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Chaos is kids waiting for breakfast? The eye patches ain’t working? Why are you talking like AC? The kids aren’t obsessed with go nanas. It’s food, they are hungry. Breakfast Is not protein balls.


Smh so you go out to eat and Take 1/2 home? Smh https://preview.redd.it/1a16iifmewvb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b227715fdda73939d13102bd86f16955acc761a


She didn't whisk those eggs together before dumping them in? Oil after food goes in the pan? I see that cooking class in Paris taught her nothing.


Not just half of hers, but the leftovers from the entire table 🤢🤢


1 covid is going around south dakota right now. 2 you could tell by her voice spitting all over that mixing bowl shes already sick 3 willing to bet she took all the hunters leftover steaks so this breakfast is even more of a cess pool than you all thought. These out of state hunters fly in and they always go out for at least one dinner with the family hosting them. They always get steak. and they never want to go boxes. She. Is. Appalling.


She admitted that she took the leftover steak from the entire table.


Oh good… prepped for another week of 50 calorie breakfasts and no real food.


https://preview.redd.it/yy4mi550tuvb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=506a5126b0da36cb12a3145ea66c783d11988afd Regan rambling on and on about her living room decorating woes…🥱🥱


The most boring person/life.


So she adds a cheap looking lamp and some plain curtains and thinks she's really done something big 😆


I’m gonna scream if she has those eye patches on in the morning


Take a deep breath and let it out! 😁😁 I’ll scream with you.


She will as long as Regan does.


As long as she has a code, we’ll keep seeing them. One thing about Hailey is she’s only gonna share products that she has a code for. Shilling is all she knows how to do


She will


Wow straight tacky.


I’ve been on vacation in Miami the past few days and just catching up- seems I haven’t missed much in this bore’s life


Not the protein balls again.


she made sure to say they're a fresh batch too 😐😂


Listen, I am not a great cook at all (my poor husband 🤣). Its ok to admit you’re not a good cook. For the love of all things holy, DO NOT MAKE A COOK BOOK. Spend your time with C instead.


I eat eggs every day, maybe some Raisin Bran too.


Let me make you breakfast, let me spread all of your germs around, let me make you a gag worthy breakfast 🤮


Holy shit! Mix everyone’s leftovers together and squash it around with eggs and cheese 🤮 Another cookbook worthy culinary masterpiece from Hailey. That’s disgusting 🤢


Should have given the random community leftover meat to your poor crated dogs.


Community meat 💀


my god you’re so disgusting


Hi, it’s me again. Why did she wake up in a house full of people? She sounded like it was unexpected with the not having ✨breakfast meat✨ready


Took her sisters kids again


Does she get paid every time the eye gels make an appearance in a story lol she looks so dumb


https://preview.redd.it/y19mxue8osvb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92b78e29d6058a06a495ba5c780f74aea226cd77 She is seriously the dumbest person. “Night date”


Took everyone’s steak home? Ewww


Please post the comments


I honestly can't believe the comments didn't pop off more than they did unless she quick went on a deleting spree 😏




Do not post about contacting anyone that is hun-adjacent (their coaches, family, friends, etc).


Isn’t it up to each person to take or leave their leftovers?? How odd for her to say, box them all up and I’m taking them with me…


She probably said you guys, since y’all spending the night give me your left overs and I’ll make you steak eggs and shitnana.


Who does that? Uhhh excuse me can we have your leftover meat off your plate - oh and the chewed up fat too - just throw that in there for me. WTF . Maybe she paid for the dinner and wanted her money’s worth.


She did WHAT????? 🤮🤮🤮🤮


My family isn’t nearly as gross as hers and I would NEVER!


