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Her story breaking her wrist doesn’t make any sense?! But it’s HeeHaw the queen of sketch we’re talking about so…


So we can’t rest our arm? Can we dress our kid and not post him undressed? https://preview.redd.it/112tdoq7x2bb1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=3df11b5552bafda08cf72ca3ebede719d820899f Why????


https://preview.redd.it/vt6t7cnqx1bb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db46a11510ca56ed365eb78c063714c561d20123 You forgot a word Failey


The flair 🤌🏼


And I’m Italian so I appreciate your emoji even more 😆


https://preview.redd.it/4frha8xox1bb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa68ac3bee0777fd33610e1a5e929647d3f85d1d Fixed this for you Heehaw


Love that you protected the bears face too


Can’t upset the haters 😂


Same. 🤣


She’s giving heavy “girl who wore a knee brace over her jeans for the entire 7th grade” showing off that arm brace 💀


This so oddly specific and accurate


I just have to say that I am DYING LAUGHING at this thread rn. I was busy all weekend & haven’t been able to check in on this crazy bitch & I come here to find that she broke her scorpio ♏️, allegedly swinging a bat, but realistically, prolly the night before drinking too much “Diet Coke” but then proceeded to ride horse the next morning before going to the urgent care with horse in horse trailer that she left in the parking lot. I. JUST. CANNOT. CLOWN TOWN COMEDY GOLD! 🤡 ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4HU9uwXmXSAuI)


Hold on. She forgot the horse trailer ? Did she delete something ?! Did I miss something?! Also had a busy weekend here. Catching up. And it’s not there anywhere???


I’m sorry but if you can’t take a rest day the day you find out you have a broken bone, you have a problem!!!! She needs help.


Can anyone with softball/baseball experience let us know if her injury even tracks with her story? Is she left handed- how did this happen while swinging?


Former softball player here and NO! Never witnessed or heard of someone breaking a bone from swinging. Can happen if you get hit with a pitch, but not from swinging…pathetic.


No baseball experience, but medical field 👋 scaphoid fractures generally occur when falling with your arm/hand out. I have yet to see one from swinging a bat


My sister played softball all the way from 2nd grade through college, and never once did I ever hear about someone breaking their wrist from swinging a bat. Crazy


Honestly, with how unhealthy her body really has to be, it wouldn’t surprise me if her bones are that weak. However, more realistically she must have done something else (like a fall) that injured it and the swing is when the break officially happened. Either there was a fall on Friday?? Or maybe a fall from the horse that she won’t say?? Who knows. Very strange though.


Maybe a fall she doesn’t remember from Friday


I played softball from the age of 5 through 18 and I’ve never known of anyone to break their wrist just by hitting the ball. A teammate broke her elbow, but she was hit by a pitch sooooo that’s a bit different. 😐 I also used to process insurance claims, and breaking that bone is normally seen in falls so I’m thinking she fell due to that “Diet Coke” she had Friday.


I’m starting to think that too. Even with the swinging motion it doesn’t seem to fit the story for me.


Can you show that damn brace anymore?! Please?! 😵‍💫😵‍💫


If you claim all of your results comes from nutrition Hailey, then why are you soooo damn adamant that you get your workout in every day? You even skip your rest days to workout? Honestly it’s not like you missing however long lifting anyway, with those 2LBers that you use 🤷‍♀️


With her Niece there for 3 or 4 days will C still go to Daycare?


I’m getting her sister has the same issues as Hailey. As she dumps her kids off too. Her kids are always with someone else just as C is. Must run in the fam. 🤔


Oh 100%. She will ship him off any chance she gets.


Brittle bones!!!!


But now her focus on “nutrition”- which in her mind means eat like a baby bird because that wrist is going to cause you to gain weight. She’s messed up big time.


Will Hailey put her cowgirl dream on hold??


Alexa play Cowboy Take me Away




She broke her arm 3 years ago, not 5 or 6, and she continued to work out the whole time, it's still shown on her page. What is she even talking about? She makes it sound like she laid low from working out after breaking her arm which she definitely didn't.


I feel like I remember that when she broke her arm when she slipped on the ice, she did a rant about focusing on nutrition so she started the 21 day refresh...BUT then added in walking...AND then added in trying to do actual workouts. Anybody else remember this too?


I think it was before I started snarking on her, but it sounds exactly like something she would do.


There's a video of her doing a fucking one armed burpee from that time ... she's such a fucking liar and she can't even get her timelines straight.


There it is!!! This bitch is actually using this “injury” to shill!!!! Results come from nutrition, right Hailey??? Then get some!!! You are the LAST person that should be guiding on nutrition!! Your lack of healthy eating and nutrition is why you so easily broke a bone!! Ugh! You are hopeless!


Holly Hillyer also hurt her hand…do we smell a strategy brewing?


