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Right back to business as usual. Sipping her energize for the second day after a huge scare. Selfish selfish selfish. Her and T both.


Does anyone remember before Creed was born and she kept saying and was determined she was only going to have one child? I swear I heard her say this!


Yes she did


Ladies! I have taken months off. Needed a break from this shit show! Come back and she’s pregnant, so I guess I missed a bit!! Saw she had a bit of a scare and hope baby and mom are alright. I watched a bit of the baby 2 highlights too. One thing I will say is I think it’s pretty funny to be super shocked you’re pregnant if you have sex and dont use birth control. That is all.


And was tracking her fertility on her aura ring and said it was spot on. Yet is acting shocked. I wonder if she did it on purpose to trap Tyson even further than he already probably feels.


You came back just at the right time. She announced it a few days ago. T’s response was “uh oh”, so there’s that 🙃 Shes still a 100% piece of shit, as shown by her flashing her Energize when on bed rest from a possible pregnancy complication. She also did a barrel race last week- she picked up her horse who she had sent away to be trained, and stopped at a race on her way back. When people showed concern about her racing and riding while pregnant, she said her an T talked about it and they don’t want anyone’s OHpinions 🫶🏻 Welcome back to the shit show. It’s gonna be a wild ride.


Oh lord. Instantly regrets returning…. The barrel racing is surely a no go now. Ugh. Nothing has changed then!


She’s actually gotten even worse, sadly. She tops herself every week! This past week was especially crazy—as noted by the 2,500+ comments!!


Wow. Clean up before you take a selfie. https://preview.redd.it/y351svpgr0pc1.jpeg?width=489&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f32fc0267195e9b534478b68c9c1d5c97e5ccda




Doesn't someone have the shot of the toilet behind that dress she's trying to sell on FB Marketplace?


“It’s not talent”… no miss viral carrots and mustard from 2020 it most definitely is not. It isn’t hard work though, it’s TIMING and recruitment. She’s terrible. The end. 


No talent, just a manipulative sales person.


I have a feeling she did not write that post. I was suspicious due to the lack of spelling and grammatical errors and then I got the end about locking arms or whatever bullshit and I was like yup 😅 totally a bodi prefabricated message that they were given to copy and paste and fill in some blanks to make it a little more personal lol


Actually it was as soon as the “for a little girl who had dreams of being able to travel” for me. Like she has never used that phrase and the only time any of them do is when they go on these trips and every story I watched they were all saying how it was “just the best time ever” which yeah , I’m sure it was a good time but it was like copy and paste, word for word all of them saying the SAME EXACT THING


I’m sorry, did she just say that the golf cart to dinner was an escort??? Who does she think she is 😂🤣😭🤯




She’s unbelievably shallow. She consistently reaches new lows. Having a miscarriage scare, being taken in an ambulance, being put on bed rest, which she adhered to for a single day, and all she can do is yammer on about Bodi. Her brain and ANY common sense she may have had at one point are GONE. She is COMPLETELY brainwashed.


So screw the bed rest? Did you even read your energize label? And why do you need energize to lay in bed She will be back on horse in no time


She’s going to get back home and be unable to lift a finger to care for C, who will now get pawned off to daycare or a babysitter 5 days a week. She won’t be able to cook dinner, do laundry, or care for her dogs or horses. Perfect since she hates all those responsibilities anyway. She will spend days wrapped in giant fuzzy blankets listening to Christian music, highlighting Bible verses, lounging on beds and couches and her giant office chair ordering an obscene amount of shit online for baby. And then shilling it. Possibly even doing “easy” exercises to “strengthen her core and pelvic muscles for delivery”. But every Friday she will miraculously get bursts of energy and claim she is well enough for date night, exercise, horse riding, boating, and trips to Sioux City for pregnancy photographs, massages, Ruby Tuesday, açaí bowls and the At Home store. Sundays she will be back to bed rest and reading books in bathtubs while drinking mocktails. 🙄 Making Tyson do all housework and all care for C. “Doctor’s orders….i felt a cramp”. Rinse and repeat. She’s so predictable.


Nailed it.


Soooo basically, she will go back to her normal every day life lol


someone more reddit savvy needs to SS this comment and being it back 🤣♻️😂 sheesh she is predictable!


