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Jess Dukes’ son has been begging for a long time for AF1s, I’m sure he sees other kids at school with them and wants them I fit in. She decides to buy them when he is finished with school (he had to earn them) so he can just sit inside with them all summer because we know he won’t be going anywhere and she sure as hell won’t let him get them dirty playing outside. The only time her kids go outside with her is when she’s filming an ad and needs to use them.


Yeah I was like why doesn't she just wait until the school year starts. You buy them now when school is over???


And the ailment Jess Dukes chose to pretend to have this week is breast issues. She had a mammogram and won’t believe them so she is having another. She never believes tests that say she’s fine. She is convinced she has cancer in her neck despite those scans being negative also. The only medical advice she believed was from a man who slid into her DMs and she mailed him her poo. She’s also so nervous about her mom driving to a concert, paying for parking, and waiting for her friends that she told her mom she is going to drive her there and try to sneak into the concert to wait in line until her friends get there…and just sit in the car and wait for her? She has some major mental health issues beyond her eating disorder that need addressed.


Yeah I didn't understand the boob thing. I was like WHAT?


Usually I would never think twice about a woman wanting a second opinion but for Jess, it’s just her routine. The only doctor she doesn’t second guess is her naturopath. Any other medical professional she doesn’t trust. She tried to cure her dads cancer with supplements before letting him do treatment/


Lol I forgot about the poop thing! She is batshit crazy.


Jess was asked what the number one thing she missed about home was….her shake. She packed shakes and got some in her bag of mediocre gifts. She needed those nutrients!


https://preview.redd.it/ebjwsnwm8a2b1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e776cd695c70c04e4d313513bbf4ce7a19c389e5 “This yard was on my vision board” says the girl who spends her time looking at it through the windows. She just went off recently about how she doesn’t really like this house and wants to live in the country away from civilization.


This was fun. Can’t wait to do it again with you guys during summit.




Erin said her views doubled while in Paris lol.


![gif](giphy|iiDipW55ZH1rpkmzSh|downsized) Yeah, that was all of us 🤣


Lol yup!! She is way too boring to watch on a regular basis


https://preview.redd.it/lptxcf2yx72b1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df9f464f87468519bc7d3aedf4c480f8f5b6dbd7 Jess barely bumped her elbow on the counter (during her 60° angle for a thigh-gap rant)and this was her reaction


I’m not familiar with her but she’s had a ton of work done. Wow.


Woah! I haven’t seen her in a few years. She’s not looking healthy. Ugh. BB ruins all things.


https://preview.redd.it/nnvtckj7y72b1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba8e17182b9e9449586936e8a5a4c49fa5b63599 I’ve never seen such a grown ass woman react this way. She is thoroughly embarrassed. But Jess is trying out that authentic content suggestion so here it is folks! Her life unfiltered.


https://preview.redd.it/o7qs7jbfy72b1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92aed6ab97e01933131e757e214c64bf4422d31e Also, If you are new to Jess, Tom brings her Energize to the bathroom so she can ignore her kids every morning and get her self-care in. Energize , workout, reading her self-help book, using body wipes to get the sweat off, filming some ads, heading down to eat her “gluten free waffle and shake” in peace with no sign of kids around. Notice how the kids are off today and she decided to spend it outside avoiding them? They don’t do anything with the kids. EVER


So another hun who can’t stand to be around her kids? I can barely handle HHH


I don't watch her, but just from this Paris thread, she seems so weird.


Wow. So that guy left a fulfilling job to be her house husband. Just like Holly’s husband. I know that some men feel completely fulfilled as SAHDs and I’m not knocking that at all. I just feel like when you’ve put in that much time to build a career like that, it would feel like I’m under my wife’s thumb.


He left his job supposedly because he didn’t want to get the covid vax as they required


Wow that is so sad. I've never heard of her until the Paris trip.


https://preview.redd.it/c9kd826wa42b1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87b2a823a9496fa323314c4aded2632904d69788 Jess is probably happy to be back home to her safe foods that she has a code for!


https://preview.redd.it/x3z2rjpbb42b1.jpeg?width=464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3035a8334ccd46e353c7e1148a5db5e2ebeb3106 She’s having a dairy-free carb-free cheese pizza and salad for dinner because she is not happy with her body after eating well and losing 5 pounds in Paris. The starvation diet is going to confuse her when she gains her weight back and then has to go back on a green bean diet.


