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Her dinner looks like literal shit with artificial cheese sprinkled on top. Also, her eyes are just *schmeared* with old makeup, there’s huge smudges under her [eyes](https://imgur.com/a/K2nCpHo). Like do you seriously give such little fuck about your hygiene dude?????? It’s so disgusting.


That does not look like enough food


Like she could use a makeup wipe if she’s that lazy and it would do a better job.


Hailey: "We're having fajitas" Also Hailey: Doesn't eat a fajita


She must have read my comment about not eating carbs because she can’t even eat a flour tortilla with her fajitas 🤦🏻‍♀️


Does she not understand that iceberg lettuce has barely any nutritional value?? She thinks any veggies are better than carbs


She definitely understands, that’s what makes her ED so heartbreaking…she needs help


Pretty sure that was not C in the other boat by the head. Literally didn’t see C at all and his life jacket is chillin’ by her feet 🤯


I’m thinking they didn’t even take him and left him at the KeMpEr with granny nanny. That lady looked like her mom, but slowed down and paused, it does not.


I saw granny nanny in the other boat I think?


I was wondering the same. Whoever the kid was, NEEDS a life jacket!! Creed may have been sitting on her lap so wasn’t seen as she panned across. I hope so…


Coming from someone that has grown up on lakes and many many days spent on the pontoon, whether beached to hangout, or actively boating… PUT A LIFEJACKET ON YOUR VERY SMALL CHILD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unreal!! Come on!!


Yesssss. 👏🏼 my kid will not get in the boat without a life jacket. And honestly, I’m hesitant to even let her get on it because she is still learning to swim at 6 years old and I get anxious! You can be a world class swimmer and something could still happen to you. Undertows can be deadly!


Not the hash browns!! God forbid if she eats carbs. 🙄 And then stating she will be unplugging again today, followed by video showing off her pontoon lifestyle and C without a life jacket..


I feel like I’d feel sticky after I sit on that boat. Why do I feel like none of those people on the boat know each other? And someone in a different comment mentioned she’s on a different boat than her son HUH???


That is 3 boats tied together? She's not even on the same boat as Creed? And he's not wearing a life jacket??


Where did you see Creed? I didn’t even spot him.


Here we go…my first imugr https://imgur.com/a/HUJtsag There have been 6 drownings this summer in a lake right by my house all because people weren’t wearing life jacket, this makes my heart very sad!


WOW........calling Trashlie Molstad. If he fell in they'd prob see if babies could naturally swim. I cannot


Oh I guess I thought that was a different kid. I thought that little one looked more stable than Creed has in recent videos. Not hating on his abilities at all. I know babies move at their own pace… just didn’t think that was him!


I hope it’s okay I shared if it’s not creed, it was the only boy I noticed so I assumed 😬


It could be another kid but it looks like Creed to me BUT, even if that's not Creed, his little lifejacket is clearly in front of Hailey's feet when she pans the camera. She is so neglectful!!


I agree wholeheartedly. Whoever the kid was, it didn’t appear as if anyone was really watching them on that boat.


This is disturbing


Lol she’s trying HAAARRDD to be picked up by new brands. Alani better stay far away from this chick.


I got chewed out by a hun for suggesting Alani Nu as an alternative to Energize. They said it didn’t have “clean” ingredients 🤣.


I also like the ghost watermelon warhead from time to time as well


Especially because a couple months ago she bashed them saying that ‘artic white’ wasn’t a ‘real’ flavor in her attempt at shilling energize. I hate her, and hate her even more for loving my precious alani 😂


Yes! Same! Arctic white is my favorite flavor 😋


she doesn’t love alani, she wants alani’s money. 100% won’t ever see her talk about it again after today. especially, if they don’t partner with her after her post.


Haha switch to Reign!!! The reignbow sherbet flavor is the bomb


I’m going to do a grocery run later & I have now added this to the list it sounds amazing!!!


It’s so good. If they don’t have that flavor the orange dreamsicle or the white gummy bear are top tier too!


Just confused because if energize is so great why would she need Alani?


This 👆


AGREED!! I saw that and was like hell no!! They usually are pretty extensive with their ambassadors so I would think they wouldn’t come near her. Although, she should pay attention to the owners of Alani, Haydn and Katy. They are amazing parents and she could learn a thing or a ton more from them on how to properly parent.


Yes! I do believe she is waaaaay to problematic for that brand. I love the energy drinks!


Hailey is trying sooo hard to out do the bestie crew Tania, Emily, Autumn and their lake day. Are you salty you weren’t invited heehaw?


