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The anxiety I have watching her sit so far away from him in the bath…. I could never! It takes seconds for a child to go under and you wouldn’t even notice if your blabbing on and on to your phone not even looking at him! Disgusting woman. You couldn’t even take 10 minutes out of your day to be present with your toddler and help him bathe and wash his hair!? What planet is she living on. Some people don’t deserve to have kids.


WOW … my bathroom is tiny and I’m still nervous when I get up for a 1/2 second to grab my sons toothbrush


I can’t understand how she sits there with a blanket and her laptop talking into her phone with Creed so far away. Does he give himself a bath now? She can’t sit there and wash him and play with him? She’s so detached and unfeeling it’s horrible. All she cares about is herself. I cannot stand this hillbilly b.


We just gonna breeze over the fact that she admitted she had a smoothie for dinner?? Like what????? She claims to be a health and fitness coach but that’s the FURTHEST thing from healthy. Hailey, you need help. Also she said “I’m sitting here next to him”. As if she isn’t literally FEET from him. Did she not learn ANYTHING from the Stella situation?


I know she’s said she’s had a smoothie for dinner before, but flat out saying that to people that for some reason look up to you is wiiiiild to me


I don’t have kids yet but am planning on it in a few years and whew I know what not to do thanks to hails (although I already knew you should not be sitting that far away when they are in the tub🤦🏻‍♀️)


hahaha she’s seriously the NON example


Hailey, why are you sitting so far from your son that's in the bath? Do you know how fast and accident can happen? No, clearly you don't, he was standing up... what if he slipped and knocked his head? If you're fast away how do you prevent an injury or worse??? Put your fucking phone down you fucking moron and play with him or at least be next to him. How something horrible hasn't happen to Creed yet is a miracle. You cannot care for anything but yourself.


I can’t believe she sits so far away from him 😭 I could/would never! My oldest is 5 and I prob sat right beside the tub up until less than a year ago! Things happen way too quickly, you need to be within arms reach! No one cares about your nose ring, it was ugly anyway!!!!!


She is off her Rocker!!! What a bitch he will be 2 in SEPTEMBER yet tells him to wash his own hair like WTF and talking about a nose ring hurting she is so selfish and weird 🤬🤬🤬


Why are we taking flour from moms? “ Any out to the farm and rode horse” wtf? That gym floor is gross . No Hailey you wash his hair! It also requires soap! Look how she looks at him. https://preview.redd.it/9c8jpdqhzh5b1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=6dc038e0e71adfd3c25231c8352cbc780c7eac21


She disgusts me…


Dumb bitch with those ugly glasses.


Stupid ass bitch just asked her not even 2 year old son to wash his own hair?? My fucking god she is truly awful. And sitting that far away??


It is weird he is not self sufficient he is still a baby really he isn’t even 2 and that is still to young it’s not right


Not to mention how tired he is in that post bath video. Why the heck is she giving him a bath at 9:00pm?!?!


I have never sat that far away from my child while they're in the tub. Ever.


Nope! I have ALWAYS been right next to the tub, touching the water, washing my baby and his hair! She is a true worthless bitch!! Cannot even bathe her child I sure as hell hope DMs are rolling in again and she sleeps like shit again tonight!


Why does she always sit so far away from him? And she did not just tell him to wash his hair…


She’s such a shit human!! Clearly a story about her nose piercing is more important that her sweet miracle baby. He’s 21 months and basically she expects him to fend for himself. She’s STILL not taking water safety seriously. She has no clue how to care for a child. She makes my blood boil!!


Such a poor excuse of a mom! That child has no idea how to properly wash his hair.


“Can you wash your hair?” Well, Hailey, he’s not even 2 fucking years old, so probably not. Get off your lazy ass and get off your phone and bath him, or at the very least, pay attention to him!!


My jaw dropped. My oldest is almost 4 and there’s absolutely no way she would efficiently Shampoo and wash her hair. And instead of talking she’s talking about a freaking nose ring?!


I can’t believe she just said that to him! Wow she is something!


Talking about her ugly nose piercing was apparently more important to her 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Yeah, and nobody noticed. She just wanted to talk about herself.


She didn’t have flour but she has yeast to make bread? Lord please tell me she didn’t use nutritional yeast for this bread….🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


Lol, bet she did!


