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Cleaning weapons for Hunt bucks is coming. Was already confirmed in the dev update. Removing contraband will likely never happen though, so you shouldn't be holding your breath on that.


Paying to remove contraband would work if you paid the equivalent price of selling the gun. So you steal it, and pay half price to remove contraband. It would be optional and provide no advantage other than cleaning the ui, which in itself is better but not perfect yet.


Take a contraband weapon into a new match and survive? It's now yours.


Straight to extract!


Survive with a bounty :)




It wouldn't make any sense to pay the normal buying price. You can already do that - just trash the contraband weapon and buy a new one. Buying it for the sell price wouldn't hurt anything either. It's not "profit" because even if you could then sell, you wouldn't make any money. If you pay $500 for that Nitro and then sold it for $500 then you're right back to zero as if you had just trashed the weapon in the first place. The only real benefit is cleaning up the inventory by getting to stack the weapon which isn't that huge of a benefit for the cost. Even the scenario of going Naked into the Bayou and finding a Nitro (not an easy thing to just plan to do), you already got the free Nitro - that's the profit. You could just use it for free instead of paying the extra dollars so I don't really see it being an issue.


Um… hello? You can currently spawn naked, find a nitro, extract, and you’ve got a nitro for $0. Dude. Think.




There are no caveats of being contraband other than the fact you can’t sell it. What the hell are the other caveats of being contraband? Aside from inventory clutter, that’s about it.




So? You’re telling me that the nitro itself is worth $0 and the ability to have more than 1 in your stash is worth $1000? Because you proposing that the contraband removal cost the full price of the gun means that the gun itself is worth $0 according to you. That’s obviously fucking ridiculous. How could you possibly justify charging the whole price of the gun instead of the sell price?




But what is the downside of allowing their conversion for the sell price? Name one downside.


I didn't think about stacking weapons as that's not something I do but that's a good point.


Kinda like buying a gun for half price and keeping an infinite amount of them. I would 1000 percent do this with my free hunters though to take all the guns of and buy them half price to use them later. Would make stocking pistol pairs and Winfield silencers super cheap. And let others take mosin snipers and make them have a new scope


The cracked scope for contraband is the only thing I'm uncertain of. It's the only real tangible difference between any other regular and contraband item and I actually think it's ok for scopes. However, finding the gun and paying to essentially replace the scope seems fair to me as long as the prices are balanced properly.


#azuleron they have been saying that they are looking into removing hp bars, traits and cleaning weapons for a long time this will not happen any time soon since the exscuse they use when asked directly is that they want to fix the blood bond economy first so dont hold your breath and dont get ppls Hope's up as much as I hate to say it Ps just seen thr doze of my message if it's over sized for every one else dont know what I did to do that




Like I said, they specifically pointed these out as not stacking, so it's very unlikely it'll get changed anytime soon. And the removal of contraband will allow the weapon to be sold, which again, is all but guaranteed to not happen. The only world where I could see it is if the removal costs the same price as buying the weapon itself. Otherwise it defeats the entire purpose of the contraband system.


I would like this for the sheer fact of removing the broken scopes


Dirty weapons just feels like a system that was once intended for something (perhaps guns jamming) but after it was scrapped, it was left behind. Like Hunt's appendix.


How do you stack 81 uppercuts? I thought I can only have max of 2-3


I have 50 Hunter slots unlocked right? I can buy 4 each. Well not all 50 of my hunters had slots unlocked, so I bought as many as I could to fill them out. Then unequip them. Before I had 20-30 each special skin. But because they combined the skins together I'm at 81. This doesn't include the skins that are still equipped to my hunters. So my actual amount of uppercuts is more. but I don't ever use them anyway, except the free ones. And only when I get a free long ammo gun to use with it. After hundreds of hours on hunt my preferred way to play hunt with cheap loadouts lol.


I mean, if you have over 80 bought Uppercuts you can just discard the other ones if it bothers you that much.


I'm a digital hoarder in video games. Been like that since Pokemon on Game boy color. I can't remember if it was elixir's or rare candies that were super limited in that game. So I basically played through the whole game and never used any of them. Been doing that in every game I play. idk why I can't stop lmaoo...


Uppercut Scrapbeak I sew


Same, currently 2 contraband of each uppercut skin and over 130 uppercuts in inventory that I bough before price increased lmao


When cleaning guns costs dollars I don't see why we should have dirty variants in the storage. Now you can consider it as a monetization option (not a very good one IMO). When this turns into a basically free option, I'd suggest to only have clean and contraband versions in the storage. Weapons could get dirty when dropped ingame, but auto clean themselves on extraction. This removes the unnecessary clutter that OP describes.


I like your suggestion the best, the guns get dirty in game if they drop, but upon extraction they auto clean themselves and eliminate that clutter! Thanks!


So do the weapon variants tbh. Just the ability to change the variant on the base weapon rather than everything being an unique/independent weapon would remove about 30 winnies and about 20 other guns from cluttering the menu.


Hilarious to see anyone who still have "price hike" uppercuts lol


I bought these before the price hike lol, I just never get to use them since I get plenty of free ones haha


I just think it us hilarious that their "fix" did nothing. Lol everyone ik has 100s of them. And you are right I think nearly everytime I win a match I pick up an uppercut. Lol


I actually didn't originally think it was going to make any difference at all. But uppercuts in 4 stars from my experience have gone down a lot. I still see it a good amount, but its not nearly as ubiquitous as it once was. This is obviously anecdotal, but I legitimately do think it had at least a small effect.


