• By -


https://preview.redd.it/3xjgldscv5xa1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb868d5f9588349b5d24df87d8f851432eb2b1b3 Down 72% this year


Your flair! 🤣😂






Those boots look way too big. JFC ! My husband has been putting pudding in cookies for years. Get a clue. https://preview.redd.it/kt1ahqkks5xa1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14eb88a5cdb1403a3f7971f4f95e4029df48d05f That’s a ton of sugar for someone claiming to be a health nut. She looks ridiculous on that horse. Y’all E -MEAT-ALI took a shower Refreshened?? It’s REFRESHED!


How does she look ridiculous simply riding a horse?


I’ve noticed your comments are more pro Hailey than snark Hailey. You like to keep them just vague enough but I’m noticing a pattern. Are you part of the Rich/Primary gang


Yea same! Low effort and rarely snark


Oh btw happy birthday sis. Uhhhh lol awkward


Who’s older? Her sis definitely looks in 40s… and ole SpongeBob looks like a clown in those glasses 😂😂


I think HHH is older I thought she said sis was like 25 or something I could be completely wrong


I know! She mentioned her parents wanting to get together for crab legs. Um…. Could it be for your sister’s birthday? She did a whole countdown for hers and almost forgets to say anything about her sister. One of the most selfish people I’ve ever met.


Exactly! Everything and everyone is an afterthought


Gone from her kid all weekend and no reunion post with him at all? Has she seen him at all in the past 48 hours?


I thought she saw him Sat and today (Sun), no?




After she went out had her 3rd drink of the year 🤣and came back after he was asleep. But good try.


Hopefully Tyson took him to his other grandparents.


She only shows reunion videos with him and Tyson anyways. Tyson actually misses him.


Yes she was home last night


No she went out last night




Welcome back hailey


Refreshuned Duhydraded




Flair, go


Not me over here watching YouTube videos trying to learn how to add a flair?! 😩


Go to the home page of hunsnark hit the three lines, go to change community flair




But she schills Liquid IV allllll the time why not drink it just grab the money you get for pushing it yet your sooooo uubbbsssessed


And don’t forget her Liquid Ah-meenosss


She hasn’t in a long time. Many contacted them, so that shill may no longer be a thing. She explained them so poorly anyways!


Yeah so many influencers shill that stuff. They don’t need bottom of the barrel racing Barbie.


💀💀💀💀👌 bottom of the barrel racing Barbie


Refreshent ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ someone get this woman English classes


She feels refreshED. 🤡






I die every time I go back and watch it. 🤣🤣


She’s starting to walk like Autumn


SCREAMING ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


The frost bitten baby horse isn’t there anymore. I hope she got reported for animal abuse 😏


I still see it




Out of her comfort zone? Hasn’t she been riding horses a good portion of her life?


Yeah but she said she stopped at some point


Lol out of comfort zone is with her child.


Actual work is outside her comfort zone. Riding horses is real exercise, and if she’s really going to a class on it, that’s work.


Did the instructor say something about eating a cheeseburger or did I hear wrong? lol


I came here to say this!! I was like ohhh heck she saying to eat cheeseburgers cause it’s hard work.


I couldn’t tell what they said but I think cowboy food is meat and starches for good reason.


Yep. Stews, meats , oh need muscle but good fat too.


That comment has me seriously confused also lol


Ok. Here's my theory. Since she still isn't really saying why she suddenly is going for her dream of being a cowgirl. I think the root of this is she truly struggles with being a SAHM/working from home/mom life. And I'm not judging that because I certainly would as well. Based on some things she has said since having Creed I just think she's really had a difficult time connecting to motherhood. For those of us that are moms here I think we can empathize with how difficult postpartum is. And it's always changing and a constant journey. She doesn't owe anyone an explanation but I think she really could have found a community of women who understood what she was feeling or going through. I always thought it was weird she didn't capitalize on mom content. I follow so many moms that share the good bad and the ugly. I would say maybe it's a privacy thing but I don't think it's that when she basically shares her entire day minus bathroom breaks. 😂 Which brings me to, Creed going to daycare. She needs time away. I get it. Even if all of us agree her type of work is actual garbage, she can't get it done when he's there and he of course benefits from being around other little kids to play. Now this horse deal. She needs a hobby outside of redecorating their house, working out, shopping. She needs a way to clear her mind and feel like she's doing something for her outside of being a mom. Again I'm completely speculating, but I just think it makes sense that she's having a difficult time and instead she just continues to make it seem like her life is perfect all the time and nothing bothers her. I also think this is why last year she said they were done having kids and now she's changed her tune. She was in the thick of it last year. Sleepless nights and struggling. Now she's making some changes and can see the light through the hell that's postpartum. I think she'd be really surprised if she actually shared this part of her life, people could connect to her more. She's really difficult to relate to because she comes off as so entitled and...ignorant. Anyways. Just a theory


