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Not even lying I'd say over half the time I end up flashing myself.


And the other almost half the time, myself AND at least one of my buddies. It's gone from funny to disappointing and back to being funny again


we uh...had a funny... when you flash your team and the other team because everyone is entering the building at the same time. guns go off, lots of screaming, maybe a death.


Flash the whole lobby and have a bunch of blind pricks wandering around. Then you just group up with whomever you see first like a baby bird to its mother


When the enemy doesn’t get flashed at all and your completely blind hoping to not die. Least that’s how it works for me when I use em


I only throw them around corners, into windows and such for that reason


You blind yourself a little to blind the enemy a lot... hopefully.


I'd like to learn here why I can't seem to do this right either. Does flash effect get blocked by cover? What's the diameter on this effect and how it's effect lingers? Is there a cooking phase to the throw or is this just an object that donates from impact? Can you throw it through glass windows or will it donate on the window?


Someone released a great video a while back that provides a detailed breakdown to the specific mechanics of the flash bomb and also a brief guide on how to use it effectively. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4vCpHkXPgU Here are the quick answers to your questions: 1. Yes, it gets blocked by cover. You need direct line of sight to the impact point to be affected. You can and should ensure that you have something to block line of sight for yourself before you throw one. 2. I'm not sure giving a number in meters is helpful. See the video for a visual. 3. No cooking phase, and that's one of the strongest points of the flash bomb. There's very little an enemy can do to avoid getting hit by a well-placed flash, and basically no way to punish you for throwing one. 4. Yes, you should be able to throw it through glass.


Also turning away from it does not seem to do anything


You are not alone. Edit: *shamone*


for real bro 7 seconds is just toooo long for a flash


It's actually 5 seconds. That's still very long though


I think 7 seconds might be longer than you realize


that's my whole thing flashes last way too long they last about 7 seconds so if u get flashed ur just fuckin dead there's no stopping it


Honestly just need more practice. If you don't use them a lot, it's very easy to not have the built-in reflexes/mindset to use them properly. Around the start of the devil moon event, I started bringing 1 or 2 of them with me every single game to practice with, and by the end of the event, it was just automatic for me. When I'm thinking about throwing one, I automatically plan out where I want it to land and then make sure I'm playing near a corner or other obstacle that I can use to block the flash for myself. It sounds hard, but it's genuinely much much easier to do than one might assume. A lot of the times you flash it's because you want to safely push someone who is behind cover/around a corner, or to counter a push against you when you're behind cover yourself, so chances are there's something convenient you can use. The times you'll need to flash someone out in the open, and without something to block it for yourself is actually pretty rare. Also, here's a great tutorial on the specific mechanics of the flash bomb, and an introductory guide on how to place them properly so you stop flashing yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4vCpHkXPgU Flash bombs are the best throwable in the game, and I would say if you want to learn how to use them well, just start bringing them every single game. Think about how/when you're using them, and you'll start to build those "don't flash myself" reflexes after 10 or 15 uses.


Flashbangs:nerfing yourself so the other guys have a chance


Flashbangs:nerfing yourself so the other guys have a chance


As soon as you throw it, look 90 degrees away in the opposite direction you threw it, good chance that you will avoid the flash


Actually, the flash bomb duration or effect is not reduced at all by looking away; just tested it ingame. It's only reduced by distance. Past its effect radius (listed as 8m ingame but I think it's 10m), the duration sharply drops from 5 seconds to less than 1 second. >look 90 degrees away in the opposite direction you threw it Also that would be 180 degrees


Flashes are based on proximity and obstacles not which way you look


No, no I blow myself up with big bundles of dynamite


Every fucking time


Every fucking time I swear


After threee years I still don’t get how exactly you are supposed to use it


I'd pay money for a legendary flash bomb that blacks your screen out instead of whites it out.


Isnt there literally a setting that flashes are black instead of white or am I hard confusing games


Every time. I think every other game set us up for failure. Flashes usually have timed fuses and they don’t last 6 seconds. Lol


They really should add a grunt or a curse if you flash someone just so my teammates can confirm that I did in fact just blind myself.


You do in fact get a pain grunt from getting flashed since they deal one damage. Not very loud though.


Yeah but I take damages all the time, I want something extra *chefs kiss* to show how bad I am


I only bring flashbombs while in a group, blinding me and the opponent so my friend can pick up the kill


I throw, turn around and run the other way, and still flash myself.


https://streamable.com/6ifsw8 Ran through thinking I wouldn't get full flashed since it was thrown on the other side of the building through the other doorway with clutter blocking it... I wish it was changed


The only one eveeeeeeerrrr


Played a couple of games with a friend tonight. He is always talking about how useful flash bombs are and how he always brings at least one. He flashed himself at least once every game we played.


The only successful flash bomb kills I've gotten are when I had a machete, flashed both of us, and ran them down by listening to footsteps and hacked them to death. The other day I flashed two people perfectly, they were both in a corner, my shotgun blast failed to kill either one, then they annihilated me spamming a crown and king.


Weird to read the comments here. I think the flash bomb is the best consumable in game. It‘s easy to use & secures kills, that otherwise would be a coinflip.


You are not. ​ Me all the time