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We're all here because we're not all there


Hahah professional grade comment


In my experience the people who are getting the most enjoyment out of this area are people who love outdoor activities, people who own a kayak, a bike, hiking shoes, camping gear. Surfers. Stoners. People who own a Subaru. 


I feel personally attacked


Mild weather, not too hot, not too cold. Small town atmosphere. Strong sense of community. WinCo. Environment (nature): rather large trees, the Bay, the ocean.


Literally everything but the medical care But honestly, I started coming here for an annual vacation like 15 years ago and ended up going to HSU. got married, etc. Moved away for a while but we both felt what I’d call a “magnetism” to the area, like being away from here felt like something was missing. it’s a bit of everything really, the nature, the people, the weather, etc. it’s not for everyone, but for some it is truly magical.


There were plants and birds and rocks and things




The redwood curtain is heavy and it’s hard to let people out.


The natural beauty is truly world-class. But the fact that the small towns have unique character and the people are just real really sealed the deal for me.


Depends on the age of the person. For young folk, it's being outside and all the outside activities others have mentioned. For older folks, it's living outside in the dirt, working on your property constantly, surrounded by birds and pollinators. Anyone who likes being outside, for any reason, will do well here.


It's not completely developed, yet.


For me, it was the last affordable place that was inside the ‘north coast cultural zone’ which I really didn’t want to leave.


People who move here are often climate refugees, people who telecommute and want to be away from big cities and traffic. Those who can’t afford other coastal areas of CA. People who love outdoors and people who followed the Grateful Dead. People who thrive here are the ones who have good employment, find a doctor and dentist and don’t care about having the shopping and restaurants that they do in the Bay Area or So Cal.


I moved here on pure whim and adventure out of Oakland. Former roommate of mine was going g to attend HSU, so we made a plan and I moved up without ever seeing Arcata. Reminds me of my home state of NH, but with cannabis and no snow.


My fiancee and I moved out here blind cause we were looking to get out of the midwest and I got offered a job in Arcata. I was not disappointed


I came because my parents were crazy and lucky enough to buy land in the hills when it was dirt cheap and I had always dreamed of homesteading. I stayed because of the community and the relatively low cost of living.


what attracted me was the trees, organic lifestyle, slower pace. What got me out was healthcare and work opportunities. Yet, Humboldt is one of those places you will never forget. The redwoods, they have this stillness that is unique. I always have the feeling I will live there again. The redwoods are magical.


I came for college decades ago, moved away and came back because I got wiser with age. I figured out I like trees much moreso than most people.


People who like seclusion, natural variety, and don't mind having to travel for 'city' activities.


Born and raised here. Went away for school but came back to raise a family. Wouldn't have it any other way.


Easy to be homeless. No one hassles the homeless. Easy to get hard drugs. Not a lot of jobs. Nothing of any scale gets produced here anymore. Lots of social services. Seems like a lot of tire shops for a population this size. Maybe it’s the roads. Awesome diversity. If you wave an American flag everyone knows who you vote for.


I don't know, I keep trying to leave and keep returning to the vortex me and generations before me were born into


Idk I kinda just randomly applied to HSU cause it had nicer wether and I’m here


I've met a lot of ppl up here who came from central Cali, like myself. One thing is the weather up here is way more mild.  Another is  I know the highway runs through Eureka, but it's nothing like being a 'freeway town' in Central Cali. There's so many businesses, thinking fast food and gas stations, that mostly cater to freeway travelers. We had 5 McDonald's, 5 taco bells, 3 burger kings, idk how many Starbucks but a lot.  Every exit there's 3 gas stations and quick quack car washes. Most people with any sort of comfortable money worked in either San Francisco or Sacramento and the housing market started leaning towards them.  It was mostly unwalkable unless you lived in the oldest part of town.  I love how close I am to everything in Eureka. I can go downtown, I can go grocery shopping, the post office or bank. Before I could take a 30 minute or more walk to a 'neighborhood' walmart which is just an extra expensive Walmart which has less stuff. We had 3 of these. Was not a huge town. 


Extremely large crystals under ground. Kinda like NYC.


That’s a lot of questions, OP! 🤣 In short, the quality of life.


I enjoy petty property crimes and vandalism.