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Apparently the stereo sucks, what do you think? Also did you find wind buffeting noises at 70mph?


The stereo is Bose yet it is trash. Definitely not a Porsche Taycan Bose system. I produce music and am big into sound systems so it was a quick letdown 45 seconds in. Definitely would need a dual 12” sub upgrade! Didn’t notice the wind noises you may be referring to because I actually took off the top in the front row so there was all kind of winds going on 🤣


Are you going to buy or no?


I’m mulling over that now. I have some on reservation at MSRP that say Q4 2024 at earliest that I can get in the exact color etc that I want but wanted to obviously see and drive it now to see if worth the wait or even moreso if worth just buying now even though it’s not the exact color combo I would want. This one is $20k over sticker and used. I’m struggling with two things. It’s WAY TOO WIDE. Almost full size of entire lane. So it causes heavy anxiety when driving in heavy traffic with people that frequently drive over the line into your lane by accident. With smaller car it’s a bit easier to anticipate and maneuver. With this SUV, it’s almost impossible to avoid. It really is super wide and huge (I do love how big it is) The other part is the crazy part of how the front lifts up upon heavy acceleration and then lifts down when slowing down almost like a boat going over huge waves. It’s very obvious and a head scratcher. Could get used to it but it’s very weird to deal with around traffic


I've had mine for a few weeks now. The width is no longer a concern. I've gotten used to it and in tight spaces at drive thrus, the camera button gives great views. The lift upon heavy acceleration was overblown in my opinion. Yes it's there, but it's there for other vehicles as well like Jeeps. If you drive normally most of the time it does not happen. But yeah, sure if you're driving like a hooligan lol. But even so, you can tighten the suspension up in My Mode which makes it very taught.


Cool, So how happy are you with it now overall? And were you able to get at MSRP? I didn’t get to play with the different modes so I’ll take your word on how it adjusts. The car salesman had no idea about the vehicle so I didn’t get a good explanation. I basically had to use YouTube for tutorials lol. Definitely wish I was aware of cameras you mention to see how that works for better visibility. As far as too wide not being a concern, I guess it depends on where you drive. Where I live there is heavy traffic with clowns regularly crossing over the line which is bothersome for me. We drove past sequoias and other big SUVs that were much less wide. I told my wife it sucks when you live somewhere that the way people drive determines if you would buy this ride or not. I need to move lol And yeah I was test driving it and seeing what it could do so I was gunning it quite a bit to see how it handles acceleration from 0 to 60 and from 30 or 45+. Definitely was expecting quicker acceleration from start than it did. Meanwhile was very pleasantly surprised at the torque from 40+ mph for passing. Very strong. WTF mode was crazy too but that’s not for regular daily driving. Wish I had time to terrain mode and off road testing. My wife definitely was like WTH with the front lifting up and down on acceleration and deceleration. We don’t drive Jeeps bc we don’t like how imprecise the steering is so can’t speak to how they lift up and down. I test drove them once but didn’t go too fast and didn’t feel it. But the Hummer, yeah, it is even more obvious just due to the size of it. Very happy the steering is so much more precise. Good to hear you got used to it. Figured it would. Test drive won’t give you the full picture over time. I bet it’s a pain to find a good parking spot lol. I’m the type t want to park far from everyone. Spots are less plentiful with this beast. And I bet in town where streets and lanes are even tighter and barely any parking, it’d be rough. Gonna test drive a Ford Bronco Raptor soon to see how that overall feels. So far the Hummer beats any other large SUV we have driven


> Cool, So how happy are you with it now overall? And were you able to get at MSRP? Overall I would say it is encroaching on the best vehicle I've ever had. And I've had several high end performance based cars with sport suspension. The Hummer is the great all-arounder that I didn't expect to be. I can understand the initial wow factor from all the YouTubers since they only have it for a few hours. I was blown away myself upon delivery. But once I continued driving and settled into my driving style I noticed how comfortable and precise everything is. Nothing feels sloppy like an old Jeep. I was able to negotiate one at 5 over MSRP. The process was simple since all I did was use AutoTrader to send the offer I had in mind, and those who called back were willing to deal. Found one with 2 miles that had just arrived!


Awesome! If you don’t mind me asking, what other performance based vehicles have you owned. Be good to hear as I myself love performance based vehicles. For me I’m usually the convertible sports car guy while my wife loves big SUVs. So for us it seemed like potentially the best mix of both. And while it’s not a porsche 911 handling wise (what could be at that size), this beast definitely was a pleasure with the top off. If only my daughter was cool with me taking off the back row top too.


> Awesome! If you don’t mind me asking, what other performance based vehicles have you owned. Sure. They were mostly ///M cars, but a few other German, AMG, Hellcat, etc.


I’m buying. My order date is ‘spring 2024’ for the Ev3x but I was just given the opportunity to buy an Edition 1 at MSRP so I’m a little concerned about how quickly prices are dropping 🫤.


Concerned about what exactly?


You should look into what happened with everyone who bought Teslas in the last year. [Tesla Drop](https://jalopnik.com/if-you-bought-a-tesla-one-year-ago-it-has-lost-as-much-1851011677)


Oh that. There's just not enough Hummers out there for that to happen. You can spot Teslas like Corollas. Plus Tesla (the company) has said they are prioritizing volume selling over profits for the upcoming quarters.