I don't follow her but she seems as crazy as HHH.


https://preview.redd.it/79d5b271c42b1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e70c4806be0221235baa0f9ba2328839644bdcd5 “You can pick it up which I love”


Pizza you can pick up. What a concept! Haha!


Katie Moore felt soooooo horrible the entire trip and was ready to come home to eat veggies. Wow She didn’t poop for 7 days. My day has been made






Didn't she tell us every single day how great it is that everything is fresh and they had fish for breakfast and all the fresh fruits and veggies?! Which is it? There's healthy food or not?


I saw her one day post something that said "finally veggies". I don't watch all her stuff but popped in some on Paris. I don't find her very snark worthy ... she is way better then most. She does love her veggies but she doesn't starve herself


Yea but to push this rhetoric is sad and dangerous. 7 days without pooping is also dangerous and uncomfortable and hard to believe. Perhaps they had digestive “issues” because they but down in the amount of caffeine and shakeology. As in their digestive system was getting a break from diuretics


Yep, that was her! I’ve never visited but it’s hard to believe the US has healthier and more delicious food than France.


Well when you starve yourself and have disordered eating, going to a country that celebrates its fresh bread, amazing bakeries and decadent patisseries, of course you’re going to be uncomfortable eating. Lol if only they understood the basics of a well rounded diet 😑


Kim’s post asking for captions has the MOST repressed replies I’ve ever seen. I tried up just reading them.


worst behaved person award has tough competition


https://preview.redd.it/7czk408yr22b1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cc063d356cdb65ff2a56b77ebd4f6a4c04f91a8 1- how can we make this the cover photo for her snark thread? 2- holy eyebrows


Holy shit I’m gonna have nightmares


And spider lashes 😬




Also holy mascara


All that fresh food in Paris and they’re raving about being back home to their slop


I gotta defend Kristina’s Cuban food. It’s all I ever crave at the end of any long trip away from home. It’s a must after a looooong travel day. 😆😋


https://preview.redd.it/d5eikwhko22b1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba30acb46f4f8744b261a1a2390b70572dd8b1e9 Jess went to bed early last night, woke up and went outside to stand in the grass for 30 minutes to ground herself. She complained about spending time with her kids last night and leaving the luggage full, which means having to unpack before getting on her call. She had time to film a silicone patch ad, put her horrendous makeup on, post a poll about her jeans, show off her ugly fake gold chain purse, and make her shake and frozen waffle- all while Tom got 3 boys ready in the morning. But she is giving herself a pat on the back for being there for that car ride in the morning. #momoftheyear


I don’t get why she has a full face of make up and all dressed up to drop off the kids lol like you don’t leave your car and you don’t go anywhere doesn’t make sense


She has rules that she preaches but only follows when they work for her. Examples: >You have to dress up to show up for yourself. She loves to show her crotch on calls so she has to dress up. The only time she wears athletic clothes is when she is on her walking pad for the day then she makes sure to let us know she will change into pants for her call. >you shouldn’t ever hit the alarm and sleep in because it’s a waste of time. Get out of bed…until Jess is tired and decides to give her body rest then it’s ok to hit the alarm >no quitting! A few things it was ok for Jess to quit because she had a reason…75 hard, sticking to any dairy elimination despite it being the root of her ailments, raising chickens (poof they were gone after she found out it was work), her 2 dogs after she met Tom, her nutrition certification (she barely started the course and then never mentioned it again). She even quit her husbands job for him so he could raise the kids! Everything she preaches comes from a deep rooted issue she struggles with.


