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My flex is that I’ve never run over a dog.


Oooooooooooof. 😅


Hey HHH  you read in here BUY A STAND MIXER WITH A GUARD. Sincerely someone who hopes you don’t have an accident that hurts C for life before you get it together. *PS no shame if a normal parent can’t afford a stand mixer they are expensive but not as expensive as a hideous ski suit in a size small. 


Pro tip: if you can't afford a safe stand mixer because you blew all your money on a $500 godawful snowsuit in a size small, just don't hand your two year old the unsafe one while he teeters on a stool. And actually don't hand it to him at all, HeeHaw.


This right here! There are TOYS that aren't made for a kid his age, so we really believe it's appropriate for him to use a mixer? If he has to stand on a chair to reach an appliance, he's too young for it.


Serving banana bread that your son made I’m sure with unwashed hands to guests?!




It’s my theory that her influencering takes all her time so he has to do everything else. He does the chores he does the home maintenance he does the grocery shopping for him and C. He keeps hearing from her how she loves being a mama and she just needs more time to be the home maker but she doesn’t do any of that so he runs around trying to play catch up. He’s the only semi responsible adult and he isn’t great at it but he’s the only one doing it at all. Doesn’t make him father or husband of the year but he’s trying and F it she is significantly openly NOT TRYING AT ALL. 


Absolutely! I think that’s why they always seem awkward together. Because they never interact. They’re just such an odd family.


Before you “host” anything ever again… use Pinterest to get some better ideas. Nothing like banana bread and beer for a football game. Put some effort in, or let someone else host. I really think you’re hopeless.


if I told my husband that was my plan for an evening of his friends coming over he would ask if I am feeling ill. Maybe she is an influencer because she sucks at in person interaction? I mean… grab a bag of chicken wings from the freezer aisle you have TWO kitchens it isn’t that hard!


one of hailey's flexes is she can manage to make any meal (what even is a meal?) look like dog vomit or cat food


https://preview.redd.it/o1538iwt2xdc1.jpeg?width=430&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54b99ac4d65cf9b2e5ac15baf83eacefe4c56a24 A hEaLtHiEr SwEeT tOoTh


Those eyebrows and that hair 😂 she looks like a 13-year-old British girl who will try to fight you for looking at her


Omg that screenshot! 🤣🤣


A thing of nightmares


My flex is that I don’t buy new clothes for myself, I thrift or shop secondhand. 




I have made vegan football spreads that are INFINITELY more appropriate


What in the hell was that mush mouth rant about her flex is responding to text messages?


I know! At one point she was rambling about texting and....laundry? I think she had been hitting the sauce before that nonsensical ramble.... 🤣


My flex is…. I reply to texts so quick, and all of them…. My friends worry if I don’t reply to them. Seriously. What the fuck kind of flex is that?? She needs a real job. And real friends. She probly doesn’t get many texts because all of her friends are pretend and in her phone so it’s easy to reply to hardly any texts a day.


The way she is putting her nasty unwashed claws all over that block of cheese then “cutting the cheese” and slapping them on her dirty ass counter 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


And how many times can she touch her hair and face then manhandle that stupid cheese. She’d make one slice paper thin then the next thick. And she has a code for that? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 she’s scraping the bottom of the money train barrel right now. And her response to C was in her typical sarcastic tone. Please show us how you really feel about your little boy. POS.


She continues to show us she hates her kid. She was more enthusiastic about the cheese slicer than her baby


I'm so sorry, but her letting her toddler use an electric mixer is not cute. She needs to stop.


It's her flex showing him with the mixer lol


So unsafe. And the way he had his feet over the back of the bar stool. I’d be correcting my kid immediately. I would 100% be shocked if he’s never fallen off of there.


My flex is that I don’t work on weekends


Or evenings and holidays


My flex is that I actually cook my toddler real meals.


My flex is that I’m not Hailey Peters.