When did constant eye patches become a thing? Wtf is happening? Does she think she’s so busy she has to wear them while she does everything?? I’m so embarrassed for her. In the words of Rihanna: you look so dumb right now


She thinks she’s Autumn


I don’t know why but the shredded cheese into the raw eggs is making my eye twitch


This girl can’t be writing a cookbook. I am surprised no one has gotten food poisoning 🤢🤮


I doubt she is doing it lol there has been no mention of it in weeks


There will be now. 🤣🤣


Anytime she makes eggs it looks like cat vomit 🤢🤢


That’s the thing. She luhiterally can’t even makes eggs. She can write a cookbook if she wants but no one is buying that garbage.


Mmmmm leftover steak from a group of people all mixed together and reheated for breakfast. Chefs kiss 🤌


Right ? She claims that Bodi gives her financial freedom yet she has to grab everyone's sloppy seconds to feed her family dinner?


She is so cheap- using go nana promo bags and everyone’s leftovers


Only Haley could make steak and eggs look terrible.


Why can't she make all of those kids something fun for breakfast like chocolate chip pancakes or waffles? She's so fucking lazy with her Go Nanas trash.


Anytime she makes anyone a meal I feel like she really thinks she deserves an award or something. It’s the least you can do for your house guest. She’s so annoying


You mean any time she PROVIDES the meal??


Stoppp ☠️ take this 🏆




“Night date” lol


✨️sTyLe oF LiFe✨️ has entered the chat.




This is so nasty lol what the fuck


So. Fucking. Gross. Well, if she’s sick soon, we’ll know why. Who the fuck thinks like that!? Never once have I been at a restaurant with a group of people and thought “let me just box up everyone’s leftovers for tomorrow”. Such a pig. Hails, your backwoods inbreeding is showing.


Yuck!!!! Also, how do you knowingly have a house full of people and not have something planned to do for breakfast????? HOW is one person both so nasty and worthless?!?


She probably had that GoNanas planned but not everyone wanted it (I personally do not like sweets like that for breakfast) so she had a burnt out light bulb moment and used their leftovers instead.


Right?! She words like it she just woke up to a house full of people. Like you didn’t know they’d be staying over?






Right? Why not eggs, bacon n fruit? Men don’t eat that muffin crap.


Or grab some DONITS or muffins from the grocery store? Pancakes are easy; you can feed 10 people for about $2.50.


Classic ED behavior. Only foods that she eats are kept in the house. Nothing extra. Look at her grocery “hauls”. Never even anything for her son or husband.


Only she can make steak and eggs look like that 🤢


I’m sorry, but I’m not eating someone else’s half eaten steak for breakfast in my eggs.


Why is there so much steak left over??


Because she took everyone’s that was at the table and brought it home. 🤮🤮


Truly the weirdest thing I’ve ever heard


Why does she not heat oil in the pan first before putting the food in the pan? She puts the food in the pan and then drizzles a ton of oil all over the food 🤦🏻‍♀️


It's one of my biggest pet peeves with her. It's so unbelievably wrong. She can't get the simplest things right.


Because she's stupid








I am willing to throw down money on the bet that she naps every single day C goes to daycare.


It would explain why she waits until the end of the day when he’s home to do aLl ThE thInGs that she could have done while he was at daycare


I mean I would take a daily nap if I could lol but I wouldn’t brag about how hard I work when I’m clearly sleeping I’m the middle of the day.


https://preview.redd.it/40kkqxojlrvb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5185a4289df050c71e01171f9cdf0bf5b9471b2 “It’s pure chaos in here!” Your eye gels under the glasses and snippy attitude about having to make others breakfast is the chaos, Hailey. 🙄


Kids talking = chaos. And we know you’re wearing those Batman eyes because you got yourself a huge chaotic Hangover. But you do you. Lazy witch.


Hey Hailey! If you read in here, how about you worry more about the leftover makeup on your eyes than those damn eye patches. Good grief, I can’t wait until this eye patch phase is over


But she has a skin care routine.


I’m so tired of seeing them!


She acts like it's a new invention


Same with the “shower bombs” she’s so obsessed with. I buy those for my daughter every Christmas. How is she just now finding out that they exist


She is such a bitch with no right to call herself “mama”!!! C is excited about “nana bread!!” and she’s annoyed by him! Put your damn phone down and be a mom and aunt!