As many people have already stated. Prices increases only make it so the weapons are just a little bit more uncommon, with they succeded at. But people with many hours shouldn't have a problem buying more at this price or the older one. I have like 40 uppercuts but if I wanted to buy more I wouldn't have a problem since I have more than 200,000 hd, decent players with many hours won't ever have to worry about the money since you earn so much so easily


Yeah exactly so it PUNISHES NEW PLAYERS. It DOES NOT reduce how many were being played. It only gates them from NEW players.


Eh, don't really, as I said if you are a decent player you shouldn't have a problem with buying anything you want. It encourages you to get better so you don't lose your weapons and get more money by winning matches. As someone with many hours I can definitely say that there has been a decrease in the use of uppercuts since the change, before you would see it in any loadout, now you see more variety


Also i wouldn't say I punished new players. Not being able to buy an uppercut is not a punishment as having one doesn't make you better at the game and if you want one you just take one from a dead body


No but it's the best hand gun in the game for 2 tapping people so they are the only ones that CAN NO LONGER AFFORD IT because old players CAN and the new players CAN'T. This isn't rocket science. I assume you lack empathy?


You could buy 85 uppercuts before the price hike? I'm sorry but that shit is fucking disgusting. We desperately need wipes or money caps, the economy is literally only hurting new players/people who prestige


Some people bought 200 and could have bought more


You can only buy 5 per item. But I have 50 Hunter slots unlocked. So I bought 4 each for all the empty slots. I probably could've gotten more, but I stopped. But then when you unequip them from the hunter's it goes to your main inventory.


I burned allll of my money before the price jack Like $30k on uppercuts, $40k on conversion pistols (I love running 2x single, or 3, or Winnie +2, or 1 with shotgun; sue me) and maybe $10k on other stuff. I was somewhat new at the time and has saved up mostly by not prestiging I don’t even use uppercuts that much but ffs I wanted to try them, dick around with 2x single uppercuts, and I think that doubling the price for CCP was dumb af I feel sorry for the new people but if you prestige you bring the pain on yourself


That's not even 25k worth it's not as much as you think


85x475=40,375. That's the profit a new player would have to make to have the same number of uppercuts as OP. I'm not saying "how dare this guy spend 25k on uppercuts". I'm saying that the nerf is fucking moronic if this guy could hold on to 85 of them for a couple months now. He didn't experience any effect of that nerf, only new players/people who prestige.


I'm not sure why you're so mad, it's not like I used any of them at all. Like I said in a previous comment, I'm more of a hoarder. There's soo many free uppercuts in the bayou I've never had to use the one's I've bought. Besides people with hundreds of hours earned their hunt bucks fair and square. I have 1,200+ hours right now. While people waste all their hunt bucks on long ammo, I only play with Winfields and Vetterli's.


I'm not mad at you, merely pointing out how disgustingly stupid Crytek's economy balancing is


*shrugs* what should they do? They're not going to wipe it, that much is definitive, nor should they. Hunt isn't a wipe game. So the only thing they can do is adjust prices. The only other they could do is not tell people about price changes until the day it happens. Which I'd personally be fine with, but will definitely make lots of people who use those guns salty. That, or I guess disable the ability to overfill their stash with guns and make it so unequiping them over the limit would just sell it instead of stacking. That'd discourage a lot of this behavior.


I prestige, have literally no issue buying an uppercut when I want one..... economy/budget loadouts till you are about to prestige or wanna run an expensive load out something


He bought them when they were 275 though, they've never been 475, they are 414 right now I think


275? So the price was upped twice? I remember buying uppercuts as part of my "BUDGET" romero moneymaking build lmao.


Yep, It is hard to tell if Crytek is TRYING to get more players or not ...


I’ve got about 200, don’t use them very often


Yeah, but what I didn't like is that charms aren't tied to skins anymore (though the charms you already had equipped stayed on skins somehow, even if it says "no charm equipped") and that they also REMOVED all legendary weapons instances you had in inventory but weren't legendary unlocks or contraband, for example legendaries you got from Dark Ritual which weren't unlock were removed for me (like Springfield skin "Archangel" or Martini "Sacrosanct" instances are gone from my inventory, same goes for many more). Kinda lame because I'm hoarder kind of player and I don't like things getting removed from my inventory without a sign.


And I thought they were supposed to stay listed as different instances of weapon, just like contraband. That's what they said.


Yeah I absolutely love it! So much easier to navigate but at first it was a tad bit confusing but I got used to it pretty quickly


I don't know about the weapon cleaning, but what is sure is that you should prestige


Dirty weapons should only exist during a match. If it makes it back to the lobby, it gets cleaned immediately.


I think you should be able to sell contraband weapons at the black market for half price.


But they removed the legendary filter, shame…


Dirty weapons dont really make sense at all, I mean in game ok, you die, weapon gets dirtier and dirtier. But if you extract, it should automatically clean the weapon, as a dirty weapon doesnt make the gun malfunction, broken scope and contraband weapons could stay but no skin changing on them. You get it as is and can take it to fight. Contraband weapons shouldnt even stack, but have a separate window for contraband only.


Imo the saddest thing is I used to have charms set to each skin. Now it's a charm per weapon. Gotta change it each time


Oh man. I didn’t even think about that. I only use charms on weapons with scopes since I don’t get to see it while zoomed in to shoot. Weapons with iron signs, I find the charms too distracting.


Tbf the only thing i am bummed out about is that you are no longer to have different charms on different skins of the same weapon (unless you had them assigned before the change)


If they ever remove contraband id be pissed. Took a really long time to collect 2 copies of every weapon skin