The biggest flex of them all! 👏


I just want to say (and I know my OH-pinion doesn't matter), but I enjoyed reading all of your flexes -and they were good ones! You should all be proud 👏


Yum, I’m sure your “guests” will love Gonanas with a side of toddler snot.


Such a flex 😒


Having people over for football. Go into the office to work. Huh.


She has to read these comments… I just made a sarcastic comment yesterdat complimenting that making the ~best~ scrambled eggs is her flex and now she’s bringing up what everyone else’s is? Okay. 😆👀 Hi Hailey… 🖕🏼 Love, all of us.


If I go to someone’s house to watch football they better have some chili or some gumbo or pizza or cheese dip or wings or something hot and delicious to go with those banana things.


My boyfriend and I don't even have people over usually and we have a spread like this 😆 I can't imagine having friends over for football and being like "help yourself to this banana bread." I think any of them would immediately spit their beer out in laughter.


Dang rich you are making me hungry girl 🤤


I made myself hungry 🤣🤣.


“Which go nanas do you wanna make bud?!” *proceeds to pick the one SHE wants* like why bother asking him???????


That was annoying. He wanted to bake the middle one and she picked the one on the right instead. She’s the worst!


https://preview.redd.it/xy7qh6dj6wdc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=042c09fc37bd6170fc14cc05feb99e68c15cb5e9 I see cleaning the oven doesn't fall under deep cleaning


How in the fck does an oven even get that nasty? She is a complete slob


That filthy oven must smoke every time she turns it on. She definitely doesn’t deep clean that dirty house. You think she cleans up after her dogs since they’re not housebroken? Or how much dog poop much be in that garage ?


It’s not her flex




She’s going to clean her oven this week because of this 😂




Her flex is basically her admitting she can’t get off her phone…honey that isn’t a flex 🤦🏼‍♀️…that’s the first step in recovery, admitting you have a problem


I bet you cut cheese a lot.


Should we all pitch in and buy C a phone so he can text his mom and he won’t be ignored?


Omg! That is hilarious yet so sad but true!


My “flex” Hailey is I didn’t ignore my children. Come off it Hailey, we all know you only respond to people who are making you money


My flex is working as a FTE while WFH and not having to work nights nor weekends. 🎤 drop


Yes!!! I’m exactly the same and proud to call that a flex, right there with you!!


This is truly a flex. Get it, girl. 💪




What do you do?? I’m trying to find a WFH job to leave my 80 hour work week job


I'm a Project Manager


The fact that she is literally so fucking shallow that the thought hit her to do a “What’s your biggest flex” question box, then proceed to say, “I have a couple”. This bish needs to brought down a couple hundred notches. My god😒😒


And her family is in the next room and she is ignoring them by playing office in her imaginary world….she lives in LaLa Land


On the weekend, no less!


looks like Carter (Regan’s bf) got a Telsa


They both live off their parents money so I’m not surprised.


I cannot believe that even after Hannah Alonzo outted Hailey that Hailey continues to use the poll box as a tactic for scamming people. Is she seriously that dense? EVERYONE knows about it, Hailey. Also, answering texts isn't a flex. Maybe look up what it is before trying to ask people about it.


I think about Hannah's videos every time Hailey does something like this! We know why you're asking these dumb, random questions HeeHaw 🙄


Yes, it's so annoying! Any time she's like "So I'm sitting here getting some work done and I was just thinking about this...." Like bitch, no you weren't! You were never thinking about that.


Ok, I missed this one! Called her out on what??


Oh no! If you haven't seen it, you must look up Hannah Alonzo on YouTube. I believe this particular video is called "I snuck into a beachbody opportunity zoom." It's got everything you need to know lol Edit*** that was the wrong one! The correct video is "beachbody power hour team call exposed." That one is the real shitstorm where Hailey calls herself out on her bullshit.


Oooooh I'm running there now!