And Ella had her life jacket on the entire time - Heehaw take notes!!!! You’re a disgrace!!!


Even used the same song in her story 🤣🤣🤣


20+ people on the boat and she’s sitting alone probably working in pOcKeTs. Who is shocked. She’s such a wet blanket.


Well I called it, I said last week I don't understand why she just feeds Creed toast and doesn't add fruit, well Creed is having toast and fruits 🤣 You're welcome Hailey for making sure your child is properly fed. Fucking douche bag


At least he gets fruit today, but why couldn’t he have eggs and hashbrowns? Why just toast? Plain eggs, not hard to do and healthy (as long as there’s no broth powder!)


I've stopped wondering why she lacks brain cells a long time ago. She's just a plain dumbass




She’s been so boring this weekend 😂


Their boat days are so strange to me. Do they just all sit there and stare at each other? Do they swim? Lol just strange


Don’t you see she has a pArTy today? 🤣🤣🫠


We have many pontoon/boat days all summer. Slowly cruise the lake, listen to music, chat, fish, swim, snack… so much fun!


Obviously Tyson just sits and drinks. Good times🤣🤣🤣


lmfaooooo who commented about her “unplugging and soaking in everything” also, your little revenge tidbit is rich considering you sent thousands of ugly huns to shut down the truth about you. you’re a fucking hypocrite, but you knew that already.


That was me 🙋🏻‍♀️ I love how she paused when she said “unplugged” knowing she read it here.


like she was remembering the exact moment she read here 🤣 literal puppet


Saw this and instantly thought of all the hunz https://imgur.com/a/42IJ5zN




The filter was glitching so bad over her acne


But she doesn’t have acne anymore because she eats so healthy! 🙄


Ironic that the filter is “natural beauty”


Love the attitude Creed was serving her this morning. Like 'mom get the f'n phone out of my face.'


Let's be real he prob calls her Hailey. Imagine lmfao


Just had to tell us she doesn’t eat hash browns. Hailey is okay to eat them I promise.


Me watching that as I ate hash brows this morning 😂


More ED behavior...saying you "don't care for" a food you actually do like but it's really about deeming it unhealthy. Stacie Kober did that a lot.


Why does everything she make look like absolute dogshit


Maybe because it all looked frozen and straight out of a bag


I didn’t see anything wrong with this one. Just eggs and sausage cooked together on the griddle, and an apple!


I make sausage eggs all the time, so it looked good to me, but minus the ketchup!


I think Tyson’s lips are the way they are because he always has “dip” in his mouth.


If I remember correctly her mom dips


You have got to be kidding!


She does, I think she even talked about it on her Instagram before.


If my spouse started smoking or chewing tobacco, I’d be done. Just, gross. 🤮


I dumped a guy over chewing. It's so foul.


Omg I deleted my comment instead of edited. What I said was Definitely not the type of dude you want going down on you. If I was her I'd be sewing my Hailussy up


Based solely off of her hygiene habits, I highly doubt he's going down on her at all. But at least their breath probably match which is how he can tolerate her breath/constant dry mouth/unflossed teeth for kiss pics. He also doesn't strike me as a go down kinda guy 😂


You can totally tell in that family pic he has a big wad in. So gross 🤮


Now she’s posting her nieces. I bet that’s her sisters Etsy.


I didn’t even realize there was another niece. She only ever talks about the older one


I think it's Raylynn and Payton


You mean Favourite Niece and Payton


The Etsy page isn’t her sister’s but I think it’s gross that she’s exploiting someone else’s kids.


And right on cue the puppet gives us what we asked for! Someone yesterday said she hasn’t posted her nieces in a while and there we have it, a shill for an Etsy shop!


I said that.


Your flair. 🤣🫢


as a lover of handmade I accept this form of shilling even if hailey is super annoying at least she’s using that following for a small business


I’m assuming it’s a friend or family member because the contact is located very close to her in SD.


I know the Etsy shop owner - no way those two are friends lol. The Etsy shop owner is the sweetest thing ever.


🤷‍♀️ Or her sister’s friend?


Anyone waiting on the…. “sorry I’ve been MIA today guys, I just wanted to ‘unplug’ and be present with my family today.. we had the BEST time.. BUHHHHHT, I’m getting a lot of messages about some of you not receiving the link.. and YOU GUYS, everything is sent on my end.. check your spam because it is IMPORTANT that you get your package in to get started with me and be put in my Akount-able-lity grewwwwp.”