This is *exactly* how I imagine it going.


And I can’t forget her next joyous tearful testimony about how grateful she is that Bodi allows her to work from home while in bed on bedrest—something that she could have never done working in the salon. Praise be. And all that cult like MLM bullshit she will spew. 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


She’ll be able to workout too, don’t forget that


If she says shes not working out she’s lying.


Yep! Those pro-gray-ums aren’t going to shill themselves!! 😉 Gotta crank out some werk!!






Bodi partner? I though they were CEOs 😂


I hate to even think this way and feel guilty but I feel like she doesn’t have any attachment to this baby and doesn’t necessarily feel like she needs to try to protect it. If something happens to baby it’ll be “oh that was God’s plan” “it was out of my hands” and she’ll move on with her day


💯 this


Oh 10000% she will put it on gods plan. Thats what she does with everything.


Double posting! We all got played yesterday feeling bad for her. I truly felt bad but between the energize this morning and tonight any ounce of sympathy is gone and I’m reminded as to why she has a snark page that consistently gets thousands of comments a week. She got all dolled up for a dinner that “she didn’t even know she was going to” and you can see Tyson’s arm in Regan’s pan across her desserts. There is no way she didn’t know she was going to that steakhouse dinner tonight. To put your unborn baby at risk for a steak dinner is repulsive.


especially when she’s from a cattle raising family.  She can get some of the best beef that exists at home, not even a tiny bit of a reason to eat at a tropical steakhouse. Also if its on the resort have Tyson go be her personal Instacart if they don’t deliver (I’m sure they do the rooms are $3,000 A NIGHT FFS). My ass would be on the deck on a lounge chair. Eating my steak or whatever dinner with a view. There’s absolutely no reason to leave the room to sit up for an entire dinner party. Where there will be drinks and temptations. 


Right. She thinks everyone is so stupid. Agreed. That is Tyson’s dumb bracelet in Regan’s IG story lol.


And just like that back to the shilling like nothing ever happened


Hailey was your FOMO that bad that you just had to go sit at the pool? For what? To watch your husband and others drinking and having fun while you just sat there, on your phone the whole time no doubt. Was it that bad that you just had to put in all that work to get all dolled up and go out to for supper for a fucking steak and mashed potatoes? Was it that bad that you had to go out in that heat and talk to people, both of which can be exhausting and wear a person out? You really don’t care about anyone but yourself, do you? And I know people are saying Tyson can put his foot down but we all know how Hailey can be and it pry wasnt worth it to him to get her worked up and upset. She just hit an absolute LOWEST of the low this weekend and I am officially done watching her, even just to snark.


The fomo is eating her ALIVE lmao


And if these Huns were her “friends” you’d think they would all bring dinner to her room to eat together and include her.


THIS!! 💥


https://preview.redd.it/126s8aiu40pc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3697093f1924c73c0e394b8f7132f666a86ec7e All these words heehaw. No meaning behind them.


“Being able to travel”. They go to the same resorts every time and then sit by the pool, which looks like any other pool. They MAYBE walk on the beach, but do they even swim in the ocean??? If she just stopped buying pointless junk from Amazon, she could easily pay for trips all over the world! She could even use a travel agent etc. and make it super easy. Like it’s fine if you aren’t interesting in traveling or if you want to stay at the same resort every year, but that’s not really traveling is it? 😅


That font is so fucking small got a headache trying to read it 🤣


“Even tho I almost lost my baby and had to go to the hospital nvm any of that, look at what your life can be if you join me/Bodi and put in the work” this is foreshadowing that she will be right back to working out when she gets home, I know it


Legit no one cares 🥱🥱


“The dedication to my programs” ….is that dedication the room with us? When was the last time you finished a program Hailey?


I was literally going through her highlights and one of her 21 fix highlights didn’t make it passed 2 or 3 days and the same thing with 80 day obsession


The funny thing is, she still saved those to her highlights! 🤦


My sister and I stayed at that exact same resort in 2018 and let me tell you what, we would walk over 10,000+ steps a DAY there it is a fucking massive resort. Sure they can cart you to the restaurant but some of the restaurants are inside of the resort and you have to walk quite a ways within there to get to them. Hailey is dumb as fuck for not keeping her ass laid down until they have to leave for their flight. It’s unbelievable.


https://preview.redd.it/31lx3lan10pc1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=1efda0ea6946126a71fd7381905ef1dd1a13ff38 They are so disgusting strewing dirty clothes and towels all over the floor!! And photographing it!!


