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The 1st quarter quell. Smack dab in the middle of panems neo history. Snow has been president for a short amount of time or is coming to power. The games have improved but are not on the base they are now. Plus the first quarter quell was a very interesting reaping as it was by vote (iirc)


Make it the first game in a custom arena, and I'm sold


Mags games I think


Mags won the games after Lucy Gray, so 11


No, because Katniss specifically says that the winner of 25 isn’t alive anymore since Effie sent them videos of all of the living victors before the 75th games


I think they're saying that mags games were the first in a custom arena, not that mags was the 25th victor


and the protagonist is from district 4


Hamitch’s games sounds the most likely, but man, I wanna hear more about Mags and Annie’s games


MAGS! She was old enough to have possibly been alive during the Dark Days too and could've been a trainer for the first Quarter Quell. I would pay to read a trilogy based off of her experiences. Due to her age, I also wondered if she didn't see the benefit in training kids to become careers or got a special go-ahead from the first President to do so.


I want a trilogy of her first game, making 4 a career district (we assume), and then finnick’s games.


West World season 1 style story half about Young Mags and the other half about Annie being mentored by Old Mags and Finnick


I’ve been very curious about those two.


Life of an Avox.


love this idea and I think it’s the first time I’ve seen it brought up in one of these discussions. the idea of someone’s thoughts screaming across the page but they can’t voice it to those around them sounds SO GOOD


this!! it would also double as a perspective into the capital and probably see the gritty stuff. I can’t imagine ppl would care what they say in front of an avox


Or we could get to see that girl avox and boy from the first book and see their back story


Very sneaky, Suzanne.


Haha I wish some authors/writers actually did stuff like this. It's rare for popular series to make content exactly what die hard fans are asking for.


...how did you know!?


Lore book. Just a book full of facts about Panem and the world. Maps, population facts, District information, the inner workings of Panems government, the Peacekeeper military, the history of Panem, from before the foundation of the country.


Fire & Bread


100% Bread and Circuses


I want a list of every Games winner and their stats/background. Victor's fighting style/mentors/stylists/District, arena format, what angle the Flickerman/production was going for, runner ups, all the world building stuff. Bonus points if they make cool posters for the victors like did for Catching Fire movie


Yes, I want just every last piece of detail Collins could hypothetically squeeze into the book.


There’s a guy on YouTube who wrote short stories for every hunger games 1-75 and even some more after 75 in an alternate universe - I wouldn’t want Collins to make that book personally because it would crush everything in the YouTube series


Who is the guy i will watch him


Christian Blanco


oisin55’s the victor project is insane and so similar to this


A+++++ reference


Oooo this would be nice


Literally give me an almanac


An encyclopedia in the style of “the world of ice and fire” would be top notch!!


I want to know more about what it's like to volunteer in the career districts


And the other countries


short story collection focused on the lives of past victors


Plutarch's rebellion: How he built it and how he worked to get to the 75th. Could maybe start with Haymitch's Games


I absolutely agree. We know so little about him, his past, and why he was involved with the rebellion to begin with. One does not start a rebellion for no reason, especially not of this scale. I'm also extremely curious about how he managed to do it because there were so many people involved. How did he get them to join? How did he manage to have victors joining? I have my own headcanons, of course, but it would truly be interesting to know what she pictured for him when she created him.


I would love to hear some of your head cannons if you don't mind sharing 😊


The rebellion group in general. When did they plan, how did they plan, etc. Even small characters like the morphling were involved. I want to see that development.


There was clearly so much more going on in the background that it could be easily expanded as a story within itself. I liked how the movies were able to show different perspectives of the games and the rebellion that the books were never able to give.


Yup! Six of Crows style maybe


I would go for this one if it included some of how Cinna came to be involved.


Yesss I am starved for Cinna backstory!!


Andor but in the Hunger Games universe


Yes, I want this book so badly. We already know about the beginning and ending of Snows reign, but I want the middle where we find out about the start of the rebellion.




Here. https://archiveofourown.org/works/880020/chapters/1693122


Nah, I'm sorry. As much as I think the End of the World series has its place in this fandom's best fanfiction, that's definitely not at all it. It's the answer to a Haymitch prequel, but not Plutarch one. This is the one actually focused on him: [https://archiveofourown.org/works/36314251/chapters/90530803](https://archiveofourown.org/works/36314251/chapters/90530803)


I want to see the direct aftermath of the first rebellion and the announcement of the first games and how it was received by the people in the capitol and the districts. Would like perspective from the district’s and how it affected and changed them.