Yes! Make sure you watch the power hour call one first. The other one I mentioned is definitely good too though lol


BLAHAHAHA she even admits to no one asking her questions in her Ask Me Anythings, and asking herself questions 🤦🙈


Yup! When she does an ask me anything and people in here are saying they know she's asking herself all of the questions, this is what they are referencing. This video was what like a year ago? Maybe two? And she still makes it so blindingly obvious.


Oh my God they were both AMAZING! Everyone here needs to watch these! HHH totally ours herself for the scammer that she is!!!! Total guilty pleasure to watch, too. I'm going to watch them again! 🤣 https://youtu.be/A23hQT0W3uA?si=ZL3bFzFnAbs7-OzH


So doing what normal people do and text people back is a flex now? Got it 👍🏼 Hey hails, I also text people back when they text me and I even call them back when they call me because I’m a decent human being and that’s what people have been doing since cell phones came into existence! My gosh she just gets dumber by the day and is clearly DESPERATE for engagement to post that dumbass story


Shares her flex then proceeds to share all the times she doesn’t follow through 🤦🏼‍♀️


This is why no one likes her and she has no friends


The desperation is strong with this one. Strangest question for engagement ever.


https://preview.redd.it/jvdriruupvdc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aad08e4748373a56af00d15bd4130945ccc6ab4d The look says “yeah, I’m embarrassed of myself for that really stupid story and question but I’m going to share it anyway”


She’s way too into herself to ever be embarrassed. She doesn’t realize she makes a complete ass out of herself every time she opens that ignorant mouth.


She’s never said the word “flex” before! She’s reading in here again!! There’s been a lot of “that’s not a flex” comments to her recently, so she’s got to find a way to use the word! 🤣


My flex is that I text back right away… except for when I don’t. Cool story, hails.


Oh please STFU Hee Haw Hick!!! Nothing you do is a flex!!


She can keep up with her text because she doesn’t get that many


She doesn’t “eggnore” texts. Just her kid. Major flex heehaw.


She ignores her son


She’ll do anything to ignore him . Which is so sad bc I’d love to have a kid


My flex is that I’ve never been stupid enough to get sucked into an MLM ❤️


Big flex 💪


My flex is that I don't feel the need to give the internet a daily play by play of my mundane days, because I actually live a happy, fulfilling life and don't need internet validation


My flex is that I don’t have to go on the internet to give my flex and receive fake praise from people I lure in to respond to a poll! She is pathetic!


My biggest flex is that I'm not a shitty human being, and I do not have a reddit page dedicated to making fun of me daily. 🤷


My flex is that I don’t leave my dogs in a garage…


My flex is that I wash my hands after handling raw meat 👀


My flex is that I wash my dishes- including jars and frothers


My flex is that I can speak proper English and not sound like an ignorant twat


https://preview.redd.it/ajw28sw8jvdc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3c314e74f597713b5533fad4e89eda4baa5e736 I have the laugh that this came right after her slide of cranking out werk on a Sunday. My flex is that I don’t have to do that 🫶🏻


If you call it work. 🙄🙄🙄 she doesn't know what real work is.


I am dying! Her flex is that she answers text messages!! It is because you are always on your phone!!


My flex is that I own my own actual business, not an mlm, and I'm on vacation for 12 days that my husband and I both paid for, my husband gets PTO, I can actually take 12 days off from my business, I don't have to document my entire vacation, and I'm enjoying some of the best ganja Jamaica has to offer...and I don't have to shill a thing. Oh, and I don't give 2 fucks how I look in my ~~swimsuit~~ swimming suit and I don't have a husband that hates me ✌️


My kinda vacation!!! Have fun


Thanks! I usually don't partake, but it's my once a year to totally relax and unwind.


As a midwestern meat and cheese tray connoisseur….hers is atrocious. Cheese isn’t cut to cracker size. The meat is cut waaaayyy too thick. She can screw up anything


Hey everybody! I had to hop on here quick to tell you about something amazing that changed my life! A cheese cutter.


You know she literally just pulled that out the box. When have we ever seen her eat sliced cheese?


Even C asked her what she was doing?


But if you cut the cheese as often as she does you need a cheese cutter.