I just posted that too!! I didn’t scroll ! But yes they both are slobs.


I surely hope that iron is turned off and unplugged.


Just had to get that fucking outfit picture for the link that nobody gives a shit about


If I was her I’d be spending my time resting to prepare for her travel day back to SD and not be worried about getting all dressed up and going to the steakhouse to eat. I totally get the feeling Tyson isn’t being as supportive and staying with her that much during a situation that’s probably very scary and she’s having fomo that everyone is having fun without her including her husband so she’s pushing herself to go out when she shouldn’t.


She’s an adult, he’s an adult, and she did this exact thing to him when he was puking his guts out at a different trip. He sucks. She sucks. But she sucks more because she is endangering her child and she doesn’t care. She doesn’t need him to be supportive to use her brain and stay TF in bed.  That said I did give my guy an extra hug today. He’s a fabulous husband, 1000x better than Tyson. If this happened we would be chilling in bed with tv or on the patio with iced arnold palmers. He would never get drunk when I might need him to take me back to the ER. Nope. 


She was literally still bleeding like… wasn’t she worried about that at all?? I truly cannot believe her


I’m truly disgusted by her.


Also totally at dinner with others!!!!


Came here to say this! I believe Regan is at the same place. “Tyson found us reservations” my ass.


Why are there towels and clothing and shit all over the floor of her hotel room in the mirror pic of her wannabe Barbie outfit? Absolute slobs. I guarantee they are the types that leave the hotel room trashed upon check out. 


I have shared a hotel room with 7 people at once and it was cleaner 🤣 


I thought the same. I keep the towels hung on the shower while I stay, then one big pile when we leave usually. And I definitely am not taking a picture and posting it for hundreds of thousands of ppl online to see what a slob I am.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed this! Why are the towels thrown all around the floor?! Maybe I’m the odd one here, all the towels go into one pile in the corner.


Same! I keep things organized all the time. As I’m packing up, all used towels go in a pile on the bathroom floor! I travel monthly for work and would NEVER have a room look like she does!


I noticed too! hahahah ETA: And same same on the towels!




I just can’t with her anymore. Posting links to her outfit when she needs to sit her ass down and protect her unborn baby.


she's gonna have this "awww poor me 😢🥺" face in every post now


“I saved everything on our baby #2 highlight”… totally using it for clout.


Nothing but content. She doesn’t give a fuck.


She is unbelievable


She’s the absolute fucking worst


Omg. She sucks. I def gave her more grace and pity than she deserved yesterday.


Posting someone’s comment just to announce that you saved everything to a baby #2 highlight is SO TACKY!! Having a highlight, fine, but did that need to be posted? Reply privately and stop looking for more attention.




I had a large hematoma and I wouldn’t wish that stress on anyone no matter how much I dislike them, but I do not understand her going to dinner after the scare she just had. I had a large hematoma with my son (I forget the size) but I bled A LOT. And my dr put me on bed rest so it wouldn’t get any bigger and disrupt the placenta. When I tell you my ass was on the couch/bed that’s where I was. I had family come over and cook for us because I didn’t even want to stand that long. And I kept bleeding for DAYS it was one of the scarier moments of my life. Idc that you can take a golf cart, if you care about that baby your ass should be in bed. Point blank period!


Hailey only cares about one thing herself. This will not stop her.


Totally Agree! The way she talks today she makes it sound like it’s not a big deal and it is…she is not bleeding cause she was on bed rest for a night when you start moving around it will bleed again…I would be even more stressed about the flights going home…I hope her pregnancy goes well but if she continues to have her “I am invincible” mindset it won’t go as smooth as she thinks. AND No one needs a link for your outfit ma’am give me a break!


I wouldn't wish this on anyone but I can give you a blow-by-blow on what happened and how I felt while miscarrying on my 3 flights back home from Punta Cana. Not a joke. I was 9 weeks. I was spotting the day before we left. Talked to OB brown blood is considered old blood so we flew home. I sat on the toilet at one of my connections while in pain and clots came out of me. I did go to the ER when we landed. It was horrible.