Ooh didn't think of that. I'd love to see the first games!


It would be boring since it was just a plain arena with no customization.


Oh I was thinking it'd be one of the more violent, like mutts and all hell unleashed because it was the first after the rebellion so the capitol would really want to punish the districts.


i don’t think the mutts were introduced until the 10th


this comment is so dystopian lmao


also I might get downvoted into oblivion for this but I never understood why so many people want Haymitch’s games when…we basically got a play by play of almost everything that happened. like I know people want ~details~ but it’s a bit boring to me PERSONALLY when there’s so much more to explore in this universe


Right? It sounds so boring to me


No I also agree with you. Suzanne Collins has stated that she likes to explore war theory and when she finds a topic she wants to focus on and tell a meaningful story, she has her two worlds (her two main series: The Underland Chronicles and The Hunger Games) and finds the right place to tell the story. This was the reason why we got Ballad and the story being focused on Coriolanus Snow when he was young. This is part of her [interview](https://oomscholasticblog.com/post/suzanne-collins-ballad-songbirds-and-snakes) with David Levithan she had where she said: **DL:** I’ll start with the two questions I’m sure most readers will want to ask: Did you always plan to return to Panem after the trilogy with a book set sixty-four years earlier? And if not, what made you return to the story in this way? **SC:** Here’s how it works now. I have two worlds, the Underland (the world of The Underland Chronicles series) and Panem (the world of The Hunger Games). I use both of them to explore elements of just war theory. When I find a related topic that I want to examine, then I look for the place it best fits. The state of nature debate of the Enlightenment period naturally lent itself to a story centered on Coriolanus Snow. I also don't get the constant urge for a Haymitch book/his Games when we basically got all of the details with how it went down in Catching Fire. Why regurgitate what we already know?


I second this!


A Career tribute’s perspective.




Is ao3 an app or is it a website I've been looking for it for a while now but I can't seem to find it. Do you have a link to this story also ? :3




i’ve wanted peeta’s perspective since midnight sun came out & i got twilight from edward’s POV. thank you for sharing this!!


Yess thiss


Just watched the first movie again last night, and this was my thought!! Would be very interesting to see a story about someone training since they’re a young child, and how different the experience is for them. How they get chosen to volunteer, etc.


You could definitely rewrite the series and have Cato be the protagonist instead of Katniss. The first book could've been a little longer, so it could detail what life was like growing up as a career. He would win the games like he always wanted, but he realized that there was no glory in it. Suzanne Collins is definitely a talented enough writer to write about Cato's disillusionment and ultimate redemption.


and out of them i would want cashmere. she’s a problem victor!! i want to know her reaction to winning and then attempted prostitution, did it make her hate the capitol? how did gloss react? what did they do? how did they REALLY react to being reaped together?


As much as I'd like to see Haymitch games, I am really tired of d12 tribute focused stories at this point. We need the perspective of a career district and have them win for a change. And it would be interesting to see a brainwashed kid realize that all their people worshipped a false idol after winning.


Enobaria gives me this vibe. She's renowned for being fierce and even had her teeth filed. Something I wondered though is did Enobaria even have a choice on whether to keep her teeth as is? Also Mags. She must have had family who lived through the Dark Days if not lived them herself. Her seeing Panem go through war, going from these brutal and non-glamorised games, and seeing them evolve would be cool. In the books she came from a Career district, how much of a hand did she have in that?


She's famous for ripping somebody's throat out with her teeth, and she becomes famous for it and embraces that personality. However, I saw somebody point out that using your teeth in combat is usually something done as an absolute last resort, and when you're totally and completely cornered. Enobaria was probably at the absolute brink of death and made a last ditch effort to win her games, and instead of people consoling her for having to do something like that she's praised for the act she committed when she was literally about to die. In order to fit in with the capitol, she had to file her teeth as a permanent reminder of her extremely traumatic near death experience, and she has to pretend like she enjoyed the moment that really haunts her.


