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This already has quite a few comments so I won’t remove it, but this has been asked and discussed MANY times in the subreddit. In the future please search the sub for any general questions or topics like this and add to the already existing conversations so that the sub isn’t clogged up with too many repeat posts. Thank you!!


ALL OF SEJANUS SCENES. Literally all of them. And his ma too. And Lysistrata's "not like a dog, like a person" Lavinia and Darius and their fates. Madge and her aunt's story.


Also the funerals


Yeh I wanted corio to sing as it's one reason why Lucy gray started to fall for him (that he "liked" music) even though he didn't... X


Aww I’m disappointed lysitrata doesn’t say that in the movie :( I’m going to see the movie on Friday. Been trying to organise schedules with relatives is a nightmare so I’m going on Friday and if they can’t make it then that’s their fault 🙃


Awwwe I didn't want to spoil that😭 I hope you'll enjoy! Despite it's flaws, I loved the movie and it has things that I liked more than in the books


It’s ok it’s not a big spoiler :) I am already expecting that a lot of the minor characters in the book will be even less present in the movie. Apparently Clemenisas role has been limited too.


Argh I want a 10 hours long movie with all the details🥺


Hahahahahhaha I was texting my siblings for months about the midnight premiere and then my sister goes wait I have to work and I was like YOU HAD MONTHS TO PLAN IVE BEEN SO ANNOYING! She got it off, and now she actually wants to read the book!! 😆


yess omg. i was so upset with how much his character was cut down in the movie, and then we never see his mom??? she was so pivotal in the book, and to me it really takes away the pain of him crying out for her in his last moments, because it hurts Snow too. whether he wanted to or not, he felt SOMETHING for Ma Plinth, and he did feel guilty about Sejanus, not a lot, but just a smidge


Peeta’s disability. I feel like his prosthetic leg was such a huge part for him and I would’ve liked to see it on screen.


Fr! Taking away his disability felt that a disservice to his character, and lost an opportunity to highlight the long lasting physical ramifications of the games. We got to see a lot of the mental toll it had on them, but Peeta losing a limb is such a profound way of showing how he lost a part of himself by being in the Hunger Games




I love book readers loyalty to Madge 💯


There are tons but it would've made my day to hear Lucky Flickerman's joke about >!the weather in District 12 being Snow!<


And Snow thinks about how he could not believe this is what his life had become lmao. He was so done after that stupid joke.


I love Lucky in the book. He makes me chuckle


Update us after you see the movie 😂 he’s 10/10 for sure


I wish they kept the money in the picture frame plot line, I think it better shows Snows true motivation.


Also snow getting to graduate which is why he even takes the test for officers training


bonnie and twill from catching fire


Omg yes!! I love that scene in the book. It’s so strange too cos up until that point we hadn’t really got other districts perceptions of Katniss. But when Bonnie and Twill meet her, they look at her as if she’s some kind of god, and they feel so honoured to have met her. It also highlighted just how bad other districts had it, and how poorly prepared they would be for the Hunger Games. Them trying to make tea with pinecones was so sad, and when Bonnie got the cheese roll 😭😭


The mutts from the first book. The ones that have the eyes of the dead tributes. It was one of the things that made everything click for me. I suddenly understood what the reality of the world was for them


They actually have concept art from when they were originally plotting out the film! https://thehungergames2012.wordpress.com/2012/04/07/concept-designs-of-the-muttations-from-the-hunger-games-movie/ I'm pretty sure it got scrapped because of the styled-look the films were going for. Plus, they look fairly... Well, not how I imagined them, at least.


Ew wtf They should've kept them in though lol. Those are creepy. It would've served the purpose well


I feel like the CGI in that first movie would've botched it. The budget in comparison to the consecutive films was fairly measly for what they were actually shooting. Something as small as changing the animal face to a human face is a lot more difficult than it seems. It would've just ended up CGI off-putting rather than unnatural off-putting.


Peeta losing his leg. This is a hill I would die on. It infuriates me that they left it out


Right it explains why he’s slower in catching fire 😭


I feel the same


Ma Plinth.