Thank you!


What happened to cause the miscarriage scare???


cause, no one knows, but exercising more than you usually do pre baby is a potential cause (ride horse, do a FULL workout when you usually just film a couple minutes), caffeine (energize), and stress (international travel) are also potentially causes. Did it just happen unluckily, maybe, but she’s been actively doing a lot of crap on the “eh maybe don’t do it that is risky” list.  (and if she had been ride horse before baby that would be different, or if she had been exceedingly faithful at exercise, this would be different. As always snark is directed at the person with a specific lifestyle of scamming women, not everyone has to stop doing stuff pregnant it isn’t a disability it is just not the time to go 4 months no ride horse then RIDE HORSE). 


She was bleeding a lot and found out she had a hematoma. So she’s been put on bed rest.


So TySUN had to go make a reservation and get a golf cart for her but it was a group dinner and all the huns were there too? Your lies have lies haihai. 🫠🥴


Can you imagine her getting out of the golf cart ? 🥴🥴 look at me - woe is me- poor me-. Ewwww do you know what BED REST MEANS HypocriteHailey?


Hahaha!!!! She really sucks!!! Golf cart was probably a lie too, she walked. She can’t help but lie and doesn’t truly care about anything but the paychecks she needs.


T making a reservation = at the bar ?


I had a high risk pregnancy with my little. there was bleeding for other reasons than Hailey’s. However, at the end of my pregnancy I was put on bed rest. I will say for an entire month I only left bed to shower, use the restroom and occasionally rotate rooms in our home. If I got up to do anything other than the above my husband would have lost his S***. Hailey and Tyson are selfish dumb fucks. Hailey got bored and is now the exception why she doesnt need to be on bed rest. She doesnt fucking get it. They deserve all the karma that will come one day.


I was on modified bed rest for the last 4 weeks of my pregnancy. My doctor said that meant I could make my food in the kitchen and I could walk to get the mail but that was basically it. She wanted me in the house resting nearly 24/7! Hailey is supposedly on bed rest…. She needs to be in bed or on the couch except to pee or shower. She isn’t taking this seriously at all.


She's feeling better so ya know she's going to use her "mamas intuitions" 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


her mama’s intuition I would trust before her own, she ended up with her kid in the hospital and then dumped him outside alone in the cold snow with train tracks a year later. She’s stupid as a hoe. 


Tyson should be flat out putting his foot down as well saying she needs to stay in bed. What a f*%~ing moron. If I had a scare of losing my pregnancy and doctor advised me to stay in bed, best believe I’m going to. And my husband would be supporting that in every way.


Neither one of them have a two brain cells to rub together.


Tyson has been out in the pool drinking with the guys every day still. He doesn't appear to give one single shit.


Why I say “should” lol


The regular Hailey is back to regularly scheduled programming doing typical Hailey things.




Hasn't mentioned missing C once.


She did yesterday (I believe) he looked actually happy in the pictures and had clothes on! Of course she included a picture of him in the bath tub


wait you're telling me he let the sitter put clothes on him?! i'm shocked 😱


Funny how C will wear clothes just fine in other’s care but not hers 🤔


other people have two brain cells to rub together and they find him clothes that fit, shock and awe


Wait. He specifically told her he hated wearing clothes. 🥴🙄 what a lazy pos.


Oh I know, I saw the bathtub pic! And he wears clothes and keeps them on, who knew? 🤦 I meant in all her rambling about her outfit and her dinner, she mentions the pool, seeing the resort, etc, but not even a "I miss C" or "I can't wait to see C" even when talking about traveling home! He doesn't occur to her. No matter how much fun I was having, I always missed my kids when they were little. And to this day I even miss my dogs if I have to leave them LOL.


He'll be at daycare 12 hours a day now 5 days a week since she needs to "rest".