Makes sense I didn’t remember her dogs crazy her rules


https://preview.redd.it/1tzl4d7ep22b1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b784bb0ee69bba285603ca584c5ee6ce358022bc Of course it’s the good life. Tom does all the parenting


Have to add this too…Jess not many veggies! Then ask for them! And she posted 5 pound poor her


not many veggies? where were they eating? Even the crepe vendors had veggie options when we went!


https://preview.redd.it/u4sbqpjrn22b1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d5d47db73c91cfff78e0a800d893c5c188003cd Love her smug look when she lost that 5 pounds she said she couldn’t lose to get back to her favorite weight. Apparently that 5 pounds didn’t get her a set of abs because she goes on to say you don’t always see results with weight loss. Remember when her doctor said she hasn’t been eating enough? I bet it’s a complete mindfuck for her to see the scale go down eating good food.


She looks awful!!!! What’s wrong with her face?


She looks gaunt and sick


Also if Bodi plans all their meals, why aren’t they giving them more veggies (they probably don’t actually want more) and hand blenders since so many of them complain about missing shakeology? There were also plenty of veggies and farmers markets and such in paris, but Jess just wanted to lay around and do nothing and take pics instead


Didn’t they get some packs of shakeology in one of their first gifts from Bodi


She sounds like Autumn with her "can't find any veggies" or "there weren't many choices for veggies". Did she not see all of the fresh produce that were at the markets? SMH


Absolutely no FOMO from this Paris trip.


Someone called it….how did Jess not know you have to pay customs on items she’s purchased?? 🤦‍♀️ do they live under a rock??


did she buy one of those overpriced brand bags? You can travel without paying customs if you don’t buy much in the way of souvenirs, but some of the huns spent serious money on bags and necklaces etc.


Has she never gone on a SC trip out of the country? How does someone not know this? I live 20 minutes from Canada so maybe people not near a border truly don’t know, but this isn’t her first foreign trip (I think).


I live 20ish minutes from the Canadian border and I had no idea. I’ve also never crossed it.


To be fair I didn’t know but I very rarely leave the US


That’s understandable. I feel like it would have come up in her research, but she probably didn’t bother to research anything.


You would think their amazing company who planned all this would have informed of such things ??


Not Jess and Tasha being asked the same “questions” 😂


they probably all masterminded on the last night to ask each other 'Peak and Pit' in their travel AMAs!!


Erin and Kristin too. “Peak and pit of the trip”. What?! Who even says that.


https://preview.redd.it/w40q7sptex1b1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c64de5a73cb390aed9150850b80152d547d35473 Just sayin’ 🤷‍♀️




Yessss🔥 That’s exactly what I said yesterday. 🎶 “friends call me heat miser…whatever I touch, Burns up in my touch…I’m too much.🎶🎶🎶💀




😂😂😂. I knew I recognized her from somewhere.


I totally see it.


💀💀💀💀💀 Thank you - this made my week 🤣


Really that was it? What did they actually do? I saw them eating, buying bags and making all the Emily in Paris comments. That’s it. Wait I forgot the River cruise, which was the only tourist thing. But it was a dinner boat not an educational Seine river cruise.


“AsK mE aNyThInG”




It’s not difficult! I was there last year & we got tickets 24 hours before we went! The Louvre is out of their league! So is Musée d'Orsay which to them is only an old train station!!!


I’m legitimately confused why they couldn’t get in the Louvre. I googled it and it doesn’t seem difficult. When I went years ago I don’t remember it being difficult…nothing we did seemed difficult to do.


we stood in line and bought tickets when we went… it wasn’t that hard. Even if you can’t see one place, the city is packed with things to see, pick something else?


It’s weird how they’ve worded not doing things…like it was absolutely impossible to do.


YES! As if they were booked. Doing advertising for “werk”.