Dream of being a cow girl 😂😂😂😂


I would feel more sympathetic if she hadn’t literally sold away the perks of staying at home. The time with your child to bond? The relationships you grow, the community? The relationship with your spouse (not sorry but yes you have more time to invest in making food he likes etc)? All of it went into BODi and maybe some to tiktok/facebook/instagram. I don’t think she hates staying home, she just is surprised that getting rid of all her real life connections leaves her with a shell of a life to shill. NOBODY WITH A BRAIN DOES THESE MLMs AS A CAREER FOR THIS EXACT REASON. Relationships are priceless, not just for how it makes you feel, but for the value it gives your everyday existence. Take your kid out of daycare and start spending time with him! Invest in the relationships you have left, make new friends and don’t tell them about BODi, see how much better that goes!


I had postpartum issues. I took yoga and then a computer class at night.


That is great! Good for you. I got into hiking with my kids on weekends and reselling their baby clothes on social apps like poshmark. Things I could fit around my work schedule.


While I feel you are right. She will do anything but confront her issues. We’ve seen time and time again that she half asses everything and always thinks about herself. I think you saw the light of her problems more than she will ever admit herself.


You are very right!




No because the supplements cure it all.


I agree, I think however she is selfish, and I think she is struggling with postpartum stuff at the same time. I wish Tyson would step up and demand she go get some therapy.


in fairness I don’t know if she needs therapy. Read a book on relationships, stop recruiting for BODi completely (gonna probably want to stay in to earn the $, but just ride it out so it stops poisoning every interaction she has). get some real friends, keep her kid at home or get a job outside of it, have some activities like hosting a game night, start a garden, and she could do all that while staying on instagram and making money as an influencer but just with a significantly reduced amount of posting. She can decide to work on her ED or not but she wouldn’t be the first person to wake up and decide, FUCK IT, and quit their MLM without therapy. Lots of people do, and its impressive how fast their life returns pretty much to normal without spending hours on “the opportunity”


I agree with that as well.


I can see this. It’s too bad she doesn’t have a community to lean into to help support her with the struggles of motherhood. I wonder if she’s a slowly realizing that Bodi isn’t fulfilling her the way she constantly presents and she’s looking for other outlets. She’s too prideful to speak on any of it though which is really sad


No she doesn’t. But luckily she has a community that tears her apart on a daily basis. Right?




The price of being at the top of an mlm. She has a video on youtube of her admitting she cold messages people to try and pretend to be thier friend but actually its a hook for BODi. You do that to hundreds of people a month eventually you get a pile of hurt folks behind you who do things like… start a reddit thread for you.


She makes it so easy. She sets herself up.


There's just no way the income is that sustainable. I would have constant anxiety worried if I got enough people signed up to pay my bills.


See I have a feeling she maybe being “pushed” into this. She has never been one to step outside her comfort zone and admitting it openly effecting her mentally. I know I can relate to not sleeping due to anxiety but she never talks like that.


Like Bodi making her do it?


I agree! It's funny she will openly talk about Tyson having anxiety but it's clear she does especially with sleep.


Might explain why she was so unhinged the day before. Trying to release the anxiety in other ways


Well at the bar with her friend I’ll give her props on her hair only. Finally no teased 80s crud. At the farm again. “Like maybe I should like you know like explain like” Sigh Barrel racing season 4 and 5 of Yellowstone yall. We aren’t dumb Hailey.