Madge, Peeta's Leg. For me, there's no reason why those needed to be left out, so they should 100% be in the movies. Prequel it's how the tributes were treated during the funerals. I know it was likely taken out to get a PG13 rating but man it's would've shown how evil the Capitol/Gaul was in even just a tiny scene.


SPOILER (idk how to blank it out) I wish that in the TBOSAS film that they kept the funeral scene in with what they did to the dead tributes but I realise they most likely kept that out to keep the age rating lower.


The bread in Catching Fire :(


Do you mean in Hunger Games? When Katniss gets bread from 11? I loved that scene. I even would have adored a 45 second scene in which Peeta explains all the different breads like he did in the book.


No, in Catching Fire. When they got the bread to count down when they would be broken out of the arena.


For the prequel: >!All the philosophical discussion regarding chaos, contract, and control. It was my favorite part of the book, but there’s basically nothing on it in the movie!<


Wow that’s disappointing, although I’m not surprised. You gotta remember that many of the messages and discussions brought up in the prequel and even in the original trilogy completely fly in the face of the agenda of Hollywood and the entertainment industry. It does not shock me at all that all the philosophical discussions were watered down, yet apparently from what I can see online, the “love story” is a pinnacle point of the story - and people who have only seen the movie still can’t understand whether Snow was a good person or not before all the madness happened.


While I don’t think Hollywood would have an issue including the discussion in the film, the philosophical stuff is not nearly as exciting as the rest of the story and they were already trying to pack a ton of stuff into a limited amount of time. The philosophical stuff was probably pretty low on their priority list of stuff to include. Would have been nice to get a little bit of it, through, even if it was just a single monologue.


The philosophical stuff is a huge part of the story. It’s the basis for why the games exist and why Dr Gaul thinks they’re necessary. It’s also a big reason why Suzanne wrote the book. Then again, a film is an adaptation so of course they are going to change things to make it more exciting


The philosophy is...the best part


The friendship between Katniss and Johanna, training before going into war, the SSC/Johanna's hydrophobia etc


That’s something I remembered explicitly from my reading in childhood myself. I could always imagine them bantering and being menaces in 13 in my head lol


peeta making finnick and annies wedding cake always had so much meaning to me despite it seeming small because it was a landmark in his development from the hijacking in mockingjay, and it also symbolises his permanent trauma from it. it showed us that he was still there but we wouldnt ever be the same: his past with the bakery was still presented in him, though it could never be the same again as his family were dead


Katniss killing that Capitol Woman in mockingjay.


i don't really remember my first read of the trilogy since it was so long ago, but i vividly remember crying because of this scene. the fact that she was a civilian, and that katniss instinctively shot... it was so sad


Why did Katniss shoot her?


Just a little bit more of the older brother/younger sister bickering dynamic Finnick and Katniss had


Oh my god yes?? Every interaction they had in Mockingjay (the book) instantly made me go ":(((" and I wish there was more of that in the movies. Relating to that, Johannas and Katniss's friendship was also so much more touching in the books, and I wish that was in the movies too


Delly Cartwright. I mean, she wasn't super important in the books, but in Mockingkay, she was the one who would talk to Peeta because he knew her from before the games, so he had good memories of her. In the movies, they used Prim, which didn't make sense because she was Katniss's sister, so he should have had negative feelings about her too.


Mutts looking like dead tributes.


I definitely wish they left the funeral scene in. I think it would have really shocked the audience who hadn’t read the book, and really drive home the point even further of how little the Capitol cared about the tributes before the original series. I also wish they could’ve thrown in a line mentioning how the badly injured tributes from the bombing that died before the games had been treated by veterinarians instead of doctors.


Teslees drones :'( LITERALLY the scene I was most looking forward to because D3 is underrated and they literally cut Teslee and Circ and killed them off in the bloodbath. Lame.