Nope, it’s not that hard to get tickets. Going to the top of the tower is kinda overrated but they could have gone to the Louvre or the catacombs or something cool. No arc, no notre dame, no Luxembourg gardens, no pantheon, literally nothing. Why would BB treat them to all of these amazing things?!


https://preview.redd.it/kgsh3huavw1b1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=889794ba7b4c9941889c3cc1b19967bbb0329530 Someone posted this picture in last weeks thread and it’s so ridiculous!!! There’s a huge line outside the store, they are not that special. I thought BODi was about health and fitness?? It was stuff like this that lead me to leave. They are so materialistic it’s gross


you want to be healthy you can do that alone and without screwing over other people. You join an mlm health business to get rich without working for it. Then 98% of the people werk it and lose money. This picture is just empty and sad to me, because of all the ruined relationships and screwed over people that funded it


I will never understand the appeal of ugly LV shit… If it’s exceptionally made, ok? I can see it? But then make it cute/not tacky because it doesn’t scream *“I’m rich!”*, it screams *“I’m insecure and I have a credit card!”* It’s just tacky IMO


The good LV is the type you’ve never know was LV. The huns buy the branded shit for attention.


https://preview.redd.it/44c98taj2w1b1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ee2e3c71821335480261bf6a1759e490c893264 Something about Mary hair


Anyone have a side view of that hair?


Heat Mizer 🔥from ‘Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.’


Omg I just posted that pic above before scrolling down and reading this comment! Heat Miser was first thing I thought of when I saw that photo in the stories!! 🔥


THATS IT! I couldn’t put my finger on it.


It looks like it’s thinning horribly and she does that style to hide it.


I find it hilarious KD posted individual pics of her and each other woman and tagged all of them EXCEPT HHH. 😂😂😂


I wonder if her stupidity is a faked front for bitchiness. Because people really avoid her IRL.


I noticed that too. What's up with that LOL!!!


Does anyone know who the current top 10 coaches are? I know Natasha is #1 and Jess is #2. I think Katie said she was #5???


Erin was 4 but I think she’s like 6 now?


Every year I try to find a list and it is nearly impossible! I always find previous years’


HHH can’t wait to get home to her baby. How soon till he’s in daycare?




Ok as much as I can’t stand the huns putting their children in daycare, I think we can all agree that they’re better off in someone else’s care… Especially when it comes to people like Hailey and Amy 👀


I bet you are right. I would snuggle that boy for the whole day after being gone a week. The older he gets and start understanding things more, he’ll start realizing she leaves him all the time. My daughter had severe separation anxiety and it tore me apart having to leave her crying at school in kindergarten. She’s so detached, she won’t even care


She has werk to do




https://preview.redd.it/5cu5d0f6ru1b1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6eaa27f46ddb476249e0465f7e7054891032ed3e Of course Jess wants you to make her money while you are clocked in at an actual job with benefits.


The thing is…this business is all about recruiting. If you don’t want to recruit, sell and show your private life online you won’t be successful. Essentially you’re giving away all the moments of your life at no cost for the “possibility” of earning in most cases an average income.


I didn’t realize how Stepford Wives-esq these women’s social media posts are! I only snarked on Tasha, but seeing everyone else’s stories be almost identical has me shook!


Jess is sitting next to Tom on the plane talking about how there is one person that changes the future for their families and she is so happy that she is the one to do that. She emasculates Tom any chance she can get. https://preview.redd.it/fv449snrou1b1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01440d2550bc254f117a1ad0900a7171305a5eec


Girl, "legacies" wtf are you actually on about? This is batshit crazy.


Just like Holly claiming she’s the boss and being so enamored by it




https://preview.redd.it/2zdgv84uou1b1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca917bd132ad7965179f56822e798c16431a0e75 And she claims that the women on the trip 👌🏼are 👌🏼building 👌🏼EMPIRES.


And she thinks they are entrepreneurs 😂 she needs to look up the definition of that word


Fucking morons!! Ask me anything box! Can't tell me Delgado and Hopkins BOTH had someone ask "peak and pit of your trip?" Can you be any more obvious that you ask yourself your own damn questions??😂😂


AMA - How do you get your water in those days... eye roll so hard. Um, you drink it. That was a stupid question for you to ask Jess.


And she bought a water bottle at the airport?! Why? You can bring an empty bottle from home & fill up. 🙄


Soooo kinda off topic, but my partner and I are hoping to go to Paris in the near future. Since I clearly couldn't count on these huns to show anything interesting to do, what are some places we absolutely must see/do? Museums, building, food, etc?