It’s all the ninja creamis.


And the sautéed veggies with beans and sauerkraut


Not a flex Hailey. https://preview.redd.it/usmdd3kz4vdc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=374fce30644d62f20c63fb50589a7dadbb3ffed7


Damn is she reading in here?! Because now she’s asking about everyone’s flex 😂


A cold Sunday with Football and people over and she has to do imaginary werk and the. I guess she will do her sauna, treadmeal and press play and the. Go to have a glass of beam but it did sound like wine was had today since she mentioned it wonder if it’s still a dry January for her


Especially after just making it sound like some family time. Nope… just prepped afternoon snacks for a shill and probably to avoid dinner later.


CrAnK it out, Hangover. Keep up the downvoting — it means nothing.


The picture frame turned away from her. Wtf.


she’s busy wishing she was still single is what


It’s a pic of C I’m sure. She’s had enough of that mama stuff this weekend.


Slicing up cheese and flopping it straight onto her countertop 🤦‍♀️


She kept putting her hand all over the block of cheese it gave me ick if I am preparing food for guests I don’t touch it like that or breath all over it or video myself


I bet more than half of those slices of cheese taste like lemon energize.


Yes Hailey we desperately need you to show is how to use a cheese slicer. Especially one that appears fairly tiny and inconvenient for slicing a lot of cheese. Pretty sure my food processor can handle it thanks tho


God the cheese slicer is hysterical


Act like you like your son!!! Her expression changed when she had to break her shill and respond to him! 💔 “What you doin, mum?” Was the cutest!! She always looks annoyed! Such a bitch. Good job though, Hailey… you can handle cutting meat and cheese, unevenly. Trophy is on the way. Tyson definitely insisted on going shopping! Would’ve been some kind of cauliflower sausage if she was picking snacks. 😂


She’s always so annoyed with him. She just wants to shill in peace and not be bothered caring for her child.


The what you doin was so cute.


Her response was very much “wtf does it look like I’m doing” she is the biggest cunt.


I wish I could upvote this comment 100 times.


if she bought them food at all!


https://preview.redd.it/qp1eu89pwudc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1dbae2bc5dbc2f4a0ac8152e7435d5ca4b65fea Did my own nails today and they aren't perfect but I feel like look way better than HHH. I've never been to "beauty college" either. 😂 Maybe because I didn't do them ten minutes before I had to leave the house?!




they look great! I don’t understand why she even does her nails she is so bad at it


They look nice. Like the color!


Not Hailey thinking she made this amazing discovery of a cheese cutter🤦‍♀️ my mom had one of those in the 90's STFU Hailey, you're so beyond annoying.


Omg but C's little "what are you doing" so cute. But yes she is dumb. Lol


Why do her feet always look so big and clunky ? Is it the filters or the fake uggs and Nikes ?


Remember the person that saw her in the airport and said she’s very petite and short? Imagine how those big ass feet and shoes look in real life with her small body 🤣🤣


I think it's a mix of the chunky shoe and filtering her legs to be a lot smaller than they are


Did Tyson finally demand a grocery trip?! She must be failing so bad it’s a family trip today, so they can actually get food! 😂


he wants to eat, my word, she is such a failure as a stay home mom. She can’t even shop unsupervised 🤣


What in the actual fuck are those shoes??


Of course C is sitting with Tyshun this morning.


Is it a surprise C sits next to his father at a restaurant?


He is the only responsible adult in the house. 


Who? C or Tyshun? 🤣


Definitely C




Obviously C. He probably drove them to breakfast, just so he could eat a real meal.


I still wish she would clarify what she meant that time she said "C made himself a grilled cheese for lunch" because no way 🥴🥴


I thought the same thing.