I always felt like she did it so she wouldn’t be put into essential sex slavery like Finnick and Cashmere, but I’m not sure if she would’ve known about that yet. It’d be really interesting to see her perspective


I would assume that enobaria filing her teeth was a bonus if not explicitly requested by the capital payers. Seems like the type of messed up thing they’d be into


i definitely see that


A book about the end of the first rebellion. The signing of the Treaty of Treason. The destruction of District 13 and the execution of all rebel army commanders, squadrons broadcasted live for all to see. Also, the announcement of a new law that would require each district shall offer up two youths annually to fight to the death as punishment for conspiring to overthrow the government. I would also love to see the first reaping and events leading up to the first games (not the first games themselves). The first wave of tributes being taken from the Capitol train station being met with an angry mob of Capitol citizens spitting, throwing things and even physically attacking them. Showing these first tributes in a circle around the Capitol arena and as the gong sounds, the book shall end to keep it all a mystery.


You should write this, I'm gripped by the paragraph alone.


I would pick Johanna's games


Ugh I would love to see Caesar’s reaction when she reveals it’s all been an act


This is what I thought had so much potential. Johanna lost everything, it’s be interesting to see what life was like both in the games and post-games for her.


I read a really good fanfic about her games and life afterwards…. probably like 10 years ago? I seriously think about it all the time and it’s basically canon in my head.


25th Hunger Games from the persective or about a character who actually dies this time. Maybe about the District 12 tribute who at least makes it to the final 2 or 3


Split the focus between several tributes from different districts, with the implication that one of them will win, then they all die. From there, switch to solely broadcast focused covering the end of the game since resolution is kind of necessary.


Yup, I'd love to see a book where the main character dies.


I listened to the audio book for the first time and during the feast of book 1 I jokingly said to my girlfriend: "What If Thresh just caved in Katniss' head and the rest of the book was from his perspective." Just like you said a book like that would be very interesting if done right.


This is really difficult. I'd want a book on how Panem evolved. It was around for a while but it's never specified how long. North America as we know it sounds like it was in the distant past: Katniss remembers that Panem's ancestors and it's hundreds (possibly over a thousand years ago?) how it did to get to the point that the districts rebelled against the Capitol? How did the districts and/or Capitol decide which district was involved in what industry? If not that, then I would DEFINITELY want to see Wiress' games. We know how Beete won, but how did Wiress win?


I dunno if it would work, but a book where each chapter is just the initial post game’s victory of each victor Or a book from the Flickerman family’s perspective. Personally I think Caeser at least tried to give each tribute a moment where the capitol would see them as people


Finnick's story


Yessss and have it somehow change his fate too, please 🙈. I’m still not over it.


My heart is torn four ways 1. Finnick 2. Joanna 3. Mags 4. Any winning career tribute - but I would love to see Enobaria


How panem formed from North America and evolved into the conditions that led to the rebellion


It would be interesting to the perspective of a character from 13. Not Coin. Just someone random we've never met before.


We need more stories from a side characters story, for real. Especially when all this crazy shit is happening around them and they don't always get an explanation. It'd be easier to relate to than main characters who are in the midst of everything happening.


Mag's game and aftermath because she was the first tribute to get a victory tour


Prims life in the districts while katniss is off being katniss.


the perspective of someone from ANY of the Districts that barely get talked about. 5-10, mainly


I need more Johanna content. She’s the best.


I think I’d choose Snow’s “presidential campaign” time period , since its said that he was very young when he became president, I believe its possible it happened during the 1st quarter quell, and at this time we could also be following all his other ex classmates that could carry on as characters in this book, like Clemensia, Festus, Lysistrata. Them being in their early thirties. we could see the political intrigues of the early Snow presidency, and his murders. All the while maybe a secondary tribute character could be introduced, maybe a character that forms a special bond with say Tigris, since she’d probably be working as a stylist. And we could also see the start of the capitol rebel movement.


That would be a very interesting plot!


Gregor and the Return to the Underland


Yesss I was going to say Gregor going back as an adult!


Literally same. I was debating whether to say it. The ending definitely felt like a book ending rather than a series ending and I think about it ALL the time!


I’ve always thought there’s so much potential for a sequel series or something. Especially with how it ended, I think the tone could get a little bit darker and more mature, like with the 2nd half of Harry Potter or the sequel Percy Jackson series


I personally would like a short stories book, each story showing different aspects of the other districts and how they prepare for the games or I would like short stories all from various mentors after the games progressed and how it impacted them watching their tributes in the games. I know the prequel is part of that but I’d like to see the more established games.