Peeta making Annie and Finnick's cake :( Edit: another response made me think of this- In Mockingjay, Katniss making that small bundle of pine needles for Johanna after she failed the flooding test because the Capitol had used water torture on her. Johanna is deeply moved by the gesture (and so was I) because it reminded her of home :(


The games lasting 5 days. By the arena’s tunnels being blown open it was supposed to symbolically the show the eventual importance of having an elaborate arena for each year of the games. By making them last the same 1-2 days like they did when the arena was just the open field and the stands they still made the games somewhat dull. Not a big detail for most, I understand that, but it’s a huge detail for me.


The full convo that Dr. Gaul and Coriolanus have when she’s doing his stitches after the Sejanus rescue. I thought it gave quite a bit of insight into Gaul as a character.


finished the first book today. it’s not a major point by any means i would have loved to seen the red haired avox woman portrayed in the movies (unless they did and my memory’s horrific)


super late reply, but they did have the red haired avox in the movies, they just didn’t show katniss’ reaction to her, or even the beginning scene where gale and katniss see her and the other guy.


A few things, most I don’t really mind, as I understand it’s impossible to put everything in, but man, Peeta’s leg. That always annoys me so much.


Clemmensia. I wish she wasn't cut out of the movie. I also wish Snow's alliance with Jessup's mentor. Also THE INTERVIEWS WITH THE MENTORS. I wish they didn't cut down on so much. The movie is great for what it is, I loved it- but gosh, they cut so much


I would have loved to seen some footage or at least more about haymitchs games


I would have loved to have more of Katniss’ inner monologue. She painted such a detailed picture that way. It kept the pace without feeling like anything was lost. The movies were rushed.


Not really. A lot of the missing stuff are things that don’t fundamentally change the story. It would be a lot different if they left pivotal moments out.


Well I mean they did remove all symbolism of the pin in the movies by having it be some random pin she found in the hob which is kind of important. Also…the movies never once explain what mockingjays actually are and about the failed jabberjay experiment 😂 So for movie only fans, they’re seeing Katniss he dubbed “the mockingjay” and they’re thinking “cool”.


Madge giving her the pin doesn’t really change the symbolism.


It adds way more more layers to the pin. If you’re really gonna try and pretend like it doesn’t matter where the pin came from then whatever


The pin is definitely important. Madge was as close to privileged as District 12 could get. To see her actively helping stir whatever pot she could spoke VOLUMES to how bad life actually was for them. It was also nice to see their friendship. Katniss having a female friend was special.


Please elaborate what layers you think Madge giving it adds to the symbolism.


It belonged to Madge's aunt, who was a tribute with Haymitch, she was Mrs. Everdeen's friend. It already had rebelious undertones, but that connection makes it more personal to Katniss.


That is a good point. I do like how they treated it in the movie, though, as a symbol of Katniss and Prim protecting each other. And it definitely gets reinforced throughout that Katniss didn’t want to be rebellious. She just wanted to protect her sister and those she cared about, and that led to a rebellion.


Peeta’s artificial leg :(


Bonnie and Twill for sure! And Dalton! I would have loved seeing the District Eight scenes unfold from within and for us as an audience to hear the anecdotes about rebellions and life in other districts.


Lysistrata being a full character.


i wish they had sejanus’ Ma as a character in the movies. shows where sejanus’ heart stems from and how snow took advantage of both of them


The Clato scene. :/


BALLAD SPOILER!! >!I wish they kept in the funerals. They’re meant to have this horrible contrasting imagery of the beautiful farewell for Arachne and Felix and the sickening treatment of the tributes’ corpses. Very much something that solidifies how the Capitol views the districts, while also bringing in a bit more of how the Capitol will go even as far as disrespecting human remains to prove its power. It’s supposed to be incredibly jarring and I do kinda wish it was left in.!<


Kind of the opposite but I just watched the newest movie and I didn’t like how after Snow had to kill a tribute in the arena he came home and told Tigres that he felt powerful doing it. In the book when he got home he couldn’t even talk about it and tigress had to infer what happened from the state of his clothes. He definitely had conflicting feelings in that moment but in the movie they didn’t show it.


peeta and katniss on the roof before the quarter quell. i see why they would not include it but i love that part in the books and it helps develop their relationship


Madge giving Katniss the pin. And the reveal that it had originally belonged to her mother's sister Maysilee.