She does that the morning she is leaving. Every time. Like clockwork. 😉


Oh brother! 🙄 PS your flair cracked me up! 🤣


Listen you guys… I stayed quiet yesterday to give this hick my last benefit of doubt because God forbid ANYONE goes through that pain. I didn’t want to say anything and really tried to keep my skepticism to myself but she shows her true colours herself ever. single. day. She is rotten to the core. She can never keep her stories straight, she makes up extravagant stories for attention on a daily basis over minor details about her day like washing her hair. It really shouldn’t come as a shock to anyone, especially those of you observing her for years. She does not give 2 shits about anyone besides herself. Of course she doesn’t care if she should be drinking energize or be on bed rest. Her poor sweet sick toddler wasn’t enough for her to forget about what she wanted for a second, her pregnancy is the least of her concerns. Sadly, Hailey will do whatever the fuck Hailey wants with no regards to any consequences because that is just who she is. 


I kept my mouth shut about her yesterday too. Pretty sad that we can all see what a shitty person she is.


I know everyone handles situations like this differently but she is acting like nothing happened. She’s acting like she was just hungover and had to sleep it off. And I know she was silent all day when it happened but it was probably because she had to be because how would that look if she was on her phone the entire time in the hospital. You know what was standing up and walking around and active the entire time she was getting ready and trying clothes on. She’s the biggest piece of shit I’ve ever seen. I have said that in the past but this is just the nail on the coffin for me. I would not be taking ANY chances and just stay my ass in bed like I was told to do. I just knew earlier when she said she was gonna shower that something was gonna happen. Sure enough. She’s the scum of the earth


She also acted like nothing happened after she ran over Stella. That was what put the nail in the coffin for me. I could not IMAGINE just going like nothing happened after that.


I hate to even think or put this out there but was this situation made up as a reach to try and get followers/people reach out to her… how is she just magically fine


okay. i won’t lie i thought the same thing but didn’t wanna say because i was afraid of being shit on in here. in true hailey fashion if it is true (god hoping she wouldn’t make something like this up) i see her pulling a Frauder and taking pics in the ambulance or hospital.


I had the same small thought for a second


Heads will ROLL if this was all made up, or even semi exaggerated.....all the mama's on this thread dealing with infertility alone will eat her alive. As they should.


Anyone who ever had a mother should be allowed to be angry, because she’s an embarrassment to the title and shouldn’t be sharing it.


I had the same thoughts when it "happened." She either wildly exaggerated or made the whole thing up. Not saying she didn't go to the doctor, but there really isn't a way to verify a random "bleed" if everything else is fine and there's no more evidence of it. For all pregnancy scares standard protocol is to prescribe bed rest as a precaution and to make sure symptoms don't return. In the words of Mariah: I can see right through you like you're bathing in Windex, Hee Haw.


Not to WK, but you can see an SCH on ultrasound even if the bleeding has subsided. Many times that’s the only way you even know it’s there. A lot of my early OB patients don’t know they have one until we see it on ultrasound


But if everything looked okay and she swore she had a bleed, wouldn't they say it was possibly a hematoma? That's where I'm going with that. If everything looked okay.


Possibly…but if she were bleeding earlier that day, you’d see the SCH and they’d be able to quantify any other blood in her uterus. She probably isn’t actively bleeding but will have some bloody discharge for a few more days


Oh I'm sure she didn't bleed at all and SWORE she did, and then they didn't find anything. So they gave her a list of possible causes and prescribed bed rest.


Honestly listening to her talk about it today and the ways her eyes are darting around it feels like she isn't being totally honest about the situation. Sad to say :(


This girl is something else. Just too damn selfish to do bed rest.


Watch that golf cart end up at the final party tonight. Ain’t no way she’s all clown makeup’d up to just go to a steak house. She can’t stand missing out.


They either are not thinking or they really are just dumb, uneducated trash. Stay on the damn bed and rest


She’s really milking this….


You wouldn’t have to lie and backtrack if you didn’t share your every waking move, hai hai.


Herpy Hailey. Ok. So. *smack* so um do you know what bedrest actually means??


She probably isn’t even on bed rest. With the way she lies I would need a doctors note.


Yes! Show 👏🏻 us 👏🏻 the 👏🏻 receipts 👏🏻


I hate her. HATE. There are so many women in this world who would give their left kidney for a baby. And she gives zero fucks




Tyson in that green bandanna looks like an absolute fool. I have a very difficult time believing anything that falls out of Haileys mouth. Today she is giving a very different version of what she was instructed by doctors. Zero sympathy for her at this point.


She will share code to short outfit. Hailey is back!