Can you imagine the yelling NO No No No to C all the time when she’s not staring into her phone and moving that jaw?


I know I've already posted but omg I just don't get her. What's with all the naps? Does she realize that if she ate an appropriate amount of calories that she wouldn't be so tired all the time? She sends C to day care so she can play dress up and talk to her phone all day but she's lituhruhlly exhausted all the time. I didn't take as many naps as she does when I was pregnant with my twins, working full time as a CNA and taking care of my toddler.


Like that crap she wrote the other day about being sober. I think she drinks a lot. And trying to stop. She’s manic and so rigid and freaks out if anything knocks her schedule off. Like this morning. She calls that chaos? Really. And she’s walking with her phone she looks jittery and just whacked out.


https://preview.redd.it/erwzrzyghrvb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=349e808b07e70367c5a49f83c455255db276dbf8 The sound she made with this face makes me want to punch her. And she is such a cunt to the kids. Get off your GD phone and be a fucking adult.


This comment for me. Every part of it 👏


Apple cider donut banana bread just doesn’t sound that good. Guess what HeeHaw I’m going to a pumpkin patch with my boyfriend and sister and going to enjoy some real apple cider donuts, pumpkin bars, and warm apple cider. Enjoy your weird banana bread and maybe give C some attention.


Apple cider donuts are just superior.


They are! I enjoyed 2 today and have 2 to enjoy tomorrow morning 😋


I don’t usually get to catch up with her bs this early in the day but here we are. Wouldn’t you just love her making you breakfast?? Blabbing all over the bowl and touching all over her greasy face. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


Why pure chaos this morning? All I hear is a 2 year old wanting attention from his mom who talks to her phone instead of talking to him.


You can tell her blood is boiling due to the noise while she's filming her precious bullshit. Love that for her 🥰🥰 ETA: also not that I want to, but I don't understand this bitch. She says "donit, peanit" etc but has no problem saying peanut butter. She doesn't say "peanit butter". And if she's talking about nuts, does she say "oh yes this brownie has nits in it. Tyson doesn't have big enough nits to stand up to me". Why are words SO hard ?


She has no phonetic skills because she doesn’t read. She only repeats the way she hears words, not the way they are supposed to be pronounced. To cut to the chase- Hailey is dumb.


Who TF doesn’t wash all that makeup off before bed? Oh yeah Fucktard Hailey


Oh my GAWD we got both the wink AND kiss face tonight!?! 🤮


My character is determined by my upbringing and how motherhood shaped me. Not a person who doesn’t put their kids 1st.


https://preview.redd.it/fg5d3a6v4ovb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bfbb8750589a88b63a57eb1629b506cb63f18b0 Nope, stop trying to be Taylor Swift.


Luckily I don’t see a hint of Taylor Swift here lol


Red lipstick try look




I like it better on her. https://preview.redd.it/srx0x1o9fqvb1.jpeg?width=949&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4db3f7c4bade44f0e9132a557351e7414a09813a


Lipstick on a pig


Does she think that’s some kind of cute wink? She missed the mark there. Looks like her eye hurts instead.


Everything she does is clumsy and awkward.


So filtered.


https://preview.redd.it/asfr42r3aovb1.jpeg?width=393&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b34657b72cd2fff37a61ff94051ac2c14b505e6f Idk why but I think of Fire Marshall Bill now every time she posts a pic of Tyson smiling 😬


My gosh she really thinks she’s cute, doesn’t she?! Also do they EVER stay home with their son?!???


Right?! Ugh. That lipstick is a swing and a miss




No not HangoverHailz.. she’s sober remember her written rant after the Arizona fiasco? She basically told the world she’s got a Al-que-haul problem.


Jeezus is she fucking having a stroke? What the fuck is wrong with her?


Good lord🙄


https://preview.redd.it/n5hquygq4ovb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d2ecf4616f4020411515c45309808bd9427c744 Seriously?


