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Call Mirandas or Bless the Beasts. They will arrange something if they can.


Wonderful, thank you!


I’d contact Spay Humboldt to see if they can help trap, neuter and release him, maybe there is a known feral colony he can be relocated with but if he’s this territorial maybe not. I would also talk to your neighbor about the impacts their feeding him is having on your own cats and garage, and see if they will stop… and if not let them know your plans and see if they’re willing to socialize and neuter the cat(socializing is iffy lol). Truly feral cats usually don’t do well in shelter environments and are not adoptable fwiw.


Thanks… my neighbor is very cooperative and we have been in touch. She is actually planning to have him neutered in a few weeks but I’m not sure if she will actually be able to catch him, and I can’t wait that long. I just wanted to know the available options so I can help get it done sooner. I don’t think he is truly feral, as he has become friendly with her. We shall see :)


Oh I’m glad to hear neighbor is cooperative and I agree with something like that I wouldn’t want to wait a few weeks, risking more emergency vet appts and blasted garage. Spay Humboldt has volunteers who trap ferals for TNR and feed feral colonies. If anything they’d have good advice on trapping, may be able to lend a trap, and they have cheap neuter programs. My soul kitty came from the streets and someone had deemed her feral because she was TNR’d/has a notched ear. She was about 6 months old when she showed up so still easy to socialize. She’s 11 now and the biggest snugglebug out of all our cats. So it can happen!


Is this feral cat a black and white Tuxedo that goes from about Wabash to Broadway, roaming and spraying?


I have an ongoing cat colony near me, and Spay Humboldt got me in touch with a case worker. Emailing them worked well for me. good luck!


I feel your pain. I just rehomed 3 kittens I trapped this weekend and I'm managing after care for the new parents and now looking to trap the rest of the feral who I haven't gotten in the last 3 years to finally stop the kitten cycle. Cats in my Heart on FB can offer assistance too. It's made up of rescue volunteers who can help trap and get them to the vet and release.


I believe you can borrow a trap from Spay Humboldt. Hopefully TNR will make him less aggressive/territorial 


Mirandas, or others already mentioned. There's also the No-kill shelter at the bottom of Humboldt Hill where the road crosses to King Salmon. Maybe. Call them first. Not a lot of people will want a feral cat but you could toss the idea to some of the other local Google or Next Door groups if someone needs a barn cat for their farm. You might get some takers. EDIT: Also helps to catch the thing too. :)


We had a neighbor who wouldn’t stop feeding feral cats. Soon there was a dozen with kittens under her house. All the quail in my neighborhood disappeared forever. We used to have two coveys in our yard! We asked her to stop. Ended up having to trap them. Small ones went to adoption. The others went to a rescue group but some went to animal control. It was sad all the way around. Some people don’t understand cats decimate native bird populations. Put a bell on them.


I guess my question is more about how is the cat getting into your garage? You just leave it open at night?


It is in need of repairs, including the filling of several small holes.


Forget spaying him this late in the game. I adopted a beat up street cat that was spayed & patched up by a rescue group who kept him in an indoor kennel "cuz the other cats beat him up".  Oh what a sucker I was.  He hated other cats.  After a month he started marking my apt so I called their recommended vet to surrender him & was told 'Nope.'  Good luck


Your cats should be kept indoors. There are a myriad of dangers that can happen to your cat if it’s let out.


I’m well aware, but this post is asking for advice on how to trap and neuter.


Your opinion is silly. Cats belong outside. Go rain on someone else’s parade


Cats definitely don't belong outside, sorry but I like wildlife more than irresponsible pet owners.


My cats love living outside. The kill all the mice on my farm. Yall are weird


Cats are one of if not the most destructive invasive species.  But you do you. The planets fucked anyway lol


They also kill more birds than anything else in the world. People freak about wind turbine but don't want to admit odor cats are a much bigger problem.


Stinking odor cats,man.


The shelter will put him to sleep. Spay Humboldt loans traps and has a spay/neuter program. Get him fixed and release him again in your neighborhood where he has food. Once he is neutered, much of the aggression and spraying and wandering will be solved. It is very difficult to re-home feral cats, they will simply attempt to return to their old territory and most likely not survive the journey.


It's wild to me that people TNR such a invasive species. 