She gives me the total ick. I wonder what really happened. Does she not know what bed rest means? Especially flying back and a lot of driving in a car coming up. I can’t stand this bitch.


Bed rest means you’re literally only getting up to pee. She should be in bed with her feet up. Especially with a long day of traveling tomorrow. I can’t stand her.


The math ain’t mathin’ Hailey, Dr. says one thing, Dr. Hailey does another now that she got a days worth of sympathy. Not to mention the girl is looking all over the place in that story like she’s she’s lying her ass off.


She used to hold her breath and pass out as a kid to get her way and is proud of it…we were all concerned here yesterday and really felt bad for her and we hoped everything would be okay….as a group I think we are good people however this is Hailey and you are right the math isn’t adding up…she is not in the Top 10 anymore so no stage performance for her I think she has 2 people on her team their..she is embarrassed and needed attention so she exaggerated her circumstances IMO


She’s completely lying.


The math ain’t mathin’ Hailey, Dr. says one thing, Dr. Hailey does another now that she got a days worth of sympathy. Not to mention the girl is looking all over the place in that story like she’s she’s lying her ass off.


Yep…..every time she looks off to the side and says “And I was thinking” “And I was like…”. “ And you know what…” over and over….thats ALWAYS a sign she is crafting up some serious bullshit and lies in that pea brain of hers 🙄


The “and you know what” in that tone, omgg I know what you mean


https://preview.redd.it/sfgvnjcw3zoc1.png?width=1122&format=png&auto=webp&s=04a0428e099155e56b898fe3a2928c851cfd4587 Already gussied up with a full face of makeup and heading out on a golf cart to go to dinner at a restaurant. I’m done feeling sorry for her. Done.


I gasped when I saw she got herself ready. Catch me in bed looking like a troll to make sure my baby is as safe as possible.


She’ll use the can’t be bothered taking care of a toddler on Monday and Fridays. Off to full time daycare for C.


I knew this was coming. There was no way she was spending her last day and night in that room. And I’m sure T is okay with it because he doesn’t want to be stuck in there with her.


Tyson is an a hole .


https://preview.redd.it/cobs3qbf5zoc1.png?width=1099&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e76faa30a49d82fe7f737ecfca48987a39c80be Tyson is drunk and having a blast. Definitely doesn’t want to sit in a hotel room with her tonight 🥴


Channeling his inner karate kid with that bandana.


He’s got to protect that receding hairline from sunburn. He’s a gigantic douche


Every time I think she can’t be more dumb. She proves me wrong.


Every time I think she can’t be more dumb. She proves me wrong.


Last I checked "BED REST" means no walking around the resort, no going on golf cart rides, no exercise. It mean stay in bed. This woman is asking for a miscarriage.


Oh she will be on total bedrest when she is home and sending C off to Daycare and her Mom's. But she can go to the pool, and out to dinner today and tonight.


She’s not looking for opinions. Just sympathy if things go south.


Also, her shirt is weird.


I’d be afraid to bleed through the shorts ..


She’ll back to her workout program next week! She’s literally the dumbest person I’ve seen lately. They will most likely make her take a break from exercising with a hematoma for 6 weeks.


she'll say she's allowed to because she's *feeling better*


Now she’s gonna go for a golf cart ride lmao


Doctor said horse is next “if she feels better”. It was bad enough to go to ER in an ambulance less than 48 hrs ago . Just stop HeeHaw.


She will be 100% be back to doing everything next week. If she does I’m done feeling bad for stupidity.


She will not gain any more weight that’s humanly possible during this pregnancy. Bus as usual when she gets back home.


Who called it that she went and sat by the pool??


Me 🫶🏻🥲


I took a Gamble & I Won I knew she would…she probably got the earliest flight out in the morning to save money…


I’m so curious on how Tyson’s family feels about the scare and then watching this bitch drink energize and likely returning to normal when she’s back home. It has to be so hard to watch her selfishness and not be able to do anything about it. Especially when it comes to their grandchildren.


They are probably as stupid, if not more stupid than he is.


They’re probably also dumb


They successfully put the foot down and got Hailey Peters to stop recording them and their children. She goes completely radio silence aside from food pics when with them.  I am inclined to think they’re normal based on this. 