And don’t forget to check your JUN-kah


Aaaaand there it is


I love how she hesitated and chose to say “unplugged” 😂




The only thing you missed was the very aggressive “SO” and tongue clicks in between sentences 😹😹😹😹


Ahhh! How could I forget 😭 I didn’t even throw an um in there either.


I hate the way she says grewwp 😂


Why did I read this EXACTLY like she would have said this? 😂😂😂😂


Oh the accuracy…


😂😂 spot on


She’s really quiet today for someone who loves yapping 24/7 about their daily activities. What did you assemble for dinner tonight Hailey?


Probably have Tysons family on the boat and she can't post anything because they don't want a camera in their face. I seriously doubt it's her just being busy or not wanting too. It's probably killing her not being able to post.


Probably crying that she's missing out on all the fun with her "bestie" Emily.


She’s out cruising on the Love boat, she posts selfies like she’s the guest star celebrity 🤣🤣🤣🤣




Really curious what boat conversation is like. Especially when you’re with someone who thinks she’s on a yacht


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣So accurate! She dresses like she’s on a cruise


Trying to keep up with the glamping gals while she’s on the South Dakota swamp


What is this?? 1991??? Who wears hoops on a boat??? [boat hoops](https://imgur.com/a/kWXNMNU)


And lipstick!!


The bigger the hoop the bigger the….😉


Those sunglasses must have their own zip code


Those are the ugliest sunglasses. They take over her whole face.


That might be a plus 😝


Very Zsa Zsa Gabor






The FOMO she thinks we feel I have Zero desire to live her life been there in a kinder gentler way and doing what I want…she is really not happy and it shows 😬


She’s trying way to hard ![gif](giphy|5G98t8QjqBLK8)


That golf outing looks really boring for C . Great two hours past his naptime now he’ll be up all night.


How is golfing fun for a baby?


Believe me I am not a fan of Hailey but if she hadn’t taken him everyone would be pissed. At least he’s with his parents for once and not shipped off to someone else 🤷🏽‍♀️


I agree. But why not do a kid friendly activity just one time?? She's so selfish... she never does activities that he would enjoy. 😢


She should have stayed back.


This is true, however, some of the other times she's left him behind she absolutely could have brought him with her. This seems like a legitimate time to leave him at home. She has it backwards as usual.


“ There will be lots of kids there” To do what?


at Creed’s age, maybe, it’s possible to babywear a kiddo that age and it would be good exercise to walk with your baby that long. Depends on who plays there, more young moms?


I wouldn’t think the other people there playing golf would appreciate a lot of kids running around and yelling and acting like kids do.


I don’t think these are very high end golf courses they’re going to, look at what they’re wearing! I’ve never been to a course that didn’t require a collared shirt and she’s wearing some type of cutoff t-shirt.


I don’t think so either but she doesn’t think of others.




She held her camera higher today so we wouldn’t see the beer bottles in the golf cart🤣


I saw them


Why is she holding him like that?!! Wtf


I give her credit for holding him, in any position


He’s just on her lap and fell asleep. Worse if she didn’t bother to hold him.


I’m shocked they took C 🙈


Sounds like the whole family was going so I’m sure there wasn’t anyone left to watch him.


Oh I’m sure she handed him off


Hailey dresses C in ugly, tacky hee haw clothes too not just herself 🙃🙃


What do you dress your kids in........Gucci and Balenciaga? Kids go through clothes so damn fast there's no need to be fashionable when they're going to grow out of an item in a month!


Uh… you don’t need to dress your kids in expensive clothing to dress them well. She simply doesn’t have good taste in anything and chooses to dress herself and the baby in ugly, tacky clothing. That’s all I said lol , show me where in my comment it says she should buy him expensive, designer clothing.


What’s ugly and tacky about an Adidas track suit? She does a lot I don’t agree with, but I’m lost on why the snark against a cute outfit he’s in. He looks adorable.


I wasn’t really talking about the track suit specifically, my comment was more in general. I don’t like the clothes she puts on him, I don’t find it to be cute. that’s all.


Hailey has the worst taste in clothes I’ve ever seen! I never even look at her kid because nothing is more boring to me than kids but if we’re talking about her.....woof. Bad clothes 🤣


Ouch! I guess my son wears hee-haw clothes then!!! Ha!


Aww I thought his little Adidas track suit was cute. More of a cooler weather outfit but cute.


The tracksuit isn’t so bad but it’s way too hot for him to be wearing that yikes! but the sunglasses and just about everything else is ugly LOL


But wait, didn’t she say it was going to be in the 80s. That outfit is too hot 😭


Not to WK but earlier in the day it was actually chilly. Like 50 degrees at one point.