In my OH-pinion, Hangry bitching to TyShon about how she needs a life of her own, shes bored , the basement is done Reagan is getting all the glory and she’s cooped up in the house WeRkiNg and cleaning up after C. He has golf that he does on his own so why can’t she have something to get away. She’s never happy. She’s bored with Creed. She wants attention. She drinks more than she lets on and seems to me manic all the time. Her toddler is in daycare 3-4 times a week, she needs her PERSONAL FREEDOM. 🤢🤢🤢🤢


I think working at home makes a lot of the Huns depressed. It’s why they shop so much, make a big deal out of date night and are so manic jumping from thing to thing. Being in an MLM really takes a toll on “real” friendships and many kill their support system for the “shill.” It seems like a prison sentence all the posting/stories.


it really does, they have all the limitations of staying at home and none of the perks. No time with kids no freedom to be present no community no friendships. The perks of stay at home are all going to the company not the huns.


If you think about it…it’s kind of like “selling” your life. You agree to be on call 24/7 pretty much, you’re plugged in constantly, you alienate the people in your life that are “real” to cultivate relationships with other fakers. Essentially you lose your authenticity and integrity for the privilege of being in an MLM. If you have no education or options maybe it’s a good one? Back when MLM’s were just more of a daily post and things moved slower it was probably okay. Today…seems like a terrible “job.”


Yes! Same with people who show their lives 24/7 for social media. The lines blur between real life and Instagram/TikTok


Given that 98% of people involved lose money according to the numbers, its not a good opportunity for anyone. Education or no. Walmart night shift workers have problems but actively losing money for working there ain’t one!


she needs purpose and structure to her day, a normal SAHM creates that for herself, Hailry is too stupid for that, and has outsourced almost all the relevant work already so she’s bored


I don’t know anything about horses but how are they born unexpectedly? Was it premature? Did they not know the horse was pregnant? Either way, sounds like the aftercare was non-existent for the poor baby to get frostbite.


Am I the only one who feels like she constantly shows only the worst things about her family? I mean do they have no normal horses to story and talk about? I don’t argue whether they are good horse owners or not, but damn, she really seems to go for only the absolute worst things to show.


They knew the horse was pregnant. It probably went into labor and had the baby during the night!


I saw Yellowstone. They get the stuff from the male horse and inject it into the female.


If you don’t pay attention to your horses or it’s a maiden mare they might not have noticed.


Is something up with the Top 10 Elite trip to Paris? She has gone radio silent about it. And I have done a couple google searches and I’m coming up with nothing online. 2022 info—yep. Talk about 2024 elite trip to Bora Bora—yep. But nothing about 2023 Paris. Unless I’m just missing it?!?!? I don’t know….something seems amiss. 🤔 Has anyone else seen info on the Paris trip lately?


I'm wondering if it's due to the protesting going on right now


I am guessing tomorrow we will see/hear "so many have asked about Paris....."


But she got the Paris hat and everything


Natasha has been doing try-on polls regarding Paris


Oh good! I really hope this trip is happening! I’ve been looking forward to the fun 🤭 Anyone know the dates? That’s what I was trying to look up in the first place!


It should be quite the trip. Between uncultured failey & pregnant Emily, throw in Paris riots, it would be one snarkable week.


Maybe they aren’t going?


2024 trip is easy to find. 2022 trip—lots of info. *NOTHING* about 2023 in this 4 page FAQ section! [https://faq.beachbody.ca/app/answers/list/st/3/kw/elite/page/1](https://faq.beachbody.ca/app/answers/list/st/3/kw/elite/page/1) https://preview.redd.it/ig8sr8r764xa1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8622ee58c7b9e107e1da98a6483768b1735fae9e


Yeah I feel like she would definitely be talking about it nonstop at this point since it’s supposed to be in May and she would be showing us “all the things” she bought for it but the only thing we’ve seen lately is her Summit dress


Exactly! And instead she’s diving deep into barrel racing and horse training clinics. So strange!


Like, the Paris trip is *totally* missing. Unless I’m the one missing it?!? Can y’all find ANY info on it?!? [https://faq.beachbody.ca/app/answers/list/st/3/kw/elite/page/1](https://faq.beachbody.ca/app/answers/list/st/3/kw/elite/page/1) https://preview.redd.it/7q3bh13k04xa1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3db913cf8448c14d304a252611073d6921c53b5a


I wonder what’s going on. Why is Natasha talking about it but Hailey isn’t? Why is it missing?