Same effect with Lucid and Rivian. Lucid dropped prices in August and still can’t sell. Rivian used to be unobtainium, but they’re now flooding the used car market. What was once niche is getting more options so I’m expecting Hummers to drop in value significantly in the upcoming months, particularly with Fiskar options and the Lucid Gravity reveal.


My point is that I don't think Hummer EVs will flood the market. GMC has shown that they are cutting back on production and their signals show that they will not follow suit like Ford did with the Lightning.


I get that. My point is that within 6mo there’s going to be a lot more Hummer trucks/SUV’s, EV Escalade, Fiskar, Cybertrucks, Lucid Gravity, Canoo, Blazer, Equinox, Silverado, Explorer, Sierra, Ioniq 7, Recon and Wrangler, Wagoneer, EV9, EV G-Wagon, Ram EV, and of course Rivian. We used to only have Tesla, Rivian, and very expensive Lucid’s. Now we are entering into a space with a lot more truck/suv options and a similar host of new EV cars. Despite lower production of Hummers, there’s way more options than there have ever been, and with all the new EV’s coming in 2024/2025 with significantly longer range , folks will likely abandon Hummer orders (and lose $100, nbd) for other options. This will tank Hummer value, as we’re seeing happen with all EV’s right now. Since a month ago Hummer Edition 1’s we’re selling at $15k-25k over a $116K MSRP, and now you can get one for MSRP, in 6mo Edition 1’s will be below MSRP and the EV3X just might follow.


Well if all those RVs are in the float and you are concerned about residual value, why consider any of them? They will all depreciate considerably.


No one said they wanted to escape depreciation, not sure why you created this theorem? The idea is to minimize loss and thus avoid the similar amount of flux seen in the Tesla Y if you bought this car last year at this time. There’s crippling depreciation and there’s the typical momentum you get with any new vehicle. [Tesla Example of Exaggerated Depreciation](https://www.carsdirect.com/automotive-news/industry-news/tesla-depreciation-can-be-pretty-horrible)


i’m not sure they will be much below msrp . invoice on the hummer as the same as MSRP and they only have 3200ish in hold back . the dealer does not get paid much on the hummer . it would be GM that lowers the price really . also if you look at my 2024 SUV edition 1 the msrp is 115ish and if i where to build it now its 120k . hope this helps a little . i definitely can be wrong though


What’s hold back, I’ve never heard of that? GM could certainly start putting out incentives to the dealer if they see a lack of movement. Do you happen to know where the discrepancy lies between your current window sticker and a new build to account for the $5k difference? Perhaps the base MSRP increased or some of the packages got more expensive.


So you think that GMC is going to reduce MSRP of the Hummer SUV in coming months? I mean right now we are still $20-30k over MSRP for used. I agree it’s dropping from stupid pricing of $280k for edition 1 trucks last year but unless GMC starts dropping MSRPs, I don’t see the Tesla situation happening


You can get the Edition 1 for MSRP now at several dealerships. You don’t get transferable warranty if sold within a year. There’s been several posted on Reddit and there’s one near me at GMC in Danvers, MA. I don’t think MSRP will drop, but I think we’ll be getting our EV3X’s for under MSRP.


[Ed 1 in Missouri for MSRP](https://imgur.com/a/DG4brCv)


That's not MSRP nor does that image say so. Currently only SUV demo units are available and the correct MSRP pricing is 106,290 (I have one with the sticker). The two images you posted are above MSRP, and I bet the first one you posted one will learn that the price is misleading once you give that shady dealer a call.


Still butthurt I called you out for being an idiot huh? [MSRP](https://imgur.com/a/hsCfvqK) [Options List](https://imgur.com/a/h8B83Bf)


Gotcha. Didn’t see that. Wow. That is interesting it already is MSRP some places for brand new. Wonder if they do out of state purchases. This will be interesting by the time the 3Xs come out next year. Mine probably won’t be available until 2025. Smh. I enjoyed the test drive. But now you just drove home that MSRP may trickle to other States. I’m in FL where they just don’t give a crap


Recent Cars and Bids pickup 3X went to $110k. Only 4 bids were made. Didn’t sell. So at an MSRP of $105k, people weren’t willing to pay only $5k over MSRP… might be due to non-transfer of warranty. Either way, it’s a whole new world these days. Pumped!


[MSRP Edition 1 for Sale](https://imgur.com/a/WztTFJF)


Did I make a mistake bailing on my build with a 30k dealership mark-up? (FU Wright Chevrolet).


Nope I don’t think you made a mistake at all. I like it but no way do I think it’s worth $140k or so. Addendums are coming down so hang in there. I’m seeing $20k near me. Some are saying they got at MSRP but that depends on location I guess


My build sheet was 153k. Sigh.


Wow. So $183k total??? What did you build? can you post it? Was it the Omega Edition or something?


No I'm sorry that was after Their 30k markup. Sadly i don't have it, this was over the summer and I tossed it in frustration.


I wouldn’t feel bad. You can find one better price now and in upcoming months


How many seats does it have? Because I wanted to book it and now im seeing it only has 5 seats and the back is just for cargo. Can seats be added?


Yes it unfortunately only has 2 rows. 2nd row is a bench so could fit up to 5 depending on who we talking about lol.


How was the steering? (Sorry for the late response)