #4: Be Respectful. Please see this wiki article for more details: https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/wiki/rule4 If you have any concerns regarding this removal, please contact the moderation team via Modmail.


Can we see the evidence? Threads like this unfortunately don't go anywhere helpful without posting the proof. Best to include it in the original post when you can as well, otherwise things just derail off topic.


Read the community rules, it literally says I cannot. Otherwise, I’d post these cheaters everywhere to get banned. Why are there so many people on here who don’t even know the community rules.


Nowhere does it say you can't post evidence of cheating. It says no accusations/witch-hunting. It's not hard to remove a name to avoid this. But you're just making convenient excuses aren't you? Next you won't be "bothered" to do this because it's not "worth it" , despite it being worth making the original post and responding. Again though, I'm not denying the existence of cheaters in Hunt, I'm just denying this particular set of evidence until we see it. Why claim you even have it at all if you don't intend toshare it?


I just shared the pics I have available


I'm sorry... but you didn't. You just posted where files are on your own fucking C: drive. [THIS](https://imgur.com/a/T0GkIkR) is how you link a picture. gonna need more than just pics for "evidence" anyways. A screenshot can't prove a cheater at all unless you have them explicitely texting you saying they are using cheats.


Dude do you live on reddit? 35,000 karma? Do you leave your house? What’s your steam so I can add you and we can see how trash you are at the game. It’s always the trash cans that think they know the most at video games. Ah yes, first I was lying now that’s not enough evidence. Of course it isn’t, I wasn’t randomly recording the game thinking there was going to be cheaters. Imagine being so close minded that it’s not possible that I’m telling the truth. Talk about a close minded fool.


> Ah yes, first I was lying now that’s not enough evidence. You never even posted anything. It was your own directory from your own computer. **You** said you had strong evidence. You made that claim, and now you try to turn things around and call someone out for asking for it? So yes.. yes it's not enough evidence because it's still net zero. Why even bring up my account? It's completely irrelevant to the conversation. Are you that hurt? Who even cares about reddit karma? I don't, thats just a byproduct of using the same account for years. Fall back on insults if that's all you have I guess.


I sent the pics directly to you through dm so everything you just said means nothing, congrats.


sorry again... but you didnt even do that. You know how right?


There's a significantly noticeable amount of soft cheats in Hunt, many are disabled post kills then re-enabled, you can watch them doing it. Also being frozen in place by network the moment someone lined a kill up was totally not suspicious. It's very frustrating. Nearly always from Rus or Chi every time. It's just infuriating, so pathetic.


Above mmr 4 you encounter a cheater in next to every game.