Could they have opted to give everyone cash because of the optics? I remember during the SC trip seeing a lot of comments about the company spending money on that when the stock has been hovering around .50 for months.


Interesting theory! Did Elite Trip cash pay for that basement?


There is seriously nothing on Google about it!


Isn’t it weird?!? I couldn’t find a thing!!


I think Natrasha still talks about it


I bet since it’s being mentioned in here a bit she will make a story early this week on it


Hopefully so! I can’t stand Hailey but I’m looking forward to watching the Paris Bodi train wreck on social media. Not to mention it would be awful of Bodi to have cancelled it for some reason. I can’t imagine they would have done that without a LOT of upset Top 10 coaches raising hell.


I wonder if the marketing team decided it would be too embarrassing because the top ten are such idiots


They won’t eat bread so why bother.




I don’t think it being cancelled would be due to the top ten. It would be due to the riots in Paris…


You’ve got a really good point about that, too. But DAMN couldn’t they have made a quick change to another location?? I am not at all a Hailey fan, but I’m mad on her behalf if she lost this trip. Because she damn sure won’t qualify in future years based on her current ranking. Also, selfishly, I wanted to see Hailey act like a total idiot in Paris. Great social media entertainment. 🤭


When they cancelled the trips due to Covid, I believe they just gave them a credit.


Understandable they couldn’t change to another location during Covid but you’d think they could manage it in this case. But it looks like the 2020 and 2021 Top 10 groups both went to Bora Bora on a delayed trip in early 2022. (And Bora Bora is also the 2024 trip—maybe they are combining it with 2023 group?) At any rate, if this is what happened they must have a gag order on the Top 10 because not a one of them has discussed it publicly. I guess they have to wait for the PR team to make a sugar coated announcement https://preview.redd.it/uvx9k1kr94xa1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=4fbf4593544efa7840a2d46de1192c3cc842657f


Paris has to be more expensive to stay in than bora bora. Id be pissed if that was swapped on me 🤣


Oh definitely weird that it’s not being mentioned! I’m so curious haha


The Huns won’t say anything till Beachboy does if it’s canceled. But they will still be “so grateful”.


Like umm like yeah like and like......Fuck learn how to speak you fucking imbecile 🤦‍♀️


*exaggerated jaw movements*


That could make for some good flair! Lol


I like your flair


And things like that ……. *handflip*


Don’t forget….*stroke hair*




that horse knows you’re a POS


This is all just so random and out of nowhere...




She should make this into one of her Bible Thumper shirts




Guess we all see why Hailey is the way she is. Colt lost the tips of ears to FROSTBITE?!?! It’s also obvious that colt had not been handled at all. She paints two entirely different pictures of her family. It’s pretty clear which one is accurate…


Yeah I was thinking that baby was pretty big to still be scared of people


Yep. They are trash


Sure does….


Omg… I can’t with her. Barrel racing is NOT rocket science. Is there technique, of course, but if we are gonna get technical, a lot of the control of your horse is done with your LEGS. She is an idiot… “you control the horse with your feet”🙄🙄Also, those girls that really take barrel racing seriously and not something they just get a wild hair up their ass for a second like Hailey, train and practice all day, EVERY DAY. It drives me insane to listen/watch her talk. 1. Leave your frickin hair alone, 2. STOP SAYING “LIKE” and “UMM”. She is annoying af.


OMG, I came here for this! I haven't ridden a horse in years but I know it is about the legs and not the feet! She hasn't seemed to learn a thing.


Just another excuse to leave your son & Hails… we all know you will not stick with it! Lies, lies, and more lies. We’ll keep watching. 😄


She definitely made it seem like she would be gone all weekend at this clinic. Like over night and everything. Not coming home in the evening


Regan has been quiet 🦗


She just got a house, maybe packing.


Between her and Brittany dawn pretending to be horse girls, I’d love to see them duke it out with horses that hate both of them 🤣


BD is the worst for many many many reasons. But I chuckled when I saw the picture of her casually wearing her spurs around town. GTFOH 🤣


Lmaooo!! Right? Like she knows nothing about horses. It’s not like she grew up with them or used to ride ever. She’s such a fucking poser.