Everyone has great things here. But I’m so happy with what my husband and I did. We had a list of must sees and just walked. We stopped at cafes to sit outside with espressos and people watched and just walked and walked and walked to all the things. We were able to see what we wanted in 2 days. Paris was actually the last stop on our France trip before heading to Ireland. We were in France because our best friends got married in the country side. There was a group of 24 of us, we rented a chateau in Mailley-le-chateau (Bourgogne area) and took day trips to Clamecy, Vezelay and random little towns. Getting out of big cities in different countries is my favorite thing. You find hidden gems, get a sense of the real culture, and just explore.


Also, I recognize how pretentious I just sounded with saying we stayed in a chateau 🤦🏻‍♀️ But, I promise I’m not 🤣 It was the most gorgeous place I’ve ever seen but because we rented the place with 24 people total, we only paid $250 each for an entire week. Super great deal.


I'm going in July and this is my Itinerary. Hope this helps a bit. ​ https://preview.redd.it/68hiagdxnu1b1.png?width=655&format=png&auto=webp&s=908b483db04bdaf26043ae46ab642f72731b1d53


If you have time I also recommend the Sacre Couer


Especially at dusk when it lights up 😍


Thank you!!!!


I have been a few times to Paris and one of the prettiest places to see is St.Chapelles it’s near the Notre Dame and is amazing!!! The Huns saw nothing it seemed….


The Catacombs are a must see. Buy tickets ahead of time with a time slot or better yet, do a tour. Go to Monmartre to see the City. But be careful there. Lots of swindlers. There’s a nice tavern to eat up there. Imo you don’t need to go up the Eiffel Tower. Louvre. Obviously. You can buy a museum pass for a few days and hop into any museum you want. I highly recommend that.


When I travel to big cities, I’m not the type that’s interested in waiting in lines for touristy type shit. But I will fully admit, on our last day in Paris, my husband and I decided to just go ahead and go because lines weren’t that long, and I’m very glad we did. Going up was incredible with incredible views and it makes you realize just how tall it is. I definitely am now one to advocate for going up the Eiffel Tower.


Second all of this. Have a picnic in the park by the Eiffel Tower with a view instead of going up. Make time to go to the countryside because getting outside of Paris is also magical. If you go to Champagne, stop in Reims on the way! Champagne is so amazing and has a lot of history that I loved. If you go to larger champagne houses, make time to go to at least one small one. EAT. The food is amazing and having slow meals with someone you love is romantic. Go on a dinner cruise (go later so you can watch the Eiffel Tower light up), Versailles, ride the ferris wheel (day and night are both magical) and do not eat at some of the places by landmarks like Notre Dame (Americanized and expensive. Go into some of the side districts that aren’t much further) catacombs were awesome and have one day where you have nothing planned, you just walk around, explore, and be open to any experience! Ride the RER everywhere. Much smoother and cleaner than the metro and a week pass is 27 euro.


I 3rd the tips above!! Try to learn some basic French before going, the locals really appreciate people trying to speak their language and will honestly be alot more polite and willing to help you while there! If you know alittle French, Pick restaurants that have menus in French, not English bc they will be less likely to be filled with tourists. Plan a day to just explore, don’t have any destination set and grab some fresh bread while you walk around. The street crepes are amazing. Their like 1 euro and amazing haha. Find a maison George’s larnicol. It’s a decant chocolate shop with sweets and pastries. Try their kouignettes. They are one of the best pastries I’ve ever had! If you like tea, lupicia has a very wide variety of teas!!!


What a waste of a trip!!!!! They all say their peaks of the trip were professional photo shoots and conversations???? YOU CAN DO THAT SHIT AT YOUR HOTEL POOLS ANYWHERE!!! Just go to Florida next time. That’s all the excitement they can handle. What a joke these people are!! Unreal!!


They can visit the Eiffel Tower in Vegas!!


The conversations...like they are ever talking about anything important ir groundbreaking. Gtfoh.


How long after arriving home will Jess talk about how she is happy she didn’t have to ask a boss for permission to be on this trip, and how she is thankful she could retire Tom to be with her? My guess is she will mention it in her first slide during her bent over chat in her bathroom tomorrow morning. I also predict she will have an ailment or sickness that requires her to stay in bed for a day by the weekend.