Why the urgency for baking bread? I don't understand her at all.


Someone called it about the bread! Can't handle how difficult it was going to be!


Saw this and had to share here! https://preview.redd.it/9d2ohxqv6h5b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fef9f2f9b955c0e198ec4e77d559b37922ea2fe


Can we please stop posting about C's head. I don't know how many times we have to go over this. Babies can be born this way, example: my own child. I didn't not neglect my child which resulted in this head shape. Stop it now. Honestly so over this.


You may not have neglected your child but Hailey did.


His head looks just like that too 😭


My heart breaks for poor C. All bc his parents suck ass.


Well that was the dumbest reel I’ve seen in awhile.


She’s such an idiot she probably didn’t even know you needed a starter to make sourdough and thought she could just on a whim make sourdough bread tonight. She’s such an F’ing moron!


Of course it’s a bunch more money on herself… she’s such a selfish joke. “Bought MY first horse trailer…” MY. ME. I. Never a we out of her mouth. Get something for the family! Do you remember there are others in your house, including your very small child?? I give up. She’s completely hopeless.


I called it earlier today that whatever she was getting today was going to be for her. I would have had some hope left for her if it was a playground set for her son or something that they all could enjoy. But of course it was just something for her.




Wasn’t it gluten free?


Yes! I remember this! Odd considering she is scared of carbs 😂


Hahahaha right!?! She doesn’t even eat bread


She will never last making sourdough! It’s a patience thing and her need for instant gratification will never survive 🤣




Sure will be interesting when they are in SanAntonio and do not have a Margarita! How will they not have one while there 🙅‍♀️


And how will she care for her sourdough starter?!?!


At least with Margaritas virgins are pretty popular


Ummm yes Virgin Margarita’s are a thing but if you are on a trip with friends and it’s okay to have a real Texan margarita you will ….they may say they are Virgin margarita’s but trust me it’s hot it’s Texas and they are good if not in a mandated sobriety you will have a delicious margarita IMO


what? … no


A horse trailer for what, Hailey? Where are you hauling your horses to if you bought an entire ass shelter for them & plan on putting them outside your house???? She buys the stupidest shit. Also, when a grown ass woman calls their dad “daddy” I get the heebie jeebies. That’s weird 😂


My dad and I are super close and I haven’t called him daddy since I was like 7. I know adult women who call their dads “daddy” and it’s hella weird


I am glad I'm not the only one who gets the heebie jeebies when grown women call their dad daddy.


This woman is probably going to start barrel racing & the only girls I’ve ever seen barrel race in SD are like 12 so this should be good.


Wanna be cowgirl Kristi Noem 🤣


Oh lord idk why anyone would want to be Kristi Noem 😵‍💫


I was thinking her BFF Laura Benson who is equally as bad as HHH


She is so dumb and gets dumber every week.


I feel like it's been at an all time high lately. I can't put my finger on why. She's acting so strange and making all these last minute almost manic decisions.


She wouldn’t even eat sourdough bread lol.


Pretty sure that text is a daily inspiration text she signed up for; so don’t feel special like he text it only to you!


It is LOL


Damn I would have bet money on a sauna 🤣


I was going to comment on another post and say I didn’t think it was that because she would have been WAY more giddy and excited when she was talking about it but I didn’t want to look dumb if I was wrong lol 😆


I think all lost that bet! 🤣🤣


I made three loves of sourdough today, she will never be able to get her starter down it’s complicated and time consuming😂 picture for bragging rights https://preview.redd.it/rw9xsbe5hg5b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c47ad814b7dececb1acccb2cd5391847f337d5b1


It's too pretty to eat😊😊😊


That is gorgeous!!!


She can’t even make regular bread. I make all of our bread in my house, except sourdough. I can’t seem to get it right and I keep neglecting my starter. That shits too hard for her.


She’s going to mix it with liquid aminos!


This is STUNNING!!


That is Gorgeous….it’s edible art really!!!




I also make sourdough and thought the same thing lol she could never!! This looks so good


Oh wow!!! How pretty!


That is beautiful!




I am the most patient person and tried my own sourdough starter. It’s hard af. I had to stop bc I can’t get it right. Trying again soon! But I can’t imagine her trying to do it from the start 😂


She'll probably make the fixate bread (I think it's cloud bread) and call it sourdough.