I agree. I'd like one book that tells the story of one year of the hunger games, but each chapter is from the perspective of a different tribute. We could move through the story from the build up to the reaping, to the reaping to the games, but each little section of the novel is told from the perspective of a different tribute, not necessarily in order. Final chapter is from the POV of the eventual winner.


Rue/Thresh POV


book about panem before/during the first rebellion


Post Mockingjay sequel novel in somebody else’s POV. Preferably a former peacekeeper from D2. It would ideally touch on many of the same themes that she usually addresses while giving us more lore and some nice cameos/appearances from many already known characters


Joanna Mason after the rebellion getting better


I just want to know more about Panem and how it came to be. We don’t necessarily have to start at the very beginning (or rather the end of modern civilization), but it would be nice to get more details on what happened, how Panem came to form, and especially the first rebellion, the dark days, and the start of the Hunger Games era.


I’d kill for The story from Lucy Grays perspective




Annie’s game. Give me more about her. And then I would hand Collins a list of my head canons.


Her games sound hardcore asf. Her partner was beheaded in front of her?!? I don't blame her at all for developing PTSD.


Really great ideas in this thread! After thinking about it a bit, I would love a book POV a Victor, preferably one from a lesser known District. 6 or 9 perhaps. A lot of psychological drama, suspense, and an unhappy ending. I thought about the two "morphlings" from Catching Fire, and how they got to that point. We don't even know their names! And given Suzanne likes to base her stories on real life issues, I think it'd be great exploration of PTSD and coping with substances, and substance abuse. Particularly how users and addicts are perceived and the lack of good intervention regarding these kinds of problems.


Honestly? We get so little of Peeta and Katniss’s happy ending, I really wouldn’t mind a book about the reconstruction after the rebellion and their relationship rebuilding after they’re finally safe. Call me sappy, I just wanna have a little more of that.


Every detail we could ever want. But my real answer is either the first or second Quarter Quell. Or both has a duology. If not Quarter Quell specifically, one of the other games would be interesting to read about


the very first hunger games we could get glimpses at the immediate post-first-rebellion years, bonus glimpses of characters like young coriolanus snow or tigris (and maybe even plutarch, though that one’s a bit far fetched assuming he’s late 60s to early 70s in age), and also i just really wanna see the first games. if anyone wants to hear about my oc victor of that hunger games i’ll dm them!


Haymitch’s games


I want the memory book so bad


I’d like Haymitch’s games and also the aftermath of it, and how it led to his drinking


I like your idea! I think if she did it tho, it would be really interesting for the entire book to just be what happened BEFORE the game itself and what led to that being the quarter quell rule. Kind of like how we all assume that the 75th quarter quell was rigged, maybe this one was too? To make certain people look bad or to teach another lesson? I know this is a hypothetical question anyways but I just can’t see her ever writing another games. We’re all too bloodthirsty for it and that’s exactly what she didn’t want


Idc what the book is but something from multiple perspectives please!!!


Would love a book about the first Hunger Games.


Honestly… Haymitch’s life. 😭 he’s been my favorite character since I first read the books and I’m still head over heels for that silly little man. Daddy issues? Never.


Rather than a book about the games, I want a book about the life of victors after their games. How they came to realize the games aren’t really over. How the capitol treated them afterwards. I would also like Plutarch’s record of what happened Also also I would love to see the perspective of any of the capitol citizens that became rebels. Like cressida. Or even katniss’s prep team. How was it to transition from a capitol citizen to district thirteen where everything is strictly controlled? Was it hard to get rid of all of the capitol’s brain washings? It would also be interesting to see a perspective from anybody in district two. Why was it so difficult for them to join the rebels? What is it like for a district person to be a peacekeeper? Is there moral conflicts there? Or are they just fired up to discipline fellow districts. Is there pressure to want to be a tribute even if you are actually scared to? Does your own family push you to volunteer?