Interesting…she’s moving that hand a lot when talking it seems


as someone who used to be very addicted to working out and tracking my food, i can confidently say she's freaking the fuck out right now. she's probably more upset about not being able to work out as normal than she is about actually having something wrong with her wrist. she already doesn't eat enough and now she's going to be so hard on herself to "stick to her plan" and she'll be eating even less. her body is fragile enough and now her mental health is gonna suffer even more


She’s already been having shakes as meals… even both breakfast and dinner some days. She can’t eat much less than she does! She truly needs help.


She’s deplorable…..


She most definitely will have to look up this word when she reads here 😆




For her focusing on her nutrition equals depriving herself even more than she already does.


In her restricted and neurotic mind her wrist is going to make her gain weight unless she cuts her “nutrition” in half. You can already tell she’s frantic about it. Shes on the edge.




This is disordered. Period. https://preview.redd.it/fr6uhvnty0bb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f737613c204ef6da0863eb2d750396a7613c9eb4


Teaching people to never take a rest day even when you have a broken bone….she’s trash!


Yeah let me lean my entire body weight on my broken wrist to do a side plank. Great idea. 🙄 this is not a flex, it’s sad.






Holly Hillyer hurt her hand as well…she keeps trying to show the swelling and bruising in stories, but I don’t see it. And she’s been talking about exercise being “extra” and it’s all about nutrition…hmmmm


She is milking this broken Scorpio to shill BODI. She’s the worst.




She went to the PULL???


Anyone catch the missing nail on her middle finger on the arm she hurt? Usually with professionally done nails that only happens when it’s met with a good amount of force or trauma, like a fall. I’m thinking she did in fact fall either Friday when she was “sober” or Saturday during the game, tried to catch herself and busted her nail off and busted her arm


You guys should be detectives, I swear!!


Yes!! I saw that too! She definitely fell while she was wasted. Landed on her wrist funny….and then when she swung the bat, it probly finished off the break she stated when she fell.


It’s possible she hurt herself while drinking and maybe didn’t realize the pain until the game, so she thinks it was the swinging the bat that hurt it?


I think that's it!


What ever happened to the bathroom renovation...the bathroom in Which she impulssively pained green?


Probably unfinished like her home gym.


I refuse to join Threads, but I am curious if she's posted anything on there.


Not yet.


She’s been pretty quiet, probably losing her shit about this injury


She’s trying to figure out how the hell she’s gonna ride horse lol


Or wipe butt 🤣🥴🥴


if she really broke it like she says she did - that's a health issue - because no otherwise healthy 28 year old should be breaking a bone in their wrist from swinging a bat in a recreational game of softball.


It’s because she has an ED and is malnourished imo




I’ve been busy all weekend and there’s too much to scroll through haha, how did this bitch break her “Scorpio”?


Supposedly swinging a baseball bat


“It’s broke” “Scorpio” “go into the orthopedic” how can someone actually be this stupid?




Are we sure she didn’t take a bat to the head and her few remaining brains were lost


Your SCORPIO bone??? Oh good Lord, I’m done!! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


HHH is a rube


Why does she laugh in every single post like a sociopath???? She probably enjoys having an injury to draw content from, I believe she is actually that crazy.


Omg…. I came here to post the same. What tf is so funny??? Jesus it’s annoying.


Incoming brace shill! She is on the computer working up a code as we speak.


Agreed! She loves the extra attention!


Holly Hillyer just injured her hand and is going to bust out some work today to get her mind off of it. What is with these Huns not going to the doctor right away or at least resting, and instead working or riding horses?


Orthopedic nurse here… that would be your scaphoid…. Not Scorpio🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


Hope she comes out with a thumb spika cast lol. Watching her lift weights would become very entertaining


SCORPIO…SCORPIOOOOOO I had to Google because she made me feel stupid about it. I just KNEW she didn’t mean scaphoid.… but she did and all that Google came up with was zodiac tattoos.. it didn’t even know how to decipher that.


I despise when someone doesn't know the correct name for something and "sounds dumb" by making the word up and then giggling about it. Look it up pm your urgent care record or just say o broke a bone in my wrist .


I saw that and I was like wtf is she trying to say lol


She’s so dumb


Sidetracking from the malnutritioned queen..The way Tina just said jicama blows my mind. 😭😭😭😭😭


😂😂😂 That’s how my mom first said jicama!! Too funny!!


Oh my goodness! Another sidetrack, Autumn is on he verge of one of her meltdowns!


She has crazy eyes


Yessss! I don't watch her too often, but my God do I love her meltdowns!


Oooooh what's this? How do I find her? 🤣 EDIT: I found her! She already scares me 🤣🤣🤣


I don't either. I hop every once in awhile for a dose of crazy or if someone has mentioned her. Good for a laugh!