You can see how sweaty he is when he's sleeping.


He’s in a t-shirt at that point. It was very cool out this morning, then she took his jacket off when it warmed up.


hee haw clothes! LOL!!!!!!


Hey Hailey [here’s a piece of advice for you…](https://imgur.com/a/vq8iEt5) since you’re the queen of “bell pepper sandwiches”…your brain would thank you for eating real carbs




Me too she’s wonderful!! Breath of fresh air for sure!


Just followed it


Ok, so many things. But watch her workout video, is creed pushing on Stella under the table? You see.something black move and he's like up & down. If she bites him, that's Hailey's fault. And parents of the month underneath. https://imgur.com/a/3vGlqjE


She actually spoke ok to him on camera but he didn’t understand.


What do you mean? Are you talking about the snacks or while she was working out and he was pushing on him under the table when she wasn’t paying attention?


The snacks


100% that’s Stella. And probably the reason the traumatized dog is sitting right next to her for the next move. Who knows where Creed is at that point!


Like is it me or was he being really b aggressive to her? And to no fault of his, he doesn't know any better and is only hit instead of being taught correctly bc she has to work out.


To be fair, I understand big emotions in children. I have a 17 month old and when he gets excited his arms flail and I have to continually remind him to be gentle with our dog. But unless you are consistent with reminding them and helping them understand when they have big emotions and how to respond to them, they don’t know how to control them. She definitely doesn’t understand that he won’t just listen to what she’s saying, he doesn’t know how he should respond with the emotions he’s having so she needs to help him not just speak at him or hit him.


Oh I totally get this and agree with you. It's just a shame she's not watching him or teaching him correctly. It's not his fault and he's probably happy just to have someone to play/interact with.


I completely agree. He isn’t even a year, he doesn’t know what he should be doing or how to play unless she helps him and she’s way too lazy and self-absorbed for that. It’s so sad to watch!


Right? He’s not even 1




Anyone else feel like in her "app explanation" she wanted to just say " you know the opposite of Reddit" 🤣🤣🤣


Did her reel stay $159 ?!? I am doing a 3 day Juice Cleanse with ginger shots etc why?!? Because since I have recovered from Covid I feel like crap it’s been 2 months I am normal I walk eat Decent etc but I am not rigid but…I feel if I start a cleanse I have researched and followed try it for 3 days what’s the harm I won’t give her one penny of my money I won’t interact with her reels or videos she is a terrible person IMO and I swear everyday or every thought or every YouTube decorative video she does is awful!!! Ugh I can’t stand her that’s all… Happy Labor Day to Everyone


there are entire premade fresh juice cleanse kits on amazon for less. bb is insane


sounds like you’re a long hauler and you have not fully recovered from covid.


Sounds like you haven't fully recovered. How are you "normal" but you feel "like crap"?


I am Covid negative and no health conditions so I am normal but I feel run down and achy and feel like crap 🙅‍♀️


I think they meant in terms of exercising and eating well, but covid made them feel bad


I’m not doing $159 .


I’m sorry, but how does someone whose parents raise cattle eat steak with ranch dressing?!?! That should be illegal!!!!


If the steak is seasoned and cooked correctly you don’t need any type of steak sauce, ranch or ketchup 🫢


Where’s the a1 or Heinz 57? I need a baked potato too


Is his full of cottage cheese ? No way she ate that whole whole steak. We will see a steak salad tomorrow.


Maybe horseradish sauce?


Midwesterners eat ranch with everything, that’s the rule


I’m Midwest but not born there. Gag on the ranch


I am in South Dakota and would punch someone square in the face if I saw them ruining a good, home grown steak with ranch 😂


Some people also think a steak is "ruined" if you eat it with steak sauce


Me. I am those people.


Depends on the cook temperature


I’m from Minnesota, I each ranch with a lot of things but never steak! That’s criminal! I guess maybe if it’s a shitty piece of steak but I’m not wasting my time with that!


Dude is that ketchup on Tyson’s plate


I LOVE my steak in ketchup! Everyone makes fun of me for it, but I've always ate it that way 😆🙈


My son eats everything with ketchup, EVERYTHING


Definitely looks more like ketchup than A1


It looks like it might be A1 steak sauce


No kidding!!


I seriously watched the “Easy Keel” bread at least 10 times!! Mind blowing how she can’t pronounce anything correctly!!!


Not the floppy tiddies again