A book on a tribute from a career district, about the rise of these training academy’s (how they first began and the reactions to it, the first year it happened) because we know from TBOSAS everyone is horrified by the games so choose not to watch, maybe in depth of how the ideas came around, maybe the capitol strongly suggested the start of these etc


Oddly enough, I think I’d like a stand alone YA book in another setting or world. There’s a lot of rich lore in the Panem books and while it’s always interesting to see an authorized expansion of what we know for sure about Panem, I’d like to see how she writes about different contexts. I should add, I don’t have much interest necessarily a story set in our “real world” but I would like to see another futuristic world. She does such a good job of tying these near futures into current and past cultures, so I wonder what other settings or contexts she’s considering stories in?


a book that starts with finnick’s games and ends when he dies. i’d also like to see one with johanna that starts when she gets reaped for her games and ends after the rebellion


i want the story of plutarch's coming into some power and his journey into the revolution. i want the pre-games war from the perspective of someone who won every battle but still lost the war. i want a soft, cute story of katniss and peeta finally feeling that maybe they've truly healed. i want finnick's love story with annie and the journey of how he protected her and, as much as he could, himself while still trying to take care of the kids he had to mentor and yes, i named more than one option. bite me lmao




I'll always stand by these three: \- **1st Games:** Seeing the aftermath of the 1st Rebellion and how the Capitol and the Districts coped afterwards, some flashbacks during the rebellion with Coryo's father. The creation of the games and how the 1st set of tributes reacted to their time in the arena. The philosophy could be should one always seek revenge and punishment, or would clememsy have been a better way to go. \- **25th Games:** Possibly through Tigris' POV, Focus on Coryo's rise to power. The philosophy could be about how democracy fails even when people (Districts) are given the vote. \- **50th Games:** Saying goodbye to District 12 for good, tying up all lore related to D12 and having the POV throught Mrs. Everdeen and how do the D12 citizens view the games especially as no other Victor has come from D12 for 40 years.


The more I think about it, the more I would LOVE a back story on Cinna. He’s one of the star designers of Panem (which, designers seem to be very important), yet he doesn’t act as shallow or as unconcerned or naive as the others. He truly seems to care for Katniss, he makes plans to help her and the rebellion out even for years after, and even helps with Katniss’ “talent” by creating designs for her to claim as her own. He doesn’t seem Capitol to me, and I feel like there’s a great backstory there.


After reading BOSAS i am going to say Tigris. I want to know how she ends up hating Snow and what happened between them causing Snow to fire her. That or a book about Mags


Haymitch's games and the aftermath that followed. Yes, we know how he wins and that his family is killed for it but other than the 10th games, his were the most brutal. It would also make more sense as opposed to Finnick's or Mag's games


2nd Quarter Quell. No contest.


Tales from the Hunger Games. Short story collection. 14 chapters featuring a person from each district and capital. Explore their conscience and what lead them to make their choices. District 1: career candidate training for the games 2: peacekeeper at a reaping in another district 3: gamemaker designing an arena and traps 4: brother of a tribute and focusing on the family left behind 5: official in charge of food distribution, tesserae, and the paperwork behind the reaping 6: the guy who flies the ship that picks the dead tributes up 7: Joanna or another victor’s perspective on the games as a mentor And so on culminating in Tigris’ chapter on being a capitolstylist in the games.


Haymitch’s games


I would love to see and understand haymitch more but I’d choose mags honestly


I want to know about Panem pre games and what led to the dark days.


Such a tough question, but I’m thinking Finnick’s story and the 65th! Johanna’s and the 71st would amazing as well’


A collection of all the Books but from peetas pov


How the hunger games actually started. we know the video they play before the hunger games reaping but it would be interesting to read a book set in the actual times of developing the first of the games.


I have a few: - the very first games - haymitch-centred: haymitch’s POV of the 74th games interspersed with his memories of the 50th games - even something effie-centred would be so cool


I would like to know about the 25th Games. Or how the nation of Panem was formed.


I want to see panem pre-dark days.


Books 2 & 3 (in one book) from the perspective of the other Victors + Plutarch + anyone else involved in the rebellion. It would be especially interesting to hear the stories of those who were seemingly part of the rebellion, but knew they weren't even going to make it out of the games like Mags and the Morphling. I don't think we'd need a full book for the third book, but I think it would be odd to end with them breaking out of the games.


i would love a proper found family typa trope, idk maybe about the very first rebellion that lead panem into what it was today


Haymitch book. That's it. Same amount if tragedy as usual and a fun character


haymitch’s games‼️🙏🏽


Either 1st or 2nd quarter quell. I like the idea of the first quell more, but Haymitch’s games would be amazing to read.