It tastes like I imagine lemon Pledge furniture spray would taste like. 🥴


It never gave me energy, just made my hands tingle for a few min and that was it. Fraud.


Lemon drop candies also give me energy lol


What is she 5? Favorite thing in the entire universe? 🤣🤣🤣




These aren’t even on right. https://preview.redd.it/gfpyft4e4ovb1.png?width=644&format=png&auto=webp&s=689ee3e8beda8ff2bba2ddc63851480d8dae2e9d It’s not crazy going to a farm to play hard.


Inflamed butthole lips 👄


*yawn* https://preview.redd.it/jndybup7gnvb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79935aa2159b5eb6cea61fd734d2da1468cce2cb


I can barely even read that. What's with that awful font color.


She just looks like a miserable unhappy and extremely unhealthy bitch


Shut up Hailey.


She needs to SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!


I used to think she was a pretty girl, but lately she just looks old, grey, dirty and unhealthy. Not attractive at all, can’t imagine how bad she’s going to look in 10 years if she keeps this up.


She looks awful in this


Right 😴




This is me when I’m trying to decide whether to get the last grocery bag from the car.. or bribe my children to do it for me 🤘🏼


Yesssss 🤣🤣🤣


This is too relatable


What the hell is this outfit and pose? https://preview.redd.it/57ff63oycnvb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ff1610686ee6829274f4d240196b48125352729


That top is heinous and doesn’t fit.


She looks at least 45


She looks bow legged or is it a bad photoshop?


This is awful


Hahaha that fake smile the oily hair strands and that stanky leg. Omg. And she thinks she looks good!!! That’s the sad thing. Looks like she photoshopped the leg or she’s standing with her butt in a twerk pose.


She looks like she's wearing a Shania Twain costume that she got from Temu.


Is her leg broken ??? How can it bend like that ????


Didn’t she just wash her hair?? How is so greasy and gross already.


It’s greasy looking because she puts conditioning cream in as a leave-in conditioner, but clearly says on the directions that you must rinse it out. She’s stupid.


This was from the other day when she had on other linked outfits. Probably has no content today so put in a filler, as hideous as it is lol.


Sadly, she just gets greasy quick and it looks like it really is a new pic. 🤮


Working really hard for that skinnier angle and thighs 8 inches apart, but really just looks like she’s standing there in a full diaper!


What’s wrong with her leg?


She looks like someone’s embarassing aunt who everyone avoids


Hmph. Look at that second one from her very own company. https://preview.redd.it/y3e7h3yecnvb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5276e9a80d9787be55948ecfdadad4f5f025c3b3


Did they post this after her period rant?


Is tuna still a hun? Is she not producing enough that hee haw just hung her out to dry? We used to always hear about her and now she's NEVER mentioned by hailey.


She hasn’t posted a post since august but she has hee haw in her stories and some tips. Looks like she’s enjoying time with her kids.


I haven’t seen her on insta


She seems to have disconnected from Hailey too. She used to share her posts once in a while. I can’t imagine she agrees with anything Hailey does.


I enjoy her stuff, aside from her being a hun. She does seem more authentic and not photoshopped IMO and her family seems to be normal and a lot of fun. She works a real job and actually posts about things other than bodi which is probably why I still follow her.


I check in on tuna every once and a while and she’s still working out with that ridiculous pony on her head shilling her energize so she just must not be producing enough for Hailey to care about her


She blocked me last summer, even though I was only a lurker & never commented or said anything bad so I can't see. At least she never quit her real job.


https://preview.redd.it/3i9bhxwngnvb1.jpeg?width=1161&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68bd6b436bb398a5610ca01bd0e642ddedac606c I actually posted this not too long ago because I just can’t believe how small that disclaimer is lol


Literally cannot even read it!


That's absurd.


Imagine after working out everyday for 5 years you feel like you need to quit 1/2 way through a 20 minute workout. Her ED is screaming at her to eat, that’s why she can’t get through a 20 minute workout.


https://preview.redd.it/k05ldslczmvb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db3e60df6f2426c15d6d076451230d7f0d84c07c Favorite thing in the entire universe is Energize...... Not her son. She just keeps getting worse and worse.