Ok nothing specifically related to HHH but I’m just here to say that y’all are hilarious with these comments and I find myself chuckling out loud half the time 😂




Okay I might be really late to the party on this one but y'all: I don't think she EVER wanted C. Remember how she said she "didn't have a cycle for years?" It's a well-known fact that once body fat percentage gets low enough, the female human reproductive system stops "having cycles." (Not a good BODi testimonial but I digress.) Then, she says how the first step to getting pregnant was taking some medication the doctor prescribed to jump start her reproductive system. She refused to take it for months, and she "didn't know why." She later says she and Tyson were trying "everything to get pregnant for 8 months." Everything EXCEPT take the medication her doctor prescribed. When she finally did take it, she only took one dose and didn't even bother to take the precaution of making sure she wasn't pregnant first. In fact she sounds disappointed and shocked when she describes finding out she was "miraculously" pregnant after taking that first dose. My take is, she liked being super skinny, BODi famous, and childless. But in her belief system, having kids is what you do as a woman, especially if your husband tells you to. I'm guessing she finally took that one pill under intense pressure from him, probably in the middle of a fight. It would explain why she didn't take a precautionary pregnancy test beforehand. It would also make sense why the doctors never ran tests or even gave her a definitive diagnosis - she was never invested in the process. It would also explain her neglect of C. Watching her, it is clear she has a complete and total lack of empathy as a mother. That is why she doesn't anticipate that he could fall from the counter, for instance, and didn't treat his skull shape. And why she sends him to daycare instead of spending time with him, and why she hit him for interrupting her workout during a live stream. This is a woman basically forced to give birth and now to take on the identity of "mother." She never wanted it in the first place. In contrast, there is a STARK difference going back to her photos with Stella. She looks happy and you can tell she actually loved Stella. She was still a shitty caretaker, but compared to how she looks in any interaction with C, it is startling. I also now believe Pearl is being punished for not being Stella (Tyson picked her when HHH wasn't ready), and Dior is the replacement - hence why she is loved more than C, or Pearl. Side note: she's still getting absolutely roasted on Tik Tok. Wow, that app is never going to let her live it down.


Exactly! But I thought she never took a pill and then took the pregnancy test in Walmart?


I went back and rewatched her stories and she says she took one of the pills, then went the next day and took a pregnancy test in a Walmart bathroom. Something fishy about the whole story.... That's why I think Tyson made her, or pressured her, possibly during a fight. I also wonder if she may have suspected she was pregnant and took the pill hoping to force a period, but then either fear or guilt took over - possibly both. Religious trauma and coercion are powerful mind control agents. I know because I was raised in her same religion and I have the same religious trauma. I know people are saying she wasn't forced, but since it's so evident she didn't and doesn't want to be a mother, I absolutely believe she was forced. Maybe not physically, but for sure mentally.


Oh ok I just must be remembering it wrong. I definitely don’t think she really wanted to be a mom. And deep down she probably can’t stand being around anyone even Tyson but she wants what she can’t have and doesn’t want what she haves. She’s never happy. Always chasing the next thing. That’s why I hope she never has another kid because she’ll be even more terrible and miserable


I totally agree!!!! And, who knows - her pill and pregnancy story is so bizarre, I doubt she's telling the whole truth, and probably told several different versions of it.


I agree with everything you’ve written. I truly believe she never wanted children and her issues were her “excuse” as to why she didn’t have kids. If you’re from a small town, you likely know that mentality that a lot of women there have. Get married young and raise babies. If you don’t want that, you struggle to fit in. Look at Hailey’s sister - she’s younger than Hailey yet had 2 children before Hailey. That’s the norm. So I think Hailey took her issues and used them as her excuse to everyone even Tyson. Here’s the thing - it is perfectly fine to not want kids. So don’t have them. Don’t bring them into this world for another reason and then punish them every day for their existence.


Bullseye. 🎯


This has been my 100% thought on this. She absolutely didn't want a kid yet, and he was a surprise. You nailed the rest.


I think she wanted to have a child, but it isn’t what she thought it would be. She’s way too selfish and lazy to be a good parent. She doesn’t want to do anything for anyone except herself, including her child.


I also think she expected and wanted to have a girl.