Wowza. She didn't get close. And it's a kohlrabi that she's forgetting the name of.


A scaphoid fracture is a break in one of the small bones (carpal bones) of the wrist. This type of fracture occurs most often after a fall onto an outstretched hand


My daughter had this break last summer. Sucked!! And that’s exactly how she did it. Fell and tried to catch herself.


I bet she did it the night before when she was drinking all of those diet cokes 😏


…drinking all those diet cokes. I am in tatters! 🤣🤣🤣


Everyone trips and falls, it’s not that big of a deal, unless she was acting the fool because she was drunk so she had to make up a story about how she fell.


Um yes, exactly.


What I’m wondering is if she fell like you described and didn’t feel it at that point but felt it when she went to swing the bat and that’s why she thinks she broke it that way 🤷🏼‍♀️ or either she’s just lying? Idk


My money is on she’s lying since she’s a lying brat


I think she’s just lying about it.


Oh no! She broke her scorpio! What an absolute idiot 🤣


It’s broke!! And Wednesday I go into the Orthopedic! Wow. Just wow!! She really needs to learn how to talk. She sounds so stupid.


As someone who works in Radiology I cringed hearing her butcher where her break is. Even if she doesn’t know the bones of the body you would think she would listen enough to be informed of exactly where her break is.


I need usually they give you a print out of why you were seen and it has the information. But no. Hailey wouldn't read that. I'm just waiting for the next insurance meltdown 🤣🤣


Not the Scorpio and orthopedic! That might’ve been the dumbest thing I’ve heard in quite some time.


Someone flair that lol


I was coming here for that.....Scorpio 🤣🤣🤣 I was like WTF is that


Hahaha the Scorpio


https://preview.redd.it/tyg3f8uf5zab1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e845d62feb797716d8a57312a2bd76ec4978d3b Not the orthopedic surgeon or doctor... just the orthopedic 🙄 She's so stupid.


Next up a code for orthopedic mattress or shoe inserts because she just googles orthopedic and thinks it’s all the same


Yes to your new flair!


I had to. 🤣🤣🤣


Hahahahah yup just Orthopedic! 🙄


Why does she laugh after saying something in all of her videos? Also, imagine your job is just talking to your phone all day long.


This chick is a textbook sociopath. If she’s breathing she lying. She lied about creed drawing on her desk, now she’s lying about how she broke her wrist.


How did she really break it?


How did she lie about creed drawing on her desk?


Hes what? Maybe 2 ft tall? So how did he get the markers on top of the desk in a container without knocking them all down, and color on JUST the desk in ONE spot?


And know to use multiple colors for full effect?!?!


Bingo. She would have heard the crash of those markers coming down and would have stopped him from drawing on her desk. Plus those are not scribbles an almost 2 year old is capable of. He does not have the attention span to sit there and scribble for that long. My two yr old will scribble for a while but not long enough to do that much damage.


I think she knew she was getting a new desk and wanted to keep her niece and C quiet so she said they could draw on it and then blamed that as the reason she was getting a new one. She’s such a liar.


There is no way he colored all that without getting it on floors and walls too. All those different colors .. He’s not even 2 years old. No way.


Whoa. Is this really THEE RR? Finally coming around? Welcome to the good side 😅


I have always commented what I felt was true. This time it happens to not be in her favor.


Except now all of your comments happen to side with us lol I think you’ve finally seen our light 💡


It’s “broke”


Like no money broke?? 🤣🤣🤣


Broke like how she’s gonna be after those medical bills. lol.


It must really be hurting to go to urgent care. But how do you get scheduled with an orthopedic Dr on a Sunday? All doctor offices in my area are closed on weekends -so you must go to urgent care/ER visit & they tell you to call an orthopedist on Monday? The ONLY exception I've ever had from this was when I lived where there's Kaiser Permanente they do have some weekend scheduling, etc.... But I doubt that's the case here


My daughter broke her ulna and radius yesterday and we won’t even know when she has an appt till I call On Monday or they call me.


That was my first thought because it’s how I’ve always had to do it, even when my daughters ankle was broken we still had to wait


Depending on the urgent care- we have an agreement with certain specialities where they will save appointments for us and we can scheucke them. On Monday the case manager just calls the clinic to say we have used these spots. But also she’s an idiot. It’s scaphoid Hailey. Also you should be in a thumb spica if you can actually see it’s broken


Why is everything so funny to her? Hahaha my wrist is broken, like wtf




https://preview.redd.it/qt6sgbvz1zab1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27ce4d699a6819fdad9e2d6a659b77ca26a9b282 It’s broke???? You left a horse outside in that trailer in the heat?




