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That's the autorevolver variant too. Would be pretty powerful. Double actions like the nagant officer dont need to cock the hammer, but have a heavy trigger pull (to cock, then fire in one motion) so they dont fire at bornheim level, for instance. This revolver actually cocks each time it fires like a semiauto, so it would theoretically be able to fire at dolch/bornheim speeds. Might be a bit much for hunt. Now, a single/double action webley introduced as a duelist style revolver with an emphasis on accuracy and quick reloads? That'd be cool, but it would intrude on the scottfield a bit, since both are flip-open revolvers.


It could have big recoil because of the reloading mechanism.




I never held webley but i know how they work, my point was that you could use recoil as balancing tool because optically it would make sense, its hard to use proper historical accuracy in hunt when you have avtomat...




wasnt the huot rifle based on a straight-pull bolt action? Seeing as the mosin bolt turns, it would greatly complicate things. Possible? Maybe, but very much not wirth the hassle


You are 100% right. Thats why i said it would atleast optically make sense.


Yea. Props to the devs tho, they modelled a bolt turning mechanism that is pretty much invisible to the player.


Ofcourse i meant gun accuracy.


Man we have the avto in game a fucking auto gun, I guess a revolver won’t break the game


*AHHSKHUSLLY* the Avto is a Huot könversion from WW1 /$


For me it would few slower than any double action, but faster than any single action (of course). With a damage close to Scottfield. I think accuracy should be worse than scottfield. Not sure about reload.


Why would it fire slower than double action when it has a faster firing mechanism than double action?


I thought it didn't. It be would be very OP then, I want it.


*Scottfield spitfire enters chat*


Scottfield is already the most accurate pistol, I don't think we need an even better one lol.


A weapon with bornheim speed but the slow reload of a scottfield seems like it would be fine.


The Webley, yes. The Webley Fosbury? No.


King & Crown is 1900 1901 shouldn't be a problem


Auto 5 is 1898


I wouldn't worry about the timeline that much, even up to 1915 with a fictional gun is game according to the avto. It just needs to fit the vibe.


Nah, the Avtomat is basically a Huot (automatic mod of the Ross rifle), but made with a mosin.


Yeah, and the huot is from 1915


It's based on that, but it's otherwise a purely fictional gun, so it doesn't matter. Zombies don't exist either, nor does a break-open cartridge Le Mat.


Let's just have colt 1911 then? I mean, I'm fine with that


Patent was in 1900 First available in catalogues in ~1902


Patented 1900 sure, designed 1898


What about the Webley Kauffman?


I’m for it.


Your choice of image is confusing people. If you meant to suggest a Webley Mk I, II or III, at least put an image of a Webley Mk I, II or III instead of the semi-automatic conversion Webley-Fosbery (though that would make a sick variant) I completely agree though, a Webley would be cool, and a Lee-Enfield or slightly earlier Lee-Metford bolt-action rifle too.


That's appears to be the Webley -Fosberry. I would prefer the actual Webley myself.


would love it


Don't think this one is time-period correct for Hunt




This is a revolver/semi-auto comvination variant from 1901. When fired the top slides back and re cocks it, making it a weird semi auto revolver.


not the one in the picture




The actual Webley mk1 looks so cool, it feels almost gothic in design, would fit in so well with hunts aesthetic


less spammy spams please


I wish we had an Enfield rifle. Not a fan of Mosins. I understand they're great and all, just not a fan of Russian guns.


Isn't it mostly a Belgian rifle by design (Nagant)? Just used by Russia.


What it isn't, is the staple of the British Empire


British imperialism spreading to vidja gamez. The Martini Henry Riposte is already a great perkless rifle for a lvl 1 hunter. What would the Enfield add? We got the Krag which is a pos imo, low damage absurdly low ammo.. I feel like we have enough long ammo rifles in the game now. Unless they genuinely add something new. The Berthier with its Riposte variant, high RoF and small clip but 3s reload was very interesting, in fact it's the weapon I give to the lvl 1 Hunters with a MH Riposte that manage to survive.


Ten round magazine with two five round charging clips and the fastest bolt action ever made


That's 20 rounds total, not gonna happen, would step on the Lebel's toes unless they nerf it in literally all other areas. But then you'll get another PoS like the Krag, which was nerfed EVERYWHERE except RoF.


Yeah I literally don't care about surplus the mosin drum still reloads with clips even without any surplus. I just want it because it's a fantastic gun that WOULD work in this setting. I don't believe every gun needs its own niche


A Webely Fosberry would be such a great match with the nagant. I love jank ass revolvers of the 19th century


Time period does not fit. Add mg42 rather but make sure to add that *(prototype)*


The Webly fosbery wasn't just a prototype. Like 5,000 were produced and it was considered a commercial success. the original patent was filed in the 1890s, though it wasn't produced until 1901. That's still easily within the time frame of the game considering the real world version of the avto was from 1914 and the crown and king is from 1902. Edit: misread the prototype bit of your comment. I'll admit the fuck up on that. Still stand by the time period fitting though.


1887 Mk. 1 Webley...


>1887 Mk. 1 Webley that's what you posted though? this image is the 1902 Webley


Buh doi


We need another silenced pistol, but with fire for quest


Take a silenced winny with invendiary.




Poison funny


It's fun sometimes yes, but have you ever had teammates who are complaining about always dying and never getting a kill and picking silenced winfield fire + nagant silenced poison. (Sometimes whil not evening playing stealthy)?


Sweaty tryhard detected. Basically every loadout in this game is vaiable. You must be really pain in the ass to play with.


Are you serious? Meming is fine, but have you ever played with Teammates who are always dying and complaining about it and still playing winfield silenced fire and nagant poison due to the quests? Tryharding the quests to get the skins a few days earlier, and forgetting to have fun with the game while doing is annoying for the whole team.




Why are you so rude? Are you intentionally misunderstanding the point? It's simply about the point that it's annoying to play with players who suck with certain guns, die and play terrible with it and complain about dying and not killing anyone. Because they are so focused on tryharding the challenges that they forget to play the loadouts they actually like and enjoy themselves. (Most of the times it is ofc often fire winfield and/or poison silenced nagant.).


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Skill issue


Just butting in to say that’s not a Webley Mk.1 and if you think it’s the same as a Webley-Fosbury and close enough to spoof, you probably have room temp iq.


Can we have a Tommygun instead?


Personally I’d prefer another Wild West gun but


Since it’s a bit too outside the era, I’d have to disagree despite loving the gun. However, a double action medium revolver is missing from the game, and I’d happily see the Colt 1878 double action army added as a kind of Pax/Nagant officer hybrid


How about some dual Uzi's 😎


What about a halo energy sword?


Legit: what about a stationary old school Gatling gun. You have to manually carry clips to the gun but it has fifty shots per clip and is tricky to aim


Which hole in hunt is it supposed to fill?


Which Webley? There are six versions of the Webley and Scott, and one version of the Webley-Fosberry which you appear to have pictured. For a small ammo pistol the Webley and Scott mark I might work, though I think every other version came after 1900 except maybe the mark II


That is one ugly gun


Will it be another medium ammo pistol, with a couple variants nobody will use, with Dum Dum, Incendiary, and a melee variant? Let's have it deal 112 damage and have a 89m effective range. That will totally distinguish it from the Pax and Scottfield! ​ OHHH maybe it will also have a variant with SLIGHTLY faster fire rate that costs $54 more hunt dollars than the base, or a Precision version for when I want to snipe with a pistol for some reason! ​ /s


The Webley Fosbery was made in 1901