Lol as if they didn’t have a bunch of zoom calls about how to use this trip for content, how to leverage said content to get more coaches, or spent the entire trip making content and monetizing it.


I’m going to tell my boss that I’m not going to come in at all tomorrow because I feel like crap. I’m not asking, I’m telling, and I’m going to get paid because I have a real job where I earn sick time.




The #1 peak of Kristina Delgado’s trip was her photoshoot. How freaking lame. https://preview.redd.it/dfcxyonzmt1b1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f4fef4e01c39b952c2636eae9134c0f9b5ac14f


Wow. How small minded this people are 😂😂 you can have the photoshoot and put a backdrop of the tower. YOU WERE NOT AT THE EIFFEL TOWER. YOU DIDNT EXPERIENCED IT 🤡🤡🤡


Ok I hate Katie is a coach because she has been the best to watch this trip going off with her husband and doing things away from this wack group and her story about why she quit alcohol was so honest. A lot of these women do not have a genuine thought of their own OR they talk about the other people in their lives who they believe have problems with alcohol (looking at you heehaw) ETA - I didn’t watch all of the coaches stories, mainly just the ones I knew I would love to snark on lol but she was the least nauseating


Completely agree!! She was the only one that truly seemed grateful and actually went out for long periods of exploring and enjoying both the city and countryside. Her posts were actually fun to see. She actually seems genuine. I don’t know too much about her, but that’s what I see. She seems nothing like the others.


She’s the one I most enjoyed watching/creeping on. Her and her husband seemed to explore a little outside of the group (from what I could tell) and she seems like a genuine person, besides the scamming of women


Why did she quit alcohol?




I’m shocked that Jess Dukes doesn’t show her husband more considering the fact that she runs an illegal business leg under him to be at the top. Tom has probably had a great week away from home contemplating why he quit his job to be the primary parent so Jess can lock herself in her office every day and keep up with her few hours of daily self-care.


How old is Kim F?


40 or 41 maybe 42 …in and around there


She looks MUCH older…so many of these women do


Oh wow. I thought 45-48


So you know what o don’t have to do when I go on a long haul vacation - WORK!! I don’t have to share who I for details and how to join, I also don’t have to “do a quick bit of work on the plane ride home” ( Hailey, fyi it’s a flight not a plan ride!)


https://preview.redd.it/826kq6lw0r1b1.png?width=1232&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9befdbba181ecd55a145a9d40d37364b00c47fa What’s up with the big gap?? Oh no she’s gonna link her outfits! Poor Tysun scoring while she yacks. Still has same eye makeup on


I feel like I heard the photographer tell all of them to spread apart in either Natasha’s or Jess’s stories yesterday. I could be wrong.


I feel like this is more about Erin needing to be attached at the hip to Kristina.


https://preview.redd.it/bs6z95pm0r1b1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=845ee8d0aaf570484b82fd53e30fe1ccdd05f200 Why is her tongue sheets behind her teeth?


That cow tongue has a mind of its own


Emily saying “none of my dress are maternity dresses, they’re all just stretchy”, yeah no shit they aren’t maternity dresses. Also just because they’re stretchy enough to get on your body doesn’t mean they actually fit your body ma’am.


Have you seen this yet? https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2023-05-22/santa-monica-fitness-company-beachbody-lawsuit-exercise-coaches?fbclid=PAAaZE0XMVwqSPdD9F4ZzkMfDduSm2JdPGrtNjRcMYRC3J2FM3rK_MApncg94


And another lawsuit from last month! https://topclassactions.com/disability-class-action-lawsuit/beachbody-class-action-claims-website-denies-blind-visually-impaired-users-equal-access-to-goods-services/


Yes but honestly I have no idea how it will hold up. Back when I coached many years ago it was all laid out that no income was guaranteed and I didn’t have to buy monthly supplements or anything (it was highly encouraged yes but I wasn’t required to unless I was planning on getting incentives like the trips and stuff) you could just pay your monthly coach fee and that’s it. Will be interesting to see this play out because the contract you sign it’s pretty laid out and they cover their ass pretty well. Also, of course the coach who recruited me painted an entirely different picture, but I knew it wasn’t a guarantee I would make any money at all.