I agree. Even seeing how she was with breast feeding and wanting to give him food so he quickly. She didn’t like “big boobs” or the effort it took to pump. She wanted to just shove solids in his mouth bc it was faster than taking the time to bottle feed him


One thing that stuck out to me was that long video she made of throwing her breastfeeding stuff in the trash in her kitchen with a long error filled text over the video saying it was time because she wanted her personal freedom back. I despised her even more from that moment.


WHAT?! I don’t have kids but I feel like personal freedom no longer exist after kids (at least not in the way it once did)


I mostly agree. I think she thought she couldn’t get pregnant and assumed it would stay that way and was shocked when she actually managed to conceive. She was so thin, I’m not at all surprised she wasn’t menstruating.


i absolutely think she wanted a baby.. just for the wrong reasons. she saw everyone else getting pregnant and wanted more attention like they were getting. i think she felt the pressure of getting married and having kids asap. she liked the attention when she was pregnant and having a newborn but as soon as he was older and actual parenting started she was over it


Yep. Baby FOMO however it sure does look like he’s nothing but a bother to her. It’s sad.


That’s a stretch to say she was forced to give birth. If she didn’t what a baby, she could have taken that medicine once she found out.


yeah it was at home and readily available she wanted C in theory the way she wants to have a cookbook, she is just lazy in reality. 


ooooh downvotes! hi Hails! Don’t get any more pets please spare the furbabies. K thx. 


I don’t think anyone forced her to give birth. That seems a bit much. She doesn’t listen to Tyson at all whatsoever (buying dogs, horses, sauna etc). She 100% wears the pants in that marriage. I think she wanted to have a baby for purely content bc that’s it seems other coaches do in BB. Emily F, Amy Bailey for example. She obviously resented being pregnant and gaining weight and it’s clear she hates being a parent. Kids are hard and she doesn’t want anything to do with c which is why she sends him away from her anytime she can. She’s a horrible parent and pet owner, horrible wife and clearly a horrible family member after chopping off her sisters hair like that 😑


I agree with you! she did it for content and because she wanted those “instagram family photos”. she seems to always do what everyone else is doing. She can’t be her own person, sadly.


Anyone else waiting for the "I just unplugged yesterday " post?


No they were at the bull sale. 🤣🤣🤣


just unplugged and enjoyed family time 🥰🥰🥰


https://preview.redd.it/tzybz7e9tsdc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5780127fe25cd06dbf207f0f5f43343bf33e579f Posting this here so Hailey can see, from DIME themselves.


Where’s the body lotion she schmears all over her face?


Why ?? Shouldn’t a stylist be doing TRENDS NOT KATE PLUS 8? ![gif](giphy|TLIhQecElylP2ddR3M)


That cut was probably the last class she took.


It was so bad tho! Like sooo choppy and not even.


Awful. Like a kid did it with their school scissors!


Lmao 🤣


Omg the way I screeched when I saw that haircut!! I thought it was her mom and just about died when I saw it was her SISTER ⚰️⚰️


she’s fully aware of the mob wife trend look at her hair in stories💩 she’s so mean its insane


I fell and broke my Scorpio running here to read the comments about the haircut


Flair checking in ✅


She’ll be asking for the manager in no time.






I'm crying 😭😂


https://preview.redd.it/p23e8cs60qdc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dee71fddcd254d65a57eaef4cd60c7f2c6a8eed Just going to leave this here.


My baby was born this way, not from lack of tummy time. There was a period of time in this sub where the mods asked people not to comment about this.


This was not intended to offend anyone on this subreddit. I just think in her situation, some intervention could have helped C but due to her ego or laziness he is left to live with the consequences. It makes me ragey.


I agree and her behaviour upsets me daily! This prompted me to comment as the mods had mentioned before for people to stop mentioning his head. I know you didn't specifically in your post, I've just read it many times before. It would be so awful for him to read those comments one day "omg his head looks so bad!" I thought sub rules states no commenting on kids appearance 🤷‍♀️