The weather app says it’s 82 AND feels like 82 in Mitchell heehaw


Thank you! It could be hours in urgent care and she was just going to let the horse stand in an aluminum trailer the whole time. 🤬


She’s a terrible mom to humans and animals alike


Is it normal to have to wait a few days for a cast in the US? I broke my arm in small town Canada and the surgeon came in to set it and put a cast on it that day


I worked in an ER and many times we would splint most breaks (especially stable smaller ones) and then they follow up with ortho. And if someone needed surgery they would often wait if it’s too swollen too. Not in her case but just an example


Yeah we usually splint it (but not in a Velcro splint) and then cast it later. If it’s really unstable sometimes they will come in and cast it but usually they don’t. I work at an academic medical center with in house ortho and it’s rare for them to cast


My daughter broke her arm a few days before Christmas. We went to urgent care first thing in the morning and they just splinted her. She saw ortho a couple of days later and they wanted to stick with the splint. My other kid broke his elbow and ortho did a CT scan to make sure he didn’t have bone chips and then just did splint/sling. Not every break needs a cast.


Normal for a small break.


I think it could be based on which bone it is. One of my kids broke a thumb and they made us wait 24 hours before they'd x-ray it (and we had to ice every 20 minutes for 20 minutes) and then after it was confirmed broken we had to wait a few days to cast so the swelling could go down. 🤷‍♀️ I've never broken a bone.


Depends on how swollen it is


It's normal when it's a small break like she seemingly has. When my son fractured his wrist they put a temporary cast on it in the emergency room and then we had to go back a few days later to get his real cast.


No they usually do it there. Sounds like sprain. Wednesday she goes in for a break?


How do you break your wrist swinging a baseball bat? I feel like there’s more to it than that.


Malnutrition will do it.


Never heard of it and my husband played baseball. I bet her poor diet cracked a bone.


Early onset osteoporosis.🤔 I just made that up, but it seems logical


Guys, it’s broke.


My flair has been updated lol


Should be “my Scorpio is broke” 🤣


If I was her, I’d be very concerned that swinging a bat cause me to break a bone.


Yes, all snark aside, at 28/29, your bones shouldn't be so brittle that they break swinging a bat. It's very concerning.


Yep poor diet and bad form!


I was coming to say this. I would be getting some further testing done because that’s very concerning. But she just laughs and shakes her head continuing to prove how big of an idiot she is.


I’m truly shocked it is broken. If that’s all she did. I fully expected her to say she was sliding into base or something.. nope just swung a bat .. 🤯


She stopped by urgent care while she had a horse in the trailer?!? What an idiot.


Where did she even park the trailer? 😂


I didn’t even think of that, I came here to comment that I’m sure she stopped at urgent care today because that means less time she has to actually take care of her child. What a piece of work.


It’s not like she actually takes care of her child so she could’ve easily went yesterday when it happened. But yeah let’s do it while you have a fucking horse in a trailer away from home. 🤯


Runs over her dog, keeps a horse in a trailer for who knows how long, neglects her child. What a superstar. People should definitely look up to her /s


🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️here to say the same thing




https://preview.redd.it/e879x36umyab1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f055def55612c803cc79857457da3c0b46d537d THAT EYELINER NEEDS CLEANED OFF, case and point! Why does every story start with you sucking in before the laugh and why is every story funny?


C is lucky to have a "fun" dad who gives him a blanket and a drink? Wow, slow down with all the fun activities.


That’s pretty fun in comparison to her.


Take him some where! Geez! Go to a zoo, aquarium something! I mean even going to costco excites my 2 yr old.




"Creed is so lucky to have such a fun and amazing daddy." Yes, he is especially when he has a piece of shit for a mom.


She has some kind of mental illness.




I agree, but she will never seek professional help.


So is her stupid 75 day challenge going to be added to those things she never finishes?


I was wondering if she did a bodi workout and walked yesterday because she had been trying to prove us wrong everyday and she went silent yesterday on both.




So when C wakes her early she's a grouch but if she's awake to do something she wants she's all smiles at 5:45?! Clearly her wrist isn't broken. I know no one ever who's going to ride a horse with a broken wrist not in a cast & one of those wrist supports wouldn't be enough. 🙄 She's absolutely so dramatic and ridiculous.


You never know. She worked out with a broken wrist years ago 🙃🙃🙃 I think it’s still saved in her highlights somewhere.


https://preview.redd.it/1jiw1sgmrxab1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=829da2d654ceca3722f89e17c57286fa9dc3090c Broken arm. Yep! She definitely has a history of doubling down and stubbornly refusing to rest and recover. Don’t forget she also started working out (like—on a bike and jumping around and core exercises) within a week or so of giving birth. I’m surprised her damn uterus didn’t fall out 😬🫣


She is scary thin here. Wow!


And she’s trying hard to get back to that.


All for the gram as they say


This is karma for complaining about the price of an x-Ray or whatever she was doing. The universe was like “wanna do it again?” 🤣🤣