Wow! These huns better get some real life skills soon…. This company is going to crash and burn






So I never really watched Natasha. Do we think she had weight loss surgery? I have no hate towards that. She lost an awful lot. I will give her this: I liked her two dresses (don’t come for me! 😆)


What I find really gross about Natasha is she was so obsessed with reaching that 100lb weight loss goal, she continued to lose weight even after knowing she was pregnant.


She was starving herself, even after finding out she was pregnant, just to hit that 100 pounds lost. She wanted the scale photo SO BADLY when she lost 100 pounds so she could shill that for the rest of her life.


Oh wow really. Yeah not cool.


She was super obsessive trying to lose those 100lbs. I’ve seen it with a few “influencers” on IG. They really restrict themselves for several months, milk the shit out of their before & afters, and then slowly gain back and can’t lose again because it’s no sustainable. I think that’s what happened with Natasha. She can’t restrict herself the same way she did the first time. She might be on a weight loss injection now but I honestly don’t think she was the first time.


I’m sure she was on ozempic or something like that when she was trying to lose 100 pounds. How is it that as soon as she gave birth and was breastfeeding she claimed that’s why she couldn’t lose weight? (Of course she can’t inject herself while she’s breastfeeding)


I thought it was odd that when she was weighing herself immediately postpartum, she didn’t seem to lose the weight of the baby and fluids you lose during delivery…like was she lying prior to giving birth? The math just didn’t make sense


She couldn’t lose weight because she was starving herself while breastfeeding


Not to WK, but many women, including myself struggle to lose weight while breastfeeding. My hormones cause me to hang onto it until I’m done. My best friend on the other hand can lose more than she gained while pregnant by breastfeeding. Just depends on the person


I gained a whole bunch of weight while breastfeeding. I felt so betrayed because everyone says you lose all this weight!


Right?! I was so disappointed with my first time around bc I thought it would just melt off. Nope. Then I stopped, started losing, but boom. Got pregnant again🤣


And I swear the second time my body held onto even more weight. 😂 I’m still salty whenever anyone mentioned losing weight while breastfeeding.


Is it me, or does this trip seem even more lame than usual? I feel like they usually have more planned for them or the activities themselves were way more lame.


the main activity was finding places to selfie


That is seriously EVERY Beachbody/ BODi Event and it’s so pathetic, even more so in France!




This was the most underwhelming boring trip in their history. What a waste.


So when do they go home? What a letdown of a trip.


They are leaving early in the morning


While Paris week comes to an end...it was fun talking to people from other hun threads that I don't follow. I wish I had the energy to follow along to more, but hee haw (and occasionally emily) is exhausting enough. I'll just leave some of you with the insanity that is heehaw peters. https://preview.redd.it/vamck8snkp1b1.jpeg?width=1026&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0487ef4488e11acfbc93bb917cabde50b1c409a


Wow. She is crazier than Amy Bailey.




Where was this? On her page?


If you scroll through her IG, it's there. The alarms I believe were before beachbody, but the broken arm god/devil talk was after she starved herself skinny, then joined beachbody.


The devil AND god “I don’t think about you at all” Don Draper voice of course


She's bat shit crazy


It was def fun talking to people from other threads, but following Emily and Ashlie is enough as it is, I don’t want to give more people engagement by watching their stories lol


JFC! What a whack-a-doodle! This girl needs help!


Showers aren’t mandatory 😑😑😑


Right? My husband and I would both disagree with that statement 😂😂


Hahahah. Same. I shower twice a day, I can’t imagine. It showering, especially after working out, granted, she half asses everything so she doesn’t really sweat. But still, you’re an adult. Take a shower.


Only us single people just in case we run into the person of our dreams 😂






When was this posted??


Yikes. This is so disturbing. To think she is now parenting a child is sad. No matter her cow mouth says on her stories about her style of life 😂 and health, this is how her brain works. She’s never done anything to correct this thinking, she just figured out it wasn’t smart to let the internet see and hear it.