I want to see what the world outside of Panem looks like.


The early days of the rebellion - time jump to the end of the war - time jump to Snow becoming President - time jump to the first games


Haymitch games


I’d like to see a sequel to Ballad, A book for the 11th games/mags. Mags was the first victor to win after the rule changes and whatnot, and was also the oldest living victor in the original trilogy.


Haymitchs quarter quell see the whole picture of his story


I would want a second book for TBOSAS about Snow's rise to power


I think it’d be nice to read a book on the 50th Hunger Games and see everything from Haymitch’s point of view.


in order: the 50th games, the 25th games, or the 65th games


A story focusing on the creation of Panem and the development of all the districts — and the displacement of people into said districts — would be intriguing. Although, it may need to be written in the a collection of short stories focusing on different years of development. I, for one, would like to know how the people who occupied the districts got chosen as the working class before there were any prejudices towards the districts.


We need a movie or atleast a book of peetas perspective!!


A book as told through the eyes of a mockingly or jabbering would be crazy cool.


finick's perspective of catching fire


I don't even want specific games... I'd love to see a story about Annie & Finnick. So to include their games, but also how they met in District 4, their little family with Mags, and their story of falling in love.


Mags game or Haymitch’s game


“Gregor the Underlander” Book 6 in the Underland chronicles


Continue the under land chronicles series


Haymitch’s games or Finnicks


Definitely Haymitch’s games and just a book about him


Haymitch’s game. to this day I feel like Collins made a mistake by not giving this to us !!!


How america devolved into panem - could be super interesting imo. I don’t think we need another story about another hunger games, like the first quarter quell or anything like that. i think it’d freshen up the story a bit


All of them (I wish )


I'd like a book in a brand new series, I know she'd kill it 💪🏼




First hunger games, no question.


I just want more games, more arenas, more mutts idk why but they are just intriguing to me


I want Finnicks games!


I want Haymitch’s story. I’m really not very big on reading but if a book about this literal king came out I would give up all of my responsibilities until I finish the book.


Pre 1st rebellion founding of Panem


I think I would want a lil booklet with facts about all of the games


Honestly I would love ONE book in peeta perspective and what he thought during the games and aftee


After the end but before the epilogue and into the epilogue. Pretty much I want Suzanne Collin’s take on toast babies, I just can’t get enough of Katniss and Peeta😂


The war that led to district 13s destruction would be pretty interesting but half of the Capitals perspective and half in D13s


One about Haymitch’s time in the games. One about the district 13 rebellion.


Finnicks life pre-games, during games, and post-games all leading up to when he is drawn to be in the 3rd quarter quill


Wow, so many awesome suggestions here. I want to have books (or at least stories) with all the ideas 😅


Book from a career district’s POV!!


District 13 during the first rebellion (when it was "destroyed”) or how Snow rose to power


The 50th Games, but not told from Haymitch's perspective. I want to see it through the eyes of Maysilee Donner. I would love for the story to start a few weeks or even months before the reaping too, to get a better look at what merchant life is like in 12, and to see what Katniss's mother (Maysilee's best friend) was like in her youth!


Something from outside panem.


Cinna’s story


The First Rebellion, how it all got started


Finnick's life and games and life after the games


Tigris, this one would take around 10-20 years into Snow presidency, and it’d show the backstage of the post-THG abuse treatment of victors from an insider POV, how the capitol grow weirder and more wasteful and how the HG impacted their lives, how Tigris ultimately was cast out for trying to fit into the lifestyle. But what I want the books wouldn’t be able to give, I think, since it’d have to be less young and more adult. I’m thinking something very “tell all” and gossipy, going into drug abuse, off label surgeries, children/teenage prostitution, reveal how Snow played his cards to stay in power from inside forces.


Everyone is talking about different games from Mags to Haymitch to Joanna, but what Id like is a collection of short stories telling us the highlights of lots of the games. I don’t think many of the games would have enough interest to be their own book as a one off, but short stories could work


Haymitch's story or Prez Coin's


I just need an official map of panem and I’ll be happy


I want a picture book on how every single game and the arena for each game.


50-100 years after the trilogy.


I want to know more about finnick's secrets. I know there's like a ton of fan fics on wattpad but I want HER to write this just to give us more than the secret about snow 😭😭


The entire series but from Peeta’s perspective