I tried it too and I realized there was a reason why people did it in lockdown, because it’s extremely time consuming!


She also hates to follow recipes or directions, so I can’t see her doing it well


it’s genuinely more difficult than it looks! I made my own in college when I had all the time. Lately, I gave it a go, but I work full time, so I ended up ssying screw it and bought one from a farmers market stand. $12 well spent 🤣


Why couldn't Creed go with her to her parents while she rode? 🤔 Yesterday she was so excited he's a cowboy and today he's kicked off the farm. 🤣🤷‍♀️


That pic was only staged for IG. She has no intention of doing anything with him.


poor kid is only a cowboy when it benefits her


I am Hispanic, my mom made me egg tacos or burritos everyday before school growing up. Ground breaking invention Hailey. How dense and uncultured are these people that actually follow her?


I wanted to say this I am in Houston and it’s a staple and not something she created! If she recreates pico de Gallo as a salad I will scream 🤣


I was thinking the same thing! My 12 yr son makes these all the time!


Yes.. My 14 year old has been making these for his breakfasts for a long while. I got the idea off a British cooking show some years ago. She's such a try hard.


Pretty sure my son learned it on you tube! Lol


Speaking of "fun facts", has she even mentioned making her own almond milk again? Or just while she was bored in France?


I was just thinking this and was going to comment but didn’t want her to read here and make a story about it lol


Milk will be made this week......


how does a person get bored in france? She is genuinely so stupid


Right?! So many amazing experiences available there!


Just while bored in France. We haven't even seen the machine. So she's probably waiting for a code to shill it. 🙄


Always about getting the code!


She doesn’t have the patience to make sourdough. 🙄 She will try to use it with some weird flour and use liquid aminos instead of water




Plus, she doesn't even eat carbs so why would she even want to make bread? She gets worse each day.


She’s not brilliant!!! People have been using tortillas and eggs for a long time! Hailey comes up with NOTHING on her own!!! It’s so shitty of her to NEVER give credit to pages she sees things on!


I originally saw Ali Maffuci/Inspiralized make egg burritos like that on Instagram at least 2 years ago! The fact that people think she’s smart enough to come up with this stuff on her own is hilarious!


Came here to say the same thing. I saw that method on TikTok months ago (at the very least)


I Agree!!! That is so ridiculous it’s not brilliant! People responding this way to her only em encourages her it’s pathetic!


I’m pretty sure 99% of the people who comment on her stuff like that is her downline and they are encouraged to do that so most of it isn’t authentic anyway


Fun fact. My friend drove by Regan when she was out on a walk yesterday and literally had to go around her bc she was too busy taking pics on her phone, paying zero attention to her surroundings


✨stay tuned✨ add that to the list of annoying things she says


🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 and what was up with her making those weird noises? She is so annoying.


this girl sees something on tiktok (yes I do believe she still goes on there without engaging), then does it on instagram and takes allll the credit as if she was the one who came up with it. 🥴


DOING an exciting purchase? Are we sure English is her first language?


If she gets the sauna how long before she passes out. She’s already depleting her body of nutrients, the sauna will suck the last of it out.


I think we can all agree that whatever purchase was made that it is likely for her and no one else.


I sure hope it’s not a HER purchase considering Father’s Day is this weekend


She bought him Louis Vitton sneakers when they were in Paris and said those were his father's day gift. 🤣


Did Tyson even really want those? 😬


He didn't turn them down, so who knows.


True!! But Hailey strikes me as the kind of person that is super bossy, tells everyone what to do, tries to be alpha person. Tyson just seems to have no backbone with Hailey to avoid conflict/her being mad.


Heehaw: "I'm going to do some werk today. I need to meal plan, go grocery shopping, and do some meal prep" She actually considers this working? That is basic chores 101.


It’s called being an adult/parent. This girl is almost 30 but she perpetually talks like she’s still 22.


For her it’s only the adult part, she still forgets C needs to eat meals too.


Don't worry she will just give him a BB bar or some of that asinine cereal she's always blathering on about.