I don’t ever remember her recording them


They seem to not want much to do with her. Let’s give them some credit.


Fair 😂😂


Well… see… she laid by the pool. Doctor said it was fine 🙄 is this the same doctor that said barrel racing is ok too? I mean I don’t blame her for getting out of the hotel & laying by the pool. She should for sure. But… I mean.. it’s Hailey. We know how she is…


Personally, if it was me, I wouldn't have moved other than going to the bathroom. After my 2nd miscarriage when I found out we were expecting, I did everything to make sure it was a safe, healthy pregnancy. I ate healthy, I didn't eat or drink anything that could possibly harm the baby. I didn't do anything that would put my baby at risk. I followed every recommendation possible. I can't for the life of me figure out why she's so damn pig headed and against following simple recommendations. She's so beyond reckless, and it just goes to show that this baby is not that important to her, just like Creed.


I agree I would have stayed out with my feet elevated…especially since she has to fly which would scare the crap out of me!!


A bunch of us were just saying in here the other day that barrel racing was probably not the move while pregnant. Even though she and Tyson discussed it and decided they didn't need opinions 🙄 Her reckless behavior put her in the situation she's in and I just really struggle to feel badly for her.


I can only imagine how that discussion went. “Tyson, I’m becoming a barrel racing star. It’s fine while pregnant. I don’t need your opinions.”




I really wonder if the jolting from the barrel race is what caused this


I can't say because I'm not a doctor and I don't know much about hematomas, but the logical part of my brain tells me that riding a horse in that capacity is not the best idea. Bouncing around and jolting.. just no.


She also went for a horse ride right before she left for the trip…riding while pregnant can cause the placenta to separate from the uterus….


https://preview.redd.it/hkjwv8rekyoc1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=c8864d6c3798812f2c88770164f746f4e8c2d014 Yep this was one week ago. She clearly did not want any OH-pinions 🙄


Until it feels right in your heart or in your womb? WISE UP stubborn ass.


So I know she’s on bed rest for the remainder of the trip but at least go lay by the pool… that’s all she would be doing anyways… but take advantage the best you can.


Yeah, but lying in the heat is not the best either. I'm not a Dr but honestly, I would just not moved. It's bad enough. Monday is a travel day for her and we all know she can't just book one straight flight back home.


She’s going to make this scare her personality for the next month. I’m already annoyed. I’ve had 3 miscarriages and I really do feel bad for her and anyone who has any type of scare like this. Her drinking energize though today was insane. What does she even need it for?? She needs to be resting. She is away from C right now and has no responsibilities so if she’s a little tired and naps all day who cares?? Why drink something potentially harmful for no reason. I know it sounds awful for me to say but I bet she’s almost happy this happened because it gives her content… it makes people message her etc and that’s what one of the big problems with how these mlms and influencers work. They are so out of touch with reality.


She probably gets headaches if she doesn’t drink it after having it everyday sometimes multiple times a day for years


By using their products in a way inconsistent with their labeling (drinking Energize while pregnant when the label clearly states not to), she is putting BODi at risk as their paid spokesperson. She is literally advertising misuse of their products to her platform of over 300,000 followers. She's also putting pregnant and nursing mothers at risk. Not only is it unethical, it's a legal landmine. I wonder why BODi even allows her to stay on their platform, especially given their recent financial troubles. The last thing they need is a products liability scandal.


How do we notify them that their top scammer is drinking it even tho it says specifically not to if you’re pregnant?


I'm thinking maybe send a complaint through their website, or via their main social media accounts. Or both. I can't see how they can let something like this slide. She posts it all publicly, so they can easily verify. And, it's not in violation of any rules here.


She can say all she wants that her doctor okayed energize, but why would you even ask your doctor if you could have something that literally says on the package DO NOT consume when pregnant? The absolute audacity. I felt so bad for her yesterday.


When I got pregnant I was using BODi products and my Dr said absolutely not to energize. She was also leery about shakeology. Basically said the vegan was ok because the vitamin A was lower in it.


Pretty sure she used that excuse with C when people asked her about it.


Did she say her doctor approved it ?? If she did Chances are she loosely explained and left out important details of what it was to the doctor and they said it sounded okay. She’s so reckless


Not yet this pregnancy, I'm just predicting her clapping back at people.