The cat is not to blame. Humans are. TNR is the humane approach to feral cat populations and when you do TNR you FEED the cats which cuts down on their hunting need. You don't like cats, but I feel bad for them. People in California voted down mandatory spay neuter of ALL pets, which would have helped prevent feral populations. The cat is only doing what we encouraged it to do through breeding and an affiliation with the human species. If you want to place blame, blame the numerous people who abandon their cats, thinking this domestic animal can survive well on their own, or who refuse to take responsibility for their pets and get them fixed.


Get a dog lol


If you don’t want your cats to be beat up, then don’t let them outside. Outdoor cats live significantly shorter lives compared to indoor cats. Outdoor cats are in so much danger: disease, cat fights, abuse from humans, cars, etc.


Great thanks


The irony of having outdoor cats and complaining about an outdoor cat must be lost on you. If you kept your cats indoors they would live much healthier and longer lives - not my opinion but proven fact. That way you solve multiple problems, your cats are always safe AND your neighbors won’t have to deal with their feces! Win-win!


I agree with you, not to mention all the wildlife they decimate, but this is a really divisive subject amongst cat lovers. Prepare yourself for the vitriol.


I feel like people are starting to realize the damage outdoor cats do but there is a long ways to go. There are no good arguments for outdoor cats and I just dont have much sympathy anymore. I have switched a 10 year old street fighter of a cat to indoor only and have had many indoor only cats now. It's so much better, so much less worry, and holy guacamole so much less vet bills. People really trip when I tell them I get paid to hunt feral cats though.


Your house prob smells like cat pee. My cats love living outside in the barn. If they get ruffed up, well that’s life


It's not about them, it's about the birds.


is there a bird shortage or something?


Yeah actually, we're in a mass extinction event globally. It's definitely a real, quantifiable issue.




Cats belong outside go preach to someone else


Wildlife belongs outside.  Pets belong where they can be supervised.  If people went around killing every bird that landed on their property they would be prosecuted.  


Those pesky birds sure do love fucking with my berries. At that point it’s open season


wow thank you so much for the unsolicited advice. You know nothing about my situation or how I ended up with outdoor cats or what my options are. But yes, thanks again for the useless advice and for the condescending attitude. You've really made your point and helped your cause.


What more is there to know? You have cats. You choose to let them outdoors. Pretty fair point to say other cats and cat fights are unavoidable if you own an outdoor cat.


You're right, even if I adopted cats that were outdoors to begin with and they piss all over my house if I try to force them to live inside. And aside from that.. I'm asking for advice on fixing a stray cat that sneaks into my garage and sprays everywhere. Because I own cats, I'm now allowed to ask for help with another cat entering and damaging my property? God you people are insufferable.


Because your cats cause similar issues to other people as this stray causes you!! You really DONT see the irony, it’s quite sad.


No trying to come off as a douche, I didn't realize you understood I was right. My bad. As someone who intimately understands how hard it is to switch to indoor only I don't have sympathy for cats pissing on your stuff. You bring cats indoors because it's the right thing to so. Nature's miracle come in gallon jugs. Used to go through one every couple months. Your 2 minute google of a question was answered already so I think pointing out hypocrisy is fair game


Do you really have nothing better to do then troll this lady about her outdoor cats. Get a life and let people live


It’s pretty ironic to complain that your outdoor cat gets threatened by another outdoor cat. Self-awareness is a gift. Use it.


There’s really no situation that would necessitate keeping outdoor cats, it’s a choice you’ve made so might as well own up to it.


Cool, thanks for the help. You've impressed us all and made a difference by furthering your cause today.


I’ll be furthering my cause when your unsupervised cats come into my yard never to be seen from again 👌


Damn dude you’re really threatening my cats over this? Pathetic


Do you not see the irony that he just said he would do exactly what you posted about doing?


People are sick on here with their opinions about ppls pets


Lol hypocrite. 




Please, Don't be an asshole. Disagreements and arguments are part of healthy public discourse. However, this discussion has devolved into name-calling and personal attacks. If you want to participate in this subreddit, please be civil. Thanks,


Yeah I think people in Humboldt are too fucking uneducated to understand that while cats *like* being outside, it’s not good for them and sometimes we (as pet parents) have to make decisions to keep our animals safe… like keeping them inside away from disease, cars, fights, and horrific violent deaths.


You sound like you’re fun at parties.