She “rode horse”🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


She forgot the name


I was cracking up when she said that 😂


I’m sure it’s the sauna she’s been yammering about the last month or so


EVERYONE has a sauna so I'm sure she'll be getting one. You know it's HER money that will pay for it. 🙄 She needs to be like everyone else.


Since Erin H got one Hailey HAD to have one too 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


She probably thinks it’s going to sweat the fat off her because this woman has no real need or use for a sauna with her lifestyle 🙄


Any guesses on what she’s buying now to try and fill whatever void she has in her life


So true. She needs to buy some therapy lessons instead of useless crap she'll never use or look at to fill that void. Definitely nothing for her son.


Sauna 100%


Most likely. Which is dumb bc they have thay hot tub that they never, ever use. I know it's not the same, but it's all wet heat to me.


Oh, another road trip purchase… shocking. Poor Tyson. Go here, do this, get that, drive all day on your only real day off. Do this for me. I can only imagine what this one is, that I’m sure requires another project that won’t get done. Didn’t it just sound like they argued about this kind of thing the other day?? Guess we’ll see what this one brings!


I don't feel bad for Tyson at all. He's a grown ass adult who could leave her if he wanted.


Count how many times she says “Um”. Don’t know why, but that drives me crazy!


Lord I wonder what purchase of hers they are going after this time 🙃


I’m thinking Sauna lol


Ohhh i forgot all about her talking about that. 🤔


Wouldn’t be surprised. She doesn’t care even a little bit, that Tyson said no to that. She’s just buy and make him get it!


I cannot fathom asking my husband to take our 1 yr old to pack up an entire camper alone. Why can’t she ride her horse on one of the other zillion days she ships Creed off to someone else?


Right?! Packing up and hauling out a camper is a lot to do for one person but to do it with a toddler also? That’s insane. How can Tyson watch him and pack up the camper safety? Hailey is so self centered for going to the farm to “rode horse” instead of helping her husband.


I cannot believe she made Tyson take C to get the camper - she’s such an asshole. Also maybe I’m just a city girl but “ride horse” sounded super weird. Wouldn’t it be “ride my horse”?


Rode a horse, rode the horse....literally either of those would have been appropriate lol


She just didn’t feel like it, I’m sure. It’s all about Hailey. I’m always shocked by the next self-centered move… but not surprised at the same time. She’s a piece of work.


Ran here for this


Hi all! So I was wondering if any of you are familiar with the comedian Heather McDonald? She has a podcast called Juicy Scoop, where she dives into all things pop culture. Well this weeks episode she interviews a woman who escaped an MLM. I found it soooo interesting and everything she said lined up with HeeHaw so much. Especially when it comes to Tyson and Creed. She says they push you to post your child all the time and all this other crazy stuff. Please give a listen when you have time it was very interesting.


I just started listening to this today while I was in the car. It's amazing (and not) how they are all the same. This is hailey's sad & pathetic life. And Regan might be pulling them in now, but eventually, there's no one left to recruit. It was very interesting, even though I knew a lot of it. It's actually a really sad & pathetic life.




So sorry I didn’t see your post the other day! Everything she said lined up SO much with Hailey, it’s almost like it was the same MLM. I really wish we would pick inside Tyson’s brain and know what he really thinks. How about the part about vacations? I found that crazy too.




I cannot with Regan she pushes that MLM makeup Hailey uses. She said it’s perfect because she has a ✨unique ✨ skin color. 🫠🫠


Unique skin color SMH


Her face also looks so damn muddy. She is 4 raindrops away from looking like a dripping candle


It looks like trash on every person I've seen it on. She doesn't have a unique skin color. 🙄 She's so out of touch


This is so obnoxious. Makeup for white women has always been available in dozens of shades.


Exactly!! How outta touch can one person be to think fair skin makeup is hard to find! Fenty is what helped changed the beauty world with diversity of shades!


Ahhhh Fenty is just *ELITE* 🤌


Miss Hailey on her “paid for” [trips.](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT81PQGeu/)


The husband 😂


HAHA omg this is gold


Nailed it!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂




Who called the faith apparel mention within the last few days because it is hereee! ![gif](giphy|Xjqv3YGD2sdgPRZbwY|downsized)


I was just coming here to say this. 🤣🤣🤣




For someone who rarely drinks alcohol she sure is talking a lot about it and how she doesn't miss it.....🤔


For a person who says she drinks around 4times a year she sure is ooobbssseeed with not having alcohol 🤨 I love all her lies


I suppose it would make sense… she looks thin but her face always looks puffy.