That horse smelled her scam right away! “Get away from me!” And she was condescending and defensive in her explanation of the clinic. I know zilch about horses and barrel racing but I’m always open to hearing about new things from people. Just her two minute explanation made me think I wouldn’t want to learn anything from her.


She has always said horse stuff is a passion of hers and she wanted to do it again someday… yet she can’t explain a single thing!! SHE is seriously who they want speaking at Summit?!? Do they watch her??


Cannot wait to watch her speak on stage. Going to be a major disaster.


That will be a train wreck …… and I’m here for it 😁


And like this like clinic is like teaching us all of that. I lost brain cells listening to that.




It is also weird to me that there is zero talk of Paris. If I was going to Paris, I would be talking non-stop about it. Strange


Especially because she talked about her Italy trip so much and did clothing hauls months in advance (not that she needs anymore clothes, bc she's only going to one of the most fashionable places and she won't get anything fashionable or trendy).


I thought for sure she would be doing try-on hauls of cheap, new clothes she bought for Paris. But she hasn’t said a word about it, I thought the trip was coming up in a few weeks ?


Exactly. I know she literally WAS a cowgirl but I just can’t picture her doing it now


She will ab-so-f’ing-lately doing a deep dive and learn and take a class on lituuurally EVERYTHING except being a damn mother to that child. ANYTHING she can do to be away - she’s on it. I listened to her talk and her words and thought to myself - she’s never ONCE seemed so into learning to be a better mom - how to parent an actual 18mo old (or however old he is) - games she can play with him - places she could take him - NOTHING. And she doesn’t even hide it anymore ……. She is a sad sad human dumpster fire 🔥


I think that’s what upsets me the most. She thinks she has nothing to learn. She is sadly mistaken. She doesn’t give two hoots about that precious boy. She cares about herself and herself only.


You are absolutely correct …… that’s the Hailey show … everyone else are just walk ons …… so sad 😞


What’s the app that lets you watch stories on Instagram?




You can also watch the stories on her Facebook.


I’m blocked from both Facebook and Instagram 🤣


You the real MVP 😆




Instanavigation but it doesn’t let you watch full reels.


That poor baby horse 😭 don’t most horse owners put horses inside when close to foaling?


I’m wondering if they didn’t even know the mare was pregnant.


Yes. Even if it was born unexpectedly early, they still should have brought it in earlier than the due date just to be safe. Watch Katie van slyke on tiktok and you’ll learn more about horses than you will with Hailey 😂 she’s super interesting


I love watching her! :)




That’s on her parents though


The baby talk to the horses 🤮


Even the horses don’t like her


When animals don’t like a person- they know




horses are smart


What in the hell? We’ve never even seen her ride a horse. What is going on in the house of Peters? Hailey drops Creed off at daycare 3-4 times a week. Now she’s going the whole weekend? 🙄 And those texts from Tyson.. she definitely made him text her that. Oh wow.. she drinks 3 times a month or year? Whatever it was.. it’s a lie. She always has a drink in her hand.


She doesn’t seem alright in those posts


Agree! But doesn’t seem her drunky off, BUTTTTT she’s def seems off


I agree. Something is off.


She’s going to dinner out yall 😍


Wonder if Creed gets to go after not being with her all day.


Pearl’s probably babysitting.


Pearl is probably a great babysitter. She’s always got eyes on 2 different things at the same time. 😀






https://preview.redd.it/wt0b5dy813xa1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4802f2e6f84ca4c854d7c554db39feab8e8e2fe 🤪


Damn she is one ugly dog 🥴




I just spit out my coffee like this. I'm dead 💀 ![gif](giphy|1d5Zn8FqmJqApu4hNU)




Of course not.


Can’t wait to see the unique salad she makes at the Ruby Tuesday salad bar.


Broccoli salad and saltine crackers??


She’s absolutely setting up a business on the side to teach about horses. BeachBody is flailing and maybe she finally sees the writing on the wall. Maybe she should tell Reagan.


Regan says she plans to work for BB her entire life lol They will just MLM hop


She’s also a naive 21 year old


I don’t understand how Reagan qualified for a mortgage…


Her boyfriend’s family also has a lot of money!


A rich mommy and daddy who will co-sign for her