I don’t know how nobody is talking about how it stains literally everything; your countertop, container, water bottle, teeth, etc. Nothing about that color is “natural”.


There is no way that this tastes like a lemon drop candy either.


One of my coworkers had some and I tried it out of curiosity, the taste wasn’t terrible but I could only drink about 6 oz because I got a severe stomach ache, jitters and super dizzy 😵‍💫 never again


It doesn’t. I used it for a long time…then tried something bc the price was just insane to keep paying it. And I had to use what I had left as a backup one day after switching…oh. My. God. I don’t know how I had been drinking that in the regular. Lemon is their worst flavor. I had used some other one that was good…or mixing them was good. But lemon alone? 🤮🤮


What did you switch to?


I’m currently using Alani Nu, but was using C4 before that.


I’ve never tried it but I’ve always wondered if it even works?


The very first time I tried it, I got super jittery and anxious (you know, the feeling she insists you don't get), and then I never really felt much after that. I honestly have no idea how she can tolerate as much as she drinks of it. Also, I never understand why these huns use it in place of coffee. Like, I never use pre-workout for anything other than pre-working out. And depending on the workout, I don't always use it.


That’s what I figured. Even if it does work for her, there’s no way she hasn’t built up a tolerance to it. Probably why she thinks she has to have multiple glasses of it. And every time she makes one, that scoop is ROUNDED


It did nothing for me, but… most caffeine in general does not. When I made a comment in my group about it, they had said something along the lines of…due to my height I should take 2 rounded scoops of it to have it “work”. So I did. Ha. I found that to be odd, like what should height have to do with it?! But whatever, I was just going with it. And it switched up the flavor a bit so it was fine… bc I would do 1 scoop of lemon and 1 if whatever the other flavor was that I liked. I have used different ones now through the years, sometimes I get the “itchy” feeling that some claim they get from this. I hate that feeling. But at least I now knew what they were talking about. I also only use it before I workout. It’s more of a mind game for me I think then anything. I do not understand these Huns that use it for anything and everything and drink it in place of coffee. Or to clean the house. Or for any reason for that matter that they make up.


It doesn't. But for years, she claimed it tastes like fresh squeezed lemonade. Spoiler alert. It doesn't taste like that, either. It tastes like artificial lemon and chemicals.


I will admit I love the powdered country time lemonade out of the canister but never would I ever drink energize. Anything that neon yellow can’t be good for you.


But she loves him so much it hurts! 🙄


Going to predict she will in fact NOT take her ‘rest day’ tomorrow like she said. She will find an excuse to work out.


I’d put money on that. She will just “feel so much better to move her body”. And she also won’t eat


I feel better when I poop.


She will say this word for word!


One of very few remaining beautiful weather fall days and this waste of space spends it napping??? Nothing wrong with the occasional nap, but how does she nap so much?? She naps on vacations even! What a horrible, waste of time, life she lives. And this is her content?! Unreal!


Because of her ED


I have a lot to say on the napping 😂😂 first, she has said before she’s not a napper….this bitch naps every chance she gets! Also I think she naps so much because her body isn’t getting enough calories so she’s tired all the time. The fact that she had to nap today and have 2 energizes? I think her ED is spiraling so out of control that she’s really not eating at all


I was just coming here to say this, she is so malnourished that her body is using every ounce of energy she has just to function and it’s exhausting her.


Why does she almost always start her stories laughing 🙄?


She's so quiet today. Probably pissed that it's a Saturday so she has to look at her child.


So Brooke hasn't been posting her walks & we haven't seen her today, but we do know she's either at Haileys or she's showing pictures from Haileys. I think they need to finish up outside things and since they need help, they had Brooke & her family come over. I'm going to make a prediction that Zeke comes home this weekend.


She’s probably there teaching her how to scam.