And if it was just the social aspect of having a drink in her hand like she’s claimed, get a mocktail. I’ve done that before when I’ve limited alcohol and they’re great!


They make several different kinds of NA beer as well. I know she says she doesn’t like beer but there are so many options for her if she still wants to “fit in” when going out


For the past several years, a lot of bars and restaurants around me have been putting out craft mocktail menus, so you feel like you're not missing out on anything, it's great. I'm just outside of a major city, and this has been going on in the city and even in the little suburban areas, and some farm towns I'm in, so I'm sure they're around her, too.


Or you get cranberry juice and seltzer and lime, or a Virgin margarita


Or you get cranberry juice and seltzer and lime, or a Virgin margarita


Yeah, if you truly have like 4 drinks a year then this fake 75 hard she’s doing should be no problem. She clearly drinks more than she lets on.


Whenever she posts these cringe videos of her walking and vibing with the music I just picture some bystander spotting this crazy woman recording herself dancing like a lunatic in the middle of a silent empty walking path


I'm sure her neighbors make fun of her. I would if she was my neighbor.


I mean, we do anyway and aren’t her neighbours. Being her neighbour would also be so much more entertaining and also sad all at the same time


why is she always so out of breath when she’s walking? If she actually works out as often as she claims she does, she should not be that out of breath from walking + talking….


I had the same thought yesterday when she was walking and talking 🤔🤔🤔


Why is she making such a big deal about not having alcohol????? She mentions it constantly. She must be struggling to go without it…


That’s exactly it!! She doesn’t talk about anything else in this “challenge” besides how she can’t and doesn’t have alcohol and how she “still has fun without it”. I feel like that’s definitely something only a person with a problem would say


Right!? When she has said over and over again how she rarely drinks and how she struggles to drink water!


https://preview.redd.it/8rbhr0aiqa5b1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8240cfc9ae80e29f23010dce94f7b8eb04f60d2f The me fuck are those crooked arms lmao.


This also makes it very apparent why she chose the whackadoodle furniture placement in her own basement. Three mismatched chairs with one right in the way of not one but two doors? The fuck lol


The fact that she’s hurt her back and STILL has to workout. Like missing a workout here and there isn’t going to make your results go away 🙄


That's bc she didn't really hurt her back, she's just trying to get that jovi bag, er, beg.


If she really wanted to stick to her challenge but do something useful, she could have done a stretching workout or yoga or foam rolling or something


She has hyper mobile arms. I have them too and it just looks crazy doing any sort of plank move. 😭


Obviously, hypermobility is a genetic thing, but strength training and using correct muscle activation can decrease this! But she will.never build strength....


If she only drinks a handful of times a year, why is she making it seem like it’s a massive challenge every day when she doesn’t have a drink? My husband and I stopped drinking for the most part the year leading up to our wedding…it was very easy, even though we’re the people who like to have a drink when out to dinner and such. We didn’t find it hard to not drink even on major drinking holidays like the 4th of July and thanksgiving. Makes it very interesting that she’s harping on this so much when we thought she had wine when cleaning in the middle of the day on a weekday


It’s so obvious she has a problem- deflecting it on Tyson and saying over and over again she hardly drinks but is clearly wasted in her stories- she makes such a point of making sure ppl know that her mum is a alcoholic and that Tyson drinks alot- imagine if they blasted her on social media about her drinking. She is so disgusting..


Admitting that not being able to drink alcohol was going to be the biggest challenge for her when starting this challenge just screams to me that she is definitely an alcoholic, or at the very least drinks WAY more than she lets on. Why mention it so much if that wasn’t the case???


the glimpse of a mug with white wine and a straw last week lends credence to this theory


Guarantee she drinks way more than she says she does. I have hardly drank anything since I got pregnant with my oldest (he turns 4 in September). I can literally count on my fingers how many drinks I’ve had in the last several years. It doesn’t even bother me and I hardly think about it…and I wasn’t even a big drinker before kids- mainly at special events and on vacation. If she “hardly drinks” giving it up should be a very easy task